New York Coronavirus Cases Came From EuropeApril 17. 2020

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo
America is now the epicenter of the global
coronavirus outbreak, recording over 35,400 deaths and
720,000 infections. New York is the epicenter of the
outbreak in America, registering the most deaths (14,636)
and active infections (222,284) in one state.
Initially, China was the epicenter of the outbreak.
However, they contained it quickly, recording 4,632. Then, the
epicenter became Italy, who recorded 22,745 deaths and 172,434
infections. The situation in Italy became very critical and alarming
in many ways, due to the sheer number of daily deaths.

My tweet on about the subject, dated March 25,
Now America is the epicenter of the virus and my
theory is, it's due to the fact LaGuardia and Kennedy airports were
never closed and at one point had no virus protocols in place, while
servicing the biggest business hub in the United States, which is
New York City (Testing Reveals An Increased Number
Of Coronavirus Infections In America). New York City is the
center of trade in America, receiving millions of global visitors on
a regular basis. This significantly advanced the spread of contagion
in New York.
Another fact supporting my theory is New York has a
large Italian population. Many visited hard hit Italy and then
returned to America, bringing a virulent strain of the virus with
them (Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe (Covid-19)). A new report dated
April 8, 2020 confirms my previous theory posted on March 25, 2020
on this site (Testing Reveals An Increased Number
Of Coronavirus Infections In America) and on Twitter, as seen
above in the screencap. This is not to blame anyone, but to get a
better picture of how the coronavirus travels and mutates, and how
to best contain it to save lives.
Most New York Coronavirus Cases Came From Europe, Genomes Show
April 8, 2020 - New research indicates that the
coronavirus began to circulate in the New York area by mid-February,
weeks before the first confirmed case, and that travelers brought in
the virus mainly from Europe, not Asia.
“The majority is clearly European,” said Harm van
Bakel, a geneticist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, who
co-wrote a study awaiting peer review. A separate team at N.Y.U.
Grossman School of Medicine came to strikingly similar conclusions,
despite studying a different group of cases. Both teams analyzed
genomes from coronaviruses taken from New Yorkers starting in
The research revealed a previously hidden spread of
the virus that might have been detected if aggressive testing
programs had been put in place. On Jan. 31, President Trump barred
foreign nationals from entering the country if they had been in
China during the prior two weeks.
It would not be until late February that Italy would
begin locking down towns and cities, and March 11 when Mr. Trump
said he would block travelers from most European countries. But New
Yorkers had already been traveling home with the virus. “People were
just oblivious,” said Adriana Heguy, a member of the N.Y.U. team...
Testing Reveals An Increased Number
Of Coronavirus Infections In America
Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe (Covid-19)
The Coronavirus Is Posing A Massive
Threat To The American Economy
U.S. Economy Suffers Massive Job
Losses Due To Coronavirus