Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Exposed For Burglaries Into
High Profile People's Homes To Steal Information For Profit
September 20. 2012
Rupert Murdoch
[Article background: this is another in the series of phone
hacking articles the Judiciary Report has published, regarding a scandal I
broke first in October 2005, via a police
complaint I filed with the Metropolitan Police in London, England. 70 people have been arrested by the Metropolitan Police since the time I
filed the complaint. However, the Murdochs and other key conspirators
remain free and the FBI has not arrested anyone, though the crimes began
and continue in News Corp's New York headquarters]
The Metropolitan Police is investigating evidence that
indicates Rupert Murdoch's News Corp has been commissioning break-ins
into the homes of politicians and celebrities, seeking "salacious
information." The break-ins were done by private investigators hired by
Murdoch's News Corp.
Beginning in 2005, when I first broke the story on phone
hacking, via the aforementioned police complaint to the Metropolitan Police and
separately one to the crooked and corrupt FBI, I
formally accused Kabbalah members
Madonna and
Murdoch and their associates of commissioning break-ins to my former
home in Miami, to steal information in my home office/recording studio/film
editing studio, stored on back-up copies of DVD-ROMs and CD-ROMs, containing my
preexisting copyrights.
There were several break-ins that necessitated I call the police
and file a complaint for the corresponding burglaries that all centered on
stealing copies of DVD-ROMs and CD-ROMs containing copyrights I burned to discs
as back-ups, known as intangible assets. The commissioned burglaries never
resulted in tangible assets being stolen, such as televisions, DVD players or
jewelry. The thieves always went for store bought blank discs (DVD-ROMs and
CD-ROMs) I had burned copies of my copyrights on and labeled "copyrights" in my
handwriting, which were contained in my former home office/recording studio/film
editing studio.
During one incident, in addition to stealing court case items
and unpublished DVD-ROMs and CD-ROMs containing my very valuable, private,
preexisting Library of Congress copyrights I was authoring on an offline
computer to block Kabbalah's chronic computer hacking efforts, Madonna and
Murdoch's private investigator also stole medicine and some of my baby pictures from my
home to be nasty, foul and spiteful, as I had called the police and began
writing about their criminal commissioned burglaries online. These are the kind
of deranged and desperate people they are and they should not be free.
After the break-ins, the contents of the private DVD-ROMs and
CD-ROMs discs I made, which were once only available in my (former) home, bag and the
Library of Congress in Washington D.C., began surfacing as Madonna and News
Corp's new projects (and that of their associates), with my name erased as
author, despite the fact I had written and copyrighted the items over a year
before they were illegal stolen and criminally used (I still have other back-up
copies of the DVD-ROMs and CD-ROMs in my bag).

Madonna is a sick, disgraceful, untalented animal
After one break-in, I even found an illegally planted hidden
camera in the house (bathroom), which is sick, demonic and perverted beyond
comprehension. What kind of animals and savages spy on people in their home.
Kabbalah are the sickest, nastiest people on earth to do something so
incomprehensibly evil, perverted, voyeuristic and depraved.
Ironically, Kabbalah also believes in extensive levels of
numerology, astrology and the occult. Madonna has crazily and publicly referred
to herself as a "high priestess." She is deeply immersed in sick occult
practices. There were incidents after commissioned break-ins to my home, where I
found small occult symbols and statutes on my former property, hidden under
leaves at the base of trees in the yard that were not there before. I know this
because I used to do all the gardening, which included removing weeds, mowing
the lawn, sweeping up leaves and planting roses.
I always left under the trees free of debris, but all of a
sudden piles of leaves started rapidly appearing and when I went to rake them
up, strange silver and metal statues and items associated with the occult were
under the leaves. It was sick. I am a Christian. I don't mess with or dabble in
any form of the occult/witchcraft, as the Bible labels it sin. So I promptly
threw that stuff in the garbage. But Kabbalah is a sick cult that believes in
witchcraft, spells, chanting and elaborate forms of numerology among other
things. Some of this misconduct was revealed in a BBC expose on Kabbalah. One of
my sources also told me Madonna has been the butt of jokes in certain
entertainment industry circles for keeping voodoo dolls of people she becomes
obsessed with.
