Overweight Teachers Have Been Dying
From Coronavirus Since School Reopening In America
Confirming Previous Site Claims
September 16. 2020

The London Evening Standard ran an
article stating at least six teachers have died from
coronavirus since schools began reopening in America.
4-months ago I stated on this site that reopening
schools in the foreseeable future is a bad idea (and
Schools Set To Reopen In Select
Regions During Coronavirus Outbreak But Is It Safe).

Then I was proven right (Coronavirus Infection Rate
Skyrockets Among American Kids With The Reopening Of Schools As
Previously Predicted On The Site and
Schools Reopening Sees A Significant
Spike Of 9,000 Children In Florida Contracting Coronavirus).

In looking at the photos of the teachers
who passed away, they all have something in common, they
are overweight. This proves my other theory from March
2020 where I stated first that obesity is playing a role
in the fatalities in reference to coronavirus and
doctors later confirmed it (Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site). May they rest in peace.

Anyone can contract the coronavirus, but
it is clear the elderly and or overweight are
particularly susceptible to death from it. Elderly and
or overweight teachers are at higher risk and should not
be forced to go back to school to teach, putting their
health on the line (actually, no one should until the
pandemic is under control and it's not in America or
Britain). There is nothing wrong with online schooling.
It works.
'At least six teachers' have died from coronavirus
since schools started reopening in United States
Donald Trump has repeatedly pushed for schools
to reopen across the country
2 days ago - At least six teachers have
died from coronavirus complications in the United States
after schools started to reopen in August, according to
reports. Donald Trump has repeatedly pushed for schools
to reopen across the country and threatened to divert
federal funding away from educational establishments if
they did not get children back into classrooms.
The US president cited research which
shows children "often have only mild symptoms, and
medical complications are incredibly rare – very, very,
very rare". However, since schools started to reopen in
early August, reports show at least six teachers in five
states have died after contracting the virus...