Coronavirus Infection Rate Skyrockets
Among American Kids With The Reopening Of Schools As
Previously Predicted On The SiteAugust
14. 2020

North Paulding High School in Dallas, Georgia
students not following medical guidelines regarding
This is a follow up to the May 12, 2020
article "Schools Set To Reopen In Select
Regions During Coronavirus Outbreak But Is It Safe" where I
stated it is unwise to send children back to school
during a pandemic ("Schools in Britain and America are
making plans to reopen shortly. However, I do not think
it is safe at this time") .
In the article published to this site
3-months ago and social networking, while lockdown was
still in effect, I stated, "The fact of the matter is
preteens and teens can be absent-minded and sometimes
careless (many of us were at those ages). Some will not
have the presence of mind to practice proper hygiene and
social distancing at all times, especially when they are
around their friends at school. Therefore, it's best to
keep them out of harm's way."
Fast-forward to this month where kids
are now being sent back to school in many places in
America and the coronavirus infection rate has
skyrocketed among children to alarming levels as a
result of it. School boards across America are
distressed by the developments. This is what I was
afraid of and warned against 3-months ago.
Last week a photo surfaced of school
teens at North Paulding High School in Dallas, Georgia
walking in the hallway, tightly packed, not social
distancing or wearing masks. As I emphasized in my
article 3-months ago, kids/teens tend to be "careless",
"absent-minded" and some do not practice "proper
hygiene." It wasn't an insult. That's just how
kids/teens are in life.
Last week, 15-year-old North Paulding
High School student, Hannah Watters, posted the photo
(shown above in this article) to social networking and
was outrageously suspended for 5-days for doing so, as
it spread online like wildfire and embarrassed the
school administration. After national anger at the
principal's decision, the suspension was reversed and
removed from her school record. An apology was also
issued. She should not have been suspended for showing
the truth.
This same pattern of no adherence to
medical and scientific guidelines is repeating itself at
other schools in America that have reopened this month
and it is a danger to students and faculty. It is a
serious problem that needs to be addressed or America
will have a generation of sick preteens/teens, who
become adults in a few years, struggling with long term
health conditions brought on by the coronavirus. This
impacts national health and the productivity of the
Already the coronavirus rate in the
south in America has sharply risen among students with
the reopening of schools. In Georgia, schools have just
quarantined over 2,000 students and teachers, due to the
botched re-openings.
Yesterday on the local news in Miami it
was stated that over 40,000 kids in the State of Florida
now have the coronavirus. A national news article
revealed over 97,000 kids in America tested positive for
the coronavirus in the last 2-weeks of July alone, with
the numbers rising this month. 87 children in America
have died from the coronavirus. Therefore, kids aren't
immune to the virus. It is also important to note that
over 167,000 Americans have died from coronavirus.
Therefore, in the 3-months since I wrote
the article "Schools Set To Reopen In Select
Regions During Coronavirus Outbreak But Is It Safe" it has been
proven correct. I also stated in the same article,
"Students can continue to take online classes to keep up
with coursework. They can receive educational assistance
from school employees at government approved websites.
It is the best way to keep them safe until medical
science has a better handle on the coronavirus."
Students should have continued to take
online classes, as they did during lockdown, as the
pandemic is raging worse than ever in America. It's not
improved. It's gotten exponentially worse, as segments
of the population are not adhering to medical and
scientific guidelines.
Some have the view that kids are young
and resilient and can therefore easily bounce back from
the coronavirus. However, kids and adults need to avoid
this virus. Don't go out there and "take it on the chin"
as British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson so unwisely
stated 5-months ago (several weeks before the virus
nearly killed him and medical staff had to work round
the clock to save his life via the NHS).
Any virus that can kill via respiratory
failure is doing extraordinary damage to the lungs.
Coronavirus is a lung disease. It is a plague. It is
germ warfare. It attacks the lungs with the goal of
destroying and shutting them down to cause a cessation
of life.
Some suffered such extraordinary lung
damage with coronavirus, they needed lung transplants.
Then they must take long term medication to ensure the
body does not reject the new lungs (anti-rejection
medication). It is not an easy process. It is not a walk
in the park. It is a big, painful deal, but thankfully
it saves lives. However, the University of Maryland
Medical Center states the "median survival after ling
transplant is less than six years." Hence the use of
immunosuppression drugs to help extend the life
expectancy rate.
Doctors have discovered that coronavirus
also does damage to the heart. Living with a heart
problem is not easy. It can be downright distressing.
You have to cut out caffeine (which is in many foods and
sometimes not listed on nutritional labels) as it can
cause arrhythmia and a heart attack (a healthy store
manager in America had a fatal heart attack after
consuming 4 energy drinks over the course of several
hours during his shift at work). Heart health is
Coronavirus also causes neurological
damage regarding the brain. This can lead to a host of
medical problems such as intense thunderclap headaches,
dizziness, forgetfulness and eventually dementia if the
virus does enough damage to the system.
