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Diddy Sued By Male Escort For Sexual Assault, Rape And Forcing Him To Perform Sex Acts On Cassie

February 28. 2025

Cassie and Diddy

Another day another lawsuit for Diddy. Disgraced one time music mogul and rapper, Sean "Diddy" Combs, has been hit with another lawsuit. A male escort has sued Diddy alleging in 2012 he sexually assaulted him and made a death threat. The lawsuit has been filed with the plaintiff listed as a John Doe. In the lawsuit he contends Diddy sexually assaulted, raped him and threatened he'd have him killed like Tupac (The Family Of The Late Rapper Tupac Shakur Has Hired An Investigator To Look Into Diddy's Connection To His Murder And To Explore Filing Criminal Charges And A Wrongful Death Lawsuit).

The male escort stated Diddy drugged him with baby oil (and Homeland Security did confiscate hundreds of bottles of baby oil from Diddy's mansion that contained drugs in them to render victims of sexual assault compliant and sedated). The escort states Diddy put his finger in his, the escort's anus, then painfully anally raped him with his penis, even though he repeatedly told him to stop.

The male escort stated that after the rape Diddy told him, "You better not say a word to anybody about this. Did you hear me. I’m not fucking playing with you. If I can get Pac hit, what the fuck do you think can happen to you?” In the lawsuit the escort also states that Diddy forced him to perform "oral and penetrative sex" on a woman. It sounds like what Diddy's ex-girlfriend Cassie alleged. Remember singer Cassie's lawsuit against Diddy, which brought him down, where she stated he forced her to find male escorts and prostitutes to have sex with her while he filmed the debauchery (Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault).

Diddy denied the whole story, even stating Cassie lied about him abusing her, among other things. Diddy insanely tried to claim it was all consensual (the contents of the video on CNN sure did not look consensual, as she was trying to run away, but he caught and beat her unprovoked). Then a tape was aired on CNN showing Diddy beating up Cassie (Video Surfaces Of Diddy Beating Cassie At A Hotel In Los Angeles (Video)). Diddy's credibility is gone. If I was on that jury I'd vote to find him guilty. Diddy has seriously harmed many people and destroyed so many lives.


Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Sued by Male Escort Alleging Sexual Assault

Feb 27, 2025 2:12pm PT - Sean “Diddy” Combs has been sued by a male escort over accusations of sexual assault that allegedly occurred in 2012. The accuser, who filed his lawsuit as John Doe in the Southern District of New York on Feb. 26, claims Combs sexually assaulted him and then threatened him to keep quiet by allegedly saying, “If I can get Pac [Tupac] hit, what the fuck do you think can happen to you?”

The Florida-based accuser says he crossed paths with Diddy in 2012 when he was commissioned by Combs to meet him in New York City. After arriving at the Intercontinental Hotel, John Doe says Combs forced him to perform “oral and penetrative sex” on a woman in the room. During this time, Doe claims Combs fed him a water bottle and proceeded to rub baby oil all over his body — “one or both of which made Doe feel as if he had been drugged and not in complete control of his body,” per the lawsuit. Doe claims that Combs put his finger in his anus and “forcibly anally raped” him. The accuser says he continually told Combs to stop, screaming “no” because he was in pain...

 “You better not say a word to anybody about this. Did you hear me,” Doe recalls Combs saying to him following the assault. Doe claims Combs also referenced Tupac’s death — “I’m not fucking playing with you. If I can get Pac hit, what the fuck do you think can happen to you?”...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Diddy Apologies Over The Cassie Assault Video But Never Says Sorry To Her (Video)

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

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'Doc Martin' Writer Dominic Minghella Is A Criminal, Fraud And Pervert Who Is Following In The Footsteps Of Copyright Infringing BBC Lawbreakers Like Russell Davies And Steven Moffat

February 26. 2025

Dominic Minghella has been committing criminal copyright infringement and criminal invasion of privacy

For background information on this article please read: The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents). As stated previously on this site the thieving FBI, which is a corrupt, bribe taking, lawless law enforcement agency, along with Hollywood cultists, Madonna and Rupert Murdoch, whom I broke the phone hacking scandal on via a Metropolitan Police complaint that was proven true 6-months later via arrests of Murdoch's employees, have illegally taken over the BBC, which is the British Broadcasting Company. Murdoch is also in Madonna's Hollywood cult and they are business associates (as demonstrated by financial records and business registrations). Recently, Prince Harry won a case against them over the same allegations I made in 2005 when I first broke the story (Prince Harry Scores Big Legal Victory Against Rupert Murdoch's Sun Newspaper Confirming Previous Site Claims).

For years the FBI, Madonna and Rupert Murdoch, have been using the BBC to disseminate propaganda in Britain, in criminal violation of the law. The BBC is supposed to be owned by the British public, who pay a yearly licensing fee that is given to the network to the tune of billions yearly, to produce news, sports and entertainment. For years the BBC was the gold standard in journalism and entertainment. However, over the past 20-years the FBI, Madonna and Murdoch criminally took it over and ran it right into the ground in conduct not beneficial to the British people. In fact, the British people have been complaining online over what the BBC has become.

Previously, I wrote about what occurred regarding BBC writers Russell Davies and Steven Moffat committing criminal copyright infringement and criminal invasion of privacy in Madonna's sick Hollywood cult (Madonna Engages In Commissioned Criminal Conduct Stealing Private Data And Spreads The Sick Crimes To The BBC ("Doctor Who")). However, there is also another BBC employee that has been engaging in very sick, dastardly conduct in this regard.

Dominic Minghella is a 59-year-old BBC writer who allegedly created a television show called "Doc Martin." I say allegedly because he stole items from my preexisting copyrights I registered in the Library of Congress before "Doc Martin" was ever written or made, to make the show, and has criminally made millions off doing so. Minghella also included items from my personal life, my medical records and that of my dad, in the show.

This is something I wrote about previously on this site and in a 2009 lawsuit, regarding my own medical records in another matter concerning a Rupert Murdoch owned item they were illegally used to make. Then, not long after it was revealed in the press that Murdoch's staff illegally accessed the medical records of legendary football coach, Sir Alex Ferguson, and blackmailed him with it. Murdoch's staff, with his full knowledge, blackmailed Ferguson into writing exclusive articles for their newspapers or they would release his medical records to the public. Then, Murdoch did the same to then-British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, regarding his sick young son who was a minor at the time and the child's medical records they illegally accessed. Brown did not want the public to know his preteen son was sick and he had every right to keep his child's medical records private. Illegally accessing others medical records and criminally using it is something people in that depraved Hollywood cult love to do and it is very sick and disgusting. They are psychotics.

When I was a kid I wanted to be a doctor. Since about age 5, I got the idea into my head that I wanted to be a doctor. Growing up whenever people would ask me what I wanted to be, that is what I would state. Then in my teens I realized something. I had a blood phobia. I've since gotten over it but it lasted in my teens through to my twenties. My mom asked me in my teens why I abandoned the idea of wanting to be a doctor. I told her plainly, "I can't stand the sight of blood."

Instead I chose to write copyrighted scripts, music, films, television shows, books, and other items and register them with the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. My award winning family was already in the arts (music, radio, theatre, film and television), journalism and sports, so it seemed like a natural progression for me and something I loved and still do. However, I never gave up my love of medicine and science, even with the blood phobia that was making me nauseous and literally creeping me out. The show "Doc Martin" is about a doctor with a blood phobia that is so bad it impairs his ability to practice medicine. On the show his blood phobia is so bad he becomes nauseous and it impairs his ability to practice medicine.

I went back to college and obtained a degree in psychology, which is medicine based. In class after class at college I studied diseases, the human body and scientific approaches to medicine via biology. It was a lot of work. I also obtained college certificates/certifications as a business specialist. I've almost completed a business bachelor's degree as well. I wanted to enroll in medical school this year, but received graphic death threats from an FBI employee over it (yes, that's what your tax dollars are paying for...threatening and terrorizing a well meaning person working to cure select diseases, and one with a track record of being right on medicine and science matters, as seen hundreds of times here: site exclusives). As for the blood phobia, I consciously decided to watch a lot of surgery videos as a form of exposure therapy. This greatly helped. I've sufficiently desensitized myself to it. I have forthcoming surgical patents I've worked on for years.

A lot of my mom's side of the family has lived in England for several decades. My late, dear aunt was a chemist (Famous Doctor Blames Coronavirus Vaccine For Accelerating His Cancer And Presents Proof Of Progression Confirming Previous Site Claims). My cousin is a doctor who lives in London. She also married a doctor. My cousin has done very well in medicine. She served on numerous medical boards and was the chief medical officer for an entire borough in London, which is quite an accomplishment. She was even called in to the British Parliament with a few of her colleagues to help with medicine regarding the British public.

In 1995, not long after my cousin married a man who is also a doctor, they bought a house in an affluent neighborhood in London (I stayed at my cousin's house in London and mostly at my aunt's house in London). My cousin gave birth to two children. A few years after she and her husband bought the house, BBC writer Dominic Minghella, who had been stealing from my copyrights to make "Doc Martin", mysteriously became my cousin's neighbor...and wait for it...befriend her as well. I had no idea he had become her neighbor and befriended her. I found out about it in recent times from what she stated. I checked the British government's website regarding London house records, which confirms he did become her neighbor a few years AFTER she and her husband bought their house (I saved copies of the online documents illustrating these facts). My cousin and her husband were living in the neighborhood 5-YEARS before Dominic Minghella.

Now, there are MILLIONS of homes in England, yet Dominic Minghella manages to steal from my PREEXISTING copyrights registered in the Library of Congress YEARS before he stole from it, and become my cousin's neighbor. Minghella criminally used fictional items from my copyrights to create "Doc Martin." He added things from my personal life to create the show. He added real life incidents of things in my medical records and that of my famous dad in Jamaica to the show. Minghella also patterned items on the show off my cousin, the actual doctor he managed to move by BEFORE creating the show "Doc Martin." Minghella named his copyright infringing company "Island Pictures" which is ironic, as I'm from an island, Jamaica. We Caribbean people tend to name things "island" a lot after our heritage (I'm of African, English, Irish and Brazilian descent and born on the island of Jamaica where I lived the first 9-years of my life). Minghella is not from the islands. He is Italian and was raised in England.

Oh, but the story gets worse. I've repeatedly complained about being stalked by the Hollywood cult of deranged, child sex trafficking pop singer Madonna (Kabbalah). The stalking has taken place in the presence of my mother and others in America who, like me, became offended and annoyed. Stalking is a serious crime. Deranged Madonna is known for stalking people through thugs, her brainwashed Hollywood cult members and private investigators (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children Confirming Previous Site Claims).

Previously, the FBI interviewed me about Madonna's private investigator, Anthony Pellicano. The FBI agent, Catherine Koontz, was appalled by the things Pellicano did to me and others (I told her about his terrible behavior in detail0). The FBI used the information they asked me in two interviews as well as documents I wrote, to help build their criminal case against him. They arrested him 4-months later for things I accused him and Madonna of such as illegal wiretapping, computer hacking, identity theft and racketeering (RICO statutes - and yes, he's in the mafia, namely the Colombo family, and Madonna is connected to the mafia through four people).

I was stalked in London by Madonna's cult, but nowhere near as badly and boldly as in America, as Madonna became emboldened by the FBI's vile corruption and bribery under then FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller. Oh but it gets worse. My underage second cousin, who was about 13-years-old at the time (the daughter of my cousin, who is the doctor that Dominic Minghella strangely became neighbor to and befriended after stealing my copyrights), began complaining she is being stalked. My then 13-year-old second cousin was being stalked by that lunatic Hollywood cult of Madonna's that Dominic Minghella is also in. It severely damaged her life. Something very bad happened. She had to be hospitalized. What kind of animals stalk anyone, let alone a child. These sick Hollywood pedophiles love targeting children.

The BBC had also called my dad in Jamaica out of nowhere. I wondered how they got his number, as did he. Coupled with the madness regarding Dominic Minghella becoming my cousin's neighbor after stealing from my PREEXISTING copyrights and life to create "Doc Martin" it shows a very sick pattern of behavior emanating from that sick Hollywood cult Madonna runs.

Jay Z and fellow Hollywood cultist Madonna are both satanists

What I particularly hate is Madonna and her sick cult targeting minors. They are pedophiles. Madonna has even been using music industry pedophiles like Jay Z to target underage singers and athletes for their Hollywood cult. It's all very disturbing and sickening.

As stated previously on the site, the FBI had begun criminally harassing and threatening my aunt in London because I was staying with her for months in 2012 and 2015, and each time they feared I would not return to America so then-FBI Director Robert Mueller could continue his criminal misconduct against me. My aunt had stated an agent showed up at her door. What he said terrified her. The FBI was not able to abuse me in London like they have so abhorrently done in America, without fear of any consequences, because they are that corrupt and evil, and deem themselves above the law. The mere fact they traipsed into London and harassed an elderly, retired school teacher in her seventies, who was struggling with Parkinsons, speaks volumes to the kind of disgusting scum they are as an agency. Most people have compassion for children and the elderly. Those FBI scumbags and pedophile Hollywood don't and they are an embarrassment to the U.S. government.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Judge Issues Restraining Order Blocking The FBI From Stealing The Cash, Jewelry And Gold They Illegally Seized At A Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Box Business

Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)

The Real Motives Behind The FBI's Audacious And Thieving Criminal Conduct In The Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Case

Human Rights Activists Slam The FBI After It Is Discovered They've Become The World's Top Distributor Of Child Porn

The FBI Steals $40,200 From Black Couple In Ongoing Fraud Scheme Reminiscent Of Hitler's Nazi Police

Rupert Murdoch Illegally Accessed The Medical Records Of The Prime Minister's Sick Child

FBI Agents Steal Rare Gold Coins In Brazen Defiance Of Judge's Search Warrant

Report: Rupert Murdoch Blackmailed The British Prime Minister

Forbes Magazine Slams The FBI As A Bunch Of 'Thieves'

Site Exclusives

The FBI's Criminal Theft Of Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Boxes Contents Exposed The Agency As Thieves (And They've Also Stolen From Storage Units And People's Homes)

February 25. 2025

Former FBI Director Christopher Wray is a thief

The corrupt Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are trying to quietly resolve a set of legal cases emanating from the lawless law enforcement agency illegally raiding a safety deposit box company in Beverly Hills, California. The FBI was caught on CCTV camera stealing the contents of many safety deposit boxes, which contained gold, cash and antique jewelry, in conduct that criminally violated the sitting judge's orders.

The FBI lied in court that all the safety deposit box owners were criminals hoarding drug money. However, when they got sued left, right and center by many of the 150 plus safety deposit box owners, and the truth came to light that they are not criminals, but citizens who are lawyers, doctors and chefs, among other professions, the FBI's lies were unraveled.

The FBI made an agreement among themselves that if the safety deposit box company contained more than $5,000 in items, they get to keep it. No law, no judge, no prosecutor, no Congress. The FBI on the spot made up a rule that they get to illegally go into safety deposit boxes, violate a judge's orders not to do so, and steal the contents of the boxes if the entire place held more than $5,000 in goods. The FBI knew a safety deposit box  company in a rich place like Beverly Hills would have a lot of very valuable possessions and enormous amounts of money, all exceeding $5,000. In total the FBI's theft of the contents at the safety deposit box company totally over $125,000,000.

It's things like this why people have no faith in the government anymore. Even mainstream publication, Forbes Magazine, labeled the FBI "thieves" over what they did in stealing the contents of the safety deposit boxes. The problem is the FBI is above the law in America. This is why they behave so heinously and abhorrently. They are never held to account for their crimes. It's always impunity or a slap on the wrist, which is an insult to victims of crime.

Little does the public know, the FBI has been going around to storage companies, illegally entering units and taking what they want as well, in criminal violation of the law. They stole items from a storage unit I had in Miami in 2012, with no warrant. They went there, flashed their badges at the storage company, went into the storage unit looking for newer DVD data discs with copyrights I authored that hadn't already been infringed by Hollywood and them (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).

The FBI didn't find any new data DVDs in my storage unit, as I wouldn't leave something like that in a storage unit. However, the FBI agents illegally helped themselves to some of the other things I had in my storage unit that I had purchased. They had no warrant to enter the storage unit, but so cocky in the corruption, they did so anyway and stole select items from it for their personal use, because they believe there will never be any accountable for their crimes. At the any of the day, they're just a bunch of dirty, thieving criminals. And this ladies and gentlemen, is the FBI.


FBI to Return or Compensate Owners of Illegally Seized Coins, Money, Other Assets

The FBI initially claimed that it did not need to return the seized assets because of government immunity from responsibility. An appellate court disagreed.

Sep 20, 2024 - Here’s a follow-up to my column last December about ensuring the integrity of your safe deposit box contents. In the column, I mentioned that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had seized the contents of hundreds of boxes belonging to customers who were not under investigation as part of a raid on a private safe deposit box company.

Initially, the FBI claimed they did not need to return the seized assets under government immunity from responsibility. Don Mellein had 110 1-ounce gold coins plus some cash stored in his box and filed a lawsuit for the return of these assets. After an appellate court ruled in January 2024 that the entire raid violated the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the FBI returned 47 coins to Mellein and claimed that it did not have the rest of his assets.

It turned out that, as the FBI was opening and seizing the assets, it initially created careful records of what was removed from each box. However, partway through the process, the FBI agents stopped preparing detailed records to speed up their work. When Mellein did not obtain all the assets seized by the FBI, he filed a lawsuit with the assistance of the Institute for Justice.

When the judge in the case denied immunity to the FBI agents, the agency agreed to either return the rest of Mellein’s assets or compensate him for their value if not returned. In all, now millions of dollars’ worth of assets have been returned to the rightful owners. Further, the FBI has compensated box-holders in amounts running into hundreds of thousands of dollars for assets that were not returned.

As mentioned in the original column, a sensible action to prove what contents were in any safe deposit box would be to take pictures or videos of the contents. If it is possible to add a date stamp to the film, that would also be helpful.

Reminder, to protect against the risk that safe deposit box contents might be turned over to your state government escheats office, you should access your box at least once every 12 months and verify each time that the provider of the safe deposit box has your correct name, address, telephone number and email address...



Judge Issues Restraining Order Blocking The FBI From Stealing The Cash, Jewelry And Gold They Illegally Seized At A Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Box Business

The Real Motives Behind The FBI's Audacious And Thieving Criminal Conduct In The Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Case

The FBI Steals $40,200 From Black Couple In Ongoing Fraud Scheme Reminiscent Of Hitler's Nazi Police

FBI Agents Steal Rare Gold Coins In Brazen Defiance Of Judge's Search Warrant

Forbes Magazine Slams The FBI As A Bunch Of 'Thieves'

Site Exclusives

Former President George W. Bush Still Criminally Meddling In The U.S. Government

February 25. 2025

The soulless late George H. W. Bush and his soulless son George W. Bush

As much as former U.S. President George W. Bush has been out of office since 2008, he has still been meddling in the government on a regular basis. Bush, whose had a drug (cocaine, weed) and alcohol problem since college (the man cleaned out the liquor in the White House cellar during his time in office), became president because of who his daddy George H.W. Bush was: former CIA Director, turned Vice President, turned lame duck President.

Bush Jr was known for being wild, high and drunk in college, which no one can convince me he legitimately passed on merit as he'd dumb (especially a intellectually challenging school like Yale). Bush Jr was appointed President by the Supreme Court after rampant cheating in the presidential election. Then he went on to wage war in Iraq killing 1,000,000 civilians and 7,000 U.S. soldiers.

Bush Jr is what the Bible refers to as a worker of iniquity. He has an enormous amount of blood on his hands (as does his former Vice President, Dick Cheney). They lied about weapons of mass destruction to steal oil and gold from Iraq. In reminds me of the other Bible quote, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul."

Problems also occur when a head of state refuses to let go of the presidency, much like Bush Jr and Barack Obama have done (Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time). They start to think they own the nation, like it and the public are their personal property, and can do anything they want to do.

They call government departments trying to assert their will in an administration not their own. They call up government agents asking them to do them favors that are not legal. God has a way of humbling and exposing such behavior, as it is evil and arrogant. No one man or woman owns any nation. God does and one should never kid themselves that God will allow them to get away with such arrogant and damaging behavior. As the Bible says, "God is not mocked. You reap what you sow."


The Family That Is The Head Of The Illuminati

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Kim Kardashian Sued For Posting Innocent Man As Death Row Inmate In Trying To Make Herself Look Like A Lawyer When She Has No Law License

Kardashian Failed The Baby Bar Exam 3 TIMES

February 25. 2025

Kim Kardashian

Consistently proving she is a dingbat and brainless bimbo, wannabe lawyer, Kim Kardashian, who has tried to buy a law degree in not actually doing the work required to become a legitimate attorney, has been sued. The aging reality star, Kardashian, has been sued by Ivan Cantu, for falsely and wrongly labeling him a death row inmate.

Kardashian posted the photo of Cantu, labeling him a man on death row who had killed his cousin and his cousin's fiancée (he was executed on death row despite Kardashian's protest). However, Kardashian did not do proper research and posted the photo of an innocent New York man with the same name as Ivan Cantu.

Now she has been sued for exposing the victim to, "Hatred, contempt, and/or ridicule." The lawsuit further states, "Kardashian published and disseminated false information about Cantu that was clearly untrue, erroneous, unfounded, shocking, scandalous, degrading, disgraceful, and/or shameful." NBC News reported, "He is suing for libel, slander, emotional distress, invasion of privacy, representing him in false light, and negligence. He is seeking compensatory and punitive damages in an amount to be determined in court."

Kardashian is out of her mind. She is a perverted, depraved reality star who slept with many people in Hollywood to get a television show. She's stolen copious amounts of copyrights for her fake career and that of her family. She has no talent. She is not a lawyer. She needs to stop pretending to be one, as it is causing people injury and setting a bad example for impressionable audiences.


Kim Kardashian sued after mistakenly IDing New York man as Texas death row inmate on Instagram

14h - Kim Kardashian is being sued for slander and libel after she posted an Instagram photo that inaccurately labeled a New York man as a Texas death row inmate. In a statement to NBC News, an attorney for the reality star, who is studying to become a lawyer, said she made a "simple mistake" last February when she used a public photo of a man named Ivan Cantu "to promote Kim’s longstanding commitment to the cause of criminal justice reform."
In the Instagram post, Kardashian attempted to bring awareness to the case of Cantu, a death row inmate who was convicted of murdering his cousin and his cousin's fiancée. He was executed on Feb. 28, 2024. However, the image she used in her post was of a man who lives in Westchester, New York, and shares the same name as the inmate.

"The image was taken down almost immediately once the error was discovered," attorney Michael Rhodes said in a statement. A civil complaint filed Thursday with the Los Angeles Superior Court says Kardashian's mixup exposed Cantu "to hatred, contempt, and/or ridicule."

"Kardashian published and disseminated false information about Cantu that was clearly untrue, erroneous, unfounded, shocking, scandalous, degrading, disgraceful, and/or shameful," it says. Cantu, the complaint says, has suffered serious emotional damage, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and "loss of reputation."...



Kim Kardashian Referred To Whitney Huston As 'Disgusting' 'A Crackhead' And 'A Hag' (Video)

 Cardi B Reaches $1,000,000 Settlement With YouTube Vlogger Tasha K In A Reduction From The Original $3,900,000 Judgment

February 25. 2025

Cardi B, Offset and their children

Rapper and reality star Cardi B has reached a settlement agreement with vlogger Tasha K for $1,000,000 over the next 5-years. Cardi B won a $3,900,000  judgment against Tasha K for defamation and the vlogger has struck an agreement to reduce it. Billboard magazine stated, "In the first year of the agreement, known as a 'plan of reorganization,' Tasha will pay $44,907 per quarter to her unsecured creditors, the vast majority of which will go to Cardi. By year five, those quarterly payments will escalate to $81,057."

The magazine also reported, "In an unusual feature, the bankruptcy plan also includes a non-disparagement clause, barring Tasha not only from defaming Cardi while the plan is in place but also from even mentioning her or any of her family members. The Debtor shall ensure that no content related to Ms. Almánzar and/or her family, whether explicitly or implicitly, will be published or disseminated on any of the Debtor’s social media accounts, websites, blogs, or other online communication channels."

Cardi B helped to put herself in that situation by publicly bragging about drugging men to rob them. Cardi B also spoke of issues with her vagina when she was a stripper and constantly buying vaginal anti-yeast creams. However, Tasha B had no proof of herpes claims she made against Cardi B (it's not like it was with reality star Paris Hilton, when her herpes medication was found in a storage unit she stopped paying for and it was auction or singer Rihanna who went around on different occasions sporting huge herpes sores on her mouth).

I think the settlement is a violation of the U.S. Constitution regarding free speech. The settlement could have stated Tasha must refrain from defaming Cardi B, which would be fine, as defamation is not protected speech. However, she can't disparage her either. Disparage means to, "Regard or present as being of little worth." Many people think Cardi B is trashy based on her songs, music videos and photos.

Cardi B

Cardi B subjects the public to foul lyrics about her "wet as* p*ssy" and songs that are demonic, but Tasha K and other vloggers and bloggers must not criticize Cardi or her family. That's hypocritical. Cardi B's husband is an adulterer who is constantly embarrassing her to the public with multiple women, which is admittedly awful, and Cardi's music career has fallen off, much like her butt implants (take them out, already, they're five seconds from hitting the floor), but she expects bloggers and vloggers not to say anything, like the Constitution does not exist. Yea, I'm deliberately being harsh, as she's abridging free speech, which is unconstitutional, and I don't like that.

Cardi, you're in a satanic Hollywood cult. You're doing the devil's work. Don't hold your breath that you will be free from criticism after polluting the minds of countless people, including children, with your ungodly lyrics, explicit softcore porn music videos and images filled with occult symbolism you think the public is too stupid to catch. Speaking of catch, did you or husband Offset ever catch an STD, any STD, as he's cheated on you so much and you bragged about being a stripper robbing men for their money. I'm asking you a question.

Once again, I'm asking these uncomfortable questions, as to me it comes across like Cardi B is trying to shut people up via that Tasha K lawsuit. The manner in which the lawsuit and settlement have been structured lends the impression she was making an example of Tasha K to silence all criticism about her. That's how I view it. And guess what, under the law I'm entitled to view it that way. Under the law I'm entitled to ask questions about your dodgy behavior.

As for your kids, I've really got nothing to say about them (unlike Tasha K). Not out of fear of a lawsuit, but I genuinely feel sorry for them. Your music is disgraceful in my opinion (streams of profanity, promotes promiscuity and drug use). You and Offset have made money in negative ways through filthy music that God frowns upon. You have both set a bad example for impressionable audiences through your music. The weight of that sin is over your family. You both need to beg God for forgiveness and stop.

Like the late Prince stated of certain modern recording artists who wanted to use his music, "I don't want to be a part of the problem." And mark my words, this evil Satanism and occultic behavior coming out of Hollywood is going to severely damage America. It has created a generation of kids who are literally worshipping the devil, using dangerous drugs like Fentanyl, engaging in evil and reckless conduct, and taking away from the growth and productivity of this nation.


Cardi B Secures Million-Dollar Repayment Plan From YouTuber for Defamation Verdict

Gossip blogger Tasha K has agreed to pay Cardi more than $1 million over the next five years and refrain from talking about the rapper or her family. Cardi B attends the Messika Paris Womenswear Spring-Summer 2025 show as part of Paris Fashion Week on September 26, 2024 in Paris, France. Francois Durand/Getty Images for Messika.

Gossip blogger Tasha K has agreed in bankruptcy court to pay Cardi B more than $1 million over the next five years and to not make any “derogatory, disparaging, or defamatory statements” about the superstar. In court filings Friday (Feb. 21), attorneys for Tasha (Latasha Kebe) offered a plan to resolve her years-long federal bankruptcy case — proceedings made necessary by a $3.9 million judgment against her for defaming Cardi with outlandish claims of drug use, STDs and prostitution.

