The FBI knew about it in advance.
Yet, the FBI let that madwoman get on a
plane, then arrogantly and openly defy Jamaican
government orders on mask wearing and social distancing
to reduce the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) after
showing off like a moron in the press that she
contracted it.
Harvey Weinstein and Madonna
There are Jamaicans I know in Florida and New York
that Madonna sent her cult to illegally approach and threaten in
unprovoked acts, trying to rope them into her criminal conduct
against me, and when they refused she and the FBI helping her, got
them fired from their jobs they used to lawfully support their
There are Jamaicans I know in Florida and New York
that Madonna began criminally threatening and targeting their
children, in obsessive criminal acts, because they would not aid her
in criminally attacking me. It is the criminal abuse of innocent
immigrants and it's not a good look. It's shameful.
Madonna has commissioned vehicular assaults against
me, my family members, my Jamaican friends and their offspring in
Florida and the international community. As stated previously on the
site, Madonna paid a member of her cult to crash his car into the
front of my house, in an incident where I could have been killed.
Thankfully I was not injured. Police were called and I have a copy
of the police report and insurance report regarding the incident.

Madonna and Harvey Weinstein have been friends for years and
are two of the main figures in the sick Kabbalah cult, who call
themselves "the Illuminati." Weinstein frequently referred to
himself as "god."
As stated previously, Madonna commissioned the
deaths of four innocent Jamaicans. I will go into great detail about
ALL the aforementioned incidents regarding Madonna criminally
targeting us and other Jamaicans in sick, evil ways, in a
forthcoming item online.
Madonna has shown such unprovoked hate, hostility
and ill-will towards Jamaicans and Jamaica (and we never did
anything to that madwoman). In light of this fact, Madonna
going out to Jamaica is the racial equivalent of Hitler walking among the Jews.
George W. Bush walking
among Iraqis.
Madonna has engaged in this criminal conduct with
the assistance of the corrupt Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
whom she bribed under Robert S. Mueller, to get away with the sick
human rights abuses that left innocent people dead, and others
maimed and suffering massive losses.

Madonna and fellow cultist Rihanna who has engaged in criminal
conduct in the Kabbalah cult to further her fraudulent career
entirely built on criminal copyright infringement and theft of trade
The FBI knows the full lengths of Madonna's sick criminal
conduct towards Jamaica and Jamaicans, which the lawbreaking federal
agency has participated in, but refused to release the
Freedom of Information Act files concerning it, to me or Congress.
The FBI has abused the U.S. government's classification system to
hide the crimes Madonna, her cult and their agency has been
committing at the expense of a small third world country. It is
going to mushroom into a massive global scandal.

Madonna and her fellow cultist Beyonce

Demonic cultist Beyonce

Beyonce used many demonic, occult symbols in her latest flop "Black is King"
Madonna is a threat to Jamaican national security.
Not only has she stolen valuable copyrights from me and devalued
them with her idiocy and madness, which in turn
means the Jamaican government lost and continues to lose a fortune
in taxes that rightfully belongs to the island, she has been
criminally targeting high profile and lesser known Jamaicans in acts
of ill-will and malice.
Madonna and others
in her cult have also been criminally stealing other intellectual
property from Jamaica and Jamaicans, not to mention engaging in
brazen financial crimes and schemes on the island that are highly
detrimental to Jamaicans/Jamaica (Beyonce And Jay Z Steal From Another
Jamaican Artist Resulting In A Lawsuit).

