Medical Associations And Researchers
Confirm Conjunctivitis Is A Symptom Of Coronavirus
Confirming Previous Site Claims
September 16. 2020

My tweet regarding Miami mayor Francis Suarez, who
contracted coronavirus in May 2017, where I stated his
eyes appear discolored from the virus.
On June 18, 2020 medical organizations
and researchers declared conjunctivitis (pink eye) a
symptom of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19). This
confirms statements I wrote 3-months and again 2-months
prior to their official medical pronouncements, in time
stamped tweets on the social networking site Twitter.
On March 17, 2020 and again on April 6,
2020, I commented on the discolored eyes of two
politicians who contracted coronavirus, identifying it
as a symptom of the disease (Britain's Prime Minister
Boris Johnson and Miami mayor Francis Suarez).

My tweet on about Britain's prime
minister Boris Johnson contracting coronavirus
I also commented on this medical symptom
of coronavirus on May 5, 2020 in reference to Prince
Charles, when I stated, "Prince Charles, pictured a week
ago, doesn't look himself due to his bout with
coronavirus. The whites of his eyes are discolored and
watery, his face is drawn and he appears quite tired" [Prince Charles Needs To Be Careful
To Avoid Becoming Sick Again With The Coronavirus (Covid-19)].
Researchers identify pink eye as possible primary
symptom of COVID-19
June 18, 2020 - A team of researchers at
the University of Alberta believe a case of pink eye is
now a reason to be tested for COVID-19. While coughing,
fever and difficulty breathing are common symptoms of
the illness, a recent case study involving an Edmonton
woman and published in the Canadian Journal of
Ophthalmology has determined that conjunctivitis and
keratoconjunctivitis can also be primary symptoms.
A separate team of researchers have
found the COVID-19 virus can cause ocular complications
such as conjunctivitis, though not necessarily in the
early stages of the disease. A 29-year-old woman arrived
at the Royal Alexandra Hospital's Eye Institute of
Alberta in March with a severe case of conjunctivitis
and minimal respiratory symptoms.
After the patient had undergone several
days of treatment with little improvement. After it had
been determined that the woman had recently returned
home from Asia, a resident ordered a COVID-19 test. The
test came back positive.
Main presentation was the eye
"What is interesting in this case, and
perhaps very different to how it had been recognized at
that specific time, was that the main presentation of
the illness was not a respiratory symptom. It was the
eye," Carlos Solarte, an assistant professor of
ophthalmology at the University of Alberta, said in a
press release.
"There was no fever and no cough, so we
were not led to suspect COVID-19 at the beginning,” he
said. “We didn't know it could present primarily with
the eye and not with the lungs."...