In the first year of the agreement, known as a “plan of reorganization,” Tasha will pay $44,907 per quarter to her unsecured creditors, the vast majority of which will go to Cardi. By year five, those quarterly payments will escalate to $81,057.

In an unusual feature, the bankruptcy plan also includes a non-disparagement clause, barring Tasha not only from defaming Cardi while the plan is in place but also from even mentioning her or any of her family members. “The Debtor shall ensure that no content related to Ms. Almánzar and/or her family, whether explicitly or implicitly, will be published or disseminated on any of the Debtor’s social media accounts, websites, blogs, or other online communication channels,” her lawyers wrote...



One Of Will Smith's Best Friends Outs Him As A Gay Man Having Sex With Actor Duane Martin And States Wife Jada Pinkett Smith Cheated Via A Sexual Relationship With Singer Marc Anthony (Video)

Saweetie Is Being Accused Of Having Sex With Fellow Rapper Offset Who Is Married To Cardi B And The Cousin Of Her Ex-Boyfriend Quavo

Kevin Hart Sues YouTube Vlogger Tasha K For Extortion, Invasion Of Privacy And Defamation

Diddy's Lawyer Quits And Makes The Disgraced Hip Hop Mogul Look Very Guilty In Sex Trafficking Case

February 24. 2025


A lawyer for disgraced rapper and music mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, has abruptly quit his case. Anthony Ricco has filed a motion in New York federal court to withdraw as Diddy's lawyer, which set tongues wagging on social networking. It gives the appearance Diddy is guilty.

Ricco stated in his motion to withdraw as counsel, "Although I have provided Sean Combs with the high level of legal representation expected by the court, under no circumstances can I continue to effectively serve as counsel." Ricco refused to cite why he withdrew. He instead cited attorney-client privilege.

It is clear Ricco recently found out something terrible about Diddy (not to mention, this week his remaining attorneys filed paperwork to suppress the evidence). To put this is perspective, people on social networking are commenting, Ricco was an attorney for terrorist, Osama Bin Laden and his associates, but he has drawn the line at representing devil Diddy. Make of that what you will.

One thing is for sure, Hollywood is evil beyond anything the public truly comprehends, as will be revealed in upcoming disclosures in a number of matters concerning the industry.


As his trial date looms, one of Diddy’s lawyers just made this bombshell announcement

 February 24, 2025 3:52 PM| 1 One of Sean “Diddy” Combs lawyers Anthony Ricco, filed a motion to withdraw saying “under no circumstances can I continue to effectively serve as counsel” By Video Elephant With only two months left to go until his day in court, Sean “Diddy” Combs’ defense team just took a hit. One of the embattled rapper’s lawyers has quit. Anthony Ricco filed a motion to withdraw Thursday in New York Federal Court. “Although I have provided Sean Combs with the high level of legal representation expected by the court, under no circumstances can I continue to effectively serve as counsel,” the Harlem native’s filing said, citing attorney-client privilege...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

Diddy's Remaining Attorneys File Paperwork To Suppress Evidence In Sex Trafficking Case Because It's That Bad

February 24. 2025

Sean "Diddy" Combs and his partner in crime Shawn "Jay Z" Carter

One time rapper and music mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, is making a desperate legal move via his attorneys in the sex trafficking, racketeering, arson, illegal guns and drugs criminal case he is currently locked up under while awaiting trial in New York. After one attorney quit (Anthony Ricco) Diddy's remaining have filed a motion to suppress evidence.

Remember when U.S. Homeland Security raided Diddy's mansions in Miami Beach and Beverly Hills, seizing an enormous amount of incriminating evidence on computers, external drives, flash drives and cameras, and nearly bust their behinds on all the baby oil they found and confiscated. Well, turns out the evidence obtained in the raids is extremely damning for Diddy and his friends. The evidence against Diddy and company is so strong, his lawyers are demanding it all be tossed like Diddy's salad.

The evidence implicates Diddy in serious crime. The evidence obtained from Diddy's mansion also features others such as rappers Jay Z, Joe Budden, Meek Mill, French Montana, Drake, singers Usher, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna and Beyonce, actress Gabrielle Union, basketball players such as Lebron James, actor Leonardo DiCapprio, and music executives such as Lucian Grainge and Clive Davis, among others. Politicians, bankers and healthcare executives are also implicated in the scandal. Diddy is nasty and was secretly recording everything at his "freak off" parties.

To suppress the evidence would be corrupt. Illegal actives have been going on in Diddy's circle for years. Billions of people all over the world are watching the U.S. justice system regarding this case and others (such as hidden government files on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, the murders of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr and Seth Rich, among others).

America and the world are sick of the government protecting criminals and covering up the truth. It is destroying America's name in the world, regarding this corruption that has been going on for decades. Americans are sick of it and so is the world. Stop the cover-ups, already.


Diddy's lawyers challenge search warrants, aim to suppress evidence in new filing

February 24, 2025 - Evidence federal prosecutors obtained through searches of Sean "Diddy" Combs' homes in Los Angeles and Miami and elsewhere must be suppressed because the warrants that authorized those searches were unconstitutional, defense attorneys argued Sunday in a new court filing. The defense argued the warrant applications for the Diddy's houses, iCloud accounts, phones and hotel room were overbroad, excluded facts that could have been favorable to Combs and "presented a grossly distorted picture of reality."

The heavily redacted defense motion does not publicly reveal the specifics of what prosecutors allegedly omitted but said the warrant applications eliminated important context that the magistrate judge who approved them should have seen, including about a certain witness that the defense contended had reason to fabricate and embellish.

"But it worked -- the government got its warrants, leaked damaging information, and then executed its military-style raids at Combs's residences," defense attorneys said in the filing. "Here, rather than giving the reviewing magistrate a fair summary, the government hid exculpatory evidence to bolster its case."

The defense said some of the most salacious details recounted in the search warrant applications came from an unnamed Producer-1 whose accusations "were never credible." What Producer-1 told investigators is redacted but the defense said he "had relayed stories about his time working for Combs." The motion sought to suppress all evidence obtained through these searches or grant a hearing to examine the government's conduct in obtaining the warrants...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

Diddy States His Horrible Conduct Towards Cassie Was Consensual

Who Does He Really Think Is Going To Believe That

February 24. 2025

Cassie and Diddy had a terrible relationship. He is now trying to claim it was consensual, as he filmed her having sex with male prostitutes he ordered her to hire online. He's pretending like men such as the late Ike Turner didn't beat the late music legend Tina Turner then force her to smile in public like they were happy. Ike constantly threatened Tina with violence then ordered her to smile for the cameras during interviews and performances. No woman wants to be beaten up. Only an insane and dangerous man believes a woman wants that.

Previously, I commented on the social networking site Twitter, now X, that Sean "Diddy" Combs, looks very guilty of the charges he has been accused of in his current sex trafficking case (which includes items alleging arson, RICO violations, illegal guns and drugs, as well). The disgraced former rapper and music mogul is currently locked up awaiting trail, which is scheduled to begin in May.

Items such as Diddy threatening ex-girlfriend Cassie in text messages that the judge did not look favorably upon, the CNN released CCTV video of Diddy beating Cassie when months prior he denied all her allegations of abuse, and what I know of him regarding allegations made a decade prior stating he sexually abuses underage boys, made me believe Diddy is very guilty. I still think he is very guilty. Nothing has changed.

The fact he tried to pass off his abuse of Cassie as consensual is infuriating. Diddy violently beat and sexually abused Cassie for years. To insult the public's intelligence, even after we saw the assault video of a terrified woman being horribly beaten, then try to tell us that was consensual, speaks to Diddy's guilt. Forcing yourself on someone is disgusting and evil. There's no excuse for that. It's really pathetic.

Cassie like so many young girls wanted to be a famous singer. She had a boyfriend. However, Diddy saw her and decided to force a relationship she did not want. Diddy her dream of being a singer to coerce, manipulate, harass, molest, rape and sexually abuse her for years. She is not the only one in Hollywood this has happened to, as it is commonplace. Some just don't want to talk about it.


Diddy’s Lawyers Say Footage Proves Freak-Offs With Cassie Were Consensual

January 16, 2025 - Diddy’s lawyers are pushing back on some of the footage obtained in his case. They say the clips prove the “Freak-Offs” with Cassie were consensual. As per TMZ, Diddy’s defense team has filed documents on the behalf of their high-profile client. According to the submission, his representation claims that the nine videos that federal investigators acquired actually show Diddy and “Victim-1” (presumed to be Cassie) engaging in “private sexual activity between fully consenting adults in a long-term relationship.” They also point out that “Victim-1” did not seemed forced or coerced either saying she “not only consented, but thoroughly enjoyed herself” and “is evidently happy, dominant and completely in control."...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

Kash Patel Confirmed In Congress As The New FBI Director After Promising To Release The Jeffrey Epstein Files On The Late Pedophile And His High Profile Clients He Sex Trafficked Kids To For Years (Video)

Patel Confirmed By A Narrow Margin

February 20. 2025

Kash Patel has been confirmed as the new Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). This confirmation is being celebrated online, as Patel, under directions from President Donald Trump, has promised to release files that have previously been hidden by former administrations and FBI directors.

This means files on the murders of former President John. F Kennedy, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., and others would be made public. Patel has also promised to release the files and lists concerning pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein. Social networking is delighted at the news.

While he's at it, he should release the Diddy files, among others, as many celebrities engaged in criminal behavior in that case (Sean Combs). Time will tell if the FBI will start being honest, because as it stands, they are completely corrupt, clandestine and evil. The public deserves the truth about everything.

All the files the FBI is hiding should be released. The agency has no transparency, decency or sense of justice, which has destroyed its name all over the world. The taxpayers don't pay your salaries for you to cover up the sick crimes of celebrities, especially those harming children.


Site Exclusives

CBS News Personality Gayle King Rebuffed By Delta Airlines CEO Ed Bastian After Blaming President Trump For Multiple Airplane Accidents In America (Video)

February 19. 2025


America has been experiencing a string of very unseal airplane crashes, which began last month. Never before has the United States had such a bad aviation record. It is causing alarm in America and the world, as there have been nearly one dozen bizarre plane crashes, the most suspect was at Reagan Airport in Washington, DC (Reagan Airport Crash Has Internet Questioning Why A Blackhawk Military Helicopter Fatally Flew Straight Into A Commercial Airliner Without Deviating (Video)). Some members of the public are now scared to fly.

CBS News morning show host Gayle King, interviewed the CEO of Delta Airlines, Ed Bastian. During the interview King blamed the accidents on President Donald Trump. However, Bastian, corrected King during the broadcast that Trump is not to blame for the accidents.

The FBI and CIA are again proving, "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." It's not the first time they've done something like this. They did something similar on a smaller scale during former President George W. Bush's time in office. The FBI and CIA have also deliberately taken down commercial airliners and helicopters in the international community in acts of terrorism and murder. They've killed world leaders and other high profile figures in this manner, among other methods.

Senator Bernie Sanders has express concern over the CIA's acts of terrorism. Senator Chuck Grassley has publicly expressed concern over the FBI's acts of terrorism. Grassley wrote a letter to the FBI demanding answers about their domestic terrorist attack in Garland, Texas (The FBI Caught Rigging Terror Cases Again In An Ongoing Pattern Of Criminal Behavior (Video)).


Bernie Sanders Expresses Concern About The CIA's Illegal International Conduct (CIA Accused Of Torturing Innocent Children To Get Information From Their Parents)

Reagan Airport Crash Has Internet Questioning Why A Blackhawk Military Helicopter Fatally Flew Straight Into A Commercial Airliner Without Deviating (Video)

The Corrupt FBI And CIA Sought To Control The World Through Evil Men Like Jeffrey Epstein And Diddy Via Blackmail And Extortion

The Daughters Of The Late Malcolm X File $100 Million Lawsuit Against The FBI And CIA Over His Brutal Murder

America In Turmoil As 2025 Is Off To A Terrible Start Due To Terrorism, Fires (Video)

The True Origins Of The Coronavirus Outbreak (Covid-19)

Site Exclusives

Beyonce's 'Cowboy Carter' Tour Tickets Are Not Selling Well Forcing Ticketmaster To Refute The Hype

February 19. 2025

Beyonce and her pedophile husband Jay Z

Greedy singer and copyright thief, Beyonce, has announced another world tour. However, the tickets are not selling, as people are tired of her. She had planned to announce the tour early last month, but the Los Angeles fires struck during that time, prompting her to cancel the announcement. Beyonce is touring again because she and Jay Z bought a house in Los Angeles they can't afford, after greatly inflating their net worth.

People are complaining the "Cowboy Carter" tickets are too expensive and she just finished a tour a year ago.People have also been checking online ticket sites and reporting none of the dates on Beyonce's tour in America, Britain or Europe have sold out. There are many tickets available, though her publicist is trying to create hype that the tickets are sold out and crashed websites. Ticketmaster publicly refuted the claim about Beyonce's concert crashing websites.

Adding additional tour dates in the same city to make it look like sellouts have been occurring, when people can log-on and still find many tickets available for allegedly sold out concert dates, looks desperate and is embarrassing. Real recording artists don't do that. Fake ones do.

Legends like Michael Jackson, the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Tina Turner and Whitney Houston didn't have to create hype around their careers. They visibly sold out shows without roping off and closing sections of venues to camouflage the fact an event was not the big seller it was claimed to be.


Beyoncé a Slow Seller in London — Plenty of Tickets Available Across Six-Show Run

February 17, 2025 Beyonce London tickets still available Photo Credit: Beyoncé at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium during her Renaissance Tour by Raph PH / CC by 2.0 Ticket sales in the UK for Beyoncé’s Cowboy Carter Tour have been notably slow, with many still available across the six-show run in London. Beyoncé is set to perform six dates at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London in June. Tickets went on sale over the weekend via Ticketmaster and the stadium’s website. But many fans are displeased with the tickets’ steep prices, and a large amount of seats are still available at a range of prices. With tickets ranging from Ł71 (~$90) to Ł950 (~$1,197) in different sections of the venue, some fans took to social media to express their displeasure.

“Those wanting to stand to see Beyoncé in London in June, [it’s] going to set you back Ł224.85,” wrote one user on X. “Dynamic pricing or not… wow. Count me out.” Ad ends in 20s Standing room only tickets are still available for around Ł225 ($283) for the June 5 performance, while seats for the same show in the so-called nosebleed section run about Ł121 ($152).

Some fans claimed Ticketmaster’s UK site crashed during the presales, but a spokesperson for the company says this is not the case. Besides London, the only other European dates thus far will be in Paris, where Beyoncé will play three shows at the Stade de France on June 19, 21, and 22. But fans in France have had their own share of issues trying to secure tickets, with some complaining of invalid links...


No sell-out shows in London yet for Beyoncé's Cowboy Carter Tour

Tickets are still widely available for all six of Beyoncé's London tour dates in June following the opening of the general sale on Friday, leading to speculation that the box office rush may be slower than first anticipated. The singer's Cowboy Carter Tour crashes into Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on June 5, 7, 10, 12, 14 and 16, and the general sale opened five days ago after weeks of media coverage and multiple pre-sale options.

As of today (Wednesday, February 16) all six dates have large numbers of seats for purchase on Ticketmaster, although three dates (Thursday, June 5, Saturday, June 7, and Saturday, January 14) are listed as having 'low availability'. But a look at Ticketmaster's seating maps for the three dates with 'low availability' still shows almost half the arena's sections available for tickets, including the two VIP areas - Buckin' Honey Pit East and Sweet honey Pit West - located on either side of the stage, with seats ready to purchase for Ł858.10 at the time of writing.

The south-standing stalls facing the stage also have availability, with tickets going for Ł224.85, while seats in sections behind the stalls are still up for grabs for upwards of Ł143.11. On Tuesday, February 11, Pop Base tweeted that Ticketmaster had crashed following the presale of the Cowboy Carter Tour, but this was refuted by Ticketmaster in a since deleted response...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

President Trump's D.O.G.E. Run By Elon Musk Uncovers $4.74 Trillion In Government Theft And Waste At Social Security

February 18. 2025

Former President Joe Biden and sitting President Donald Trump. Biden knew about all the government theft and kept silent. Hmmm, I wonder why.

Twitter is agog with news that President Trump's D.O.G.E. (Department of Government Efficiency) has uncovered over $4.74 trillion dollars in theft and waste at Social Security. There are tens of thousands of people who are getting social security who are over 200-years-old.

Even two of them are over 350 years old, to which I stated leave congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and senator Mitch McConnell alone, as they deserve to collect their Social Security check just like every other senior in America who is eligible (LOL). I made that joke as both have been in Congress since the Constitution was signed (LOL), are visibly sick and ailing, but won't retire.

In all seriousness, for many years the Judiciary Report has openly espoused detecting and eliminating government theft and waste. I'm not an Elon Musk fan but I agree with the concept of what D.O.G.E. is doing in finding and eliminating government waste. This is good news for America. This can help save Social Security. Many Americans paid into Social Security for decades and deserve to get their checks when they meet the age requirement.

Donald Trump

Next D.O.G.E. wants to audit the gold in Fort Knox, but they are being met with heavy resistance, which is suspicious. This indicates the gold is not where it is supposed to be and they are not owning up to it. Whoever touched it, you better go get that gold back. The gold is supposed to be the property of the American people. There are stories the gold was given to the Federal Reserve and then the greedy Rothschild family who run the Central Banks.

There are other claims of theft circling the U.S. government, such as the Pentagon failing its audit, with $1 trillion missing and USAID being robbed left, right and center of billions in funds. That's a lot of money to go missing. The FBI and CIA have been criminally misappropriating and stealing money. It has been going on for years.


Americans Are Losing Everything Because Of President Joe Biden's Awful Economy And Are Being Forced To Move To Other States

President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Site Exclusives

14 Dead In Record Floods In Kentucky Impacting Other U.S. States (Videos)

February 17. 2025

Severe floods have hit the U.S. state of Kentucky in historic flooding.14-people have been confirmed dead. Over 1,000 people who were trapped in homes and businesses have been rescued. The search continues for survivors. The floods have also impacted the U.S. states of Arkansas, Mississippi, Virginia, West Virginia and Tennessee who are experiencing bad weather and are under advisory flood warnings.

140 million Americans are under a weather advisory. A news report quoting mayor, Steve Carr, indicates a major levee failed in Tennessee, prompting mandatory evacuations due to, "Rising water, no electricity and freezing temperatures creating a life-threatening situation."

I've repeatedly warned that subsidence would become a huge problem and that is what has been occurring for the past few years in historic and record weather events (Yellowstone Floods In Unprecedented Climate Event Confirming Previous Site Claims (Videos)). Record rains and floods are killing people and washing away the land.

The climate is changing in a negative way, creating weather disasters in regions where they previously did not occur. That is an indication of a serious problem. Some state colder temperatures means global warming is a hoax, but they fail to understand what climate change is and the impact it can have if things continue along this path. Climate change is temperatures being significantly colder or hotter than the norm for said region and time of year.

Please understand, if this planet gets too hot, human life cannot exist as it does now and many people will die (billions). If this planet gets too cold, like an ice age, human life cannot exist as it does now and many people will die (billions). In 2023 and 2024 global temperatures reached record highs. The same can be said for cold temperatures last year.

These are all changes that must be monitored as it is a forerunner of a serious problem that needs to be fixed. My climate predictions have been coming true one after another and it spells bad news, regarding a problem that needs to be fixed for all our sakes (site exclusives).


Winter Storm Leaves at Least 10 Dead, Triggers Historic Flooding and Power Outages Across Eastern U.S.

Updated February 17, 2025 11:18 a.m. ET - A powerful winter storm swept across the United States over the weekend, leaving at least 10 people dead, inundating roads with historic flooding, and causing widespread power outages across multiple states. The storm, which battered the South and moved into the Northeast, triggered emergency declarations, forced evacuations, and knocked out electricity for hundreds of thousands of residents.

In Kentucky, at least nine people died, including a child, as floodwaters surged through towns and highways. "We just confirmed another weather-related death out of Pike County, bringing our total loss to nine people," Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear announced Sunday. He warned that the toll could rise as search and rescue operations continue, with emergency crews having already performed more than 1,000 rescues in under 24 hours. This is "one of the most serious weather events we've dealt with in at least a decade," Beshear added.

Water levels reached record highs in parts of Kentucky, a state still recovering from devastating floods two years ago that killed 43 people. Beshear described the flooding as "massive," citing mudslides, road closures, and stranded residents. He urged people to avoid travel, warning that "hundreds of roads" remained underwater or impassable. The storm's impact was widespread, stretching from heavy snowfall in the western part of the state to torrential rain and landslides in the east.


At least 13 deaths amid back-to-back winter storms across US

February 17, 2025, 5:02 PM- More than 140 million Americans were under alerts Monday for high winds, extreme cold and a new winter storm as the weekend's dangerous weather moved out, leaving tens of thousands without power throughout the South and at least 13 deaths in its wake. There were 12 reported storm-related fatalities in Kentucky and one in Georgia, officials said. The impact from flooding in his state is "massive," Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said Sunday in a statement on X...


Deadly storm system brings heavy snow and flooding rains to multiple states

Updated 11 hours ago - Energy & Climate - A massive, severe storm system that's slamming the U.S. Northeast with heavy snow has this weekend triggered flash flood warnings in West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky, where officials reported at least 11 deaths. The big picture: The multifaceted storm that began Saturday knocked out power to an estimated half a million customers from Virginia to Mississippi and delayed thousands of flights during the holiday weekend...


At least 13 deaths amid back-to-back winter storms across US

February 17, 2025, 5:02 PM -  More than 140 million Americans were under alerts Monday for high winds, extreme cold and a new winter storm as the weekend's dangerous weather moved out, leaving tens of thousands without power throughout the South and at least 13 deaths in its wake. There were 12 reported storm-related fatalities in Kentucky and one in Georgia, officials said. The impact from flooding in his state is "massive," Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said Sunday in a statement on X...



America Is Warming 68% Faster Than The Rest Of The Planet Confirming Previous Site Claims

'Doomsday Glacier' In Antarctica Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse Confirming Previous Claims

Yellowstone Floods In Unprecedented Climate Event Confirming Previous Site Claims (Videos)

Unprecedented Rainfall Brings Flooding And Death To The U.S. Midwest, South Florida And Texas Confirming Previous Site Claims (Videos)

Study States Glaciers Are Melting In The Swiss Alps At An Accelerated Rate Confirming Previous Site Claims

Historic Flooding In Pakistan Leaves One Third Of The Nation Under Water In Climate Change Disaster Confirming Previous Site Claims

Hurricane Ian Hits Florida With Flooding And Record 20-Foot Storm Surge Going Up To The Second Floor Of Buildings Confirming Previous Site Claims

Hurricane Ian Created $258 Billion In Damage In Florida Rendering Segments Uninhabitable As Previously Predicted On This Site (Video)

Florida Is Experiencing Record Flooding Confirming Previous Site Claims

Historic Rains Produce Record Floods In South Florida Destroying Billions In Property (Video)

Kentucky Experiences Deadly And Unprecedented Flooding Confirming Previous Statements About Climate Change (Videos)

Hurricane Hits Canada For The First Time In History Confirming Previous Site Claims About Climate Change (Video)

Alligator Attacks Man Outside His Home In Louisiana Floodwaters Confirming Previous Claims

Crocodiles Spotted Swimming In The Streets Of Florida Due To Hurricane Ian Confirming Previous Site Claims

California Hit By Record Rain, Flooding And Subsidence Confirming Previous Site Claims

The Northeast In America Hit With Unprecedented Rainfall Leading To Death And Record Property Loss Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)

West Point, New York Experiences Record Rainfall That Washes Away Buildings, Roads And Land (Videos)

New Study States Scientist Fabricated Items In Influential 2006 Dementia Paper Which Gave Big Pharma Billions In Taxpayer Funding Confirming Previous Claims

The Climate Crisis Is Worsening Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)

New York City Experiences Sudden Record Flooding (Videos)

Dubai Flooding Is More Proof That Something Has Gone Wrong With The Climate Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)

Hurricane Milton Wreaks Havoc On Florida Highlighting The Effects Of Climate Change (Videos)

Summer 2024 Was The Hottest On Record Spelling Bad News For The Climate (Videos)

Florida Records Its Hottest Days Ever In What Is A Disturbing Trend Regarding Climate Change (Videos)

Deadly Record Rainfall In Spain Is Another Indication The Climate Is In Trouble As Problems Appear Across The Pond (Videos)

Site Exclusives

The Real Story Behind What Happened With Former President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Diddy And Madonna

February 16. 2025

Jeffrey Epstein (a ponzi schemer, thief, blackmailer and pedophile following the Talmud) and former U.S. President Bill Clinton

I've broken many exclusives on this page that later proved completely true (site exclusives). This is another site exclusive and one that blew my mind. I recently found out some very interesting things regarding former President Bill Clinton, the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, and incarcerated former rapper and music mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs (who is also a pedophile).

I learned the Jeffrey Epstein case is directly connected to the Diddy sex trafficking case (Sean Combs) and some are fighting behind the scenes to stop the connection from being revealed and to block the files, videos, photos, emails and texts from coming out.

Diddy (who is and has been an FBI informant for years and snitched on many people) and former First Lady Hillary Clinton, the wife of former President Bill Clinton

I learned Epstein was blackmailing Clinton. I also learned Clinton gave Epstein hush money in the form of allowing him to raid taxpayer funds from areas of the government totaling millions of dollars (including USAID, among others). Clinton also gave Epstein diamonds as a part of the deal to shut him up. During the raid of Epstein's house authorities found the diamonds Clinton had secretly given him as a bribe. Some want loose diamonds or gold bricks or gold coins, because if they need to quickly flee the country, they can use it to pay for things without it being easily traced.

As stated on the site previously, Bill Clinton was the one who got Epstein released from jail early after he was convicted of pedophilia in Florida. Another source confirmed this to me recently. Again, Clinton was being blackmailed by Epstein, as Clinton had visited pedophile island many times (Little Saint James in the U.S. Virgin Islands) and Epstein's mansions in America, where he engaged in sexual activity with minors, which was secretly filmed by Epstein to blackmail him. This is how the Israeli government, Mossad, FBI and CIA controlled Clinton (among others).

Madonna and Diddy are both in the same secret society which is a cult. Both have been sex trafficking. Madonna is also friends with Ghislaine Maxwell, the pedophile who helped Jeffrey Epstein sex traffic thousands of underage girls. Both Epstein and Maxwell were raping and having sex with underage girls. Madonna has also engaged in sexual activity with minors, as alleged by multiple sources.

I was also credibly informed that Jay Z got athletes mixed up in the Diddy parties where questionable sexual behavior occurred. Jay Z was involved in the sexual debauchery at Diddy parties. I was told it got basketball player, Lebron James, in trouble, as Jay Z got him involved with the sexual debauchery at Diddy parties as well.

I was also informed by a very credible source that child sex trafficker Madonna is involved in the Epstein case and there are hidden files/documents tying her to it (Flight Logs Reveal Pedophile Madonna Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book).


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

Attorney Files 7 New Lawsuits Against Diddy For Rape And Sexual Assault

February 15. 2025


Texas attorney, Tony Buzbee, has filed seven new lawsuits against disgraced one time rapper and hip hop mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, 55, who is currently in jail awaiting trial, which is scheduled to begin in May. Diddy has been sued by multiple law firms, dozens of times, over his criminal misconduct that has spanned over 30-years.