Madonna and fellow cultist Jay Z who has been engaging in sex
with minors for years [Jay Z's Predilection For Underage Girls A Hidden Secret In Hollywood
(Rihanna, Foxxy Brown And Teairra Mari)]
Due to the corruption that occurred at the FBI,
Madonna, Beyonce, Jay Z and others in their Hollywood cult
arrogantly believe Jamaica is a slaveport and everything they can
steal from Jamaicans and Jamaica is up for grabs. This is occurring
in criminal violation of international law. There are also federal
laws in America which state citizens are not permitted to go into
the international community and commit crimes that are unlawful in
America and or abroad.
Madonna's criminal conduct has caused the Jamaican
government and Jamaicans offense, distress and massive financial
loss. Madonna's criminal conduct
towards Jamaicans and Jamaica caused a serious problem at the Jamaican embassies in Miami
and New York, which I will discuss in great detail at a future date.
Madonna's dogged insistence at criminally harassing,
robbing, spying on and exploiting me, my family and other Jamaicans
is ugly, nasty, disgusting and hateful. Madonna and her cult are the
sickest people. I've never witnessed human beings full of such hate,
evil, malice and mean-spiritedness, as I've seen regarding Madonna
and her cult, via their abhorrent and abominable actions. Madonna persists in her sick, weird and demonic
obsession with Jamaica and Jamaicans, whom she and her cult have
racially slurred.

Madonna's satanic performance in Israel displays images of the
occult and satanism. Madonna's performances have all been flopping
for years. She has not had a hit album in 20-years. She's using
stolen copyrights for money to engage in lavish living and to buy
career favors. However, audiences continue to slam and reject her in
a career that is over.
I've saved emails from Madonna's sick cult containing
horrific racial slurs and death threats (they've referred to me as
"nigger" and in person called me a "slave" much like she did
Beyonce and Jay Z), but are out there in Jamaica, a country
that was ravaged by slavery.
I sent one of the emails to Congress along with the email
"header information" tracing it, as well as the results of a court
subpoena I obtained and submitted to AT&T, who complied and released
the identifying information regarding the identity of
one of Madonna's hackers, who
sent the death threat and racial slurs on her behalf.
In another email Madonna's cult threatened to "skin"
me alive ("I'll skin you alive") and wrote "die, b*tch die!" There I
was in Miami minding my own business, thousands of miles away from
Hollywood, a place I was avoiding due to the debauchery and sex
abuse, and there arrived this email to my website, threatening to
murder me for simply existing and starting an entertainment company
in Florida out of their control.
In another email they threatened to have dogs maul
me to death. Not long after they tried to make it happen in Miami
Shores, but failed when the dogs wouldn't bite me in three separate
incidents. It reminded me of what used to be done to black people in
America during the civil rights era and slavery, regarding violent
dogs being sicced on them.

Madonna on stage dressed as a satanic baphomet. Madonna
putting the ho in baphomet.
Then there was the third incident around the time of
my birthday in London, England in 2015 when Madonna sent a member of
her cult from America to stalk me to one of a supermarket's small
mini stores I would buy water and fruit after doing my 1 and 1/2
hour walk along the park (Hampstead Heath) for exercise, 6-days a
week. I was not bothering a living soul and Madonna commissioned
this madness against me.
The man Madonna sent from America threatened me with
a big dog that was a mix breed pitpull (pitbulls are illegal in
London, but a small number of people unlawfully have them anyway and
are risking prosecution). He threatened me right outside the small
supermarket, blocking the exit and kept releasing more and more of
the dog's leash (lead). He was mumbling about this site (JudiciaryReport.com)
and a girl being killed by a pitbull. I in turn shocked him by
angrily yelling at him to get out of my way and due to two other
people's presence (potential witnesses) he moved out the way and
Once again we see disgusting, troublemaking Madonna,
starting trouble in other countries. Had I been attacked, the
supermarket chain would have been the recipient of bad publicity
over a tourist being mauled in a deliberate attack, as would the Met
Police and by default British tourism, all because that piece of
crap Madonna decided to commission criminal acts of aggravated
stalking and harassment, with the expressed intent to inflict
grievous bodily injury. Madonna is a dirty, ugly old coward hiding
behind thugs, because she knows she couldn't come up to me with that
crap. I would morph into Mike Tyson and the next day pictures would
be all over the blogs of Madonna with lumps and knots on her head.
But I digress...