Therefore, don't let anyone tell you to
just go out and catch coronavirus to develop a
resistance to it and get it over with, as it means long
term damage to your body that is clearly visible on
medical imaging tests. Researchers have found antibodies
may only last 6-weeks to 3-months.
Coronavirus is not a hoax or fallacy. It
is real. Medical professionals can see the damage the
coronavirus does, via imaging scans of the affected
organs. That is concrete proof via medicine and science.
Do not take the virus lightly.
Practice proper social distancing. Wear
a proper mask. Wash your hands regularly and use
approved hand sanitizers. Get the proper amount of sleep
every night. Brush your teeth everyday as it is
essential to keep your mouth clean (excess germs weakens
the immune system and is an easy entry point). Consume
foods high in vitamin C (and take a vitamin C tablet
everyday by a reputable brand) as that boosts the immune
That's another thing. I've been reading
about people consuming bleach and selling forms thereof,
such as sodium chlorite which turns into chlorine
dioxide when consumed, as a cure to the coronavirus. You
cannot drink bleach or inject it into your body in any
manner as it will kill you.
The closest thing you will get to
something that cleanses the system is to drink a cup of
comfortably hot or warm water and squeeze the juice of a
lemon or lime into it (100% pure lemon juice sold in a
bottle is good too). Do this daily for its natural
health benefits and boost to your immune system.
ONCE AGAIN, do not consume any household
or industrial cleaning products, such as bleach, Pinesol,
Lysol, Fabuloso, Mr. Clean or any other brand, as it is
very dangerous and will kill you. Be very careful what
you put into your body. Bleach is not meant to go into
the human body. It is highly toxic and deadly in the
human body.
In closing, one cannot wish the
coronavirus away. One has to take decisive action
against it. However, if only one part of the population
is following medical guidelines and others are not, the
virus will continue to spread and rage.
Nearly 100,000 children in U.S. tested positive
for COVID-19 in last 2 weeks of July, report says
Posted: Aug 10, 2020 / 08:59 AM PDT /
Updated: Aug 10, 2020 / 01:51 PM PDT - Just as thousands
more students return to classrooms this week, another
study shows how easily children can get coronavirus.
More than 97,000 children in the US
tested positive for coronavirus in the last two weeks of
July, according to a new report published by the
American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s
Hospital Association.
The researchers found a 40% increase in
child coronavirus cases in the states and cities that
were studied during those two weeks. The age range for
children differed by state, with some defining children
as only those up to age 14 and one state — Alabama —
pushing the limit to 24.
At least 86 children have died as a
result of the disease since May, according to the new
report. Last week, a 7-year-old boy with no pre-existing
conditions died from Covid-19 in Georgia. In Florida,
two teenagers died earlier this month, marking the
state’s sixth and seventh coronavirus deaths among
children 17 and under.
Suspension Lifted of Georgia Student Who Posted
Photos of Crowded Hall
Published Aug. 6, 2020 - Updated Aug.
12, 2020 - “The photo does not look good,” the
district’s superintendent acknowledged in a letter to
parents, but said wearing masks in school could not be
The widely circulated photo from North
Paulding High School in Dallas, Ga., showed students
crowded into a packed hallway on their first day back to
classes since the coronavirus outbreak shuttered schools
in the spring. Few were wearing masks, and there was
little sign of social distancing. Then on Day 2, there
was another.
The photos, which were shared on social
media and cited in news reports, have quickly come to
symbolize a chaotic first week back in U.S. classrooms.
Schools in states where students have returned,
including Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee and Indiana,
have had to initiate quarantines and in some cases shut
down classrooms and entire schools temporarily after
positive cases emerged.
A 15-year-old student at North Paulding,
Hannah Watters, was initially suspended for five days
for posting images of the crowded hallways on Twitter,
according to her mother, Lynne Watters, who said she
filed a grievance with the school on Thursday.
By Friday, Hannah said, her suspension
had been lifted and wiped from her record, with the
school’s principal calling her mother to tell her that
she could return to class on Monday.
More than 2,000 students, teachers and staff
quarantined in several schools
Updated 12:35 AM ET, Fri August 14, 2020
- (CNN) For many US schools welcoming students back, a
return to in-person learning was abruptly halted after
new Covid-19 cases. More than 2,000 students, teachers
and staff members across five states have been
quarantined after at least 230 positive coronavirus
cases were reported.
It's a grim start to the school year
many hoped could mark the beginning of a return to
normalcy, but one experts have long warned would come at
a cost. More studies have shown how easily children can
get and spread coronavirus. But some pediatricians
caution that distance-learning has negative consequences
for primary-age students and for working families. The
dilemma has forced school districts to navigate whether
to re-open, and what to do if in-person learning proves
China And New York Hospitals Using
Vitamin C To Aid In Treating Coronavirus Patients (Confirming Previous
Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site
New Scientific Study Confirms Coronavirus
Sufferers Having Difficulty Expelling CO2 As Previously Stated On The
Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe As Previously Stated On The Site (Covid-19)
Schools Set To Reopen In Select
Regions During Coronavirus Outbreak But Is It Safe
France Reopens Schools And Sees 70
New Coronavirus Cases Forcing Re-Closures