Diddy has even been accused of murder  by multiple people, in matters that should be wrongful death lawsuits (Diddy Accused Of Several Commissioned Murders and The Family Of The Late Rapper Tupac Shakur Has Hired An Investigator To Look Into Diddy's Connection To His Murder And To Explore Filing Criminal Charges And A Wrongful Death Lawsuit).

The Click2Houston website reported, "In an Instagram post, Buzbee said the cases were filed in New York State Court, alleging sexual battery, sexual assault, and sexual exploitation against Combs. Several other defendants are also named in the lawsuits, according to Buzbee."

Buzbee stated of the new lawsuits, "We continue to field many calls daily from alleged victims and potential witnesses. We have been assisted in this regard by colleagues in both New York and LA. If you believe you were victimized, or if you have pertinent evidence, we encourage you to reach out."


Houston attorney Tony Buzbee expands lawsuits against Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs with 7 new cases

HOUSTON – Houston attorney Tony Buzbee announced he has filed lawsuits for an additional seven alleged victims of Sean “Diddy” Combs. Lawyers for Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs say sex acts are distorted by ‘sexist and puritanical’ prosecution. In an Instagram post, Buzbee said the cases were filed in New York State Court, alleging sexual battery, sexual assault, and sexual exploitation against Combs. Several other defendants are also named in the lawsuits, according to Buzbee.

Buzbee is representing more than 120 individuals who allege they were victimized by Combs. Since October 2024, Buzbee has filed lawsuits on behalf of dozens of people and said the lawsuits are not part of a class action but will be pursued individually, with each case filed based on its own merits. Combs has been in a Brooklyn jail since his September arrest on racketeering conspiracy and sex trafficking charges. He is currently awaiting trial for the charges...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

Victim Withdraws Lawsuit Against Diddy And Jay Z For Raping Her When She Was 13-Years-Old

February 15. 2025

Jay Z (left) attended many Diddy parties (right)

The lawsuit against Jay Z and Diddy filed on behalf of a woman who stated she was gang raped by them when she was 13-years-old has been withdrawn by the victim. No reason has been given. The victim also did not want to disclose her name out of fear. Jay Z began targeting the victim, her family, her lawyer Tony Buzbee, and his family, as Jay Z is a dirty criminal prone to violence and other lawless activities. Some in the industry have also accused Jay Z of murder.

I don't believe Jay Z nor do I trust him, as he has criminally targeted and exploited me for years in a matter that went to Congress. Even his previous lawyer whom I spoke to, was shocked to find out the kind of thug he is and the kind of scum he was representing. Jay Z is a man known for exploiting, robbing, threatening and assaulting people. He is a convicted felon who nearly stabbed a man to death, inflicting multiple wounds that could have turned fatal (Lance Rivera). As stated above, people in the industry are accusing Jay Z, a former crack cocaine dealer with ties to the mafia and other organized crime, of murder. 

Buzbee has also sued Jay Z's company and a few of his staff for criminally harassing Buzbee's former clients, in trying to coerce them into filing fraudulent and abusive lawsuits against him (Jay Z's Roc Nation Sued By Lawyer For A Second Time Over Criminal Conduct Such As Bribery And Barratry In Case Accusing Him Of Raping A 13-Year-Old Girl).

I think someone got to the victim. Furthermore, there is still the matter of Jay Z being a massive pedophile (Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant).

Worse is in the pipeline for Jay Z regarding serious legal troubles. Jay Z has been committing extensive crimes of a very serious nature that are going to catch up with him and be his complete demise within the scope of the law (and the feds will not help him next time). Same for his thieving wife Beyonce, who has committed crimes with him. The truth always comes out and God always makes sure justice is served. Buckle up!


Sexual assault lawsuit against Jay-Z, Sean 'Diddy' Combs dropped by accuser

 February 14, 20255:00 PM PST - NEW YORK, Feb 14 (Reuters) - An anonymous woman who accused Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter and Sean "Diddy" Combs of raping her in 2000 when she was 13 dismissed her civil lawsuit on Friday against the hip-hop moguls. A filing in federal court in Manhattan said the plaintiff, referred to as Jane Doe, voluntarily dismissed the case with prejudice, meaning she cannot bring it again.

Tony Buzbee, a lawyer for the woman, declined to comment. Combs is in a Brooklyn jail awaiting a scheduled May 5 criminal trial on racketeering and sex trafficking charges. He still faces dozens of other civil lawsuits by women and men, including many represented by Buzbee's firm, who accused him of sexual assault and other misconduct...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

All Charges Dropped Against New York Governor Eric Adams

February 14. 2025

New York Mayor Eric Adams

This is a follow up to the November 7, 2023 article "The FBI Corruptly Raids The Campaign Of New York Mayor Eric Adams Based On Email Copyright They Illegally Accessed And Unlawfully Used Confirming Previous Site Claims." This week it was announced all charges have been dropped against Adams. There was some resistance among a few prosecutors but the charges are on track to be dropped.

Some publicly implied Adams cut a deal with President Trump to get the charges against him dropped in exchange for help with immigration, as New York is having massive problems in this area and it is impacting the budget, security, housing, utilities, the school system and waste management. New York should not have been designated a sanctuary city. It is far too small to accommodate a large chunk of the 13,000,000 illegal migrants that came across the border during former President Joe Biden's tenure.

In response to the charges being dropped Adams stated, "I want to be crystal clear with New Yorkers: I never offered - nor did anyone offer on my behalf - any trade of my authority as your mayor for an end to my case. never. I am solely beholden to the 8.3. million New Yorkers that I represent and will always put this city first."


Justice Department asks court to dismiss corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams

Updated 5:48 PM PST, February 14, 2025 - NEW YORK (AP) — The Justice Department asked a court Friday to dismiss corruption charges against New York City Mayor Eric Adams, with a top official from Washington intervening after federal prosecutors in Manhattan rebuffed his demands to drop the case and some quit in protest.

Acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove, the department’s second-in-command, and lawyers from the public integrity section and criminal division filed paperwork asking to end the case. They contend it was marred by appearances of impropriety and that letting it continue would interfere with the mayor’s reelection bid. A judge must still approve the request.

The filing came hours after Bove convened a call with the prosecutors in the Justice Department’s public integrity section — which handles corruption cases — and gave them an hour to pick two people to sign onto the motion to dismiss, saying those who did so could be promoted, according to a person familiar with the matter...



Site Exclusives

Jay Z Inflates Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl LIX Halftime Show Ratings Like He Does Everything Else And Social Networking Slams Him As A Liar

February 13. 2025

Jay Z and his two look alike daughters

Previously, pedophile rapper Shawn "Jay Z" Carter was slammed for inflating his music sales, concert touring revenue and net worth (Jay Z And Madonna's Tidal Reported To The Police For Falsifying Music Streaming Sales and Music Industry Website Outs Jay Z On Falsifying His Album Sales Using Tidal And The Billboard Charts Reject His Fake Numbers and Jay Z And Madonna's Floundering Tidal Sued For $5,000,000 Over Copyright Infringement In Not Paying Artists While Inflating Their Own Sales To Go Number One On Billboard)

According to some, such as rapper Benzino of the "Love And Hip Hop" reality show, Jay Z is even lying about his age and is actually 60-years-old (yet keeps calling himself young to show how crazy he is). Jay Z really does look way older than 55-years-old.

Jay Z and his daughters who look just like him. He has very strong genes.

After this past Sunday's Super Bowl LIX, which featured a halftime show by rapper Kendrick Lamar, as chosen by untalented so-called music director, Jay Z, articles were published by reputable outlets stating viewing numbers/ratings are down for Lamar's halftime show by 1,200,000 from the previous year. Embarrassed and proven wrong about his choice, Jay Z via his crooked Roc Nation company, released a lying statement claiming Kendrick Lamar set the record for Super Bowl halftime viewing numbers, even surpassing the late Michael Jackson. I don't believe that for one second, especially considering the source is Jay Z, a known liar, thief and fraud.

The Spun website stated, "Roc Nation announced Tuesday that Lamar's halftime show had 133.5 million viewers. That breaks the previous record of 133.4 million viewers, which was held by the late Michael Jackson. Kendrick Lamar on Super Bowl halftime show stage. After Roc Nation made this announcement, NFL fans accused them of lying. 'Not a chance,' one person said in response to the ratings. 'Kendrick Lamar surpassed Michael Jackson... OK. If you believe this, please unfollow me,' Jason Whitlock tweeted. 'Roc Nation lied about the Usher views... I just don't believe Kendrick Lamar would do higher numbers than MJ,' another person wrote. 'Super misleading - the Super Bowl had the highest viewership of all time - and people left the TV on during half time,' a fourth person added."

Kendrick Lamar

Jay Z has this obsession with making false claims about Michael Jackson. Jay Z insanely stated his copyright stealing, music sales inflating wife, Beyonce, has surpassed Michel Jackson as a recording artist, when she has not even come close. Jackson is still number one. No one has surpassed him in any musical category. Jay Z rigging Grammy Awards in Beyonce's favor, while defrauding other artists out of their awards, because you are on the Grammy committee, doesn't make your outrageous lies true. It's all going to unravel with the government publishing the truth about your crimes.

It's pretty embarrassing when you lie so much the public doesn't believe you, as seen with Jay Z. Audiences also slammed Jay Z after the performance labeling it "the worst halftime show ever" as many did not know who Kendrick Lamar is, which I warned 6-months prior would happen (Jay Z Slammed On Social Networking For His Choice Of Kendrick Lamar To Headline The Super Bowl Halftime Show In New Orleans C Rather Than Locals Such As Rappers Lil Wayne And Master P).

Taylor Swift in shock at being booed at the Super Bowl

It is not an attack on Lamar. However, facts are facts. As I maintained since last year, he only has two hit songs. Lamar's "Maad City" was a minor hit years ago. "They're Not Like Us" has been a big hit over the past several months, as it slams pedophile rapper Drake. Two hits is not not enough to successfully headline the Super Bowl halftime show. To be frank, some artist have several hits and still choked in trying to perform the Super Bowl halftime show. It's not an easy gig. It's even more difficult when you have a lack of publicly familiar material.


Samba TV: Eagles’ Blowout Win Sees Super Bowl Household TV Views Drop 5%; Kendrick Lamar Halftime Show Down 4%

February 10, 2025 - The Philadelphia Eagles’ dominant (40-22) win over the Kansas City Chiefs Feb. 9 in Super Bowl LIX saw U.S. household TV views drop 5% to 37.1 million from 39 million during the event last year, according to new data from Samba TV, which tracks viewership through smart data and ranks streaming programs based on U.S. household reach.

The halftime show featuring rapper Kendrick Lamar didn’t fare any better, with 28.8 million U.S. households watching, down 4% from the 30 million households that watched Usher’s performance during the 2024 Super Bowl halftime show. Indeed, 311,000 U.S. households turned on the TV to only watch the halftime show (skipping the game), down 8%, or 338,000 households, that tuned in for Usher...


Kendrick Lamar Had ‘Worst Ever’ Super Bowl 2025 Halftime Show, Say Viewers

Mon, February 10, 2025 at 11:39 AM EST - Generate Key Takeaways Kendrick Lamar‘s 2025 Super Bowl LIX halftime show was branded the “worst ever” by some viewers, as negative reactions to the rapper’s performance have been circulating on social media. Lamar’s performance has been the main talking point following the Philadelphia Eagles’ demolition of the Kansas City Chiefs, with the rapper’s rendition of Drake diss track ‘Not Like Us’ causing a significant stir. During the show, Lamar got the crowd at the Caesars Superdome to scream “A MINOR!” in unison, after he’d already addressed Drake and said that his fellow artist “liked them young.”

But even though plenty of praise is being heaped on Lamar and his brutal takedown of his long-term rival, many also branded the performance one of the worst in the Super Bowl’s history. Reactions to Kendrick Lamar’s Super Bowl 2025 halftime show Many top-rated posts on X (f.k.a. Twitter) criticized Lamar’s performance, pointing to an apparent lack of reaction from the crowd as evidence that it had underdelivered...


Super Bowl viewers take aim at Jay-Z for Kendrick Lamar's 'underwhelming' halftime show

 2 days ago Super Bowl viewers took aim at Jay-Z following Kendrick Lamar's 2025 halftime show that some branded "boring" and "underwhelming." During the Super Bowl LIX Kendrick took the stage for the halftime show performing some of his chart-topping hits including Not Like Us , Humble, DNA, Euphoria, Peekaboo, Man at the Garden, and more.

But after his show wrapped, numerous viewers took to social media where they expressed their disappointment, claiming Kendrick's performance felt lackluster compared to those of the past. And as they slammed the rapper's performance, many also placed the blame on Jay-Z as he is in charge of choosing the halftime performers every year. The 55-year-old rapper has held this power since 2019 after his record label and talent agency Roc Nation entered into a partnership with the NFL...


NFL Fans Rip 'Misleading' Ratings For Kendrick Lamar Super Bowl Halftime Show

FEB 11, 2025 11:19 PM EST - Kendrick Lamar headlined the Super Bowl 59 Halftime Show in New Orleans this past weekend. On Tuesday, it was revealed that he actually made history with his performance. Lamar entered the Super Bowl with a ton of hype due to his beef with Drake. There were moments during the halftime show where he teased his "Not Like Us" diss. Eventually, he played the viral song for everyone at the Caesars Superdome. It was a pretty epic moment for those in attendance. Although countless people accused Lamar of putting on the "worst" halftime show ever, the ratings would suggest that he grabbed everyone's attention.

Roc Nation announced Tuesday that Lamar's halftime show had 133.5 million viewers. That breaks the previous record of 133.4 million viewers, which was held by the late Michael Jackson. Kendrick Lamar on Super Bowl halftime show stage. After Roc Nation made this announcement, NFL fans accused them of lying. "Not a chance," one person said in response to the ratings. "Kendrick Lamar surpassed Michael Jackson... OK. If you believe this, please unfollow me," Jason Whitlock tweeted. "Roc Nation lied about the Usher views... I just don't believe Kendrick Lamar would do higher numbers than MJ," another person wrote. "Super misleading - the Super Bowl had the highest viewership of all time - and people left the TV on during half time," a fourth person added,

It's no surprise that people are questioning Roc Nation's report. Some people, like Rob Schmitt of NewsMax, have made it clear they're not fond of Lamar. "Last night's blowout Super Bowl was more of a cultural spectacle than it was an athletic one. The game ended up being a clash between America's fading woke culture and a return to normalcy that Americans have been begging for since the plague of wokeness arrived," Schmitt said on the air. "But woke, of course, is a hard stain to remove.

Last night, the NFL gave us unquestionably the worst halftime show we have ever seen. A tiny rapper in bell bottoms, who 98% of the country has never heard of, was allowed to play most of his largely unknown catalogue for twenty grueling minutes in front of the entire world. The whole world just sat and wondered why they were watching this. Who is this? Everybody asked. No matter where you were, nobody had a clue what this was, except maybe a half a percent of the people in this country alone." Lamar has not addressed any of the backlash he's receiving on social media. Perhaps he'll break his silence on Wednesday...



Jay Z Slammed On Social Networking For His Choice Of Kendrick Lamar To Headline The Super Bowl Halftime Show In New Orleans C Rather Than Locals Such As Rappers Lil Wayne And Master P

Jay Z's Roc Nation Sued By Lawyer For A Second Time Over Criminal Conduct Such As Bribery And Barratry In Case Accusing Him Of Raping A 13-Year-Old Girl

Jay Z Denies Having Any Relationship With Diddy But Photos And Diddy Giggling Like A Girl Around Him Say Otherwise

Drake Sues Universal Music Group Over Kendrick Lamar Diss Track 'Not Like Us' Wrecking His Rap Career

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Diddy Files Defamation Lawsuit Against NBC Over Humiliating Documentary 'Diddy: Making Of A Bad Boy' (Videos)

February 12. 2025

The trailer for Peacock/NBC documentary 'Diddy: Making Of A Bad Boy'

For someone raping and sexually assaulting people Diddy sure is touchy. A recent Peacock/NBC documentary entitled "Diddy: Making of a Bad Boy " about fallen hip hop mogul and rapper, Sean "Diddy" Combs, has ticked off the irate one time celebrity, who is currently behind bars awaiting trial in New York City. Diddy went from having the keys to the city to being under lock and key in jail. It's a massive fall from grace but one he earned.

Diddy does not have a good name to defend as the world saw him brutally beat his former girlfriend Cassie in a hotel lobby. Prior to the release of the video Diddy said Cassie was lying, but the CCTV footage shows she clearly was not lying about him:

Peacock/NBC decided to bring together some of Diddy's accusers, former colleagues and friends, to talk about his psychotic behavior that has plagued the entertainment industry for three decades. Apparently it hit a nerve, because after being sued dozens of times for rap, sexually assault and assault, among other things, Diddy had enough and filed a lawsuit.


 The lawsuit states, "“Indeed, the entire premise of the Documentary assumes that Mr. Combs has committed numerous heinous crimes, including serial murder, rape of minors, and sex trafficking of minors, and attempts to crudely psychologize him. It maliciously and baselessly jumps to the conclusion that Mr. Combs is a ‘monster’ and ‘an embodiment of Lucifer’ with ‘a lot of similarities’ to Jeffrey Epstein.”

Cassie and Diddy before she fled after being severely abused by him

Something in the documentary clearly touched a nerve with Diddy, as others have done negative pieces on him and he did not sue. I haven't seen the documentary yet, but maybe they said he has two left feet and it became the straw that broke the camel's back. Speaking of camel, Diddy's "freak off" partner, Shawn "Jay Z" Carter, who looks just like a camel, has seen the public turn on him as well. They are both being pummeled in court for sexual offenses and against minors (Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant).


Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs sues NBC over new documentary as he awaits trial on sex trafficking charges

Wed, February 12, 2025 at 2:39 PM EST  — Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs is suing NBC Universal over a documentary that he says falsely accuses him of being a serial murderer who had sex with underage girls as he awaits trial on federal sex trafficking charges. The lawsuit filed Wednesday in New York state court says the documentary, “Diddy: Making of a Bad Boy,” included statements that NBC Universal either knew were false or published with reckless disregard for the truth in order to defame the founder of Bad Boy Records.

“Indeed, the entire premise of the Documentary assumes that Mr. Combs has committed numerous heinous crimes, including serial murder, rape of minors, and sex trafficking of minors, and attempts to crudely psychologize him,” the complaint reads. “It maliciously and baselessly jumps to the conclusion that Mr. Combs is a ‘monster’ and ‘an embodiment of Lucifer’ with ‘a lot of similarities’ to Jeffrey Epstein.” Spokespersons for NBC Universal and the entertainment company that produced the documentary, which is also named in the suit, didn’t immediately respond to emails seeking comment...


The FBI Mysteriously Finds 2,400 New Files On The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy

February 11. 2025

The FBI And CIA Set Up Then-President John F. Kennedy To Be Assassinated:

Former U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22,1963 in Dallas, Texas. Kennedy and his wife, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, were being driven in a motorcade when he was fatally shot twice. Kennedy's death was blamed on Lee Harvey Oswald, but many never believed him to be the real killer. Others believed there was a second shooter who has evaded justice for decades.

Kennedy's murder was investigated by the Warren Commission. They pronounced Oswald was the only killer and there was not a conspiracy connected to the murder. Kennedy made an enemy of the depraved and murderous CIA when he stated, "I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds " Kennedy realized how evil the CIA was (and still is) and wanted the agency dismantled as a danger to America and the world. The FBI and CIA are domestic terrorists.

72-years later, the corrupt Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), mysteriously finds 2,400 new documents concerning Kennedy's murder, after sitting President Donald Trump (who was also nearly murdered by the FBI and CIA) ordered the release of all documents pertaining to Kennedy's death. Trump issued the executive order on January 23, 2025.

Previously, I broke the story on the FBI having a secret file room where they hide files from public and congressional searches (The FBI's Secret File Room). The FBI hides highly incriminating and heinous documents offsite in this manner. I found this out during the case regarding copyright thief, illegal wiretapper, cult leader and child sex trafficker Madonna whom the FBI and Department of Justice, among others, have allowed to roam free and commit horrendous crimes to this day, including commissioned murder, among other things (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).


Mystery solved? FBI admits it found 2,400 new pages of documents to release about JFK assassination

A search carried out in January this year following Trump’s executive order unearthed new records relating to Kennedy’s assassination

Wednesday 12 February 2025 02:11 GMT - The FBI says it has found 2,400 new pages of documents about the assassination of John F. Kennedy following President Donald Trump’s decision to release the highly classified files. In a statement on Tuesday, the FBI said due to “technologic advances” of the bureau’s record keeping processes, a new search carried out in January this year following Trump’s executive order unearthed new records relating to Kennedy’s assassination.

“The FBI conducted a new records search pursuant to President Trump's Executive Order issued on January 23, 2025, regarding the declassification of the assassination files of JFK, RFK, and MLK,” the bureau said. “The search resulted in approximately 2400 newly inventoried and digitized records that were previously unrecognized as related to the JFK assassination case file.”

The bureau did not specify what the records contain but said it is working to transfer the documents to the National Archives and Records Administration to be included in the declassification process. Jefferson Morley, vice president of the Mary Ferrell Foundation, a repository for files related to the assassination, called the FBI’s disclosure of the files “refreshingly candid.”...



The John F. Kennedy Type Assassination Attempt On Former President Donald Trump Occurred After President Joe Biden Publicly Made Violent Comments Fomenting Hate In Demanding Trump Be Put In A 'Bullseye' (Videos)

Why Did The Secret Service Abandon Kennedy Moments Before He Was Shot And Killed

Site Exclusives

Taylor Swift Booed By Entire Stadium At Super Bowl LIX, Her Boyfriend Travis Kelce Loses The Game And The Halftime Show Suffers Sizeable Ratings Decline Under Kendrick Lamar (Videos)

President Donald Trump Mocked Taylor Swift For Being Booed At The Super Bowl

February 10. 2025

Super Bowl LIX featured the Kansas City Chiefs against the Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagles denied the Chiefs a historic three in a row Super Bowl victory. The score was 22-40. The Chiefs visibly struggled during the game and for a long while had no touchdowns. They got on the scoreboard towards the end but not enough to win.

Taylor Swift, 35, was again in attendance, supporting her boyfriend, Kansas City Chiefs tight end, Travis Kelce, 35. However, when Swift's face was shown on the big screen in the stadium the entire venue erupted in loud and embarrassing boos. Swift looked shocked, awkward and mortified. Wait until they find out how depraved Swift is and all the sick and demonic things she did for fame that is unearned.

Previously, I wrote about rapper Kendrick Lamar being given the Super Bowl half time show slot, which I thought was not a good idea, as he only has two hits and is not well known worldwide (Jay Z Slammed On Social Networking For His Choice Of Kendrick Lamar To Headline The Super Bowl Halftime Show In New Orleans C Rather Than Locals Such As Rappers Lil Wayne And Master P).

The halftime show was not well received. Many people still do not know who Lamar is and wondered why he was headlining the show. He is not big enough of a draw to headline the event. I was proven correct regarding my aforementioned article from last year, as Lamar's halftime show this past Sunday suffered a ratings decline of 1.2 million from the previous year.

Tennis champion Serena Williams, who is also from Compton, as is Lamar, made an appearance during his set, pardon the pun, and was crip walking, which is a dance done by crip street  gang members. Williams was slammed on social networking for doing so, with people citing her sister Yetunde Price was murdered by a crip gang member in a drive by shooting.

Lamar successfully mocked pedophile rival, Drake, by performing his diss track "They're Not Like Us" at the Super Bowl (Drake Sues Universal Music Group Over Kendrick Lamar Diss Track 'Not Like Us' Wrecking His Rap Career). Lamar even rapped lyrics calling Drake out as a pedophile. Well, Drake deserved it, as it is not a lie. Not to mention, Drake mocked slavery. He deserves all the backlash he is getting. However, I'm still of the belief Lamar should not have been the headliner, but could have been included as a part of the halftime show.

People slammed rapper Jay Z, whom the NFL inexplicably hired as a music director, when he does not know music and has stolen a lot of it from others, as attested by the many copyright lawsuits against him. Many on social networking are openly expressing they want Jay Z fired over the halftime show...and more importantly, the lawsuit alleging he raped a 13-year-old girl, and other allegations of him raping additional underage girls, even getting one pregnant (Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant ).

Jay Z is a criminal, idiot, fraud and pretender. Jay Z does not know music or business. Everything he has gained and illegally so, since quitting his job as a crack cocaine dealer (also illegal), has been criminally stolen from others. Real business people see through the farce and recognize him for what he is - a fake.


Jay Z Slammed On Social Networking For His Choice Of Kendrick Lamar To Headline The Super Bowl Halftime Show In New Orleans C Rather Than Locals Such As Rappers Lil Wayne And Master P

Jay Z's Roc Nation Sued By Lawyer For A Second Time Over Criminal Conduct Such As Bribery And Barratry In Case Accusing Him Of Raping A 13-Year-Old Girl

Jay Z Denies Having Any Relationship With Diddy But Photos And Diddy Giggling Like A Girl Around Him Say Otherwise

Drake Sues Universal Music Group Over Kendrick Lamar Diss Track 'Not Like Us' Wrecking His Rap Career

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Jay Z Faces Defeat And Withdraws Complaint Against Lawyer Tony Buzbee After Having His Team Break The Law Against Him

February 7. 2025

Jay Z (left) attended many Diddy parties (right)

Arrogant, ignorant, disgraced rapper, Jay Z, had filed a complaint against Texas attorney, Tony Buzbee, because he sued him on allegations Jay Z raped a 13-year-old girl. Rather than let the matter be heard in court, foolish and cocky Jay Z decided to have his team break the law against Buzbee (Jay Z's Roc Nation Sued By Lawyer For A Second Time Over Criminal Conduct Such As Bribery And Barratry In Case Accusing Him Of Raping A 13-Year-Old Girl). Buzbee fought back and now big mouth Jay Z is quietly admitting defeat.

Tony Buzbee

Jay Z, through his attorney Alex Spiro, asked judge, Analisa Torres, to sanction Buzbee, for filing the lawsuit on behalf of the woman alleging rape. Jay Z branded Buzbee's actions extortion. Now he's running away with his tail between his legs. Can you believe it. The fact former crack cocaine dealer and violent felon, Jay Z, has the gall to accuse anyone of extortion is hypocritical. Jay Z has been blamed for the death of his brother and nephew in separate incidents. Jay Z also stabbed music executive, Lance "Un' Rivera, for allegedly leaking his music.


Jay-Z Changes Tack in Sean Combs Lawsuit

February 4, 2025 - Jay-Z has withdrawn a complaint against an attorney representing a woman who claims the rapper raped her. The woman alleges that she was raped by Jay-Z and fellow rapper Sean 'Diddy' Combs when she was 13. Jay-Z, real name Shawn Carter, has vociferously denied the allegation and had asked the New York judge overseeing the case to sanction plaintiff attorney Tony Buzee, whom Carter has accused of extortion.

On February 4, Jay-Z's attorney Alex Spiro wrote to Judge Analisa Torres to inform her that he was withdrawing his complaint against Buzee, a Texas trial attorney. The plaintiff is one of over 200 people who have accused Combs of sexual abuse. Combs is being held in a New York jail awaiting trial on charges of sex trafficking, racketeering and transportation to engage in prostitution...


Music Producer Irv Gotti Dead At Age 54

February 5. 2025

Irv Gotti

Music producer and record label owner, Irv Gotti, real name Irving Domingo Lorenzo Jr, has died. Gotti was 54-years-old. Gotti was one of the biggest behind the scenes people in music in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Gotti discovered the recording artists DMX, Ja Rule and Ashanti. He also produced a number of hits for various artists.