Madonna's satanic performance contained dancers with devil
horns, dressed as the satanic baphomet
Madonna has also sent her cult members up to me and
my family, dispatched from her Eastern Shores (Miami) location of
the sick sect, in acts of criminal stalking and aggravated
harassment, to approach, threaten and harass me and my family, among
other things. They've criminally stalked and approached us on different
occasions in Florida with racial and ethnic slurs, as well as death
threats and threats of violence from Madonna.
They've tried to run us over with vehicles in acts
of attempted vehicular homicide. One of the terrible incidents
occurred outside a national pharmacy in North Miami Beach, Florida.
Madonna's cult member hopped in his brown van and tried to run over
me and my elderly mom, who walks with a cane, right outside the
well-known, usually peaceful family pharmacy.
Madonna engaged her
n-word (nig*er) using, racist Hollywood cult member Perez Hilton to slur Jamaica in blog posts
with the goal of destroying Jamaican tourism, the island's main
source of income (Perez had publicly referred to Jamaican singer
Will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas as a "nigger" in a video that was
posted online).

Madonna and fellow cultist Perez Hilton, whom she got to issue blog posts
slurring Jamaica and trying to destroy the country's tourism
Yet that deranged hypocrite Madonna flew out to the
island (weeks before I was scheduled to do so, which is something I did regarding my birthday in 2012).
They don't mean Jamaica well. They have criminally defrauded and
abused Jamaica and Jamaicans. Madonna is a repulsive and ugly
According to the Daily Mail, Madonna has been
staying at the GoldenEye house in Jamaica, that had been purchased
by fellow cultist,
Naomi Campbell. I've tweeted about GoldenEye for years on
my Twitter page,
which insane Madonna constantly reads and later mimics on her own
social networking pages like a idiotic parrot.
I don't know what that Uncle Tom
(Naomi) is doing in that
cult that's harming black adults and children on a regular basis, but she is spitting on her ancestors in being involved in
their madness. Said cult will be her demise. Why do you ask? Read

Madonna and Naomi Campbell. She has been in Madonna's cult for
As stated previously on the site, Madonna and others
in Hollywood, such as
Harvey Weinstein,
Kevin Spacey and
Bryan Singer among others, are in the Jeffrey Epstein
pedophile ring (much like
Prince Andrew, whom I've been
writing about for years regarding this matter:
here and
here and
here). There are also photos of
Campbell with Epstein on different occasions. Now, Madonna is
staying in her home (GoldenEye) on the island (Jamaica) that the ugly, dogface singer has
robbed and abused.
Not only has Madonna commissioned the murder of
innocent Jamaicans in America, her homeland, and bribed the FBI to
get away with the despicable conduct, she also engaged in serious criminal mischief on the
island as well (in other commissioned acts).
During a 2012 month long visit to the island, where
I stayed at my dad's house, Madonna commissioned a brazen computer
hack that completely shutdown my dad's internet connection on the
island (Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights

Naomi Campbell and Harvey Weinstein
In all the years they've had the internet nothing
like that had ever happened before. My dad had to contact a computer
specialist to fix his internet connection and the 2 laptops and 2
PCs that were rendered unusable by the brute force hack to spy on
what I was doing in my own homeland, of all places. My father's
phone was also illegally wiretapped, bearing all the signs of
illegal wiretapping, which had not been present prior to Madonna's
This is a pattern of criminal misconduct Madonna's
private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, went to prison for, serving 15-years
behind bars, after I was interviewed twice by the FBI, concerning her
criminal conduct. The FBI arrested Pellicano, his three hackers,
thugs in his employ used to stalk and terrorize people, and a telephone
company worker that aided in the illegal wiretapping.

