Madonna's Connection To Phone
Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal
April 11. 2011

Madonna and her ex-husband, Guy Ritchie have been
connected to the phone hacking and wiretapping scandal in Britain
from day one, but due to bribery, this important fact was played
down. Madonna routinely pays for articles to be published in the
press worldwide, especially America and Britain.
In the 1980s, Madonna was one of the first clients
of now incarcerated private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, who was
convicted in America in 2008, of illegal wiretapping, hacking, identify
theft, racketeering and harassment, done on behalf of Hollywood
stars that paid him $100,000 for his services.

Anthony Pellicano in his West Hollywood office with surveillance
and hacking equipment
Pellicano, a member of the mafia, worked for the
National Enquirer tabloid in America during the 1980s, where he
pioneered the very same criminal tactics of phone wiretapping,
hacking and audio bugging, which have surfaced in the British Press
in the past six years, culminating in the reboot of the News
International scandal.
Once the check cleared and the illegal spying and
harassment campaigns began, Pellicano would send numerous Hollywood stars
illegal wiretap transcripts of phone calls, the contents of hacked
computers, round the clock surveillance photos and activity summaries of
their chosen targets (down to what they bought in the supermarket).

Rupert Murdoch
Pellicano employed illegal wiretaps, GPS trackers for
phones and cars, computer hackers and thugs with cameras, to follow victims
around 24 hours a day, with the full knowledge of the celebrities that
hired him. Excerpted items from the illegal surveillance were then
published in the press in a slightly vague manner to inflict distress and
psychological abuse on the targets of the illegal surveillance.
For the past decade, on a weekly basis, Madonna has
planted deceitful, untruthful stories in the British Press for
publicity, most of which came from illegally placed wiretaps and
hacks. She has a number of journalists and bloggers on her payroll,
who print any stupidity she tells them to. It is through Madonna's
criminal misconduct in this realm that the British Press learned and
began to employ these criminal tactics of phone hacking to gain
scoops and exclusives.

Rupert Murdoch's mentally ill daughter, Elisabeth
Some of the victims in the current News International
scandal are baffled as to how the publications involved, knew their
whereabouts, private appointments, personal family developments and sexual
relationships on a regular basis.
However, as criminal court cases have illustrated, it is
not difficult for a private investigator, some of whom illegally employ
hackers, to break into mobile phones and use the GPS tracking available on
said units, to know where a target is at all times and what they are up to.
As mentioned here, roving bugs are also employed.

Guy Ritchie regularly visits the home of Sarah
Murdoch in London
Madonna also befriended Rupert Murdoch's daughter,
Elisabeth Murdoch, whilst living in London. Rupert Murdoch owns News
International, which is at the heart of the current phone hacking
scandal in Britain. It has been heavily featured in the British
press that Madonna regularly invited the Murdoch spawn over for
Madonna also got Elisabeth Murdoch involved in her
greedy cult Kabbalah, who are
under criminal investigation in America. Elisabeth Murdoch oversees
an entertainment company called Shine that has outright broken the
law in several nations in conjunction with Madonna and her
ex-husband, Guy
Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping
Hacking And Wiretapping Scandal Runs Way Deeper Than They Are
Outs Madonna As The Criminal Behind Kabbalah
Fraudulent Charity For Africa Squanders Millions On Big Salaries &
Luxury Items For Greedy Kabbalah Members
Kabbalah Cult Under Grand Jury Investigation
Hackers Hacked Into Google Adsense Wiping Out Thousands Of Dollars In Ad
Entire Career Has Been Based On Stealing Others Copyrights
A merry Madonna Christmas - macrobiotic lunch, no TV
and slim pickings under the tree
Last updated at 22:14 14 December 2007