Gotti had a hand in the music career of singer/actress Jennifer Lopez, giving her some of her earliest hits such as, "I'm Real" and "Ain't It Funny (Remix)." Gotti also brought in Ashanti to sing and write on Lopez's albums  To this day many on social networking insist Ashanti has been singing on Lopez's records uncredited (Jennifer Lopez Stole Other Singers Voices For Her Albums Including Brandy And Ashanti (Video)).

Gotti and his imprint label Murder Inc gave Lopez street credibility, only for her to use the n-word and offend many on the song "I'm Real." He later remarked then Sony Music chief, Tommy Mottola, was using him to get at his ex-wife, singer Mariah Carey, by ripping off her ideas and giving them to Lopez. Gotti also spoke out against Lopez's ex-boyfriend, Sean "Diddy" Combs, who is now in prison. Gotti also fell out with Diddy's coconspirator, rapper Jay Z (Rapper Jay Z Unmasked As The Man That Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy After The Video Music Awards In 2000).


Irv Gotti, Music Producer and Murder Inc. Records Co-Founder, Dead at 54

February 5, 2025 - Irv Gotti, the famed music producer, industry executive, and TV producer, died at the age of 54, The Hollywood Reporter confirmed. The cause of death is currently unknown. The instrumental hip-hop figure, born Irving Lorenzo, died after previously suffering what his representatives deemed a “minor stroke” in early 2024. At the time, they said he had changed his diet and had been “successful in making a full recovery.”...


Diddy Sued For Raping Two Women He Forced Into Group Sex

February 4. 2025

Diddy and his friend of thirty years Jay Z were sued for ganging raping a 13-year-old girl. Now there are more lawsuits against Diddy for gang raping other women.

Former rapper and music mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs has been sued for raping two women, who slam him for "forcing them into group sex" according US Weekly magazine. Diddy has been sued for raping one of the women in the presence of a club promoter. The first new lawsuit alleges Diddy ordered the club promoter to rape one of the women as well. The second lawsuit happened to a woman who was working in the industry. The cases have been filed by attorney Tony Buzbee on behalf of the two Jane Does (anonymously).

One of the women was an employee of a night club. She alleges she was drugged and raped at a Diddy party in the Hamptons. She also alleges she was raped in a second incident at a hotel where she was transported by Diddy, then drugged and forced into group sex. US Weekly reported she was "drugged, and forced to participate in group-sex activity during which she (was) sexually assaulted over the next several hours" and "raped by a club promoter at Combs' direction, while Combs observed."

The second lawsuit is from a woman who was featured in music videos by rappers. She had also auditioned for movie roles. She alleges in her lawsuit that Diddy drugged and raped her, and then, "Prohibited her from leaving, and forced her to have sex with others while he watched."

In the original Cassie lawsuit that brought Diddy down, where he was proven to be viciously assaulting the singer on his label, she alleged Diddy repeatedly forced her into group sex with male prostitutes while he watched and filmed the debauchery (Video Surfaces Of Diddy Beating Cassie At A Hotel In Los Angeles (Video)).


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

10 New Diddy Lawsuits For Rape And Sexual Assault Are Expected Shortly

February 4. 2025


Texas attorney, Tony Buzbee, has filed several lawsuits against disgraced former rapper and music mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, who is currently behind bars in New York awaiting trial. Buzbee has just announced ten more lawsuits will be filed shortly. The lawsuits are being filed by Buzbee on behalf of men and women against bisexual Diddy on allegations of rape and sexual assault.

Diddy has been sued by approximately three dozen people represented by multiple law firms. The legal fees are mounting. Enormous amounts of Diddy's money is tied up in real estate, private jets, art, jewelry and cars. Diddy also has investments. He has been trying to liquidate some of his bigger assets but unsuccessfully. People do not want to pay Diddy asking price because they know he owns these items and deem them tainted. This is what happens when someone is accused or convicted of horrendous crimes.

Diddy is set to lose even more money marking down the price tags on numerous assets to pay for his legal fees, in what is expected to be over 100 lawsuits from Buzbee alone. Keep in mind there are other law firms after Diddy for rape and sexual assault. Diddy's defense in the government's sex trafficking, racketeering, arson, and illegal guns and drugs criminal case against him can easily reach $10,000,000.

Diddy also has financial obligations regarding his seven children and their mothers, whom he all has living very luxurious lifestyles. The maintenance on his luxury homes in Florida, California and New York are also costing him millions per year. He also has extensive insurance fees on numerous assets. He is hemorrhaging money in what is a deliberate attempt to bankrupt him for his many crimes. As these alleged crimes also include rapes and commissioned murders it's hard to feel sorry for him.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

FBI Agent Arrested For Raping Three Women At Tattoo Studio In Maryland (Video)

February 3. 2025

I've written many articles on this site regarding FBI agents and officials being sexual predators committing crimes against women and children. Another agent has been arrested for sex crimes. 40-year-old FBI agent, Eduardo Valdivia, has been arrested for raping two women. A third woman has come forward as well alleging he raped her as well. The rapes occurred in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Valdivia is being held in jail without bond, as the judge presiding over the case branded him a flight risk and danger to the community.

Valdivia, while pretending to be a woman on the social networking website, Instagram, lured women to the tattoo studio with the promise of giving them modeling jobs. However, when they arrived at the modeling studio in separate incidents, they discovered they were communicating with a man. Valdivia raped them and filmed the sick encounters.

Valdivia is claiming the sexual encounters were consensual but I don't believe him. Why would he used fake names on Instagram, while pretending to be a woman, in order to lure women to his tattoo studio, falsely promising modeling jobs, if everything was above board. He's already shown himself to be a liar catfishing people on social networking and offering fake, nonexistent jobs.


FBI agent charged with raping women at Maryland tattoo studio

The same FBI agent was previously acquitted of attempted murder for a shooting on a Metro train

November 26, 2024 • Updated on November 27, 2024 at 6:11 am - Two women said Eduardo Valdivia raped them, and prosecutors said a third potential victim has come forward. News4’s Paul Wagner reports. An FBI agent is accused of luring women to his tattoo studio in Gaithersburg, Maryland, before raping and assaulting them, police say. Eduardo Valdivia, 40, was arrested Monday. Two women came forward to police and said Valdivia raped them inside DC Fine Line Tattoos on Washingtonian Boulevard, investigators with the Montgomery County Police Department said.

Both women said they went to the tattoo studio believing there were modeling opportunities with Exeter Models. The women thought they had been communicating with a woman before showing up to the studio, police said. One woman told police in October she was raped by a man she knew as "Lalo Brown," police said. A second victim came forward with a similar report in November, according to police. Both women said he sexually assaulted them during filmed modeling appointments and they did not consent, police said. Investigators later identified "Lalo Brown" as Valdivia and both women recognized him as their attacker, police said. Valdivia also used the alias "El Boogie," police said...



FBI Agent Indicted For Witness Tampering, Bribery And Cyberstalking Regarding Young Woman He Stalked And Tried To Coerce Into Marriage

The FBI Agent Who Set Up And Rigged The Attempted Kidnapping Of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Arrested For Trying To Beat His Wife To Death After A Swingers Sex Party

The FBI Has Been Criminally Going Into Hospitals And Medical Clinics In America Damaging And Killing Patients For Political And Financial Gain (Videos, Medical Documents, Photos)

Judge Issues Restraining Order Blocking The FBI From Stealing The Cash, Jewelry And Gold They Illegally Seized At A Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Box Business

FBI Agent Arrested In California And Charged With Falsifying Documents To Cover Up Bribes He Took From Organized Crime

FBI Agent Arrested For Stealing $800,000 From A Woman And Using It To Buy A House, Mercedes And Take Lavish Trips

FBI Agent Pleads Guilty To Evidence Tampering And Perjury In A Criminal Investigation Against Missouri Governor

Another FBI Agent Arrested For Stealing Money And Property From The Public (Cash, Silver, Mobile Phones)

The FBI Steals $40,200 From Black Couple In Ongoing Fraud Scheme Reminiscent Of Hitler's Nazi Police

The FBI Sued For Stealing Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars In Civil War Era Gold

FBI Agents Steal Rare Gold Coins In Brazen Defiance Of Judge's Search Warrant

Inspector General's Report Reveals Over 50 FBI Agents Took 300 Bribes

Site Exclusives

Harvey Weinstein Begs Judge To Release Him From Rough Rikers Island Jail Because He Is Sick With Cancer And Heart Disease

February 3. 2025

Harvey Weinstein and fellow sex trafficker Madonna (Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa)

Convicted rapist and charity thief, Harvey Weinstein, is longing for his days as a movie producer in Hollywood, where he ate at the finest restaurants, was ferried around in limousines and stayed in five star hotels. Now lunch is served in prison and consists of meats such as bologna and it is consumed in a small cell in New York's notorious Riker's Island jail. This man went from caviar to bologna.

Weinstein, who has cancer and heart disease, made an appearance before a judge last week where he begged, "Everyday I'm at Rikers Island, it's a mystery to me how I'm still walking. I don't know how much longer I can hold on. I'm holding on because I want justice for myself and I want this to be over with. So many people suffering on Rikers Island. I'm asking and begging you, your honor, to move your trial. I'm in a serious emergency situation. I am begging the court to move your date...to get out of this hellhole as quickly as possible."

Weinstein speaks as though he is of the belief he will be released from prison after raping dozens of women, engaging in physical violence against them and ruining countless lives and careers. Make no mistake, Weinstein deserves to be in prison. He must pay his debt to society.


Harvey Weinstein shows off horrifying look as he begs judge to listen to his bloodcurdling plea

PUBLISHED: 15:11 EST, 29 January 2025 | UPDATED: 15:29 EST, 29 January 2025 - Harvey Weinstein has shown off a horrifying new look in court as he begged a judge to listen to his bloodcurdling plea. The disgraced movie mogul asked the court to push his trial date forward due to his deteriorating health, while wearing a heavily-crumpled suit. Weinstein said 'I don't know how much longer I can hold on' as he suffers with cancer, heart issues and harsh conditions at New York City's Rikers Island jail. symbol 00:16 02:24 Read More The 72-year-old objected after Judge Curtis Farber said the retrial would start April 15, imploring him to swap with another, unrelated trial the judge has in March...



New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance Looked The Other Way To Harvey Weinstein's Crimes In 2015 Due To Pressure From The FBI And Obama White House And A Bribe

Harvey Weinstein Disgustingly Raped Defenseless Actress Annabella Sciorra And Aggressively Pursued Daryl Hannah In A Predatory Manner Outside Her Hotel Room

Harvey Weinstein Is Trying To Run Hollywood From Prison While Awaiting Retrial In New York Confirming Previous Site Claims

The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)

Site Exclusives

Diddy Sent To Hospital And Accuses The Government Of Spying On Him In Jail

February 3. 2025


There is an item in the press stating former rapper and music mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, was taken to the hospital from the Metropolitan Detention Center in New York. My first thought was they threw out Diddy's back or sprained his butt in jail, as there is a rumor in the industry that a bigger guy in there made him a bottom. He got a dose of his own medicine. However, it turns out the hospital visit was due to pain in his knee, which truthfully doesn't sound very innocent either.

Diddy has accused the government of spying on him in jail. Well, duh! I don't agree with illegal spying, but what were you expecting in jail (Judge Tells Diddy He Did Not Prove Government Leaked Cassie Video To Prejudice The Case Against Him And Dismisses His Motion). Considering you used hidden cameras to spy on unsuspecting people, even your late girlfriend, Kim Porter, who was the mother of three of your children, no one feels sorry for a voyeur like you (Diddy Accused Of Several Commissioned Murders). This is the same thing you did to others.


Diddy says government is spying on him in jail as iconic magazine editor makes shocking claims against him

PUBLISHED: 19:00 EST, 24 January 2025 | UPDATED: 21:18 EST, 24 January 2025 e-mail 16 shares 120 View comments e-mail Top +99Home 120 View comments Attorneys for disgraced rap mogul Sean 'Diddy' Combs claim federal investigators posed as prison guards to search through his cell for evidence in the case against him. The accusation was made as appalling new allegations are set to be levied against Diddy in a documentary next week, including the former editor-in-chief of Vibe Magazine, Danyel Smith, who claims Diddy threatened to kill her... 



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

Reagan Airport Crash Has Internet Questioning Why A Blackhawk Military Helicopter Fatally Flew Straight Into A Commercial Airliner Without Deviating (Video)

January 31. 2025

The horrific January 29, 2025 midair collision of a Blackhawk military helicopter with an American Airlines commercial airplane carrying 64 people is the subject of intense scrutiny and controversy on the internet. Videos show the 3-man Blackhawk helicopter flying straight into the American Airlines plane over the Potomac River at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. There was time to deviate but the pilot did not, on a helicopter that can be controlled by remote. The public wants to known what happened, as the incident looks like domestic terrorism in the form of a mass murder suicide.

The American Airlines plane had departed from Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport in Kansas. It carried adults and children from figure skating, including two champions, among others. The Blackhawk helicopter was on a training exercise (onboard was Chief Warrant Officer Andrew Eaves, Staff Sergeant Ryan O'Hara, and a female pilot whose name is strangely being withheld).

The question is why were they flying so low and were they still in control of the aircraft as it deliberately slammed into the American Airlines plane. The whole thing has the appearance of a domestic terrorist attack. It does not look like negligence. It reminds me of September 11th, which was done by George W. Bush's FBI and CIA, via their asset Osama Bin Laden (who is not really dead).


Site Exclusives

'Die Hard' Actor Reginald VelJohnson Denies Diddy Had Sex With Him At 'Freak Off' Orgy As Mentioned In Dave Chappelle Monologue

Everybody Thought Diddy Violated Carl From "Family Matters"

January 29. 2025

VelJohnson: Diddy never hit this

There is an item that has been going around for months online claiming currently incarcerated, bisexual rapper, Sean "Diddy" Combs, 55, was caught having sex with "Die Hard" and "Family Matters" gay actor, Reginald VelJohnson, 72. This incident was said to have taken place at one of Diddy's infamous "freak off" sex parties. Comedian and actor, Dave Chappelle, recently made a joke about it in a monologue.

Chappelle stated, "Can you imagine if you were me reading a newspaper and found out everyone in Hollywood had an orgy behind your back? Some guy who said he knew Puffy was like, ‘Yeah, man. I was at the freak-off one time and I went in the back room and Puff was in there with Carl Winslow, the dad from Family Matters! He was smashing. And I was like, ‘Oh my G-d. Carl Winslow from Family Matters was there and I wasn’t invited. It’s worse than I thought.’"


In response to the rumor VelJohnson said, "It’s all bulls**t." VelJohnson also stated the person who started the alleged rumor should, "Get a life." In response to Chappelle including it in his monologue VelJohnson stated, "That stuff that came out is so false but I have to hear it every now and then. Dave Chappelle made it funny, and I really appreciate that. That was really cool. He made it seem very civil. It was kinda nice to see him talk about me. I just wish he was talking about something a little bit better than that stupid lie with Diddy. But he made it funny, and I appreciate that. It made me look good."

I'm not sure that was a compliment and I'm being nice in stating it that way. It came across like him stating even you were invited to the "freak offs" and he was not. It's not your looks. You're not a bad looking guy but you are older than Diddy and have played characters who are squares, none of which is Diddy's type. If it were about looks I'd state Jay Z, not you VelJohnson. Jay Z is the standard of ugly I use as a measurement (for example: "Is the guy ugly? Do you mean ugly or like Jay Z uglyyyy?").

VelJohnson also stated, "I have no idea why they started that. I don’t know why, and it will never go away. I never even met the man. I have no idea what they’re talking about. I just pay it no mind and keep on doing what I do."


‘Family Matters’ Star Reginald VelJohnson Denies Dave Chappelle’s ‘SNL’

Carl Winslow swears he wasn’t there ‘Family Matters’ Star Reginald VelJohnson Denies Dave Chappelle’s ‘SNL’ Diddy Story January 24, 2025 Matt Solomon Matt Solomon Dave Chappelle concluded he must be ugly. It’s the only logical explanation, he joked last weekend during his Saturday Night Live monologue, as to why he was never invited to any of Diddy’s notorious freak-offs. “Can you imagine if you were me reading a newspaper and found out everyone in Hollywood had an orgy behind your back?” he laughed...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

Diddy Accused Of Threatening To Murder Journalist

January 29. 2025

Diddy is depraved and deadly

Former Vibe magazine editor, Danyel Smith, stated Diddy threatened to kill her over a cover. In the Discovery documentary "The Fall of Diddy" Smith stated Diddy became angry when she would not show him an advance copy of the magazine cover he was placed on. Smith stated Diddy threatened, "He'd see me dead in a trunk if I didn't show it to him." Smith had to threaten to go to the police to get Diddy to back off.

One can't take such threats lightly from someone like Diddy, as he has a history of violence, both commissioned and otherwise. Diddy has been accused of having many people killed including the late rapper, Tupac Shakur (Diddy Accused Of Several Commissioned Murders).


Sean 'Diddy' Combs 'wanted' key journalist dead

January 26, 2025 Sean Diddy Combs wanted key journalist dead Sean 'Diddy' Combs 'wanted' key journalist dead Since Sean' Diddy' Combs's arrest, many claims have emerged about him. The recent one by ex-editor-in-chief of Vibe Magazine, Danyel Smith, alleged a threat to end her life in 1994. She claimed in the upcoming Investigation Discovery docuseries The Fall of Diddy that the disgraced music mogul became enraged after she refused to show him an early preview of a magazine cover he was featured in. "He'd see me dead in a trunk if I didn't show it to him."...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

Mindless Behavior Boyband Singer Is Working At Amazon (Video)

January 28. 2025


Congress really needs to do something about the thieves in the music industry. I was on the social networking website X (Twitter) and saw a post about the former boyband Mindless Behavior. They sold nearly 500,000 albums and approximately 1,000,000 singles. They also sold approximately 1,000,000 ringtones and have YouTube views in excess of 200,000,000. They also toured, performing many concert dates for years. Yet one of their members is working at Amazon.

Mindless Behavior

This is not directed at Amazon, as they employ many people. This is directed at Hollywood, including the music industry, for robbing so many people. Each member of Mindless Behavior should have walked away from the group with at least $1,500,000. However, they clearly did not, as none of the members have that kind of money from their music careers. However, dirty deals and straight out robbery deprive so many of earning a decent living in the industry, though they generate millions in revenues for labels and studios.


Site Exclusives

Prince Harry Scores Big Legal Victory Against Rupert Murdoch's Sun Newspaper Confirming Previous Site Claims

January 24. 2025

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Britain's Prince Harry (the Duke of Sussex), the son of the late Princess Diana who was literally hounded to death by the press, has scored a major legal victory against Rupert Murdoch's Sun newspaper and parent company News Group Newspapers, in London. Prince Harry even got them to admit wrongdoing. The Sun and other Murdoch newspapers have consistently printed lies about Prince Harry and his family. When he married African-American actress, Meghan Markle (the Duchess of Sussex), the lies grew even worse. They nearly drove Markle to suicide, which would have been terrible.

In 2005, I sued child sex trafficker, voyeur, illegal wiretapper and copyright thief, Madonna, along with the Sun newspaper in Miami. I did not win the case due to the judge, Cecilia Altonaga, accepting a bribe, in the form of stock from one of the defendants. Then, when the case was filed by me on appeal with the Supreme Court, the same defendants bribed the head of the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts, at that very time with over $750,000 in stock, not to hear the case (The Associated Press Accuses U.S. Supreme Court Judges Of Taking Stocks As Bribes And They're Right). The letter I was sent from the Supreme Court noted that Justice Alito abstained from the case. The letter did not state why.

The FBI aided and abetted Madonna in the crimes due to her having bribed former FBI Director, Robert Mueller. The FBI refused to release the FOIA files on the case to me. Then the FBI refused to release the FOIA files on the case to Congress (The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)).

The Madonna and Rupert Murdoch case is going to haunt the Supreme Court in world history over what those defendants have truly been doing behind the scenes and the horrible scope of how far reaching and heinous it has been, which will be revealed to the public. It's worse than them letting off child sex traffickers and rapists, which has since been revealed regarding Madonna and by default her coconspirators such as Harvey Weinstein and Sean "Diddy" Combs (who are now in prison on other charges). There is also another horrific angle to that case in what the defendants have been doing and the damage it caused and continues to cause.

In 2005, I'd also filed a complaint with the Metropolitan Police in London alleging Madonna and Rupert Murdoch have been illegally wiretapping people (Metropolitan Police complaint). 6-months after my complaint and speaking to them on the phone, the Metropolitan Police arrested some of Murdoch's employees for wiretapping, just as I had alleged, in what became the phone hacking scandal.

During the Metropolitan Police's investigation and the CPS's case against Murdoch's company and employees for illegal wiretapping, computer hacking, trespassing, burglary and theft, it was discovered Murdoch and company had illegally wiretapped Prince Harry and his brother Prince William (the Duke of Cambridge), among other notable people. Some of Murdoch's employees were imprisoned for these crimes.

Prince Harry is seeking an additional criminal investigation for the ongoing crimes of Murdoch and company, regarding illegal wiretapping and computer hacking, among other violations of the law. The fact of the matter is Murdoch, his employees, and people like Madonna who hire private investigators to illegally wiretap, computer hack, stalk, burglarize, harass and threaten innocent people they become fixated with, never stopped these sick crimes.


Prince Harry wins legal battle against Murdoch papers, the Sun admits wrongdoing

Wed, January 22, 2025 at 6:27 AM EST - LONDON - Prince Harry settled his privacy claim against Rupert Murdoch's UK newspaper group on Wednesday after the publisher admitted unlawful actions at its Sun tabloid for the first time, bringing the fiercely contested legal battle to a dramatic end. In a stunning victory for Harry, 40, the younger son of King Charles III, News Group Newspapers, publisher of The Sun and the now-defunct News of the World, also admitted it had intruded into the private life of his late mother, Princess Diana.

Harry's lawyer, David Sherborne, said the publisher had agreed to pay the prince substantial damages. A source familiar with the settlement said it involved an eight-figure sum. Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, speaks onstage during The New York Times Dealbook Summit 2024 at Jazz at Lincoln Center on Dec. 4, 2024 in New York City. Harry had been suing NGN at the High Court in London, accusing its newspapers of unlawfully obtaining private information about him from 1996 until 2011.

The trial to consider the royal's case, and a similar lawsuit from former senior British lawmaker Tom Watson, was due to start on Tuesday but following last-gasp talks, the two sides reached a settlement, with NGN saying there had been wrongdoing at The Sun, something it had denied for years. "NGN offers a full and unequivocal apology to the Duke of Sussex for the serious intrusion by The Sun between 1996 and 2011 into his private life, including incidents of unlawful activities carried out by private investigators working for The Sun," Sherborne said.

"NGN further apologises to the Duke for the impact on him of the extensive coverage and serious intrusion into his private life as well as the private life of Diana, Princess of Wales, his late mother, in particular during his younger years." NGN has paid out hundreds of millions of pounds to victims of phone-hacking and other unlawful information gathering by the News of the World, and settled more than 1,300 lawsuits involving celebrities, politicians, well-known sports figures and ordinary people who were connected to them or major events.

 But it had always rejected any claims that there was wrongdoing at The Sun newspaper, or that any senior figures knew about it or tried to cover it up, as Harry's lawsuit alleges. Harry said his mission was to get the truth and accountability, after other claimants settled cases to avoid the risk of a multi-million-pound legal bill that could be imposed even if they won in court but rejected NGN's offer. He said the reason he had not settled was because his lawsuit was not about money, but because he wanted the publishers' executives and editors to be held to account and to admit their wrongdoing. This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Prince Harry wins tabloid legal battle, the Sun admits wrongdoing


Music Producer Devante Swing Dropped From Diddy Lawsuit Regarding Rape Of 16-Year-Old Girl

January 24. 2025

Devante Swing

Music producer, Devante Swing, who is also a member of the quartet Jodeci, has been dropped from a rape lawsuit that was filed against rapper and hip hop mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs (Music Producer Devante Swing Implicated In Diddy's Criminal Conduct In Rape Lawsuit). Swing was accused of allowing Diddy and singer Aaron Hall to rape a 16-year-old girl at the time, Liza Gardner, in Swing's New Jersey home.

Hip Hop DX also reported, "Gardner also accused Puffy of being physically violent towards her in the days after the alleged assault." Diddy has been accused of assaulting men and women (Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)).

Jay Z and Diddy have been sued for raping underage girls

Swing was recently removed from the lawsuit in a voluntary dismissal, filed without prejudice, which means the allegation can be re-filed with his name at a later date. However, for now and maybe indefinitely, Swing is no longer involved in the lawsuit as a defendant.

There have been rumors since the mid-1990s that Devante Swing and another Jodeci member were raped in a home invasion in New Jersey, commissioned by someone in the entertainment industry, who induced two felons to commit the sick acts. Swing was severely injured in the incident after he was tied up, bit off one of the assailant's fingers and was hit in the head with a pistol. The incident happened on his birthday. Swing has not been the same since.


Jodeci's Devante Swing Off The Hook In Diddy Rape Lawsuit

Published on: Jan 18, 2025, 2:30 PM PST - Jodeci member DeVante Swing has been removed — for now — from a lawsuit filed last year against both him and Diddy. In the suit, Swing was accused of “aiding” Diddy in the alleged rape of a 16-year-old girl back in 1990. On Wednesday (January 15), the alleged victim, Liza Gardner, filed a notice of voluntary dismissal regarding Swing, meaning that all charges against him are now dismissed. The notice was filed without prejudice, which means there is the option to re-file the charges at a later date...

“At the time Combs assaulted Ms. Gardner, she recalls feeling the side effects of the alcohol. She recalls Combs mounting her, and forcing up her skirt, pulling her underwear to the side and forcefully penetrating her,” the complaint reads. Gardner also accused Puffy of being physically violent towards her in the days after the alleged assault...



Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

Diddy's Sons Are Drug Addicts

January 24. 2025

Diddy (second from the left) posing with his sons Justin Combs (left) and Christian Combs (second from the right), along with Christian's half brother Quincy Brown.

Former rapper and hip hop mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs is currently behind bars awaiting trial on sex trafficking and RICO charges in New York. Diddy is the father of seven children. He set a bad example for his children, in exposing them to his debauched and depraved lifestyle. Diddy's sons witnessed and participated in sex crimes.

Diddy who was a drug dealer and so was his dad, also set such a bad example that his sons became drug addicts as well. Diddy's sons, particularly Christian Combs, loves cocaine. Diddy also had a partnership with alcohol maker Diageo, which ended very badly for him (Sexual Assault And Battery Lawsuits Filed Against Rapper Diddy By Ex-Girlfriend Cassie And Others Have Now Cost Him His Brands Ciroc And DéLeon Liquors As Parent Company Diageo Gives Him The Boot).

Diddy's son, Justin Combs, constantly promoted the liquor brands on social networking and at parties. Justin met in an accident after drinking in what terrified his distraught mother. Diddy had also exposed Justin to violence when he shot Justin's friend in his presence, and in another incident physically assaulted Justin's football coach at UCLA. Diddy has repeatedly exposed his children to terrible, traumatic and illegal behavior.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

Chris Brown Files $500 Million Defamation Lawsuit Over Discovery Channel Documentary Labeling Him A Rapist

January 23. 2025

Chris Brown

R&B singer Chris Brown, 35, was labeled a rapist in the Discovery/Warner Bros documentary "Chris Brown: A History of Violence" (New Documentary Accuses Singer Chris Brown Of Rape At A Diddy Party (Videos)). Brown stated he submitted documentation through an attorney refuting the rape claims of a Jane Doe that filed and withdrew a lawsuit against him with allegations of the same. However, Brown alleges it was ignored and the documentary went forth anyway.

Mainstream press outlets are reporting Brown has now filed a $500 million dollar lawsuit against Discovery and Warner Bros over the documentary. Brown alleges he was made to look like a "serial rapist and a sexual abuser" in the documentary. Brown's attorney Levi McCathern complained they took the anonymous victim's word for it, "Who's been completely discredited story and protect her identity and treat her like a victim and put this out there for the public eye."