Harvey Weinstein and Naomi Campbell
However, due to bribery to FBI Director Robert S.
Mueller, the Hollywood stars and executives involved in the scandal didn't even receive a slap on the wrist. Then,
said Hollywood stars and executives went right back to criminal, commissioned
wiretapping, computer hacking, phone hacking, GPS track and hiring thugs
to stalk innocent people they criminally and insanely target. Hollywood is an embarrassment to the FBI.
They are embarrassing you all over the world.
Previously on the site, I wrote about a despicable
attack that happened to me in London while I took a paid, public
tour of
Buckingham Palace. The attack occurred on the grounds of Buckingham
Palace, in clear sight of other tourists (Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights

Naomi Campbell, Ghislaine Maxwell and 16-year-old sex
trafficking victim Virginia Roberts, whom Jeffrey Epstein and
Maxwell raped and forced to have sex with rich and famous people in
I warned in the aforementioned 2015 article that the
royal family are mixed up with the cult's madness. Fast-forward
5-years and Prince Andrew has been exposed as being connected to the
Epstein pedophile ring, which includes Harvey Weinstein, Kevin
Spacey, Madonna and others in Hollywood.
The royal family's connection to Epstein's
pedophile cult, Madonna included, has begun to be exposed with the arrest
and death of Epstein, as well as the indictment of his girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell.
As stated on the site 5-years ago, that
cult arranged the attack on me on Buckingham Palace grounds.

Naomi Campbell and Harvey Weinstein (left)
They didn't bother to stop and ponder is it a wise
idea to attack a woman from a prominent Commonwealth family, who
lawfully and properly took a paid tour of a state house owned by the
British people, who pay the royals to be a tourist attraction, in a
nation largely built with funds from the slavetrade, also known as
my Jamaican slave ancestors (I have English ancestors as well).
The incident came across as very racist. Imagine
that, Jamaica forgave Britain for the slavetrade, yet here comes
Madonna using her cult ties to criminally commission racist acts
against a black woman from a high profile Jamaican family, who
lawfully visited Buckingham Palace.

Naomi Campbell and child molester Kevin Spacey who repeatedly
spent time with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell on "pedophile
island" and his private jet. Naomi also flew on his private jet.
Not to mention, Madonna criminally stealing from
said black Jamaican female writer, roping in the British
Broadcasting Company (BBC) into her criminal conduct, and adding
slave slurs to the copyrights, then broadcasting it on said channel
(Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty Racist
Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)).
That is sick. Madonna is a nasty, racist, dirty,
divisive troublemaker. The woman is guttersnipe trash who doesn't
know her place. The arrogance of commissioning criminal misconduct
at a state house in a foreign nation. She is a psychopath, who does
not know her place.
So desperate to irrationally attack me in anyway
possible, Madonna and company didn't give a darn how it would all
look (especially now considering that I've written about it online
to millions of people). That is one of the main problems with that
cult. No impulse control.

Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey
They go around plotting vile acts against innocent
people and do not think ahead to the consequences of their actions
(to themselves or others). The FBI and State Department have that
loose cannon Madonna running around engaging in any criminal madness
that comes to her mind and it is disgracing them all over the world.
It has since been exposed the sick Hollywood cult/pedophile ring basically had
the run of Buckingham Palace, so much so Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey
Epstein, Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey were able to take
pictures in the palace and sitting on the Queen's throne. That's pretty arrogant
and low class. It is highly inappropriate that this occurred, as the
throne is a symbol of the sovereignty of the British people.

New York Post reports on global scandal of Jeffrey Epstein's
girlfriend and fellow child molester,
Ghislaine Maxwell, being pictured with another child
Kevin Spacey, in Buckingham Palace. Two pedophiles sitting on the royal thrones in
London, England at Buckingham Palace, in what is a disgrace, drew a
significant amount of bad publicity.
Regarding the cult, you're trash, the lot of you.
You think that you dirty pedophiles were
supposed to be arrogantly sitting on the throne that represents
Britain's authority and dignity in the world. You are vulgar, tacky, classless, gutter
trash, who don't know how to act nor do you know your place. No sense of decorum or decency.
Just plain old human garbage. There is an immense lack of decency
among these people and it is quite truly appalling. They have no
manners and no class. Their parents quite
clearly failed, as they've produced such trash with no respect for
the law, decency or tradition.

Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey
The royal family owes the British public an explanation
as to why
pedophile trash have repeatedly traipsed in Buckingham Palace
like they own the place, even posing on the throne like it's an old
chair in their living rooms, when it is supposed to symbolize
national sovereignty in a house owned by the British people. What
has occurred is outrageous.

Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine
Maxwell at Windsor Palace in England
As it stands, the royals
have not even apologized for the scandal and disgrace the whole
Epstein episode has wrought in the world, concerning
Prince Andrew's connection to the pedophile ring. The
story gets even worse with the royals connection to the
Hollywood cult, via Prince Andrew and former commoner
Kate Middleton, whom Madonna says is her ex-husband's
cousin (Guy Ritchie). Said Hollywood cult have been
committing the most vile crimes against humanity that
will be fully exposed.
Madonna is consistently present in places she is not
supposed to be. She is a troublemaking vagrant. Madonna's conduct is
arrogant and deranged. Once again, she does not know her place. Take
for example the Clintons. It is due to Madonna's behavior that I so
publicly opposed Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. I
denounced it on this site in 2016 because of Madonna, her conduct
and what I knew about it all from the FBI case concerning Hillary
Clinton (read further for more information on said conduct).
Madonna has publicly stated she is
close to Hillary Clinton and they are related by some ancestor she has yet
to prove. I don't like either of them, so I don't care about their
alleged relation. However, the Clintons were the first to hire
Anthony Pellicano, a man the FBI interviewed me about twice as I'm a
"victim of crime" by their own written words, in relation to Madonna
and crimes committed in Hollywood (the FBI arrested Pellicano for
said felonious crimes 4-months after my FBI interviews).
Madonna was also photographed by the press going in and out of Bill
Clinton's New York office.

When I was interviewed twice by the FBI, it was known
in certain circles at the time that Hillary Clinton had hired
Pellicano, a member of the Italian mafia, to criminally target,
wiretap, stalk, burglarize and abuse women her promiscuous husband,
former U.S. President Bill Clinton, sexually
pursued (Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers and Kathleen Willey, among
Pellicano illegally wiretapped then and burglarized their
homes to gain sensitive information and plant hidden surveillance
equipment in criminal violation of the Constitution and U.S. Code.
These perverts have a sick obsession with secretly watching people
in their homes and places privacy is to be expected under the law,
as seen with Epstein using hidden cameras to secretly record people
having sex in private homes. Pellicano even kidnapped Jones' pet. He's a sick man. Yet,
the Clintons
hired him, a known member of the Italian-mafia.
Some women even accused Bill Clinton of rape in the
1980s and 1990s, which is ironic and telling, as now he has been
exposed as a sexual abuser who raped underage girls in the Epstein
scandal (Unsealed Court Documents Reveal Bill
Clinton And Al Gore Visited Jeffrey Epstein's Pedophile Island Little
Saint James and
Hashtag Calling Bill Clinton A
Pedophile Trends On Twitter For Days).
Once again, all of this is connected, as I've stated
for the past decade on this site. The Clintons are mixed up with the
Epstein pedophile ring, and this is a part of how Hollywood
pedophiles and fraudsters have evaded arrest for so long, much like
they did in the Pellicano case.
The Clintons are repeatedly calling the FBI and
telling them to drop criminal investigations, as they did in 2008
concerning Epstein (FBI Knew Jeffrey Epstein And His
High Profile Friends Were Sexually Abusing Underage Girls And Looked The
Other Way To It). The Clintons ordered Florida U.S. Attorney,
Alex Acosta, whom I referred to as corrupt 11-years ago on this
site, to free child sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein. Acosta was also
involved in the Madonna/Pellicano case.

Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton. Flight logs in criminal and
civil cases reveal there were 26 TIMES that Bill Clinton went to
Epstein's "pedophile island" where he held underage girls hostage
and forced them to have sex with rich and famous people.
In 2016, Madonna arrogantly went around the entertainment
industry stating when Hillary Clinton gets elected president, they were going to invade
and bomb
Jamaica via the U.S. military. It had been my experience regarding
Madonna's sick Hollywood cult that when they go around making such
arrogant proclamations it is due to the fact something is
planned to that effect.
Take for example, a very connected person warned me that
cult was going to try to kill me via vehicular homicide and that's
exactly what happened not long after (and several more times after
that in other subsequent incidents). It turns out, it was an Anthony
Pellicano technique (vehicular
homicide), which the FBI and its parent agency, the
Department of Justice (DOJ) later spoke about via prosecutors in court
during Pellicano's 2008 criminal trial.
Someone I know, whom Madonna's
cult illegally and harassingly approached, warned me about a coming attack in a public bathroom and
weeks later Madonna sent one of her deranged cult members to try to
attack me and my mom in the bathroom (public toilets) of Aventura
mall, in front of other people. These are but two of many examples
of Madonna and her cult making psychotic declarations of the intent
to commit crime, then executing said crimes.
The Clintons had already invaded Haiti in the 1990s when he was
in office and
treated Haitians horribly and shamefully.
The Clintons had Haitians caged like animals in deplorable
conditions, in violation of international law. They also invaded
their nation like it was nothing. Therefore, there was precedent for
them engaging in said misconduct regarding a Caribbean nation. Prior to
that, former President Ronald Reagan invaded Grenada, in an incident
where their soldiers were killed, the
country's leader illegally murdered and buried in a secret
location, in criminal violation of United Nations laws.
Jamaica, my homeland, is a free country. Anyone can
lawfully visit it. I have no problems with that. I don't own
Jamaica. However, I do have a problem with people harming it. When I
find out that it is being imperiled by thieving cultists who are
pedophiles, such as Madonna and company, of course I'm going to
sound the alarm on the matter and publicly so (and for the record,
Madonna's manager stated she caught her kissing and sexually petting
her 16-year-old nephew, and additionally Madonna sexually assaulted
a 17-year-old girl on stage).
Jamaica is a nation welcoming to all in the world.
Jamaica does not have nuclear weapons or said ambitions. Jamaica as
a nation has never been in a war. Jamaica does not seek to get into
war. Jamaica does not invade other countries and poses no risk to
the world. Jamaica is a small, democratic, capitalist country in the
third world, working to alleviate poverty and give its citizens a
better life through education, sports and entertainment.
Yet, Jamaica has become a target of abuse and
criminal exploitation by Hollywood and connected Democrat
politicians, such as the Clintons, among others. That to me is
disgusting, unethical, ungodly and evil. You are bullying and
criminally exploiting a small nation and what is equally troubling
is the precedent of abuse it is setting in the world that is
imperiling innocent Jamaicans on the island and in the Diaspora. The
dangerous and evil message it is sending is that Jamaicans are to be
unlawfully robbed and abused. It is racist, ugly and nasty.
It is the chronic abuse of small, third world, black
populated island nations in conduct that is as racist as heil. We
see that in what the Clintons did in Haiti in the Caribbean. We see
that with what Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophile ring, which
includes the Clintons, Madonna, Harvey Weinstein and others in
Hollywood, did on the Caribbean island of Little Saint James,
derisively dubbed "pedophile island" by offended and distressed
locals. We see that in what Epstein pedophile ring and Hollywood
Peter Nygard, did in the Bahamas, regarding raping underage
black youth.
We see that with what Madonna and her Hollywood cult
