Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe (Covid-19)
March 31. 2020

Coronavirus (Covid-19)
On March 25, 2020 I wrote on my Twitter
page about the higher than average number of coronavirus
deaths in Italy. Though the outbreak first appeared in
China, Italy has far surpassed all nations in the number
of people who have died from the virus. China has 3,305
deaths from the coronavirus, while Italy has 11,591 and
counting. China has 1.386 billion people. Italy has
60.48 million people.
It led me to believe that it is
different "strains" of the coronavirus, which I stated
on Twitter on March 25, 2020. 2-days later on March 27,
2020 USA Today published an article revealing scientists
have identified 8 strains of the coronavirus. Therefore,
my theory from days prior was correct.
Some strains are more potent and deadly
than others. For instance, years ago, researchers
discovered a new superstrain of HIV in San Francisco
that was resisting antiretroviral medication. They did
not know what to make of it.
I am of the belief some people's blood
reacts differently to viruses and can make them stronger
or weaker as they are passed on to others. There are a
number of factors that leads to this happening that I
will discuss at a later date.
My time stamped tweets from March 25, 2020 on about the subject:

8 strains of the coronavirus are circling the
globe. Here's what clues they're giving scientists.
March 27, 2020 - SAN FRANCISCO –
At least eight strains of the coronavirusare making
their way around the globe, creating a trail of death
and disease that scientists are tracking by their
genetic footprints.
While much is unknown, hidden in the
virus's unique microscopic fragments are clues to the
origins of its original strain, how it behaves as it
mutates and which strains are turning into
conflagrations while others are dying out thanks to
quarantine measures.
Huddled in once bustling and now almost
empty labs, researchers who oversaw dozens of projects
are instead focused on one goal: tracking the current
strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that cause the illness
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