Brown had been attending Diddy parties and it has tarnished his name in the fall out of the rap mogul's arrest and massive fall from grace. Diddy's sons even appeared in Brown's music video for the song "Go Crazy." Due to those business and personal ties, it enabled Jane Doe to come forward and tell her story due to the Diddy scandal that has damaged Hollywood.


New Documentary Accuses Singer Chris Brown Of Rape At A Diddy Party (Videos)

Diddy's Sons Got Into A Fight With Ray J That Was Broken Up By Chris Brown

Former President Joe Biden Pardoning His Family, Dr. Fauci, The January 6 Committee And Liz Cheney Is An Indication Of Guilt To The Public

January 22. 2025

Joe Biden and Jill Biden

Social networking is slamming former President Joe Biden for pardoning many of his bribe soliciting family members, COVID-19 doctor Anthony Fauci, General Mark Milley, the January 6 committee and former congresswoman, Liz Cheney. It is being interpreted as a sign of guilt. Because as Biden famously stated months before the last minute pardons, innocent people don't need them. Both sides of the political aisle are currently slamming Biden for the embarrassing, preemptive pardons.

It makes it all the worst that the January 6 committee destroyed evidence. Fauci used the courts in aiding big pharma to hide evidence. It's just pure corruption left, right and center. The American public and the world do not respect it. This matter is being written about and condemned in newspapers and on television shows all over the world. This insanity the Biden administration has wrought, all to wrestle away control in a rigged election, only to financially and socially decimate America via record inflation and debt, and social discord. They brought a lot of suffering on America and God is going to punish them for that.

The public domestically and globally had to endure 4-years of Biden talking pure rubbish in press conferences and interviews, while embarrassing America at every turn. People who invested in America saw their money go up in smoke under Biden's terrible economic policies. All so former President Barack Obama could have an illegal third term in office, which was embarrassing and pathetic, and Biden could also pretend to be President of the United States. Look at all the destruction it wrought. It also facilitated terrible wars in Ukraine, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen.

Then there is the record theft of taxpayer money. An enormous amount of money has gone missing under the Biden administration. It was one big cash grab at the taxpayers' expense. That money will be nothing but trouble to you who have stolen it. Enriching yourselves and family members in this manner is a terrible idea. God sees all and will not overlook it.


Vice President Kamala Harris Facing Heavy Scrutiny Online For Stating She Will Fix The Economy If Elected But She And President Joe Biden Broke It

Americans Are Losing Everything Because Of President Joe Biden's Awful Economy And Are Being Forced To Move To Other States

President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Joe Biden's Lewy Body Dementia Is Rapidly Advancing

Site Exclusives

President Trump Told President Biden To 'Shut Up' As They Posed For Photos At His Second Inauguration

January 22. 2025

Joe Biden and Donald Trump

According to the Daily Mail there was a tense exchange between former President Joe Biden and incumbent President Donald Trump at the latter's inauguration this week. Both men were cold in the Washington weather. Trump remarked "I'm freezing." Biden responded, "I'm freezing too." Then Trump stated "Shut up." Biden then, "Laughed and went inside." There is no love lost between those two (LOL).

The Biden administration via the DOJ kept having Trump indicted, while his CIA and FBI tried to kill him. It's a wonder Trump didn't cut Biden right there at the inauguration. All you would have heard is Trump saying, "Barron, hand me my shank!" (LOL I'm kidding).

Joe Biden

You know Trump can't stand him. The Biden administration kept indicting him every time he was ahead in the polls. It was one of the craziest things I ever saw. They even had him arrested and raided his house in Florida. They went through his wife's underwear draw, as the FBI and Biden are perverts. Biden also tried to take Trump's building in New York worth nearly a billion dollars, as punishment in one of the many cases he had brought against him.

They knew they went too far, evident by the fact Biden quickly issued pardons for his family on his way out the White House door, as they are not on the right side of the law. Now they're all running for cover. Ironically, Trump made a statement today stating Biden pardoned everyone but himself, which some are interpreting as a threat of legal action. How would they prosecute Biden, though. Biden would sleep through his own criminal trial and repeatedly try to sniff the judge.


Trump and Melania meet Joe and Jill Biden as they prepare to pick up keys to the White House

10:01 EST, 20 January 2025 | UPDATED: 10:49 EST, 20 January 2025 - Donald Trump and Joe Biden exchanged smiles for the cameras as they met at the White House on Monday morning ahead of the president-elect formally taking power. The president-elect and Melania Trump walked up the front stairs hand-in-hand, where President Biden and first lady Jill Biden awaited them.

'Welcome home,' Biden told Trump. symbol 00:00 00:00 Read More The two couples shook hands and briefly posed for pictures, looking visibly cold in the wind. Biden and Trump joked about the weather, a lip reading expert told DailyMail.com. 'Let me do my coat up. I'm freezing,' Trump told Biden. 'I'm freezing too,' Biden replied. 'Shut up,' Trump told him as Biden laughed. 'I'm going inside.'...



Vice President Kamala Harris Facing Heavy Scrutiny Online For Stating She Will Fix The Economy If Elected But She And President Joe Biden Broke It

Americans Are Losing Everything Because Of President Joe Biden's Awful Economy And Are Being Forced To Move To Other States

President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Joe Biden's Lewy Body Dementia Is Rapidly Advancing

Site Exclusives

Hollywood Sexually Abusing Children, Cutting Kids And Injecting Their Blood

January 22. 2025


As stated on the site previously, Hollywood stars and executives (including songwriters, screenwriters, producers and directors) are demanding people bring their children to them to be sexually and physically abused, in exchange for career advancement in the industry. Some were even asked to sacrifice their child (kill their child) and they did so for a career in Hollywood. What horrible human beings they are to do such ghastly and wicked things.

The children illegally brought to these stars and executives are being terribly sexually abused. They are also being physically abused, via being slapped, punched and cut with knives, as these sick Hollywood weirdoes extract pleasure from seeing children suffer. It is known in Hollywood that certain sickoes have an obsession with cutting children and watching them bleed and cry. One nasty, dirty, ugly, washed up, child snatching female singer ghoulishly bragged, "I like the taste of children's blood." These people are sick and satanic. They are also having the children's blood drawn then injected into themselves, falsely believing it makes them look younger and gives them vigor.

Never mind they look so old like they were around when the Constitution was signed. They move very poorly as well, as these things happen with aging. No one is mistaking them for young. Yet they are horribly abusing children under the false belief it makes them look younger and gives them youth. These people need to be behind bars for the rest of their lives and so do the parents who have been handing their kids over to be abused in exchange for fame and money.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

President Donald Trump Is Back In The White House (Video)

January 21. 2025

President Donald Trump has moved back into the White House, after a decisive victory in the November 2024 presidential election. Trump is the first U.S. President to win the presidential election after previously losing it. Trump is the 45th and 47th President of the United States. His current win was due to the terrible mess the Biden administration made of the U.S. economy, replete with record inflation and debt.

Donald Trump

Trump's swearing in ceremony was attended by his family and former U.S. Presidents, such as Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Trump lit up Biden in his speech during the swearing in ceremony. Biden sat there sleeping at some points, while laughing during others.


Joe Biden and Jill Biden

Trump gave a very optimistic speech but I have to be honest, an enormous amount of damage was done to America by the Biden administration, much of which has been hidden, and Trump and his team will begin seeing now that they are back in office. The Biden administration made an enormous mess and cleaning it up will be very tough (dare I say a nightmare).


Vice President Kamala Harris Facing Heavy Scrutiny Online For Stating She Will Fix The Economy If Elected But She And President Joe Biden Broke It

Americans Are Losing Everything Because Of President Joe Biden's Awful Economy And Are Being Forced To Move To Other States

President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Joe Biden's Lewy Body Dementia Is Rapidly Advancing

Site Exclusives

Los Angeles Fires Continue To Rage While Local Government Attempts To Dodge The Blame

January 21. 2025

View of Los Angeles fire from airplane window

The Los Angeles fires, which were manmade and began on January, 7 2025, continue to rage, consuming all it comes into contact with, leaving a wide trail of devastation. After weeks of burning the fires are somewhat contained. The fires have consumed an enormous amount of homes, businesses and vegetation (over 12,500 structures). Worst of all the fires killed 27 people and many animals.

The local government in California, led by Gavin Newsom, have repeatedly pointed the finger at others, when they are to blame regarding their lack of preparedness and incompetence. It was their own folly in leaving the brush uncleared, then opportunists saw an opportunity to start a fire. Some arsonists have been arrested but the main culprits responsible for the Pacific Palisades fire have not been detained and they were seen close to the scene of the crime when the fire first erupted.


Houses on fire in Los Angeles

California is too woke. Yes  everyone should be socially responsible and treat others equally. However, when your gender, sexuality and race become the main focal point of your job in government, it will clearly take a back seat to the tasks at hand - namely your job. California suffers from this. Everything in the government is about their genitals. As a result, they have not been about the people's business.

Reservoirs and fire hydrants were empty (even though they had more rain than usual in 2023 but Newsom sent it and snow melt into the Pacific Ocean). Brush was not being cleared. Private interests were allowed to commandeer enormous amounts of water for business interests (Lynda and Stewart Resnick). The state has poor irrigation, particularly in Los Angeles and San Francisco, which are among California's biggest and most populated states.

Remnants of houses in Los Angeles after fire consumed the structures

I visited California years ago to do some filming and the vistas were beautiful. God gave the state all this natural beauty yet successive woke governments in California have done a very poor job of taking care of it. After the 2018 fires, I offered some suggestions at keeping the state safe (California Wildfires Ravage The State Necessitating The Need For Computerized Irrigation Systems). However, all Newsom and others in his circle did was tax Californians more and more, then fail them.

California also suffers from poor city planning and it has concerned me for years. Each area of the world has various hazards, whether it be natural disaster related or otherwise. However, the California government has done alarming things, such as build large structures on earthquake fault lines. When the Big One hits there will be a significant amount of destruction.

Pacific Palisades destroyed by fire

In the mean time, California now has a massive mess to clean up and while preparing for the 2028 Olympics. For many decades every city that landed the Olympics is busy doing preparation down to the last minutes before the massive event begins. How will California clean up and rebuild, and prepare for the Olympics at the same time. Newsom is being proud and unrealistic. He is pretending to have it all under control. The mere fact these fires did this much damage says he does not have things under control. They will need an enormous amount of help from other states.

Furthermore, it is Newsom's unnecessary bureaucracy that caused so many insurers to drop many Los Angelinos months before the fires, who have now lost their homes with little way to rebuild. Newsom's policies also resulted in gas costing twice as much in California as the rest of the nation (a Valero gas executive outed Newsom as the source of the problem due to excess regulations and fees). Newsom, if you care about the state of California, resign!


California Wildfires Ravage The State Necessitating The Need For Computerized Irrigation Systems

Drake Files Defamation Lawsuit Against Universal Music Over The Kendrick Lamar Song 'Not Like Us' But This Time Under His Name

January 21. 2025


Bisexual rapper Drake, real name Aubrey Graham, is extremely upset over the success of song "Not Like Us" by Kendrick Lamar, which slammed him as a pedophile and one who mocked slavery in America. The song has demolished Drake's career. However, Drake's conduct regarding underage girls, and his foul lyrics mocking slavery, has angered any people.

The bisexual rapper filed a type of Jane Doe, excuse me, John Doe, lawsuit against Universal Music Group, for releasing and heavily promoting the diss track "Not Like Us" (Drake Sues Universal Music Group Over Kendrick Lamar Diss Track 'Not Like Us' Wrecking His Rap Career). Weeks later, Drake has actually filed a defamation lawsuit under his stage name.

Kendrick Lamar

Drake has taken umbrage to being called "a sex offender." Well, it's his own fault for romancing minors such as Bella Harris and Millie Bobby Brown (Rapper Drake Slammed For Kissing And Groping An Underage Girl and Drake Cancels Concerts And Unfollows 14-Year-Old Actress Millie Bobby Brown On Social Networking After She Told The World About Their Secret Texting).

Universal responded to the lawsuit in a statement denying Drake's claims, "Not only are these claims untrue, but the notion that we would seek to harm the reputation of any artist - let alone Drake - is illogical." Well, it's made them a lot of money and in Hollywood that's all these companies care about, as seen in the terrible lengths they go to in order to get revenues.


Jay Z Slammed On Social Networking For His Choice Of Kendrick Lamar To Headline The Super Bowl Halftime Show In New Orleans Rather Than Locals Such As Rappers Lil Wayne And Master P

Criminal Defense Attorney Blames Rapper Drake For The Murder Of Rapper XXXTentacion Confirming Previous Site Claims

Shooting Leaves Man Seriously Injured At Drake's Mansion In Toronto During Rap Beef With Kendrick Lamar (Video)

Drake Sues Universal Music Group Over Kendrick Lamar Diss Track 'Not Like Us' Wrecking His Rap Career

Drake Violates The Rights Of The Late Rapper Tupac Angering Attorneys For His Estate

Adults And Children Are Still Being Raped In Hollywood And Some Have Been Killed

January 21. 2025


Even though the MeToo movement has brought great awareness to the sick, depraved practices of Hollywood, regarding sexually assaulting and raping adults and children, the criminal misconduct continues. There are still high profile celebrities and executives in Hollywood sexually assaulting and raping men, women and children.

Much of it is centered among wealthy people in Hollywood who are of the belief they will never be caught. The Kabbalah cult and Scientology sect continue to sexually abuse people. Children are still being preyed upon. Hollywood needs raids that sweep up all the criminals in the industry or they will continue to commit these horrendously evil crimes.

Hollywood via its evil satanism, pedophilia, rape and thievery are bringing bad things on America. This is why all these terrible things have been happening. Hollywood is driven by the most evil depravity you could imagine. They have thugs kidnap people's children. They observe and pick out people's beautiful children they want brought to them for them to satisfy what they call "the evil urge."

Some of these children were observed online on their parents' social networking pages, and in public at malls, restaurants and in school yards, among other places. Thugs on the payrolls of celebrities and executives kidnap the children and quietly bring them to Hollywood where they are horribly abused.

Select celebrities and executives rape the underage girls and boys at private residences and clandestine cult gatherings in mansions. It has destroyed so many young lives. Some of the children were also murdered to cover up the evidence. It is rooted in the Jewish Talmud. These illegal sex crimes against children are heavily practiced in Hollywood by Jewish people following the Talmud.

However, you also have non-Jewish people in Hollywood engaging in these sick practices as well, to be a part of an industry that is own and run by Jewish people. It has become a sick way of life for them in what started as a way to gain access to career opportunities in Hollywood and money.

For instance, a well known, non-Jewish, older, ugly, married rapper has ordered people in the industry seeking career advancement to bring him their children and he molested them, both boys and girls. This man has even impregnated minors and is trying to cover it up via engaging in bribery and corruption in courts. Some underage girls were forced into abortions to hide the evidence of what that monster and his fellow pedophiles have been doing.

Some of you sitting at home watching TV, listening to the radio and reading the internet think you know these celebrities, but you do not at all. The FBI and CIA are fully aware of these crimes by Hollywood and have looked the other way to them for decades in what is pure corruption and evil (The FBI Sued By Victims Of Jeffrey Epstein Over The Law Enforcement Agency's 20-Year Cover Up Of Their Informant's Pedophilic Crimes Against Underage Girls While Using Him To Blackmail The Rich And Famous and Another FBI Agent Arrested For Being A Pedophile Sexually Abusing Children).

However, a time is coming where world governments are going start bringing them to justice because the FBI and CIA are so corrupted they can't be trusted to do the right thing and are involved in the pedophilic crimes against children.


Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant

Rapper YK Osiris Who Is Linked To Diddy And Drake Accuses Hollywood Of Sexually Abusing Young Entertainers (Video)

Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood (Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)

Singer R Kelly Forced Underage Child Star Aaliyah To Have Threesomes Against Her Wishes

Armie Hammer Is Not The Only Cannibal In Hollywood (And It's Even Worse Than You Think)

Hollywood Sexual Abuse Practices Trapped Teens And Adults Alike As Seen In Diddy's Circle

Sex Tape Of Diddy Having Sex With A Minor Is Being Shopped Around Hollywood

Site Exclusives

Diddy Sued For Drugging And Raping 16-Year-Old Babysitter He Met At Jennifer Lopez's Apartment Building

January 16. 2025

Jay Z and Diddy have been sued for raping underage girls

Former rapper and hip hop mogul, Sean "Diddy" Combs, currently sits behind bars awaiting trial for sex trafficking, arson and a host of other charges. Diddy has been sued over two dozen times for sexual assault. Some of the lawsuits detail accusations against Diddy for raping minors. The latest lawsuit will not help his plight either.

In a new Jane Doe legal filing Diddy has been sued for drugging and raping a 16-year-old babysitter. The lawsuit states the incident occurred 20-years ago while Diddy was dating actress Jennifer Lopez. The lawsuit indicates Diddy offered the minor a ride home after she finished a babysitting job in a building Lopez lived at the time.

She stated Diddy and two of his associates were in a car. They offered her the ride home and she repeatedly stated no. However, after they persisted she relented. She stated they offered her a drink which made her feel "groggy" and "unsteady." This is a common complaint in many lawsuits against Diddy. Even ex-girlfriend, Cassie, stated Diddy drugged her with pills on their first date.

The New York Post reported, "The accuser claims she was taken to another location where the disgraced music mogul allegedly raped her, according to court papers. Eventually, Combs’ two employees drove her home and left her in the lobby of her building, the suit charges. The allegations are among the wave of civil lawsuits filed against the fallen rapper after he was slapped with federal sex trafficking charges last September."


Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs accused in new lawsuit of raping 16-year-old baby-sitter in NYC

Published Jan. 14, 2025, 9:07 a.m. ET - Sean “Diddy” Combs has been accused in a new lawsuit of raping a 16-year-old baby-sitter after luring her into his car in the Big Apple more than two decades ago. The woman, only identified as “Jane Doe,” claims she had just finished a baby-sitting gig at an apartment building in Lower Manhattan when she ran into the Bad Boy Records founder in late 2000, according to court papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court on Monday.

The high schooler, who lived around the corner with her parents at the time, claimed Combs’ romantic partner — only described as a “well-known woman” — lived in the same building where she worked as a sitter, the filing states. It coincides with when Combs was known to be dating Jennifer Lopez. The accuser alleges Combs, who was sitting in a car outside with two male employees, repeatedly offered her a ride home, telling her it wasn’t safe for her to be walking alone at night...



Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politicians

Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Beyonce Knows Of Husband Jay Z's Sex Crimes Against Underage Girls And Has Kept Quiet For Money

January 16. 2025

Hollywood cultists Tina Knowles, Jay Z, Beyonce and 13-year-old daughter Blue Ivy at the "Mufasa" film premier

Shawn "Jay Z" Carter has been sued for raping a 13-year-old girl with his longtime friend and former rapper, Sean "Diddy" Combs (Rapper Jay Z Unmasked As The Man That Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy After The Video Music Awards In 2000). The allegations have destroyed Jay Z and Diddy's names with the public. So have these claims of pedophile and statutory rape against Jay Z (Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant).

A well connected source responsible for some of my site exclusives (and over 500 of them have proven true and correct thus far), informed me that Beyonce has known for years about Jay Z's sexual proclivities regarding underage girls but has kept silent because she loves money and fame, and knows they would lose everything if the truth came out. Then the allegations began leaking out despite threats from Jay Z and Beyonce's publicists and she has kept silent. Beyonce is not innocent in all of this. Beyonce knows her husband is a sexual predator who has been preying on minors for decades but has placed money ahead of the public's safety and the human rights of underage girls.


Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politicians

Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Diddy Slams Prosecutors Over Entering Nine Sex Tapes From His Freak Off Parties Into Evidence In Criminal Case

January 15. 2025


Former rapper and hip hop mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs, 55, has spent the past 4-months locked up in the Metropolitan Detention Center in New York awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. Diddy is also charged with arson, racketeering, and illegal drug and gun possession. If convicted on the charges Diddy could spend the rest of his life in prison.

This week prosecutors in the case entered into evidence 9 sex tapes of Diddy and others. They were made at Diddy's infamous "freak off" sex parties, which all of Hollywood is familiar with, and some in the sporting industry. Diddy's lawyers slammed the prosecution for submitting the sex tapes, labeling the actions "sexist and puritanical" and claiming the footage contains "only consensual sex between willing adults." People in Hollywood who attended the "freak offs" are scared their illegally made sex tapes will be the ones that come up in court.

Diddy's ex-girlfriend, Cassie, was not a willing party. From the age of 19, Diddy, who was in his thirties at the time, imposed himself on Cassie, whom he had just signed to a record deal. He didn't care that she had a boyfriend, music producer Ryan Leslie. Diddy made Cassie his sex slave and she was scared of him.

Cassie hated him. She also hated Diddy's demands she have sexual intercourse with strangers who are sex workers. Diddy also had Cassie service men and women in the industry. Diddy was prostituting Cassie, much like his best friend and former, fellow drug dealer, Jay Z, has done to protégés Rihanna, Rita Ora, and on some occasions his wife, Beyonce.

Some of Diddy's "freak off" sex parties turned into orgies. Some of the individuals present were unwilling participants, as they had been drugged and raped. When you hear depraved rappers like Rick Ross brag about drugging and raping women, it is because this is something they do in the industry in the sick Hollywood cult they are in called Kabbalah. These lunatics even call themselves "the Illuminati." Even the rabbi for the cult, Yehuda Berg, was successfully sued for drugging and sexually assaulting a woman. These are some very sick people who are a danger to the public.

As has been reported in the press, Diddy's sex parties in Hollywood were so debauched they needed IV fluids after to recover. There is even a video of Diddy giving his mother a kiss on the mouth while she received an IV, after one of his infamous "freak off" parties. That is very abnormal.


Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politicians

Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Hollywood Cult Members Breaking Into Homes And Hotel Suites Then Drugging And Raping People

January 15. 2025

Jay Z and Diddy

There are members of the Hollywood cult, Kabbalah, who call themselves "the Illuminati" (run by child sex trafficker Madonna) who have broken into the homes and hotel suites of unsuspecting people they have targeted, then drugged and raped them (Woman Sues Incarcerated Hip Hop Mogul Diddy For Raping Her With A Remote Control After She Accused Him Of Murdering Rapper Tupac).

Some were threatened if they talked about the rape they would be killed. Others were threatened if they go to the police, the cops would be bribed to destroy evidence, such as rape kits. These people are completely sick. What's even worse is the Hollywood cult Diddy belongs to have not stopped sexually assault and raping people.

They have serious mental issues. They do not like to be told no. They falsely believe everyone wants them because of their money and fame, but in reality there are many who do not want anything to do with them. Some of the people who rejected them were raped in homes/apartments and hotel suites by these sick deviants. Some of the victims were drugged then raped. In other instances victims were not given substances that rendered them unconscious before being raped. Some victims were subjected to horrible sexual violence (punched in the face, spleen damaged, fractured bones).

This cult has even arranged gang rapes where famous men raped people in very sick ways. They have run trains on people they made rape victims. They all need to be locked up for public safety, as they are very sick to be going around raping people.


Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politicians

Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Ben Affleck Received A Visit From The FBI Over Drone That Grounded Canadian Super Scooper Helicopter Being Used To Fight Los Angeles Fires Then He Tells Off The Police In His Driveway

January 15. 2025

Ben Affleck before and after ex-wife Jennifer Lopez

Canada was kind enough to send several Super Scooper helicopters to help fight the current damaging fires in Los Angeles, which has consumed huge chunks of the city, such as  Pacific Palisades, Malibu and Altadena. The fires are not contained and continue to destroy thousands of homes and businesses.

Hollywood actor Ben Affleck recently fled his marriage to Diddy associate, actress Jennifer Lopez. No sooner than he left Lopez and ran for his life, did he have to evacuate his $20,000,000 Brentwood mansion and within weeks was met by a visit from the corrupt FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). Affleck probably thought Lopez called the Feds on him for leaving her for ex-wife, actress Jennifer Garner, even though they both pretend like it was all platonic.


Meanwhile, Affleck didn't answer the door as he thought it was Lopez knocking. I'm kidding. Affleck was not home yet the FBI agents kept ringing the intercom over and over again like nitwits. If you ring a doorbell or intercom a couple times that means the person is not home or is hiding from someone, like, I don't know, their ex-wife (Jennifer Lopez) and in the house of another (Jennifer Affleck). However, the FBI was on his doorstep for another reason.

The FBI went out to Affleck's house over a drone having hit a Super Scooper helicopter, which forced it to land, as the impact had created a big hole in the body of the aircraft. Apparently the drone took off from the vicinity of Affleck's home. Ironically, two-days later Affleck had a tense exchange with police officers stationed in a car parked in his driveway. Affleck spoke to them in an angry tone for several minutes before driving off. Paparazzi captured the incident on video. Yea, something is definitely going on.


Diddy Sued For Raping A 13-Year-Old Girl In Gang Rape After The MTV Video Music Awards He Attended With Actress Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez Mocked On Social Networking For Husband Ben Affleck Fleeing And Looking Happy Now

Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Have Finalized Their Divorce

Rapper Jay Z And Wife Beyonce Want To Be President And First Lady Of The United States

January 14. 2025

Jay Z and Beyonce

It has been privately stated in the entertainment industry that pedophile rapper, Jay Z, and his wife, air headed singer Beyonce, want to be President and First Lady of the United States. After meeting former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama years ago, Jay Z and Beyonce began crazily formulating plans to occupy the White House. Jay Z even inappropriately sat in the President's chair at the White House when meeting the Obamas. A man with vile lyrics about raping women and children ("Monster") actually sat in the President's chair for a photo-op.

Beyonce and Jay Z

Word in the industry is Jay Z wants to run for President in the future. However, here is the problem. Jay Z was a crack cocaine dealer. He is also a pedophile (Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant). He didn't graduate high school neither did Beyonce. He is unintelligent and a thief, as is his wife (Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement). Everything they have is through copyright, trademark and corporate theft. However, they are in a secret society and the couple actually believes he can be President, as said groups are known for rigging things. Those two deluded idiots really believe their own hype.


Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politicians

Human Rights Group Files Formal Complaint With The African Congress Against Madonna And Her Hollywood Cult For Child Sex Trafficking, Child Trafficking And Forced Adoptions In Africa

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Megan Thee Stallion Granted A Restraining Order Against Incarcerated Tory Lanez

January 14. 2025

Megan Thee Stallion And Jay Z

Megan Thee Stallion, real name Megan Pete, has been granted a 5-year restraining order against fellow rapper and ex-boyfriend, Tory Lanez (Daystar Peterson), who is currently in prison for shooting her in the feet via five bullets. Lanez has been lashing out against Megan while appealing his 10-year sentence.

Megan accused Tory of hiring bloggers to harass her via article items and doing so himself online. The court reviewed Megan's application for a restraining order against Tory and granted it for the aforementioned reasons. Variety magazine reported that Judge Richard Bloom stated Megan "sustained the burden of proof" for the restraining order to be granted. Megan told the court, "I  feel like maybe he will shoot me again, and maybe this time I won't make it."


Vice President Kamala Harris' Campaign Ends Broke With Employees Not Paid After Spending Tens Of Millions Of Dollars On Oprah, Beyonce, Usher, Megan Thee Stallion And Katie Perry

Megan Thee Stallion Sues Blogger For Alleged Harassment, Cyberbullying And Defamation


America In Turmoil As 2025 Is Off To A Terrible Start Due To Terrorism, Fires (Video)

January 10. 2025

2025 is off to a terrible start in America. Two terrorist attacks on New Years Day (in New Orleans and Las Vegas) that have the FBI and CIA's handprints all over them, claimed 15 lives. Huge swathes of Los Angeles has burned to the ground this week killing at least ten people (first responders are still working to go through massive amounts of rubble). People are now looting mansions that area evacuated.