are doing in the Caribbean nation of Jamaica (and seek to do on a
much more heinous and horrific level). As stated on the site
previously, the FBI, who have aided and abetted the aforementioned
people's criminal conduct, has been in Jamaica under false
engaging in illegal spying to steal. It is all ugly, racist
and disgraceful.
Make no mistake, all involved in the aforementioned
crimes, in the not too distant future, you will all have to answer
to the public for the crimes you've been committing, and it will not
be well with you. You're all falling one by one, and none of you
involved in the aforementioned crimes will escape that.
There is a higher power watching you and He does not
approve of your conduct (that includes government employees who did
not do their jobs regarding putting a stop to the crimes against
adults and children alike and prosecuting it in the aforementioned
matters). Hence all the terrible things that have befallen you for
your sins against humanity, especially what you did to the children
and disease sufferers.
Madonna sings, dances, and enlists daughter
Lourdes to help blow out the candles at her mask-free
62nd birthday bash at GoldenEye in Jamaica
14:22 EDT, 18 August 2020 | Updated:
04:35 EDT, 19 August 2020 - On Tuesday, Queen of Pop
Madonna continued to share footage from her mask-free
62nd birthday bash in Jamaica on Sunday. The self-made
superstar (last name Ciccone) didn't let her hip injury
keep her from wildly dancing during the outdoor, seaside
Three-time Grammy winner Diplo famously
'ruined' Joe Jonas' wedding to Sophie Turner by
livestreaming the private Las Vegas nuptials and, this
time, he revealed he was in the small town of Oracabessa
in St. Mary.
MailOnline has therefore deduced that
Madonna chose the 52-acre resort GoldenEye, where Ian
Fleming penned his 14 James Bond books, as the lavish
setting for her birthday festivities. In her four-minute
behind-the-scenes video, Madonna improvised a song about
putting on a black dress and enlisted her seven-year-old
twin daughters Estere + Stelle to sing back up. The I
Don't Search I Find singer's 15-year-old son David Banda
rocked red silk pajamas as he showed off his dance moves
at the party.
Three-time Grammy winner Diplo famously
'ruined' Joe Jonas' wedding to Sophie Turner by
livestreaming the private Las Vegas nuptials. This time,
he revealed he was in the small town of Oracabessa in
St. Mary...
Madonna was pictured dancing with her
back-up dancer-turned-toyboy Ahlamalik Williams, 26, who
also brought along his brother Ahlijah. In fact, the
Material Girl invited nine of her back-up dancers as
well as her make-up artist Aaron Smith Henrikson,
hairstylist Andy Lecompte, and vocal
producer/engineer/mixer Lauren D'Elia.
Pals on the payroll: In fact, the
Material Girl invited nine of her back-up dancers as
well as her make-up artist Aaron Smith Henrikson,
hairstylist Andy Lecompte, and vocal
producer/engineer/mixer Lauren D'Elia.
Protocols: No one was seen wearing masks
or face coverings at Madonna's party despite Prime
Minister of Jamaica Andrew Holness urging everyone to
wear a mask and social distance 'as much as possible.'
1,129 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Jamaica: Madonna
revealed back on April 30 that she tested positive for
coronavirus antibodies
No one was seen wearing masks or face
coverings at Madonna's party despite Prime Minister of
Jamaica Andrew Holness urging everyone to wear a mask
and social distance 'as much as possible.'
Noticeably missing from the footage was
Madonna's 20-year-old son Rocco (L), who's lived in
London with her ex-husband #2 Guy Ritchie (R) since
Madonna Ready to ‘Breathe in the COVID-19 Air’
After Testing Positive for Antibodies
Pop star offers update in latest edition of
Quarantine Diaries on Instagram
Madonna said she she plans to take a
long drive and “breathe in the COVID-19 air” after
saying she tested positive for the coronavirus
antibodies in the latest installment of her Quarantine
Diary series on Instagram.
“Took a test the other day and I found
out that I have the antibodies,” she said. “So tomorrow
I’m just going to go for a long drive in the car, and
I’m gonna roll down the window and I’m gonna breathe in
the COVID-19 air. Yup. I hope the sun is shining.”
Antibody tests, as the New York Times
reports, can potentially determine whether or not a