In another incident, the day after I began exposing online their
criminal behavior and acts of bribery regarding FBI Director, Robert S. Mueller,
as communicated to me by a well-connected international source that has never
been wrong with any of information he has given me,
Madonna and Murdoch's Kabbalah commissioned another break-in, but took it
further that time in trying to get back at me for disclosing their criminal
Where the usual mode of entry during the break-ins, as
discovered by local police, was tampering with the backdoor locks on my former
Miami home
(and in one incident removing it altogether) they smashed a large back window of
my former home office/recording studio/film editing studio with a rock to cause maximum
damage and with the intent of creating fear and distress.
These invasive acts
have made my family sick, literally, resulting in hospitalizations. My elderly
mother now suffers from heart problems as a result of the constant
terrorization, harassment, stalking, copyright thefts and
death threats against me from Kabbalah. I even had
an aneurysm in 2008, due to the extensive human rights abuses. To this day, the
criminal misconduct has not desisted, as they continue to steal from me, spy on
me and stalk me everywhere I go.
Ladies and gentlemen, News Corp, Rupert Murdoch, Madonna,
Kabbalah and their associates are not upstanding business people and
entertainers, they are filthy, gutter criminals, thugs, animals and savages, who
have illegally made money from criminally robbing and spying on other people. They belong in
Exclusive: News of the World 'ordered burglary'
Police probe link to break-ins at homes of MPs and stars - Detectives
have evidence which suggests that a notorious private detective agency carried
out a burglary while working for the News of the World. In the latest twist to
the phone-hacking scandal, a police intelligence report indicates that Southern
Investigations, based in south London, targeted the home of a newsworthy
individual in an attempt to dig up salacious information.
The Independent has established that the material – the first
suggested link between the News of the World and burglary – is being held by
Operation Tuleta, the police inquiry into illegal newsgathering techniques other
than phone hacking and corruption. It refers to a "sortie" carried out into a
woman's home in Ascot, Berkshire, and mentions the name of Alex Marunchak – a
long-serving executive on the News of the World.
A police assessment indicated that Southern Investigations or an associate had
"gained unauthorised access into a private domestic premises with a view to
gaining information on the resident".
Separately, a former undercover policeman who infiltrated
Southern Investigations said that it burgled MPs' homes in an attempt to obtain
embarrassing information for the newspaper. All those involved in Southern
Investigations, and Mr Marunchak, deny any involvement in break-ins or knowledge
of any illegal acts.
Tom Watson, the Labour politician who campaigned against phone
hacking, said that, if proven to be evidence of burglary, the material showed
further serious wrongdoing at the News of the World. There have long been
concerns that, as well as phone hacking and police corruption, burglaries took
place in an attempt to land stories.
Several public figures whose voicemail messages were hacked by
the newspaper, including the actor Hugh Grant, the Football Association
executive David Davies, and Paul Stretford, Wayne Rooney's former agent, fell
victim to break-ins where nothing was stolen. The Labour frontbencher Chris
Bryant and other MPs are thought to have been similarly targeted...
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Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing
Their Copyrights
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Corp Employees Charged In The Phone Hacking Scandal
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Reveal Who Gave Him The Orders In The News Corp Phone Hacking Scandal
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Surveillance Tactics Used By News Corp And Kabbalah In The Phone Hacking
Sick Behavior Of News Corp And Kabbalah In The Phone Hacking Case
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Teary Eyed Rebekah Brooks And Her Coconspirators In The Phone Hacking
Scandal Face First Court Hearing On Bail
Murdoch's News Corp And Madonna Are Still Phone Hacking And With The
Support Of The FBI