Beyonce Steals Song Again
November 10. 2009

Beyonce (right), looking very confused as
Sony singer Beyonce is being hauled into Federal Court
in Chicago, Illinois, on December 10, 2009,
barring bribing the judge or a settlement, by songwriter, Ricky
Allen, for
stealing his copyrighted song "Cater 2 U."
Allen registered the copyright for "Cater 2 U" with the Copyright
Office/Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., in 2000. In 2004, a former
co-worker of Allen's gained employment working with Beyonce's then singing
group, Destinys Child.
That same year, Destinys Child, released a song entitled "Cater 2
U" allegedly written by notorious song thief, Beyonce Knowles, but bearing
rip-off music, lyrics and the exact same title, as the preexisting, copyrighted
song, Allen registered with the Library Of Congress 4 YEARS BEFORE BEYONCE STOLE
Beyonce, has been sued and or slammed by many and I do mean many, songwriters for
willfully, deliberately and knowingly stealing their federally and
internationally protected, copyrighted songs, photos and videos. She
has done this dozens of times, completely destroying her name. She
is a running joke on the internet in this regard.
My mother is of the belief that Beyonce is crazy to keep blatantly
copyrighted works and taking credit for them, consistently resulting
in terrible lawsuits and bad PR, as if lying about it
somehow makes her the author of the pilfered property.
Under U.S. and international law, Beyonce is a criminal, who is consistently
committing criminal copyright infringement, which is a crime in just
about every country of the world. She continues to disgrace herself,
as most of the public now knows of her chronic misconduct and firmly
believes she is a thief.

Beyonce speaks in manner that indicates she is uneducated. She's even done interviews, where this
undeniable fact came shining
through, as she made up words that are not even in the dictionary,
mispronounced others, whilst using some in the wrong context. Someone with such
diminished mental capacity cannot write music. It's never worked
that way.
She often appears confused and dimwitted in interviews, flubbing the
slightest questions, even a child could answer with clarity. At this point, anyone that does not believe Beyonce is a thief, is
either a crazed, obsessed fan or someone on her family's payroll.
Her conduct stems from greed and pure arrogance, as she can
afford to pay writers to author material for her to perform, but
living a lie the public no longer believes, she insists on
attempting to maintain the illusion that she is a writer, while
enriching herself and gaining awards that are not deserved.
She is a disgrace to the black community, teaching young girls it
is more important to lewdly use one's body for attention and cheat,
steal, lie and defraud innocent people, to gain ill-gotten income,
rather than earn an honest living.
Click here for
more on the many plagiarism and copyright infringement claims against Beyonce.

Vanessa Williams in 1991 |
Beyonce in 2008 |
Vanessa Williams took the photo posted above on the left in
1991 for her "Running Back To You" single. In 2008, Beyonce ripped it
off. Note the similarities:
1. Vanessa Williams
is wearing a black leotard covered by a
black jacket. Beyonce is wearing a black leotard.
2. Vanessa Williams
is wearing black paten leather ankle high boots
and Beyonce is also wearing
black paten leather ankle high boots
3. Vanessa Williams has the front of
her hair upswept with blonde highlights at the top while the back is flowing
over her shoulders. Beyonce has
the front of her hair upswept with blonde highlights
at the top while the back is flowing over her shoulders.
4. Another sick note to add, Vanessa Williams has a daughter
named Sasha. Beyonce adopted an alter ego
named Sasha Fierce (more like Sasha Stupid
ripping everybody off).
Vanessa Williams 1988: |
Beyonce 2009: |
(Above) same see through jacket, plunging neckline dress, dangling
earrings, hair teased upwards and the same pose.
Same blue hued video tint, same hairstyle and highlights, but the part is on a
different side and both wearing coats with black
Vanessa Williams "Darlin I"
1988: |
Beyonce "Halo" video 2009: |


Pictured below, is Vanessa Williams in another scene from the 1988
"Darlin I" video, wearing that same black coat, makeup and
hairstyle Beyonce is now wearing
20 years later
in the rip off video (photo above right):
Vanessa Williams "Just For Tonight" 1991
(left) Beyonce 2008 (right)
Vanessa Williams "Comfort Zone" 1991 (left)
Beyonce 2008 (right).
Beyonce posing topless with a cross on her arm (bracelet) is
sacrilegious and disrespectful to God.
Vanessa Williams 1988 (left) Beyonce 2008 (right)
wearing the same style corset top, tutu, leggings and black boots as
Vanessa Williams did in her "Right Stuff" debut video 20 years
Vanessa Williams' "Darlin I" video 1988
(left) and Beyonce's "Get Me Bodied" video 2007
(right). Both scenes contain the singer getting out of the same old
style black car with a chauffeur in uniform holding an umbrella for them
in the rain, however, Beyonce stole it from the Vanessa Williams music
George Michael's "Too Funky" music video 1990's (left)
Beyonce 2008 (right)
Songwriter claims Beyonce ripped him off
Superstar expected to testify in copyright trial
November 9, 2009 - Did pop diva Beyonce Knowles and
her Destiny's Child rip off a Chicago songwriter's song? A copycat claim contained in a 2006 lawsuit is
expected to land the "Bootylicious" sensation in a witness chair next month as
part of a copyright infringement trial to be held in Chicago's federal
A Chicago songwriter copyrighted the song "Cater 2
U" long before Destiny's Child came out with a song by the same name. The
songwriter also says the lyrics are similar. In dispute is a song titled "Cater 2 U" released by
Destiny's Child in a 2004 compilation called "Destiny Fulfilled." The video
features sultry scenes of the musical trio proclaiming: "Whatever you desire,
I'll aspire."
But Chicago songwriter and performer Rickey Allen
says it's his song, and a judge has given the green light for a jury to hear his
claims against Mrs. Jay-Z. Allen first copyrighted his "Cater 2 U," -- with
the same spelling -- in the mid-1990s. He performed the song locally and updated
the copyright three times, as recently as 2000.
Allen's song is about "relieving the stress of a
significant other, and getting them to relax." He says Destiny Child's version
contains similar steamy lyrics. When Allen's song says: "I want to rub you down,"
Destiny's Child asks: "Want a foot rub?"
Allen's lyrics say: "The tub has hot steam rising,"
and "I'm waiting to soak your body through."
The Destiny's Child song offers to: "Let me run
your bath water."
"Do we say [Beyonce's] responsible for copying?
Yes. But there's no such thing as innocent copying, even if it's unintentional,"
said Allen's lawyer, Matt Wildermuth. "The jury will decide the notion that
these are simple coincidences."
Allen says he passed a copy of his "Cater 2 U" to
Chicago remixer Maurice Joshua, and the two planned to collaborate on a demo. That never happened, Allen says. But Joshua later
spent several hours in a session with Destiny's Child recording a different
song, according to court papers. Joshua says he never had a copy of Allen's
Stealing Styles Again Part 2
Stealing Styles Again
Beyonce Steals Copyrights From Different Artists
In Trouble For Stealing Song Credit
Steals Two Bob Fosse Videos
Steals Two Bob Fosse Videos
Steals More Copyrights
Steals From Drag Queen
Sales Decline
Caught In A Lie
Member Slams Beyonce And Destinys Child
Loses Wonder Woman Role
Slammed For Snubbing Jennifer Hudson