Theresa May And Boris Johnson Under-Funding Of
The NHS Left The Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter The Effects
Of The Coronavirus (Covid-19)March 17. 2020

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and his Tory predecessors
Theresa May and David Cameron under-funded the NHS, in conduct that
has imperiled Britain's health
This is a follow up to the December 28, 2018 article
"Theresa May And David Cameron Could Lose The Empire"
where I stated, "Over 10,000 medical professionals have left Britain
and returned to the EU, due to Brexit. May has also been blocking
visas for foreign doctors and nurses. This has created significant
labor shortages in the NHS and tens of thousands of Britons have
died this year due to said problem and May’s massive benefits cuts.
If May is not careful, pestilence will breakout in Britain."
Pestilence has now broken out in Britain (the
Coronavirus) and the NHS does not have all the money and tools they
need to address it. For
years I’ve written on this site about the Tory party’s politicians
in Britain, who have under-funded the National Health Service (NHS). For
years I also warned on this site and my Twitter page (see tweets
from my Twitter page below) that this
under-funding would be dangerous and lead to troubles regarding
“pestilence” breaking out.
Fast -forward 2-years and “pestilence” has broken
out, via Covid-19 (the Coronavirus) and Britain is ill-prepared to
face it due to the under-funding. Doctors have stated Britain has an
inadequate amount of beds to face the Corona crisis. Based on
information published this past weekend, Britain is "4,000" hospital
beds short.
This lack of preparedness is alarming, but it is not
the NHS's fault. It's the Tory government's fault. The NHS is
quite intelligent and capable, but they've been under-funded by the
Tories for years. And it adds up.
Any company or
organization anywhere in the world that suffers from a lack of
funds will face problems in how effectively it can operate. Did you know that in America when the FBI and CIA
wants to destroy a person or company, one of the first things they do
is illegally undertake methods of stealing or stopping their
funding/cash flow.
Britons need to think really long and hard about
that regarding why the Tory party keeps under funding the NHS. Not
to mention, as I first stated, Tory politicians have been trying to
sell it, which is terrible (Labour Party Releases Unredacted
Documents Illustrating Plot By Boris Johnson And His Tory Politicians To
Sell The NHS In Trade Deal).
My time stamped tweets from warning
for a year and a half that pestilence would break out
and Britain would be ill-prepared, due to Tory
under-funding, and now the Coronavirus, which is
pestilence, has struck and the nation is short "4,000"
hospital beds:

Once again, I've been correct in many things I have stated regarding
Britain and would not try to steer people wrong:
Britain's Prime Minister Boris
Johnson Is Failing At Negotiating Trade Deals With The European Union
And America
KFC Chicken
Shortage In Britain Leads To Temporary Closure Of 500
Restaurants Indicating An Agricultural Problem As Stated
Previously On The Site
Labour Party Releases Unredacted
Documents Illustrating Plot By Boris Johnson And His Tory Politicians To
Sell The NHS In Trade Deal
Murdoch's News Corp Exposed For Burglaries Into High Profile People's
Homes To Steal Information For Profit
Senator Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival &
Stealing Their Copyrights
Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And
Wiretapping Crimes
Metropolitan Police Cuts To Leave 8,000 Officers Unemployed (But Can
Be Avoided)
Britain Facing
Another Food Shortage As Predicted On The Site Last Year (CO2)
The British Economy Set To Lose Trillions Confirming Previous Site
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