Los Angeles is supposed to host the 2028 Olympics in 3 and 1/2 years, yet so much of the city's prime areas have been burned down. So much vital infrastructure has also been destroyed. So, while construction is going on for the Olympics, tens of thousands of people in Los Angeles are going to wallop the government with an enormous amount of multiple requests to rebuild their properties and access infrastructure services (electricity, water, sewer, cable). There is still also the risk of a massive earthquake, as they have not had one in a years, and science has consistently predicted the Big One is coming.

Prior to this many on social networking openly voiced their fears of coming to Los Angeles for the Olympics, due to mass shootings that occur in America (Reuters Exposé Creates Scandal Online Over Allegations U.S. Athletes Have Been Doping And Were Permitted By USADA And WADA To Complete In The Olympics For Over 10-Years). Now there are these added issues due to the fires.

President-elect Donald Trump, whose election was confirmed days ago, which basically means he is the President, was sentenced today in a hush money case. He was given no jail time or fines. This goes against established U.S. protocols not to prosecute a sitting President, as it interferes with the head of state's ability to do their job.

Biden has issued a flurry of damaging executive orders, horrible pardons of violent mass murderers, sold off national security items that would have helped to secure the country, failed to help hurricane victims in the south, pushed through unfriendly climate initiatives, made inflation worse with poor economic policies and last minute adjustments, and reneged on his promise to forgive college tuition. It all lends the appearance of sabotage and setting political fires in government, pardon the pun, to make the next administration's life a nightmare. It all gives the appearance some on the left are engaging in mayhem. So much for leaving the nation better than you found it.


Vice President Kamala Harris Facing Heavy Scrutiny Online For Stating She Will Fix The Economy If Elected But She And President Joe Biden Broke It

Americans Are Losing Everything Because Of President Joe Biden's Awful Economy And Are Being Forced To Move To Other States

President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Joe Biden's Lewy Body Dementia Is Rapidly Advancing

Site Exclusives

There Was A Tense Exchange Between Kamala Harris, Barack Obama And Donald Trump At Former President Jimmy Carter's Funeral (Video)

January 10. 2025

The late U.S. President Jimmy Carter was laid to rest yesterday. The funeral was attended by former Presidents and their wives. The public was agog speaking about former President, Barack Obama, sitting next to and speaking with, President-elect, Donald Trump. You can see the sheepish and humbled look on Obama's face when speaking to Trump, as they tried to do everything to destroy him (literally), yet there he is as the incoming President of the United States.

Many on social networking wondered what Obama and Trump were laughing about, as they are supposed to be enemies. My take is Obama was just kissing up in trying to stay out of jail after the illegal third term he ran that broke America (Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time and U.S. President Joe Biden Thinks His Wife Jill Biden Is His Sister And Vice President Kamala Harris Is The President).

One person that didn't take the chumminess between Obama and Trump well is...Vice President, Kamala Harris. She turned around only to see Obama yapping, laughing and showing his gums to Trump. A look of anger flashed across Kamala's face, like she wanted to cut Obama, but instead she let out a deep, infuriated sigh. Kamala looked like she wanted to karate kick Obama or at least hit him with a few uppercuts. After all, it's not like Michelle Obama hasn't put her hands on him...


Vice President Kamala Harris Facing Heavy Scrutiny Online For Stating She Will Fix The Economy If Elected But She And President Joe Biden Broke It

Americans Are Losing Everything Because Of President Joe Biden's Awful Economy And Are Being Forced To Move To Other States

President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Joe Biden's Lewy Body Dementia Is Rapidly Advancing

Site Exclusives

Joy Taylor Sex Scandal At Fox Sports Causing Controversy Online...And In Her Family

January 10. 2025

Joy Taylor is being criticized on social networking for wearing revealing clothes to work

There's an old song that contains the lyric, "Use what you got, to get what you want." It can be interpreted as women having sex with men for money and or promotion. Apparently, Fox Sports commentator, Joy Taylor, 37, took that song literally. Joy is facing controversy over a lawsuit filed by former hairstylist, Noushin Faraji, 45, who was employed by Fox Sports.

Joy Taylor

Joy has not been sued, but thrown under the bus in being characterized as a bimbo who used her good looks to sleep her way to the top at Fox Sports. To be fair, Joy has a Bachelor's degree in broadcasting. However, the lawsuit accuses Joy of having sex with older Fox Sports executive, Charlie Dixon, who is also married. The affair wrecked Joy's marriage to athlete, Richard Giannotti. It resulted in a divorce. Then the affair wrecked her engagement to another athlete, Earl Watson. Joy is also accused of having sex with co-host, Emmanuel Achoo, 34. She even released a photo of him in her condo with a drink in his hands and his shoes off.

Fox Sports executive Charlie Dixon

Social networking has been having a field day with this scandal. However, you know who is not having a field day with this scandal...Joy's brother. Joy is from Philadelphia and Miami, as is her brother, famous football hall of famer, Jason Taylor. I heard Jason is very embarrassed over this scandal concerning his sister. Most people assumed she got the job at Fox Sports because of his connections. However, the lawsuit is giving the world another impression. To make matters worse, Faraji stated Joy told her she would cry rape if Dixon tried to replace her at Fox Sports.

Noushin Faraji

I do not believe she wanted to have sex with Dixon. He's not her type. It's nothing to do with race. She is after all biracial (black and white). Joy clearly likes muscular athletes. Her first husband is a white athlete. Her second fiancé is a black athlete. The man she's accused of messing with now, Achoo, is a former athlete. She likes tall, muscular, athletic men.

Emmanuel Achoo

Faraji slammed Joy in her lawsuit over an alleged incident that took place at a party Fox Sports threw for Joy in Los Angeles. Faraji stated Dixon was, "rubbing her body and grabbing her buttocks." Faraji alleges when she told Joy she responded, "Get over it!" The Hollywood Reporter wrote Faraji was later fired by Dixon for, "Disclosing information about his sexual relationships with network employees, according to the complaint."

Joy Taylor and Emmanuel Achoo in her condo looking quite comfortable

In the lawsuit Faraji also alleges popular sports personality, Skip Bayless, 73, would sexually harass and grope her. She even stated that Skip, who is married, offered her $1,500,000 to have sex with him. I just don't believe that. I don't think he'd offer that for sex. Skip comes across as cheap. I think in exchange for sex Skip would offer $100, a Denny's restaurant coupon, and a few energy drinks and protein bars he got for free while doing promo at a sports event. Skip is one of those rich guys who is cheap and knows he's famous, so won't pay for it. He just seems really economical, also known as cheap. There are wealthy sheiks not even offering women $1,500,000 for sex. Why did she think the public would believe that Skip offered $1,500,000 for sex. This caused me to doubt the lawsuit. But I digress.

Jason Taylor is embarrassed by his sister's sexual activities

Faraji has sued Dixon and Bayless for sexual battery. The lawsuit is further filed under the claim Fox Sports is hosting a "hostile work environment." The complaint is also a class action lawsuit open to other Fox Sports employees. Years ago Fox News was sued for sexually harassing female employees, including on air talent such as newscasters, who were groped and pressured into sex.


Fox Sports’ Legal Drama Over Hostile Work Environment May Grow As Case Proceeds

JANUARY 10, 2025 1:39PM Skip Bayless in Los Angeles on October 4, 2024. Skip Bayless in Los Angeles on October 4, 2024 - A lawsuit from a hairdresser against Fox Sports accusing network executive Charlie Dixon and longtime show host Skip Bayless of making unwanted sexual advances could entangle more litigants as it makes its way through court. Marcellus Wiley, the former co-host of FS1’s Speak for Yourself, said he’s considering suing the network for conspiring to replace him on the show with Joy Taylor, who allegedly curried the favor of Dixon with sexual favors and dismissed concerns from the hairdresser, Noushin Faraji, of sexual harassment...


Rapper Megan Thee Stallion Has Been Sex Trafficked In Hollywood

January 8. 2025

Megan Thee Stallion and Jay Z who pimped out his proteges Rihanna and Rita Ora. He has also pimped out Megan thee Stallion. Jay Z is currently under fire for being a pedophile (Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant).

Female rapper Megan The Stallion, real name Megan Peete, has been sex trafficked in the entertainment industry. She has been passed around for career favors. Once Megan signed with pedophile rapper, Shawn "Jay Z" Carter, is a highly questionable deal, she began getting passed around to rappers, music producers, songwriters and executives in Hollywood. Meghan has also been passed around to athletes.

Unable to cope, Meghan began engaging in heavy alcohol and drug use as a means of trying to forget the sex trafficking in support of her career. Megan's former boss, Carl Crawford, slammed her sexual activities and lack of sobriety. However, the only way to get into the debauched A-list Hollywood circle Megan is now in, is to do those depraved things.


Vice President Kamala Harris' Campaign Ends Broke With Employees Not Paid After Spending Tens Of Millions Of Dollars On Oprah, Beyonce, Usher, Megan Thee Stallion And Katie Perry

Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politicians

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Beyonce Puts On A Brave Face At 'Mufasa' Movie Premier But Is Crying And Falling Apart Behind The Scenes Over Case Husband Jay Z Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy

Rapper Jay Z Unmasked As The Man That Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy After The Video Music Awards In 2000

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Megan Thee Stallion Sues Blogger For Alleged Harassment, Cyberbullying And Defamation

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Los Angeles Fires In Wealthy Pacific Palisades And West Hollywood Are Wreaking Havoc (Video)

January 7. 2025

The Palisades Fire in Los Angeles has been ripping through Pacific Palisades and West Hollywood due to heavy winds. The hilly, heavily populated areas are congested due to people trying to flee. Smoke is billowing through the air in Los Angeles affecting air quality in a city already suffering from heavy smog.

The area is home to many Hollywood celebrities and executives. Evacuation orders have been issued. The fire is being described as unprecedented. The local government is lamenting the fact that some did not heed the warnings to evacuate, because now some are trapped in homes, and it is difficult for firefighters to reach them to perform rescues.


California governor says Pacific Palisades wildfire has destroyed many structures as winds kick up

Updated Wed, January 8, 2025 at 4:15 AM UTC - LOS ANGELES (AP) — A wildfire whipped up by extreme winds swept through a Los Angeles hillside dotted with celebrity residences Tuesday, burning homes in Pacific Palisades and prompting evacuation orders for tens of thousands. In the frantic haste to get to safety, roadways were clogged and scores of people abandoned their vehicles and fled on foot, some toting suitcases.

The traffic jam on Palisades Drive prevented emergency vehicles from getting through and a bulldozer was brought in to push the abandoned cars to the side and create a path, according to the LA Fire Department. California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who was in Southern California to attend the naming of a national monument by President Joe Biden, made a detour to the canyon to see “firsthand the impact of these swirling winds and the embers,” and he said he found “not a few — many structures already destroyed.”...


Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Have Finalized Their Divorce

January 7. 2025

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez

After two short years of marriage and several months of separation, actress Jennifer Lopez and actor Ben Affleck are divorced. The couple were engaged over 20-years ago but it did not work out. Two decades later they tried getting married, after being married to other people, and it did not work out. Simply put they were not meant to be.

Lopez and Affleck will retain the assets they brought to and earned during the marriage. There will be no alimony. Their barely lived in $60,000,000 mansion in Los Angeles is on the market, but has not been sold. The quick division of assets indicates they wanted a quick and quiet divorce.

Diddy and Jennifre Lopez 25-years ago

Last year Lopez was devastated when Affleck began looking happy without her, after a year's worth of paparazzi photos caught him looking exasperated and stressed out in her company. Then Lopez faced more devastation when Affleck was repeatedly seen in the company of his ex-wife, actress Jennifer Garner. Affleck even rented a house a few minutes away from Garner's. It was a big blow to Lopez.

Then came the Diddy scandal, where Lopez has been named as complicit in his sex trafficking, child rape, and illegal guns and drugs criminal conduct, for which he is under indictment and in jail awaiting trial. Many press outlets have asked Lopez to comment, but she refuses to do so, even in the face of a lawsuit alleging she was present when Sean "Diddy" Combs and his fellow rapper/lover Shawn "Jay Z" Carter, are said to have raped a 13-year-old girl, after the 2000 MTV Video Music Awards.


J.Lo and Ben Affleck Just Finalized Their Divorce and the Settlement Details Are Fascinating

 Mon, January 6, 2025 at 4:29 PM PST - Some late Monday night news to text your group chat about: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have officially finalized their divorce about five months after J.Lo filed. People (who got their hands on court documents) confirmed the news. As a reminder, J.Lo filed on August 20—the two year anniversary of her and Ben's Georgia wedding. She listed their date of separation as April 26, and cited the age-old / celeb-loved "irreconcilable differences" as the reason she and Ben split...



Diddy Sued For Raping A 13-Year-Old Girl In Gang Rape After The MTV Video Music Awards He Attended With Actress Jennifer Lopez

Diddy Was Physically Abusive To Jennifer Lopez Who Tolerated It Because He Helped Her Become A Music Star With A Fashion Line And Perfume Deals Worth Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars

Entertainer Jennifer Lopez Files For Divorce From Actor Ben Affleck When He Opts To Spend Their Second Anniversary With Ex-Wife Jennifer Garner (Videos)

Suge Knight Associate Accuses TLC's Chilli Of Having Sex With The Music Mogul And Being Infected With A Sexually Transmitted Disease (Video)

Jennifer Lopez Cancels Tour After Husband Ben Affleck Leaves Her And Moves Into A Rented Mansion Very Near To His Ex-Wife Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Lopez And Ben Affleck Put Their $60 Million Dollar Mansion Up For Sale As They Head For Divorce (Video)

Jennifer Lopez Stole Other Singers Voices For Her Albums Including Brandy And Ashanti (Video)

Jennifer Lopez Crying Over Divorce From Ben Affleck While He Has Moved On

President Joe Biden Was Terrible For The U.S. Economy As Businesses Continue To Close Locations Due To Poor Sales

January 6. 2025

Joe Biden

President Joe Biden, the dementia stricken politician installed in the White House for the past 4-years, has caused incalculable damage to the U.S. economy. Many businesses closed during Biden's time as the inflation his administration created, by tampering with oil prices, with the goal of drastically reducing the number of people driving cars, under his ill-advised climate policies, spectacularly backfired. While climate change is not a hoax and needs to be thoroughly addressed and remedied, the Biden administration's manner of doing so has been disastrous.

Businesses ended up adding the higher oil and gas prices to products, creating inflation. Biden and Congress's poor reins on government money distributed during the pandemic also created massive inflation. The money was distributed without proper screening of applicants and as a result of this poor vetting billions of dollars were misappropriated and stolen. Flooding the U.S. economy with cash in an uncontrolled manner  and funneling it to the wrong people was a horrible plan that has done an enormous amount of damage.

This week the Daily Mail reported more restaurant chains such as Hooters, BurgerFi and comedian Kevin Hart's Hart House restaurants have been closing locations. This is in addition to other chains such as McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys and Red Lobster, among others, closing locations (President Joe Biden's Bad Economic Policies Has Caused Record Restaurant Closures And The NASDAQ To Fall To Its Lowest Point).

Inflation in America is so bad people can't afford to dine out any more. Even fast food has become something out of reach for many, as rent, mortgage, car notes and utilities, which have all sharply risen for millions in America, has to be the top priority. Items such as restaurant food, clothes, shoes and jewelry have taken a backseat, as non-essentials.

Americans had more disposable income until Biden took office and enacted his terrible economic policies. This is why Biden's party lost the 2024 election. The public is tired of the financial struggles of trying to remain afloat in America. President-elect Donald Trump is now facing the massive and horrendous task of cleaning up the Biden administration's mess.

America is now in the unenviable position of trying to regain its place in the world after 4-years of Biden damaging the nation's standing all over the international community. It is going to be very difficult and take an enormous amount of work. It should serve as a lesson to every nation to be careful who you elect. Make sure the person is competent and of good character.


Vice President Kamala Harris Facing Heavy Scrutiny Online For Stating She Will Fix The Economy If Elected But She And President Joe Biden Broke It

Americans Are Losing Everything Because Of President Joe Biden's Awful Economy And Are Being Forced To Move To Other States

President Joe Biden Caught Lying About Job Creation After Downward Revision Removes 700,000 Jobs He Lied About Creating Confirming Previous Site Claims

More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men

The American Banking System's Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies

Tucker Carlson Does Interview With Man Who States He Is One Of Several Who Did Cocaine And Had Sex With Former U.S. President Barack Obama (Videos)

Banks Continue To Collapse In America Solidifying A Financial Crisis As First Republic Bank Goes Under Due To President Joe Biden's Failed Economic Policies

Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A 'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S. Economy To Bring It About

U.S. Financial System Breaking Down Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of What Is To Come

Former President Barack Obama Never Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time

Joe Biden's Lewy Body Dementia Is Rapidly Advancing

Site Exclusives

Beyonce Has Asked Jay Z For A Separation

...Of Their Money

January 4. 2025


Jay Z and Beyonce's marriage is a business deal and nothing more

Pedophile rapper, Jay Z (Shawn Carter), is currently embroiled in a child rape scandal. Jay Z was sued by successful attorney Tony Buzbee on allegations he and friend Sean "Diddy" Combs raped a 13-year-old girl, who is now an adult. The lawsuit has been covered all over the world and has thoroughly disgraced Jay Z.

News of the lawsuit has filtered out from America and hit Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Australia, Canada and many African nations. Jay Z is ruined, as it has brought to light other pedophilia allegations against him (Jay Z Refuses To Submit To Paternity Test Of Man Who Looks Just Like Him Because The Mother Was A 16-Year-Old He Knew And He An Adult When She Was Pregnant).

Jay Z's wife, singer Beyonce, is currently staying with him and presenting a united front for the sake of their marriage, which according to her uncle Larry is a  business deal, because as he put it, Beyonce called Jay Z ugly. Behind the scenes things have been bad. I was informed by a very credible source that Beyonce has been asking Jay Z for a separation of their money, and has seen lawyers and financial advisors for help in this regard.

A comment about Beyonce on the X website as she desperate tries to get sales from white country music audiences for an album "Cowboy Carter" that has failed and is being panned

Beyonce has loaned Jay Z money and is involved in some of his business ventures. They own property together as well. They reside in California, where laws can make a wife liable for her husband's actions. Additionally, the lawsuit for raping a 13-year-old girl is not the only one Jay Z has to be concerned about, as there are other serious allegations against him being discussed by lawyers (his attorneys have been contacted), which have not been filed with the courts yet and he is trying to stop them from going public.

Beyonce and Jay Z are also not as rich as they claim and are desperately trying to maintain the facade they have created. The wrong lawsuits will mean they have to sell their ugly, crass $200 million Los Angeles house they really could not afford (this is why she keeps touring so often and performing stolen music she is illegally collecting royalties on). All of Jay Z's business ventures have been failing. Beyonce's music does not sell well either. Touring is what is supporting the family.

First Beyonce and Jay Z were stating that together they are billionaires, but that is not correct. They are using speculation on what things could be worth, rather than their actual value, which has already landed Jay Z in trouble with the SEC in a criminal investigation. He inflated the value of a company to $60,000,000 using fraudulent accounting, which is a crime, and sold it. After Jay Z sold the company the new owners realized he lied and their shareholders lost millions. The company went bankrupt. This triggered a SEC criminal investigation.

Beyonce is trying to hide her money due to Jay Z's legal problems

In the past Jay Z bragged after he inflated the value of his former label, Rocafella, founded on drug money, claiming it was worth $125,000,000. When a company did due diligence in checking out his claims, because he tried to sell it to them, they discovered Rocafella wasn't even worth $25,000,000. It killed the deal. Jay Z laughed and blamed it on music mogul, Russell Simmons, who he claimed told him to lie about the value of his companies, and inflate their value (which once again is a federal crime). Jay Z never takes responsibility for his actions. This is why it pays to do your homework in business deals, lest criminals like Jay Z con and rip you off

In only a few short years Jay Z has been telling people he is worth $2.6 billion, but does not have the assets to back it up. Jay Z has debt ridden, low revenue companies he and his publicists try to create hype around. However, his projects have been failing left, right and center, because he does not know what he is doing, and relies on stealing from others.

Jay Z is lying through his teeth regarding his assets, as all his business ventures have failed, and he has stolen other people's assets that he is insanely claiming as his own, and devalued them. All that bragging about being a billionaire (he's not) has come back to haunt him because now his victims have retained lawyers and are going after his alleged wealth. Yes, there is money there, but nowhere near what you think. Diddy was the rich one and the real billionaire of the two.

Jay Z has been merging his failed companies with that of others by using inflated numbers and hiding debts, which is illegal, to maintain a fake illusion of wealth. This financial scam he is running will be exposed at the government's hands (and he and Beyonce's real ages).


Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politicians

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Beyonce Puts On A Brave Face At 'Mufasa' Movie Premier But Is Crying And Falling Apart Behind The Scenes Over Case Husband Jay Z Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy

Rapper Jay Z Unmasked As The Man That Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy After The Video Music Awards In 2000

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Chronic Copyright Infringer Mariah Carey Who Was Sued For Stealing Hit 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' Has Not Been Looking Herself Lately

January 4. 2025

Mariah Carey in Aspen looks very rundown and haggard

Pop singer, Mariah Carey, 55, was spotted in Aspen a week ago not looking herself. Carey looks very rundown and aged. She went through a lot in 2024. The tragic death of her mom and sister, and on the same weekend, was sad. She had bad relationships with both which has caused her regret.

Years ago Carey also had a massive mental breakdown like fellow pop star Britney Spears. However, Carey was bundled away to a mental hospital when she had her breakdown in private in a hotel room, whereas Spears shaved her head in public and began attacking people on camera. Both women are in the same mentally damaging Hollywood cult (Kabbalah).

Carey's handlers also wanted her to record new pop music, as people are tired of the narrative labeling her the queen of Christmas over the hit song "All I Want For Christmas Is You." However, under Jay Z her last two pop albums flopped, because he is a fraud pretending he knows what he is doing, when he has no real understanding of music and has no talent (and steals copyrights from others). Speaking profane, illiterate raps into a mic is not talent.


Mariah Carey looking lost and confused

To make matters worse Carey stole the PREEXISTING song "All I Want For Christmas Is You." from songwriter Andy Stone, who wrote his song of the same name 5-years prior to Carey's rip-off. Carey had also asked Stone to remake his song, but he declined. Carey deceitfully and deviously decided to steal the name and theme of the song, some of the lyrics and select melodies.

Carey has made over $50,000,000 from this financial crime. Carey has been sued for $20,000,000 by Stone over the copyright infringement. Stone can prove access and similarities. It is a great injustice that this woman has been living off stealing from others and winning awards for it as well.

This is not the first time Carey has stolen music from others. Carey stole her songs "Hero" "Can't Let Go" "Make It Happen" "Don't Stop (Funkin 4 For Jamaica)" "Thirsty" "Angels Cry" "Obsessed" "Inseparable" "More Than Just Friends" "Heavenly" "The One" and "Fly Like A Bird" among others, from different songwriters. Carey was even caught on tape in the studio stealing from the late singer/songwriter, George Michael (when he was alive). She bills herself as a songwriter, but she is not, as she has stolen music from so many people, even the legendary singers/songwriters Earth, Wind and Fire (and ex-husband Tommy Mottola, who was head of Columbia/Sony Music when she was signed to the label, had to make settlements on some of Carey's thefts).


Actor Kel Mitchell's Ex-Wife Stated She Found Him In Bed With Mariah Carey's Husband Nick Cannon Who Was Dressed In Drag Confirming Previous Site Claims

Mariah Carey Fires Jay Z And His Roc Nation As Her Management And Tells Them Off Over Career Failures

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Lawyer For Woman Who Alleges Jay Z And Diddy Raped Her When She Was 13-Years-Old Defends His Client Against Attacks From The Defendants Who State He Did Not Screen Her

January 2. 2025

Jay Z (left) attended many Diddy parties (right)

Tony Buzbee, the attorney for a woman who alleges she was gang raped by rappers Jay Z (Shawn Carter) and Diddy (Sean Combs) when she was 13-years-old, and they in their thirties, is defending her against attacks from them, that he did not screen her properly. Buzbee has responded to these claims by the pedophilic rappers, Jay Z and Diddy, who are also accused in other incidents of of impregnating underage girls when they were in their twenties, which is illegal.

Diddy was accused of impregnating Misa Hylton when she was underage and he in his twenties (son is Justin Combs). Jay Z is accused of impregnating Wanda Satterthwaite when she was 15-years-old and he 23 (son is said to be look alike Rymir Satterthwaite and Jay Z has refused to do a paternity test for over a decade).

Tony Buzbee

Buzbee stated to the press, "Opinions are like noses. Everyone has one and they all smell. This client was screened by at least five lawyers. She also underwent a background check and we had a seasoned investigator and ex-cop check key points of her claim. She has a reasonable explanation for any alleged inconsistencies and remains adamant about her claim. Anyone who says she wasn't properly screened is either ignorant or has an agenda."

Either way, Diddy and Jay Z are ruined. Neither one are coming back from all the allegations from many sources about their pedophile behavior. It's not just this one case. Making illegal attacks on Buzbee and his clients won't fix that. Diddy and Jay Z are finished. The real fight they are up against is prison, not civil lawsuits that only mean money lost. Their literal freedom is at stake, as the government is tired of their crimes and the humiliation of being called corrupt by the public, for letting them be free for decades and in doing so they kept harming people.


Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politicians

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Beyonce Puts On A Brave Face At 'Mufasa' Movie Premier But Is Crying And Falling Apart Behind The Scenes Over Case Husband Jay Z Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy

Rapper Jay Z Unmasked As The Man That Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy After The Video Music Awards In 2000

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

NOTE (1-1-25): I'd like to wish everyone a happy New Year! Sorry about the lack of articles these past few days. There was a power cut on December 29, 2024 in Miami where I currently live. The power cut was only at the gated community I live in. The whole complex went dark. Then on December 31, 2024 to January 1, 2025 the cable and internet company Comcast/Xfinity had a black out for several hours at my building. So I had no internet access to post until they fixed the outage. There's been no bad weather precipitating these events.

My other sites are being transferred to a new domain registrar and hosting company, so they will be offline for a few days. Sorry for any inconvenience.

The FBI Has Been Engaging In Bizarre Behavior Regarding The Dead

January 1. 2025

FBI Director Christopher Wray

I have written about the unlawful and crazy behavior of the FBI in a number of articles on this site. My claims were later proved completely true and correct on many occasions (site exclusives). The FBI is a severely mentally law enforcement agency of psychotics and many criminal and civil cases have proven they are harming the public. This evil madness is engrained in FBI agents at the Quantico training facility and they come out like deranged robots with no conscience or respect for the law.

The sick things FBI agents are taught at Quantico then apply on the public has proven there is something deeply disturbing about them. As further proof, the FBI has been in Congress countless times being slammed for breaking the law and often in very sick ways (The FBI Slammed In New Government Report For Repeatedly And Willfully Failing Child Sex Crime Victims Including Letting A 2-Year-Old Be Sexually Abused For 2-YEARS And Not Doing Anything About It and FBI Agent Arrested For Raping And Sodomizing An 11-Year-Old Girl and FBI Employee Arrested For Child Porn Concerning A 14-Year-Old Girl In An Agency Full Of People Committing Sex Crimes and The FBI Exposed In The Mainstream Press Over The Sexual Assault And Harassment Of Women At The Corrupt Law Enforcement Agency). The FBI just does not care about anyone. They have an agenda and it is a sick one.

