Another Person Contracts Coronavirus For The
Second Time And Worse Than Before Confirming Previous Site ClaimsOctober 13. 2020

This is a follow up to the August 26, 2020 article
Man In Hong Kong Contracts
Coronavirus For A Second Time Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video).
Prior to the man in Hong Kong contracting coronavirus a second time,
I had stated it was possible, despite some claiming the infected
become immune. Therefore, I was proven right in my claims:
"This confirms
what I have been trying to reinforce in previous items
on the site regarding immunity issues and the
coronavirus, in article such as
Coronavirus Infection Rate
Skyrockets Among American Kids With The Reopening Of Schools As
Previously Predicted On The Site and
Racist Madonna Flies Out To Jamaica
After Bragging About Having Coronavirus And Engaging In Criminal
Misconduct Against Jamaicans among others.
I also wrote about this topic months ago
on April 10, 2020 (Nurse Contracted Coronavirus In
Hawaii That Has Remained In Her System For 32-Days), where I
stated, "Reports have been surfacing for the past week
and a half that some patients who tested positive for
coronavirus, then negative for the infection after
recovery, are now stricken with it again. This poses a
public health risk regarding others becoming infected by
people who thought the virus was out of their system
after the internationally (WHO) stated 2-week incubation
period. Doctors need to periodically test patients again
who have recovered from coronavirus, until a sufficient
amount of time has passed indicating they are in the
I also warned
on May 4, 2020 regarding reinfection in the article "Prince Charles Needs To Be Careful
To Avoid Becoming Sick Again With The Coronavirus (Covid-19)." I
was warning for over 4-months that people can become
reinfected with the coronavirus and not to develop a
false sense of security believing you are immune to
reinfection after contracting the virus.
I was also the first to state there is
more than one strain to the current coronavirus
outbreak, when many news outlets such as CNN were
stating there exists only one (Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe As Previously Stated On The Site (Covid-19))."
This week it was announced a second man has been
confirmed as having contracted coronavirus (Covid-19) twice. The
Lancet Journal has confirmed that an unnamed 25-year-old man from
Nevada was hospitalized with coronavirus and the second infection is
worse than the first. This confirms what I stated in my
May 4, 2020 article.
Covid Struck Nevada Man Twice, and Second Time Was Worse
Suzi Ring 1 hr ago -(Bloomberg) -- The first study
to investigate the case of a person in the U.S. who contracted
Covid-19 twice found reinfection can occur swiftly and the second
bout of illness can be more severe.
The research, published in the Lancet medical
journal, examined the case of a 25-year-old man living in Nevada who
became infected with two different genetic variants of the
SARS-CoV-2 virus in less than two months. He tested negative twice
in between, meaning he’s unlikely to have suffered a single
prolonged infection.
The findings come as U.S. President Donald Trump
says he’s immune to the virus after a single encounter. Any new
findings on resistance can also have implications for a vaccine as
drugmakers race toward the finish line. The degree of protective
immunity after a Covid-19 infection is one of the pandemic’s great
Coronavirus Vaccine Trial Makes More
Participants Sick With Mystery Illnesses Confirming Previous Site Claims
China And New York Hospitals Using
Vitamin C To Aid In Treating Coronavirus Patients (Confirming Previous
Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site
Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe As Previously Stated On The Site (Covid-19)
New Scientific Study Confirms Coronavirus
Sufferers Having Difficulty Expelling CO2 As Previously Stated On The
Coronavirus Infection Rate Skyrockets Among American Kids
With The Reopening Of Schools As Previously Predicted On The Site
Britain Death Toll From Coronavirus
Becomes The Highest In Europe Due To Prime Minister Boris Johnson's
Failed Herd Immunity Strategy
Theresa May And Boris Johnson
Under-Funding Of The NHS Left The Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter
The Effects Of The Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Man In Hong Kong Contracts
Coronavirus For A Second Time Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)
The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Sent The U.S. Economy
To Historically High Unemployment Levels (Video)
Coronavirus Vaccine
Makes Patient Seriously Ill With Transverse Myelitis Confirming Previous
Site Claims About Safety Issues
Coronavirus Vaccines In Trouble As Participant In
Research Trial Becomes Seriously Ill Confirming Previous Site Claims
Official Medical Studies State
Coronavirus Damages The Heart Confirming Previous Site Claims
Medical Associations And Researchers
Confirm Conjunctivitis Is A Symptom Of Coronavirus Confirming Previous
Site Claims
Overweight Teachers Have Been Dying
From Coronavirus Since School Reopening In America Confirming Previous
Site Claims
Boris Johnson And
Theresa May Failures In British Government Resulted In 25% Of Medical
Staff Contracting Coronavirus And Many Dying
New York Coronavirus Cases Came From