person has been exposed to COVID-19 by looking for
evidence of the proteins the body produces to fight the
virus. Such tests can help researchers better understand
the spread of the virus, and offer government officials
better info on when it might be safe to start
re-opening. However, testing positive for antibodies
does not necessarily mean a person is completely immune
to COVID-19. There have also been some reports of
inaccurate antibody tests...
After Madonna Spreads Insane Coronavirus
Conspiracy Theory, It’s Too Hard to Be a Fan
Madonna spreading false coronavirus information
and calling Dr. Demon Sperm a “hero” makes it that much
harder to stan the former queen. And it’s already been
pretty hard.
Jul. 31, 2020 1:34PM ET - Madonna Goes
Full Demon Sperm. Madonna is nothing if not the Queen of
Reinvention. And the Material Girl was at it again this
week, sending shockwaves by revealing that her latest
reinvention is as a Karen. Instagram deleted a post the
singer made this week that shared and celebrated the
Citizen Kane of dangerous and factually inaccurate
coronavirus conspiracy videos.
Pushed and promoted by Donald Trump,
shared and consumed wildly by the Plandemic crowd on
social media, and debunked by just about every reputable
scientist, doctor, or casual viewer with three brain
cells, the video shares the views of one Dr. Stella
Immanuel. Her claims are so harmful we won’t give them
space here, but suffice it to say they were
enthusiastically embraced by the anti-mask community.
So yes, Madonna’s Instagram post singing
her praises was deleted for, as my colleague Will Sommer
summarized in his searing exposé on Immanuel, “pushing
the coronavirus theories of a Houston doctor who also
says sexual visitations by demons and alien DNA are at
the root of Americans’ common health concerns.”
Madonna had gone full QAnon Karen. Qaren?
Still workshopping that one. But anyway the point is, MY
GOD does it suck that Madonna did that. On the one hand,
what the hell!? On the other hand, maybe we should be
used to this by now. The running theme of being a huge
Madonna fan in recent years is that it really kind of
blows to be a huge Madonna fan in recent years.
Basically, you’re just habitually disappointed by
Not 24 hours later, that very phone was
being chucked violently across the room, when that
night’s scrolling surfaced Madonna’s reposting of the
controversial video hyping Dr. Demon Sperm’s wack-job
The caption, which we were impressed she
managed to type, what with the weight of the tinfoil hat
on her head probably making it difficult to see her
phone: “The truth will set us all Free! But some people
don’t want to hear the truth. Especially the people in
power who stand to make money from this long drawn out
search of a vaccine which has been proven and reliable
for months. They would rather let fear control the
people and let the rich get richer and the poor get
poorer. This woman is my hero. Thank you Stella
On Instagram, Madonna Helps Spread Strange
COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories
Madonna, the Queen of Pop, has become
one of those people who share convoluted conspiracy
theories on their social media page. On Instagram,
Madonna posted a video featuring Dr. Stella Immanuel,
who makes the ridiculous claim that face masks are
completely unnecessary, and that she has cured hundreds
of coronavirus patients with the malaria drug,
hydroxychloroquine - President Trump’s favorite brand of
snake oil.
Madonna posted the clip with a caption
praising Dr. Immanuel as “my hero,” and falsely stating
that a COVID-19 vaccine “has been available for months,”
but is being purposely withheld from the public.
The clip was quickly blurred-out by
Instagram, with a disclaimer that read: “False
information. Reviewed by independent fact-checkers.”
Soon after, Madonna deleted the video from her Instagram
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Incriminating Photo Released Of
Jeffrey Epstein And Harvey Weinstein At Prince Andrew Party For Daughter
Princess Beatrice
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing
The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking
Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna,
Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of
Privacy, Commissioned Criminal Harassment And Assault Via The
Kabbalah Center