As many of you know the FBI is infamous for illegally targeting, abusing and sometimes killing innocent people (Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Fred Hampton, Geronimo Pratt, Sam Cooke, Billie Holliday, Black Lives Matter members, Ruby Ridge residents, militia groups, politicians and many others). They do so for illegal financial and political reasons. However, I was recently informed that the FBI has become so depraved, after they assassinate targets they illegally spy on, they secretly desecrate their corpses in the morgue. In some cases FBI agents have also desecrated gravesites to disrespect and dishonor the dead they put into the grave with their illegal actions. They are complete sick and devilish.


The FBI's Framing Of Black Panther Geronimo Pratt For A Murder They Knew He Did Not Commit Cost Him 27-Years Of His Life In Prison

The FBI Agent Who Set Up And Rigged The Attempted Kidnapping Of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Arrested For Trying To Beat His Wife To Death After A Swingers Sex Party

Judge Issues Restraining Order Blocking The FBI From Stealing The Cash, Jewelry And Gold They Illegally Seized At A Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Box Business

FBI Agent Arrested In California And Charged With Falsifying Documents To Cover Up Bribes He Took From Organized Crime

FBI Agent Arrested For Stealing $800,000 From A Woman And Using It To Buy A House, Mercedes And Take Lavish Trips

New Evidence Reveals The FBI Sent People To Death Row Who Were Innocent Of Crimes They Were Convicted Of

FBI Agent Pleads Guilty To Evidence Tampering And Perjury In A Criminal Investigation Against Missouri Governor

Another FBI Agent Arrested For Stealing Money And Property From The Public (Cash, Silver, Mobile Phones)

The FBI Steals $40,200 From Black Couple In Ongoing Fraud Scheme Reminiscent Of Hitler's Nazi Police

The FBI Sued For Stealing Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars In Civil War Era Gold

FBI Agents Steal Rare Gold Coins In Brazen Defiance Of Judge's Search Warrant

Inspector General's Report Reveals Over 50 FBI Agents Took 300 Bribes

Forbes Magazine Slams The FBI As A Bunch Of 'Thieves'

FBI Analysts Lied To Convict Innocent People

Site Exclusives

Lebron James Is Involved In The Diddy Sex Trafficking Scandal And Was Illegally And Secretly Recorded Having Sex At Freak Offs

January 1. 2025

Jay Z, Diddy and Lebron James

I was informed a few days ago that basketball player, Lebron James, is involved in the Diddy sex trafficking scandal. There are sex tapes of Lebron that Diddy kept at his house, which was raided in March 2024. Diddy was then arrested on sweeping sex trafficking charges, among other things, in September 2024. Diddy is now having a complete mental breakdown in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, while awaiting trial, as evidence and civil lawsuits mount against him.

Lebron attended sex parties at Diddy's mansions. He participated in the sex acts that occurred on different occasions at Diddy's "freak offs." I was informed Jay Z was the one who brought Lebron to Diddy years ago and got him involved in that mess. It is a satanic Hollywood cult, Kabbalah, that is run by child sex trafficker Madonna.

Jay Z is the one Madonna used to recruit Lebron into the Hollywood cult not long after he signed his first big deals in basketball and accompanying product endorsements worth millions of dollars. It's sad that Lebron let them get him involved in this. However, they pretended to be his friends and made massive offers of what they would do for his career.

I was also informed there are other famous athletes that were illegally and secretly recorded at Diddy's "freak offs" while they engaged in sex with people Diddy trafficked in to his sex parties. These sex tapes were being used for blackmail, extortion and to keep these athletes in line in doing the cult's bidding, who to sign with in their careers (and the Hollywood cult secretly got a financial cut of their deals) and what to say/state publicly during interviews and on social networking.


Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politicians

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Beyonce Puts On A Brave Face At 'Mufasa' Movie Premier But Is Crying And Falling Apart Behind The Scenes Over Case Husband Jay Z Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy

Rapper Jay Z Unmasked As The Man That Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy After The Video Music Awards In 2000

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Jay Z's Lawyer Again Tries To Quickly Get Child Rape Lawsuit Against Him Thrown Out But This Time Citing The Statute Of Limitations

January 1. 2025

Diddy, Beyonce and Jay Z

Alex Spiro, the attorney for disgraced rapper and pedophile, Jay Z (real name Shawn Carter) is again trying to get the child rape lawsuit filed against his client thrown out of court, citing the statute of limitations had run out. The lawsuit against Jay Z was filed by top trial lawyer, Tony Buzbee, on behalf of a woman who states Jay Z and his close friend and fellow rapper, Sean "Diddy" Combs, raped her when she was 13-years-old.

Spiro is again trying for an early dismissal, even in the face of presiding Judge, Analisa Torres, stating in a stinging ruling the legal process will not be rushed to suit counsel and his client. Jay Z was quickly trying to cover the whole thing up before the public heard of or read the case.

Spiro tried the legal tactic of filing a flurry of motions to get the case tossed out, before the judge even gets a chance to read it, which is the corrupt and standard conduct in many lawsuits filed against Jay Z and his thieving wife Beyonce (Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement). However, such conduct disgraces the U.S. justice system to the watching world, as it gives the impression justice can be bought and victims of crime illegally stripped of their rights, regarding their day in court.

Jay Z (left) attended many Diddy (right)

There are cases in America considered so egregious the statute of limitations is suspended. There are also cases in America where the statute was applied when the victim realized or remembered they were raped or molested, even if the remembrance did not occur immediately after the illegal act against the child.

In terms of psychology, sometimes minors and adults mentally suppress horrible memories of rape, sexual assault and or other acts of violence, due to the mind pushing it so far from consciousness, it lays dormant in the subconscious (unconscious) as a self-defense mechanism, and the victim does not remember it on a day to day basis, until something triggers the memory of the traumatic event. U.S. case law has established the statute can be extended under those conditions.


Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politicians

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Beyonce Puts On A Brave Face At 'Mufasa' Movie Premier But Is Crying And Falling Apart Behind The Scenes Over Case Husband Jay Z Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy

Rapper Jay Z Unmasked As The Man That Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy After The Video Music Awards In 2000

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives

Beyonce And Jay Z Don't Live Up To The Hype Their Publicists Publish In Trying To Insanely Claim They Have Surpassed Michael Jackson

January 1. 2025

Diddy, Beyonce and Jay Z

Select publicists put out an extraordinary amount of hype regarding singer Beyonce and her husband, rapper Jay Z, in the hope people will believe it. They are trying to bill Beyonce as the top recording artist in must history, but that is Michael Jackson. Beyonce, Jay Z and their team are constantly trying to state to the public that Beyonce, with her inflated sales, payola and chart rigging, has surpassed Michael Jackson. They are insane to even think this and attempt this scam. No artist has come to close to accomplishing what Jackson did in entertainment.

Furthermore, so many other artists are way ahead of Beyonce and Jay Z, in terms of sales and other genuine accomplishments that make them legends, such as the Beatles, Elvis, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, Bob Marley, The Eagles, Journey, Chicago, Celine Dion, Barbra Streisand and Bob Dylan, among others.

Jay Z bullies and threatens people in the industry into publicly kissing he and Beyonce's overrated, under-talented butts. People such as Kanye West and Adele, among others, were in fear if they didn't publicly worship Jay Z and Beyonce, regarding what would happen to them, because as Kanye stated, Jay Z has killers. Jay Z is also a convicted felon who nearly stabbed a music executive to death (Lance Rivera).


Corrupt Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politicians

Diddy's Girlfriend Rapper Yung Miami Of The City Girls Accused Of Illegally Transporting Pink Cocaine Across State Lines For Him (Refers To Her As A Sex Worker)

Beyonce Puts On A Brave Face At 'Mufasa' Movie Premier But Is Crying And Falling Apart Behind The Scenes Over Case Husband Jay Z Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy

Rapper Jay Z Unmasked As The Man That Raped A 13-Year-Old Girl With Diddy After The Video Music Awards In 2000

Allegations Circulate That Pedophile Diddy Took Justin Bieber's Virginity When He Was 15-Years-Old (Video)

Singer Cassie Sues Rapper And Music Producer Diddy For Rape, Sex Trafficking And Assault (Videos)

Diddy Physically Assaulted Misa Hylton, Kim Porter, Cassie And Yung Miami, Among Others (Video)

Diddy Got Cassie Into Satanism And Pigeonholed Her Career To Control Her (Video)

Diddy Opened The Floodgates With Cassie Settlement

Beyonce And Jay Z Copyright Infringement

Site Exclusives


Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault Via The Kabbalah Center

August 6. 2015


UPDATE 10-14-23 - The FBI Has Been Criminally Going Into Hospitals And Medical Clinics In America Damaging And Killing Patients For Political And Financial Gain (Videos, Medical Documents, Photos)

UPDATE 1-28-20 The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)

UPDATE 4-10-19 Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead

UPDATE 2-5-19 Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It

UPDATE 6-26-18 Kabbalah member Harvey Weinstein, whom I have written about for years as a sexual degenerate and thief, has been arrested and perp walked: Harvey Weinstein Arrested And Perp Walked In New York For Rape And Sexual Assault Crimes (Video)

UPDATE 4-26-17: Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims

UPDATE 10-29-16: Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights Abuses  

UPDATE 9-21-15: Aisha's Affidavit  | Aisha's Mom's Affidavit  | Kabbalah Center's Yehuda Berg Following Aisha On Twitter | One Of Madonna's Hackers Exposed

UPDATE 9-21-15: Lawyers for Jay Z's Roc Nation companies have moved the case from State to Federal Court in a move I opposed, as the latter is just not that accessible. The new case number 15-CV-22705, Judge Jose E. Martinez is presiding.

Beyonce and Jessie J have been dodging service. Jessie J's record company locked the doors to the building in New York when the process server tried to enter to serve the legal documents. Beyonce's representative at the label she records for, Sony dodge service as well. This marks the second time both women have dodged service in this case. Initially they all dodged service, but the Miami Sheriff's office was able to serve the Kabbalah Center who could not find a way to get out of service at their premises.

Everyone but Beyonce and Jessie J have now been served in the case. It's pretty cowardly to do something so terrible to an innocent family and then dodge service when you are formally requested in court to give an accounting of your criminal behavior.

The judge ordered that I have settlement conference with Roc Nation companies, as their lawyers made an appearance in the case first. We were not able to settle, as I have plainly stated, I am not signing a piece of paper saying everything was amicably settled/resolved when these people did something so sick, evil and criminal to me and my family. I want a court verdict. I didn't file this case over money (even though they have criminally made a fortune from robbing and exploiting me in stealing my preexisting copyrights and invading my privacy). This case is about keeping them away from me and my family. These animals plotted and had a vile Kabbalah Center member attack my mom in a bank, as a threat to me over my copyrights they are stealing. I want them imprisoned (via the criminal courts) for what they have been commissioning and doing. There is no settling this.


I have filed a lawsuit in Miami-Dade District Court in Florida seeking "injunctive relief" regarding the deplorable copyright theft and invasive, harassing conduct of singer Madonna and her cult, the Kabbalah Center, as well as a few of the sick sect's members, such as Jay Z, Beyonce Knowles, Rihanna, Rita Ora and Jessie J. A copy of the case is included below this article.

Jay Z’s thieving companies, such as Roc Nation, Roc Nation Management, Roc Nation Sports, Roc Nation Boxing are also named as defendants in the lawsuit. Madonna is currently dodging service in the case, as are her co-owners of the Kabbalah Center, namely Michael Berg, Yehuda Berg and Karen Berg. Some of the hacking was done through Madonna's hacker Randy Vaughn, who works for U.S. government contractor Fluor (he emailed me a death threat under a fake name and I used the court system to trace him).

My copyrighted catalog that I authored over the course of 25 plus years contains over + songs, 1000 movie scripts, movie treatments and short stories, 30 book manuscripts, 300 music video treatments, 500 photographs, 100 photo treatments, perfume, clothing lines, nano-technology, a solar cell phone, car line and thousands of other items.

The case was filed on March 6, 2015. I really did not want to go public with the case, but I am sick of the vile conduct of the cult that continues to grow worse. It is my hope that public awareness of their terrible conduct will lead to an end of the misconduct. This went well beyond copyright infringement into something quite sick - aggravated stalking, harassment, assault and perverse invasion of privacy. It has greatly disrupted and damaged my life in terrible ways.

Every week that cult is engaging in some form of criminal stalking, harassment and or corporate theft against me. From Madonna's attempts at deceitfully trying to get me on a Top 40 radio show about her to the chronic stalking and confrontations from members of her Kabbalah cult, the unwanted contact has been unrelenting and disgusting. I cannot step out of my home in Miami without them dispatching some lunatic from the Kabbalah Center in Miami's Eastern Shores to follow me everywhere, menacingly approaching me and issuing some threat or harassing statements. At times they have gotten violent with me and other times tried to (and sometimes succeeded) in sexually assaulting me in broad daylight. I am a peaceful, non-violent person. I have never started a fight in my life. The Kabbalah Center is exploiting this in criminal ways. If I was the violent, vicious type, they wouldn't be doing this.

I have received no credit or payment for my preexisting copyrights they have stolen. It wasn't a misunderstand or oversight. It was outright, willful theft of copyrights. They were never given permission to use any of my copyrights I authored solely for my company. These acts of corporate theft, copyright infringement and the accompanying mean-spirited human rights abuses are the equivalent of modern day slavery. I have even been called a slave by them as well, in what is patently offensive conduct. They are criminally stealing and exploiting my copyrights to terrible extremes, spreading it all over Hollywood, for undue financial enrichment and awards. It's clear that slavery never left America, just took on another form (despite what President Lincoln decreed in trying to abolish it).

I have nothing to do with Madonna and company, yet they refuse to stop targeting me, even going so far as to move people into the Miami guard gated community I live (that I am about to leave). Over 1,000 people live in this guard gated community and most of us don’t know each other. Yet said members of the Kabbalah Center, who stated the cult is paying for their upkeep in living in here, managed to find me and my family in the gated community and make unwanted contact, spewing the cult's insane crap. Imagine that, of all the hundreds of gated communities in Miami and all of the 1,000 plus people who live in this one, the Kabbalah Center managed to move people into this one who found and made contact with me. That's called criminal stalking.

This cult keeps trying to push their way into my life when I don’t want anything to do with them. If they are not knocking on my door under false pretenses, they are crank calling my mobile phone. They constantly hack my computers, smart TV and mobile phones. They have perversely turned on the audio and video (camera) in my laptops and mobile phone to spy on me in my very home, which is sick and abominable.

This went on for a bit before I caught on to what they were doing. I figured it out when Madonna started sending members of the Kabbalah Center to make strange statements about her, relay threats from her and tell me exactly what is going on in my home. While nothing inappropriate goes on in my home, what kind of dirty, perverted people spy on people in their home. This is the low ebb human rights have fallen to and it is disgusting. They should be ashamed of themselves, as this is the nastiest thing I have ever seen. They are the sickest people in existence. They are horrible human beings.

Attack On My Mother

My mom has lawfully lived and worked in America for 40-years, at times working 2-3 honest jobs and paying her taxes. She is the hardest working person I know. She doesn’t bother anyone and has lived a quiet, decent life. She is kind to many people and many love her as a great, reliable friend. Yet nasty, foul old Madonna and company, sent a deranged Kabbalah Center member to stalk, harass and try to assault my innocent, defenseless elderly mother who walks with a cane, while she was at a Chase Bank (a massive U.S. national bank).

He followed my mother to the restroom (toilet) and began shoving her into the restroom to assault her. She screamed for help and the Chase bank staff came to her rescue. This caused the Kabbalah Center member to run out of the bank, so as not to get arrested. We have been stalked by this same particular Kabbalah Center member on three occasion at disparate locations. I snapped photos of him twice for future evidence, using my mobile phone. He is one of several Kabbalah Center members they have stalking and approaching us.

There is no excuse for this insidious evil. It is ugly, hateful, nasty, mean spirited and evil. What kind of animals do something like that. The mere fact they commissioned an attack on an innocent old lady should tell you the kind of evil running through their veins. According to many psychiatrists and psychologists, it is complete stalker behavior to target the family members and friends of the victim a stalker targets. It is a known, well documented mental defect of dangerous, psychopathic stalkers to begin targeting the family members of the victim they become obsessed with and stalk. They are unequivocally the most evil people in existence. Madonna and her co-defendants in the case are steeped in the occult. They brag in their music, videos and interviews about Satanism. They are evil and that is the root of the problem in this case.

Madonna's Deranged Interference In My Life

Madonna has also been doing her level best to try to destroy my personal and business relationships with people that have nothing to do with her. Madonna has sent members of the Kabbalah Center to approach my family and friends asking them to harm me and my mother. When men pay too much attention to me Madonna gets angry and sends members of the Kabbalah Center to approach me when I go out and threaten me over it. I have been threatened that I am not to date, marry or reproduce.

Members of the Miami branch of the Kabbalah Center she repeatedly keeps sending to stalk and approach me in public, also keep telling me I should romantically like Madonna when I can't stand her. I'd rather die than be anywhere near her. I am not and have never been gay, not even one day in my life, so you can stop trying to force that on me. If I were gay, I'd have standards - Halle Berry or Megan Fox - not Madonna, who to me is the equivalent of Gollum/Smigel. But once again, I am not gay. I have never liked or been attracted to women. I like kind, decent men.


Madonna has gotten angry over basic things such as me being on Twitter and interacting with people, particularly men. She has sent members of the Kabbalah Center up to me in public to harass me over Twitter of all things. I’m on Twitter posting my site article links as most writers and bloggers do, as well as encouraging people in their lives and careers, while trying to make them laugh. I am a friendly person and I try to help people all the time. This is who I've always been. Yet insane Madonna has taken my tweets on Twitter so seriously.

Word got back to me from a very reliable source responsible for some of my site exclusives that Madonna has been contacting certain famous men I interacted with on Twitter and harassed them over me. She is very jealous of one of them in particular, an athlete in his mid-20s, who doesn't give a darn about her and neither do I. How she found her crazy way into the equation, in what was decent, above board conversations about sports that my whole timeline saw, is beyond me. She had no right to harass him or anyone else.

First of all, I've stated nothing inappropriate on Twitter. Secondly, I do not intimately know any of the men I have publicly interacted with on Twitter and vice versa. I'm being nice to people and there's nothing wrong with that. The tweets are all jokes and at other times to encourage others in their lives and careers when they are down, which many people on Twitter do (send others well wishes). Yet that awful, nosy, meddlesome madwoman Madonna did this, in what is crazy, stalker behavior.

Attempted Vehicular Assault

One three separate occasions, members of the Kabbalah Center have tried to run over me with their vehicles in places such as a Walgreen's pharmacy parking lot in North Miami Beach and on a sidewalk across from the Chase Bank (also in North Miami Beach) where my mother was attacked (but I got out of the way before they could hit me).

After I went public with what happened regarding the attempted vehicular assault, writing about it in an article on the Judiciary Report, it was revealed in the criminal trial of Madonna's private investigator, Italian mafia member Anthony Pellicano, that one of his harassment tactics on behalf of stars in Hollywood is not only wiretapping, computer hacking and identity theft, but trying to run over the person with a vehicle (Pellicano and his thugs succeeded on a few occasions regarding deliberately hitting others stars paid him to target, landing people in the hospital with broken bones and other serious injuries). They are a bunch of savages and barbarians. This was done when Pellicano invaded the privacy of a person a Hollywood star paid him $100,000 to target, but failed to find any dirt on them to extort or blackmail them with.


Madonna's original misconduct was reported to the FBI and they interviewed me twice at their Miami office. Four months after the FBI interviewed me, they used the information I provided them with to arrest and convict Madonna/Kabbalah Center’s private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, for the very things I accused them of - hacking, wiretapping, identity theft and racketeering. He is currently in prison. However, I have it on good authority, via an unimpeachable source responsible for some of my site exclusives that Madonna issued a bribe at the FBI to avoid imprisonment in the case.

Since that time, the FBI has been disgracefully helping Madonna steal my copyrights she has been criminally spreading all over Hollywood. The FBI is even illegally using U.S. taxpayer money to contact my family, friends and business associates in trying to obtain unlawful help with this thoroughly criminal endeavor in stealing my copyrighted catalog. Madonna is criminally selling people in Hollywood many items from my copyrighted catalog at cut rate prices, though she does not own it and they know it is not her intellectual property. The money from the illegal sales of items from my copyrighted catalog is being criminally stored offshore in the Cayman Islands, among other places. 

The FBI, who has no jurisdiction or Congressional mandate in the international community, used the CIA to contact a physically unwell relative of mine, among others, trying to rope her into their detestable conduct, revealing they need help with me in trying to get my copyrights for Hollywood’s illegal use. They terrified my relative, in what is an egregious, illegal abuse and misuse of American taxpayer money. They illegally asked another relative for help under false pretenses as well. All in the name of stealing.

Hollywood's work ethic is extremely poor. They refuse to honestly work and see copyright infringement as an easy paycheck and way of life. They are sued on a regular basis by many people for criminally stealing copyrights. 90% of what Hollywood puts out doesn't even belong to it, stolen from other people's PREEXISTING copyrighted music, books, films and TV shows. That's pathetic...and grand theft larceny. Hollywood is an industry of thieves.

I was also informed Hollywood became angry that I started an entertainment company in Miami, slamming me as an immigrant whose company would "take bread off our tables." As such, I do not recommend anyone dealing with Hollywood or starting an entertainment company in America. You will be robbed and slurred. Hollywood will try to have you killed and steal your copyrighted assets (and anything else they can get their hands on). Starting an entertainment company in America is not worth your life.

I have broken stories on the FBI and NSA via my websites (NSA Workers Admit To Reading The Emails And Listening To The Calls Of Americans In Violation Of The Law and Judge Rules The NSA Illegally Spied On Americans Confirming The Site's Previous Claims (Video) and NSA Admits Employees Illegally Spied On Love Interests And Significant Others Confirming Site’s Previous Claims).

In said articles I revealed much of the spying the US government is doing in America (and the world) is not for national security, but political power and to steal intellectual property for big American corporations. Years after I published those exclusives to my website, Edward Snowden released documents in a worldwide scandal that confirmed the illegal NSA spying I had previously written about on my websites. Snowden also stated the same thing I did in my previous articles, that the illegal government spying is a violation of the constitution, done for power and to steal (The Judiciary Report's  May 20, 2009 article "Spying To Steal"). On January 27, 2014 U.S. News ran an article confirming it entitled "Edward Snowden: NSA Conducts Economic Spying" (if that link does not work click here).

I forwarded this case I filed in Miami District Court to both houses of the U.S. Congress in March right after I filed the lawsuit, which cites human rights abuses and criminal conduct against Jamaicans (me, my family and friends) which constitutes hate crimes. Ironically, weeks after I filed the lawsuit, for the first time in 30-years a U.S. president went to Jamaica on an official visit. I found it ironic, as the terrible, violent human rights abuses against Jamaicans in America in this case have been transpiring under President Obama’s watch, in acts committed by his friends and donors in Hollywood, which the White House has been fully apprized of for quite sometime.

Obama, pictured in the Bob Marley museum, visited Jamaica weeks after the lawsuit was filed, on the very day I was supposed to go home to the island, but didn't due to a death in the family in Miami and having to help a relative because of it. Ironically, several weeks after Obama's visit, his administration falsely accused the Jamaican government of spying on Jamaicans and had to make a retraction when it was proven false (never mind the Obama Administration has been illegally spying on select, law abiding Jamaicans in Jamaica via wiretapping and hacking, with no domestic or international legal mandate to do so).

Every branch of the U.S. government, the White House and many federal and state agencies, such as the FBI, DOJ and NSA, among others, read my websites on a regular basis, due to the many exclusives that have later proven 100% true and correct. Site statistics for my websites, as provided by the hosting company, revealed the aforementioned U.S. government entities and agencies are regular site readers. Yet allow these terrible human rights abuses to transpire, in support of the undue enrichment of their friends in Hollywood, who are big financial donors. How corrupt. How can the government lecture people about human rights, yet do something so evil.

Pharmaceutical Patents

The worst part of it all is I have been diligently working on my very promising, forthcoming pharmaceutical patents regarding cancer and AIDS, using the limited resources I have, while these people repeatedly criminally rob me of my copyrights, for undue financial enrichment and very lavish living. These patents have been my main focus and I'd put my music career on the back burner to work on them (however, I will be releasing some new music material shortly, as I have gotten to a good place with my forthcoming pharmaceutical patents). 

Madonna and company have engaged in fraud in other acts concerning me, such as stealing $225,000 in real estate equity from a property I owned, fearing I would sell it and use the money to put out the patents to help sick people, as well as my copyrights, bringing a halt to their copyright infringement and destroying their illegal money train that is based in theft.

Madonna also engaged in commissioned criminal misconduct in trying to sabotage and destroy another business I have outside of the entertainment industry. The company has absolutely nothing to do with her, yet she is trying to destroy it in attempting to block revenues, for fear I will use it to put out the patents designed to save sick people and prolong their lives. They'd rather sick people die so they in Hollywood can steal and get richer (and with the FBI's help and approval). What kind of savages and animals do something so evil. Mark my words, world history is going to judge them for it in a horrible way. They're not going to get away with anything.


"American Life" "Hey You" "History" "Incredible" "Living For Love" songs (among others) by Madonna

Songs from “Confessions On A Dance Floor” and "Rebel Heart" CDs by Madonna

"Sorry" "Hung Up" music videos (among others) by Madonna

Madonna's "English Roses" and "Material Girls" clothing line (Macys)

The songs "Welcome To Hollywood" "Single Ladies" "Daddy" "Greenlight" "Upgrade U" "Diva" "Amor Gitano" "Worldwide Woman" "Black Culture" (among other songs) by Beyonce

The music videos "Suga Mama" "Flaws And All" "Still In Love" "Beautiful Liar" and "Greenlight" (among other videos) by Beyonce 

"Holy Grail" "Empire State Of Mind" "Picasso Baby" "Party Life"  "American Dreamin" "Already Home" "So Ambitious" (among other songs) by Jay Z

“Shine Ya Light” “Radioactive” “Fall In Love“ “Grateful“ “I Will Never Let You Down” “Lover Of The Light” (among other songs) by Jay-Z's Roc Nation artist Rita Ora

"Umbrella" "A Million Miles Away" "Don't Stop The Music" "Diamonds" "Russian Roulette" "Rockstar 101" "Rude Boy" "Only Girl" "Man Down" "We Found Love" "Coulda Been The One" "Live Your Life"  "Love The Way You Lie (featuring Eminem)" (among other songs) by Jay-Z's artist Rihanna

“Guilty Conscience” by Eminem

“Southpaw” movie (50 Cent)

50 Cent’s “In Da Club” video

"Creed" movie

Numerous songs on albums by Sony’s “American Idol” artists (signed by Simon Cowell and Simon Fuller) such as Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson and Daughtry, who share the same intellectual property lawyer as Madonna at Mannatt and Phelps, administering rights to the Warner Bros (Madonna) and Sony music catalogs (Madonna also made an appearance on the show “American Idol”). Cowell has also been infringing my preexisting copyrights for his recording artists JLS, Alexandra Burke and Little Mix, among others.

"From Justin To Kelly" movie (Simon Cowell and Simon Fuller)

"It's Not About The Money" "Price Tag" "Casualty Of Love" "“Mama Knows Best" "Stand Up" "Conquer The World" "Bang Bang" "Silver Lining" "Technology" (among others) by Sony's alleged songwriter Jessie J

"Fight For This Love" and several other songs Simon Cowell's co-star Cheryl Cole

"Rock N Rolla" "Sherlock" "Revolver" by Madonna's ex-husband Guy Ritchie

Britney Spears "Womanizer" "My Sister" "Piece Of Me" "Radar" "Outta This World" "She'll Never Be Me"  "State Of Grace" (among others)

Britney Spears music video "Work Bi*ch"

"Don't Stop (Funkin 4 For Jamaica)" "Thirsty" "Angels Cry" "Obsessed" "Inseparable" "More Than Just Friends" "Heavenly" "The One" "Fly Like A Bird" songs by Mariah Carey

"Paparazzi" and "Bad Romance" songs by Lady Gaga

“Can I Live” by Nick Cannon

"Selma" movie

“Empire” TV show

“Scandal” TV show

“Blackish” TV show

"Hit The Floor" TV show

"Smash" TV show

Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” music video

"Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie

"Firework" "The One That Got Away" and "Hot N Cold" (among other songs) by Katy Perry

"Jam" song by Kim Kardashian

"Bossy" by Lindsay Lohan

"Dandelion" by Nicole Richie

Lyrics to "Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke produced by Madonna's producer Pharrell Williams

“Salt” movie

“Lucy“ movie

"Olympus Has Fallen" movie

Synopsis for “Transformers 2” movie

"Hancock" movie by Will Smith

"The Watch" movie

"Maze Runner" movie

"Percy Jackson And The Olympians" movie

"Princess Diaries 2" movie

"Prince And Me" movies

"Sam’s Lake" movie

"Gravedancers" movie

"Material Girls" movie

"Valentine’s Day" movie

 "New Years Eve" movie

"American Dreamz" movie

"The Last Airbender" movie

"Music And Lyrics" movie

"Obsessed" movie (Beyonce and Idris Elba)

"Takers" movie (Idris Elba)

"No Good Deed" movie (Idris Elba)

"San Andreas" movie (the Rock)

"Hercules" movie (the Rock)

"Reno 911!: Miami" movie (the Rock)

"Think Like A Man Too" movie

"Good Deeds" movie

"Next" movie (Nicholas Cage)

"National Treasure: Book Of Secrets" movie (Nicholas Cage)

"Knowing" movie (Nicholas Cage)

"Spy Kids 3" movie

"Goal" movie

"Good Luck Chuck" movie

"My Sister’s Keeper" movie

"Bad Judge" sitcom

"Blue Bloods" TV show

"Limitless" TV show

"Jane The Virgin" TV show

"Born Again" TV show

"Stalkers" TV show

"Mob Wives" reality show

"Couples Retreat" movie (Vince Vaughn)

"Unfinished Business" movie (Vince Vaughn)

"Camp Rock" movie

"Blond Ambition" movie

"Tonight He Comes" movie

"Maze Runner" movie

“Orange County Girl” and "Hollaback Girl" by Madonna’s cousin Gwen Stefani

“Stars Are Blind” music video by Madonna's fellow Kaballah Center member and Warner Bros artist Paris Hilton

“Where Is Your Dignity” “Burned” and “Happy” by Hillary Duff, who starred in Madonna’s infringing film she stole from my catalog and renamed “Material Girls”

"My Super Ex-Girlfriend" movie

“All About Adam” movie

"Aisha" movie

"Primeval" "Death In Paradise" "Tatau" "Survivors" "Luther" "Outcasts" and "Sherlock" TV shows on the BBC (DVDs by the BBC are distributed by Warner Bros Pictures under an ongoing contract. Warner Bros Pictures is the company Madonna and ex-husband Guy Ritchie have contracts with)

Select "Doctor Who" TV show episodes "The Waters Of Mars" "The  Eleventh Hour" "The Hungry Earth" "The Sontaran Stratagem" "The Stolen Earth" "Smith And Jones" and "The Poison Sky" (among other episodes) on the BBC

Select "Torchwood" TV show episodes such as "The Children Of Earth" on the BBC

"Outcasts" TV show

"Cyberstalker" movie

Select items from Jessica Simpson's fashion line (Macys)

"Material Girls" fashion line (Macys)

A backdrop from Madonna's Re-invention world tour

A backdrop from Madonna's Confessions world tour

"Sorry" by Madonna

"Super Girl" by Christina Aguilera

"Inception" movie

"Legends Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga'Hoole" movie

Katie Price's "Angel" "Crystal" "The Comeback Girl" "He's The One" "Angel Uncovered" books

"Jetsetter" song by Neyo

"Love Song" by Sara Bareilles

"Big Time Rush" movie

The character Sheldon from "Big Bang Theory" and storylines for select episodes of the show

"Knight And Day" movie (Tom Cruise)

"Edge Of Tomorrow" movie (Tom Cruise)

Rihanna's "American Oxygen" video

Select "Extant" television show storylines

"Ride Along" and "Ride Along" movies

"Attack The Block" movie

"The Zookeeper" movie 

"Pocket Full Of Sunshine" song by Natasha Beddingfield

"We Takin' Over" video by DJ Khaled, Akon, TI, Rick Ross, Fat Joe, Baby, Lil Wayne

Justin Timberlake's backdrop for 2002 MTV Music Awards performance of "Like I Love You"

"Pretty Girl Rock" by Keri Hilson

"Energy" by Keri Hilson

"Bad Judge" sitcom

"Ratter" movie

“Super Girl” song by Christina Aguilera (Sony)

Select lines from "Rolling In The Deep" by Adele (Sony)

"District 9" movie (Sony)

"Epic" movie

"Bad Teacher"

"Bad Hair Day" movie (Disney)

Outkast music video for the song "Hey Ya" (Sony)

"5th Wave" movie

"Heaven Sent" movie (Lionsgate)

"Tomorrowland" movie

"Class" (BBC)

"The Heat" movie

"Limitless" movie

"Robodog" movie

"Friday Night Dinner" (Channel 4)

"Sh*t My Dad Says" sitcom

"The Take" movie

"Hot Tub Time Machine" movie

"Rings" movie

"X-Men Apocalypse" movie

"Kidnapped" (2017) movie

"Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials" movie

"Don't Mess With The Zohan" movie

"The Superstore" sitcom

"Superior Donuts" sitcom

"Community" sitcom

"McMafia" TV show (BBC)

"Anti Matter" movie

DJ Khaled's "Young, Dumb and Broke"

Migel's "Sky Walker"

Rihanna "Birthday Cake"

"Scorpion" television show

"Manifest" television show

"The Resident" television show

"In The Swing Of Things" movie (Owen Wilson)

"The Rook" (Starz)

Doc Martin (TV show)

"Murder Mystery" (Netflix)

"Stranger Things" (Netflix)

"Loaded" (Netflix)

"Chewing Gum" (Netflix)

"Travelers" (Netflix)

"See You Yesterday" (Netflix)

"Game Over, Man" (Seth Rogen - Netflix)

"David Makes Man" (Own)

"Greenleaf" (Own)

"Time Trap" (Netflix)

"You" (Netflix)

"The Moon and the Sky" (Jay Z and Sade)

"Bob Hearts Abishola" (CBS)

"All Rise" (CBS)

Mirage (Netflix)

"Freaks" (Netflix)

"Extinction" (Netflix)

"Space Between Us"

"Love And Time Travel"

"At First Light"

"Dead to Me" (Netflix)

"Warrior Nun" (Netflix)

"The Old Guard" (Netflix)

"Project Power" (Netflix)

"Nigerian Prince" (Netflix)

"Black Swan"


"The Fighter"


"I Am Four"

"666 Park Avenue"

"The Fountain"

"Tree Of Life"

"The Morning Show"

"The Heart Specialist"

"How It Ends"

"Project Almanac"

"Midnight Special" (2016)

"Away" (Netflix)

"The Good Doctor"

Anthony Joshua's Peperami commercial (2020)

"Avengers: Infinity War" (2018)

Group name "City Girls" (2019 Miami group)

"Jingle Jangle" (Netflix)

"Peppermint" (Netflix)

"Christmas Break-in" (Netflix)

"Last Christmas" (2019 movie)

"Space Sweepers" (Netflix)

Select storylines of "Cobra Kai" (Netflix)

Select storylines of "Bull" (CBS)

"Gemini Man" (2019)

Underground (Sony/OWN)

Proximity (movie by Netflix's "Stranger Things" writer)

"Debris" (NBC)

"I Care A Lot" (Netflix)

"NOS4A2" (AMC)

"Parallel" (2018 film)

"Yesterday" (2019 movie)

"The One" (Netflix)

"Deadly Delusion" movie

"Godzilla vs. Kong" movie

"Gangs of London" (AMC)

"Night School" movie (2018)

"Criminal" movie  (2016)

"In The Dark" television show (select storylines and copyrighted text)

"Reminiscence" movie (2021)

"The Heart Guy" television show (Nine Network in Australia owned by Rupert Murdoch from the phone hacking scandal I broke first)

"Euphoria" on HBO (2020)

"The Morning Show"

Pretty Smart (Netflix)

The Losers (film)

F9 - Fast and the Furious 9

"Cruella" movie (2021)

"Maid" (Netflix)

"Biohackers" (Netflix)

"No Time To Die" movie (2021)

"Stay Close" (Netflix)

"Long Story Short" movie (2021)

"The Royal Treatment" (Netflix)

"Medical Police" (Netflix)

"Holiday Calendar" (Netflix)

"Free Guy" movie (2021)

"American Auto" sitcom (2022)

"Twist" movie (2021)

"The Weekend Away" (Netflix)

"The Adam Project" (Netflix)

Captain Nova (Netflix)

"Moonfall" (synopsis/short story used to make the 2022 film)

"The Batman" (synopsis/short story used to make the 2022 film)

"Spiderman: No Way Home: (synopsis/short story used to make the 2022 film)

"The Old Man" (2022)

"Don't Look Up" (2022)

"Paper Girls" (2022)

"Secret Headquarters" (2022)

"Me Time" (2022)

"Resident Alien" (2021)

"1-800-Missing" also known as "Missing" (2003-2005)

"Boxing Day" (2021)

"Mind Of A Cat" (2022) (Netflix)

"Saturday Morning All Stars" (2022) (Netflix)

Timewasters (2022)

"A Dog's Journey" (2019)

"Deadly Delusions" (2017)

"That's So Raven" (2003-2007)

"Upload" (Amazon) (2022)

Anthem Of A Teenage Prophet" (2019)

"Electric Dreams" (2018)

"A Christmas In New York" (2016)

"Slumberland" (2022) (Netflix)

"Wednesday" (2022) (Netflix)

"Just Another Dream" movie (2021)

"Honor Society" (2022)

"Nanny" (2022)

"Kindred" (2022)

"Jack Ryan" (2018)

"Butterfly Effect" (1, II and III) (Madonna's Kabbalah member Ashton Kutcher)

"Drifters" (2017 Britcom)

"Carnival Row" (2023)

"Other Life" (2017)

"Alex Rider" (2013, 2019) (Madonna's Kabbalah member Harvey Weinstein)

"Project Almanac" (2015) (Madonna's Kabbalah member Michael Bay)

"The Lazarus Project" (2022)

"Paradise" (Netflix) (2023)

"Super Me" (Netflix)

"I Used To Be Famous" (Netflix)

"God Friended Me"

"Gone Girl"

"Bless This Mess"

"FutureSex/LoveSound" by Justin Timberlake (Sony)

"What Goes Around Comes Around" by Justin Timberlake (Sony)

"Who Knew" by Pink (Sony)

"Man On A Ledge" movie

"Candy Cane Lane" movie (2023)

"The Star Beast" (Doctor Who) (2023)

"Rap Sh!t" (2023)

"America Is Sinking" (2024)

"Atlas" (2024) (Netflix)

"The Greatest Hits" (2024)

"Supacell" (Netflix and Jay Z's Roc Nation)

'Future TX" movie

"My Type" music video by Saweetie

"Doctor Odyssey" TV show (2024)

"Upgrade" movie (Netflix)

"Gettin Some" music video by Shawnna

"Orphan Black Echoes" (2024)

"Proclivities" by LL Cool J (2024)

"B Positive"  (CBS) (2024)

Select segments of "The Talk" (CBS) (2024)

Select segments on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" (CBS) (2024)

New storylines on "Young And The Restless" (CBS) (2024)

Select segments of "The Drew Barrymore Show" (CBS) (2024)

New storylines on "Frasier" reboot (2024)

"Cinderella" by Play

"It Girl" by Jason Derulo

"Something In The Dirt" (movie)

"Paradise" (Hulu) (2025)


CASE NUMBER: 15-05345 CA 30







1. Aisha Goodison (hereinafter “Plaintiff“) files this complaint in good faith and alleges as follows, regarding the above-captioned Defendants, who have been engaging in a willful, malicious and sustained campaign of extensive human rights abuses, in commissioned acts of harassment (under false pretenses tried to drag Plaintiff onto a radio show listened to by millions of people in harassing her), stalking (sent thugs to Plaintiff’s private residence) assault, sexual assault, invasion of privacy (commissioned computer, email and webcam hacking), financial fraud and replevin, with the intent of harming and injuring the Plaintiff, bringing the Defendants ill-gotten financial gain and undue enrichment.


2. Plaintiff is a singer, songwriter, producer, director, author, photographer, blogger and inventor.

3. Plaintiff is the sole owner and author of a very valuable, vast Copyrighted Catalog worth billions of dollars, as it contains over 15,000 songs, 1000 movie scripts, movie treatments and short stories, 30 book manuscripts, 300 music video treatments, 500 photographs, 100 photo treatments, perfume, clothing lines, nano-technology, a solar cell phone, car line and thousands of other items.

4. Plaintiff has also authored forthcoming patents that are pharmaceutical drugs.

5. Plaintiff‘s domestically and internationally protected copyrighted works are based in entertainment, sports, technology and science.

6. Plaintiff is the owner, author and operator of several prominent websites read by millions of people worldwide, the most popular being JudiciaryReport.com, which has over 250 time stamped article exclusives that later proved 100% true and correct.

7. Plaintiff is one of the top pop culture bloggers in the world, having written over 12,000 published, copyrighted articles and broken a number of socially and politically relevant stories that are at the forefront of the national and international dialogue.

8. In 2006, Plaintiff broke the story of the then coming 2008 mortgage and financial crisis in an article published to her SoundOffColumn.com website.

9. In 2005, Plaintiff broke the story of the phone hacking scandal, via a published 2005 police complaint she filed with the Metropolitan Police in London, England, which resulted in arrests and convictions of business associates of the Defendants in 2006, 2008 and 2014, for spying on the Royal Family and politicians, as well as celebrities in sports, music, film and television.

10. In 2009, Plaintiff broke the scandal regarding the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeting and discriminating against conservative public figures, regarding illegally withholding tax refunds and exemptions, for peacefully and publicly disagreeing with President Obama.

11. The Plaintiff‘s allegations were confirmed in 2013, when the story hit the mainstream press, then landed in the U.S. Congress, via a series of televised hearings, accompanied by a criminal probe of select Internal Revenue Service employees.

12. In 2006, Plaintiff broke the scandal regarding the NSA spying on citizens in violation of the law, which became a massive scandal in 2013 when former NSA contractor, Edward Snowden, bravely came forward with documents that confirmed Plaintiff’s previously published time stamped articles, regarding the agency engaging in illegal spying against Americans.

13. On November 18, 2013, the Plaintiff alleged in her JudiciaryReport.com column that the ObamaCare website Heathcare.gov is malfunctioning because it is being hacked.

14. The day after Plaintiff’s time stamped article was published online, computer security experts summoned to Congress on November 19, 2013, stated the ObamaCare website Healthcare.gov site was in fact being hacked, which confirmed Plaintiff’s previous allegations contained on her JudiciaryReport.com website.

15. On August 22, 2013, Plaintiff broke the scandal revealing select NSA and FBI employees used government resources, such as wiretapping, to illegally spy on their significant others.

16. Two days later on August 24, 2013, the story was confirmed via the mainstream press and a court filing.

17. A number of the Plaintiff’s time stamped article exclusives she broke first through her websites, turned into national and international stories that later ended up in houses of legislature, such as the U.S. Congress and the British Parliament.

18. Plaintiff has also authored exclusive time stamped science stories on cancer, which were later proven true and correct, via mainstream scientific studies and news reports.

19. Plaintiff hails from an award winning, esteemed family that has been prominent in entertainment, sports and literature for decades...

for full lawsuit please click here


One Of Madonna's Kabbalah Center Hackers Revealed Via Court Subpoena (Photo And Name)

Hacker's Name, Address, Telephone Number and IP Address Revealed

Corruption From Judge Gisela Cardonne Ely And Google Lawyer Edward Mullins

June 23. 2015


This is a follow up to the News Corp/News International phone hacking story, which I broke first, via filing a police complaint in 2005 with the Metropolitan Police in London. I was alerted to the criminal activity, due to the misconduct of pop singer Madonna and her business associate Rupert Murdoch, who owns News Corp/News International. The case resulted in a guilty verdict (Andy Coulson Found Guilty In The Phone Hacking Case Confirming Previous Claims I Made About Him On The Site). I also filed a complaint with the FBI, regarding Madonna and her private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, for invasion of privacy and criminal copyright infringement. That case later resulted in a guilty verdict against Anthony Pellicano (who also had 4 hackers on staff breaking the law hacking into computers, emails and phones to spy and steal).

Due to Madonna's ongoing criminal misconduct, I had to file a lawsuit against tech company Google. One of Madonna's hackers hacked my Ad Sense advertising account with Google and removed my most lucrative site, The Judiciary Report, from the lists of sites allowed to run ads using my ad account. The hacker exploited a design flaw and software fault in Google's software feature to do so. As a result Google grossed over $500,000 in ad revenue from the Judiciary Report and I was not paid my contractual portion of the funds. Madonna also pressured Google into removing the Judiciary Report from Google News, as it brought in more readers to my website and she demanded Ad Sense ads be stripped from the Judiciary Report as well, after they had been restored.

I am the sole author of a very valuable, voluminous copyrighted catalog of intellectual property works that contains over 15,000 songs, 1000 movie scripts, movie treatments and short stories, 30 book manuscripts, 300 music video treatments, 500 photographs, 100 photo treatments, perfume, clothing lines, nano-technology, a solar cell phone, car line and thousands of other items. I began copyrighting at age 14 and over the course of 24 years, I've registered thousands of pages worth of the aforementioned intellectual property in paper and digital formats (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM).

Madonna, who has ties to Sony and Warner Bros via their copyright/intellectual property lawyer, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, hired a hacker to illegally hack into my business computers and copy the contents of the copyrighted catalog and has been criminally using it without permission, selling items from it at reduced prices to others in Hollywood such as Jay Z (married to Sony's Beyonce), Beyonce (Sony), Rihanna (signed to Jay-Z's Roc Nation), Rita Ora (signed to Jay-Z's Roc Nation), Jessie J (music publishing deal with Sony), Mariah Carey (Sony), Britney Spears (Sony) Simon Cowell (Sony), Simon Fuller (Sony) and others, who know it is stolen. The illegal funds Madonna has made from this felonious criminal activity is stored in offshore banks, such as in the Cayman Islands, as well as select banking institutions in America. Hollywood is a sick, depraved industry of thieves. They're criminals. Michael Jackson's family states he was murdered for his copyrighted catalog. Cooke's family states the same of his murder.

I traced one of Madonna's hackers back to a Google G-Mail email account, after he sent me a violent, racist death threat to my site. When brought into court via the lawsuit I filed, Google quickly began hiding evidence, while destroying some evidence as well, which is illegal. Madonna's hacker wrote something in the emailed death threat that gave away the fact he is one of the Kabbalah Center's hackers, who has been repeatedly breaking into my computers.

An excerpt from the death threat sent to my website from "Quinten Brantley." The rest of the email is being saved for court. He stated something in the email that gave away the fact he is one of Madonna's hackers working with the Kabbalah Center. As you can see, the email was sent to me on Valentine's Day. Psychologists state stalkers, particularly those suffering from Erotomania (Clerambault's Syndrome) increase misconduct against victims on holidays and birthdays, which I have found to be true in this case. One several of my birthdays, Madonna's Kabbalah Center does something foul and vile regarding me.

The Kabbalah Center's perverse hackers also erected a sick, pedophilic website called NatashaMusica.blogspot.com on Google's Blog Spot blogging site and told the public it is one of my sites, when I never owned it or had anything to do with it at any point in time. Google took 18-days to remove the offending site after admitting in email exchanges it is not my website. It was a fraudulent, illegal website put online by the Kabbalah Center in a sick bid to destroy my name and reputation, while endangering my life, by not only posting nude images of young teenage girls who appeared to be 14-15 years old, but also posting incendiary articles I did not author about Al Qaeda's Boko Haram terrorist group, who have killed thousands of people. Al Qaeda have also killed writers and cartoonists they felt disrespected their religion.

I found out about the fraudulent NatashaMusica.blogspot.com site when doing routine online searches to see where my articles were being used or referenced on other unrelated sites, as not all items contain a link back to the original source, which is an everyday problem for bloggers. That's when I noticed Google's search engine was bringing up my www.JudiciaryReport.com, www.SoundOffColumn.com, www.CelluloidFilmReview.com  and www.AishaMusic.blogspot.com articles on an unauthorized site called NatashaMusica.blogspot.com. I was appalled when I clicked the link to view the site and saw the sick content on it (child porn and items about Al Qaeda and Boko Haram).

After emailing Google various items to prove NatashaMusica.blogspot.com was not my site and is criminally breaking the law via claiming it belongs to me, they removed it after nearly three weeks of being alerted to the problem, which is woefully slow and well below the national and international standard for internet service providers. After a court hearing one of Google's lawyers, Edward Mullins, inappropriately and arrogantly got in my face and growled that there's "an AOL case" where a pedophilic "image of a 10-year-old boy" was left online for years and "the judge in the case" left it online on AOL's servers. This was his justification for Google inexcusably leaving that sick NatashaMusica.blogspot.com site online for weeks after being notified by me in writing of the sick impersonation, fraud and copyright infringement in using my actual wholesome articles and mixing them in with such filth and disgusting content.

Google's lawyer Edward Mullins also keeps violating my private space by getting in my face and yelling at and bullying me after hearings, stating completely inappropriate things, while exploding in rage like he's bipolar, making a scene in the courthouse with lawyers and other litigants looking on in shock. Before the hearing Google's lawyer is smiling and polite, then after the hearings, without any provocation he storms out of the courtroom, angrily pacing and acting like a madman with anger management issues. Prior to Mullins by assigned the case, a soft-spoken woman, Regan Kruze was Google's lawyer, but she left the firm after I asked in writing why she was wearing a Kabbalah Center red string bracelet to court and kept flicking her arm back in front of me to flash it in my face while she spoke to me about the case. It's quite telling that Google hired a lawyer who is in Kabbalah.

Google released one item in the case regarding one of Madonna's hackers, but scrubbed much of the data from it, leaving a fake email address (dropsiesboy@gmail.com), a fake name "Quinten Brantley" and many I.P. addresses they thought would pose too much of a problem for me to sort through, ultimately leading to a dead end. After I sifted through all the I.P. addresses, the first batch led nowhere, as internet service provider Verizon responded to the subpoena I sent by stating "file not found" which made the Google lawyer, Edward Mullins, laugh over the phone.

However, I began tracing a second batch of I.P. addresses as well, which turned up something, much to Google's chagrin. I independently obtained a court subpoena listing internet service provider AT&T as the recipient, in reference to the death threat that was emailed to my website by Madonna's hacker, using the fake name "Quinten Brantley" via dropsiesboy@gmail.com.

Google wouldn't provide the real name and address behind alias "Quinten Brantley" registered at their G-Mail service, which was used to send the threat. However, tracing it backwards, led me to AT&T, who under a subpoena released the name, address, telephone number and I.P. address of Madonna's hacker using the alias "Quinten Brantley" revealing his name is Randy Vaughn of Greenville, South Carolina.

One of the documents AT&T released to me under the subpoena identifying Randy Vaughn as the user being the "Quinten Brantley" alias and the corresponding I.P. address that was previously hidden (I have redacted Randy Vaughn's home address, telephone number, account number and I.P. address as a courtesy which he really does not deserve):

I did some searches online and found a profile for Randy Vaughn of Greenville, South Carolina on the Linked In website. Randy Vaughn is a computer specialist and electrical engineer, who works for government contractor, Fluor. This explains so much. Previously, I nearly sued the light company Florida Power And Light (FPL), servicing Miami, Florida, where I have been living, but they settled with me before I filed the lawsuit.

Florida Power And Light (FPL) Claim settlement documents (redacted for privacy and so as not to violate the terms of the settlement):

Legal settlement with Florida Power And Light before I had it notarized, but it bears my name:

Said hacker hacked into Florida Power And Light's grid and sent a massive amount of electricity into my home that caused computers and appliances to overheat, smoke and give off sparks. It could have caught the house on fire (which is ironic as Madonna's hacker Randy Vaughn, who emailed me a death threat under the fake name "Quinten Brantley" threatened to kill me in a house fire).

This wasn't your standard power surge. It is what is known as "electronic harassment" in legal and government circles. Florida Power And Light's grid was criminally hacked to target the transformer outside my home on several occasions, but that one particular time the hacker went overboard and it caused a catastrophe. Once again, the house could have caught on fire. We had to quickly plug everything out with the way the electronics were smoking and giving off sparks all over the house.

As his Linked In bio reveals, some of Randy Vaughn's specialties include, "Power generation and distribution systems, short circuit and load flow studies...grounding, lighting, programmable controllers, uninterruptible power supply, emergency power generation..." Translation, he is a computer specialist with the ability to tap into light companies' power grids and cause serious damage.

This is the "Quinten Brantley" who is a hacker Madonna employed. He has a Linked In profile and his real name is Randy Vaughn, a computer specialist and electrical engineer:

 How ironic that Randy Vaughn lists one of his causes as "children" when the Kabbalah Center cult he is involved in erected the website NatashaMusica.BlogSpot.com with pedophilic images and copied my wholesome website banner, slogans and preexisting copyrighted Judiciary Report articles that are not pornographic or inappropriate, to make the public think the sick site was mine. Security experts have stated this is a sick technique used by hackers to defame and set up innocent people they criminally target.

My house was the only one in the entire neighbor this happened to, as the hacker targeted my property, causing thousands of dollars in damage, such as destroying a $5,000 air conditioning unit, a $700 refrigerator, a $500 built computer, a $1,000 Toshiba laptop, music studio recording equipment and 4 televisions, among other things. Ironically, when this occurred with the catastrophic power surges targeting my home via hacking, I was online on the computer the Kabbalah Center kept hacking, reading about "electronic harassment" after typing in the strange surges that had been happening in my home. Some of the surges were so powerful you could hear them (buzzing noise), smell the electronics burning up, see smoke coming from the electronics and appliances and the walls of the house would vibrate. The whole thing was so sick...

for the rest of this article click here


Madonna And Kabbalah Center’s Stalking, Copyright Theft And Harassment Illegally Extends From Miami To London In Criminal Violation Of U.S. And International Law

Discriminatory First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation's Partner Coester VMS Real Estate Appraisers Sues Virginia Board For Well Deserved License Declination (Ban)

Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of Madonna's Kabbalah Center

Boycott First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation And Coester VMS Who Are Scammers And Con Artists Engaging In Discrimination While Ripping Off People Seeking Mortgages

Why Is The Obama Administration Contacting The Family And Friends Of Journalists And Bloggers Harassing Them On His Behalf Over His Press Clippings

Madonna’s Rabbi Yehuda Berg Sued For Sexual Assault And Threatening To Beat And Kill Student At The Kabbalah Center For Not Having Sex With Him

Obama's FBI Is Engaging In A Vicious Criminal Pattern Of Abuse And Brutalization Against Innocent Jamaicans - Part 2 (MURDER)

New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims

Reports Indicate Obama Is A Gay Muslim Who Hates Christians With News Surfacing That Three Former Lovers Have Been Killed

FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating

Human Rights Activists Slam The FBI After It Is Discovered They've Become The World's Top Distributor Of Child Porn

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