The Federal Bureau of Investigation
has been criminally breaching the medical system in
America and ordering medical staff to harm and or
kill innocent patients for sick reasons, pardon the
pun. There is precedence for this abhorrent criminal
behavior from the government, as seen in the
sick and evil experiments clandestinely run on the
unsuspecting black Tuskegee Airmen in America. Many
of these Tuskegee Airmen died under government
sanctioned acts of medical abuse and racism (please
see May 2020 article which mentions the Tuskegee
The True Origins Of The Coronavirus
Outbreak (Covid-19)).
The government deliberately
infected black Tuskegee Airmen with syphilis
without their knowledge or consent. Many of the
Tuskegee Airmen died due to these illegal and cruel
experiments, though medical treatments were
available at the time to save their lives. Others
survived but with significant disabilities. The
government hid and withheld the medical treatments
for racist and wicked reasons. The FBI and CIA,
among other entities in the government, see
black people and other minorities, such as
Hispanics, as slaves and expendable lab rats to be
abused and exploited at their discretion.
Former President Bill Clinton
publicly apologized for the government's
criminal conduct via human rights abuses in
illegally experimenting on the Tuskegee Airmen and
withholding lifesaving medical treatment. However,
nothing has changed, as the FBI and others such as
their sister agency, the murderous CIA, continue to
cruelly and illegally experiment on and abuse
minorities without consent.
In another sick incident,
the CIA was outed for illegally going into hospitals
in America and Canada then criminally running LSD experiments on
poor, unsuspecting patients, which caused extensive
damage to their health and lives. Some unwitting
test subjects died. Former President Gerald
Ford formally apologized for the CIA's abhorrent
conduct. However, they are still
committing the same sick criminal misconduct to this
In another sick precedent, the U.S.
government sent scientists and doctors into
Guatemala to illegally and cruelly experiment on
innocent, poor, unsuspecting minorities. The U.S.
government, without the knowledge or consent of the
Guatemalan people, deliberately and secretly
infected 1,500 of Guatemala's citizens with
syphilis, gonorrhea and chancroid. It destroyed the
health and lives of the unwitting participants in
the cruel experiments. Years later former President,
Barack Obama, formally apologized for the U.S.
government's sick conduct in Guatemala.
Notice a pattern yet of
presidents apologizing for the degeneracy and
atrocities committed by Feds such as the FBI and
CIA, among others, then the demonic, sadistic
alphabet agencies go right back to the disgusting human
rights abuses like pigs wallowing in their own
feces. They are psychotics and mentally deficient to
be doing these horrendously evil and dastardly things
to others. To make it even worse, all these vile
human rights abuses are completely unprovoked. They
are just extraordinarily hateful and abominable
human beings, who are not happy unless they are
causing immense suffering and grief.
Nothing has changed. All these
apologizes from presidents mean nothing, as the government has
not changed one bit in medically abusing minorities,
many of whom end up dead because of the sick
harassment and torturous experiments. In recent times, Pfizer, with the
assistance and consent of the U.S. government, went
into the African nation of Nigeria and deceitfully
ran experiments on poor African children and adults,
regarding an experimental meningitis drug they had
dubiously developed. Many of the Nigerians,
including little children they deceitfully
experimented on with the unproven drug and under
false pretenses, ended up paralyzed. 11 children
died due to Pfizer's sick experiments.
Pfizer was sued over their sick and
cruel behavior in Nigeria that destroyed many lives.
However, Pfizer added insult to injury regarding a
$75,000,000 legal settlement they were forced to pay
and fought against (they demanded DNA samples from
the Nigerians, which
villagers were afraid of, as they feared Pfizer
was running another secret experiment camouflaged as a
DNA test). Pfizer demanded a huge chunk of the
money, many millions of dollars of the $75,000,000
settlement they were forced to pay to the Kano state government in
Nigeria, be used to build a Pfizer facility in the
city where they can run more experiments on poor
Nigerians. The audacity of these shameful people at
Pfizer. Each family with a paralyzed child or
adult was given $175,000 which cannot properly care
for a paralyzed person for life. It is absolutely
As my website readers know I started
as a songwriter, producer, singer and screenplay
writer/director. I was a child prodigy. I come from
a famous, award winning Jamaican family of writers,
journalists and sportsmen. One of my aunts, who passed
recently was one of Jamaica's most famous radio and
theatre personalities. She is well known in the
Diaspora and was a longtime staff member with UNESCO
doing charity work. She was invited to speak at
events in America and France, among other places. Another aunt, her
sister, was Jamaica's poet laureate, who was honored
by the late Queen of England a couple years ago. She
is a professor at two prestigious universities in America and
My dad is an award winning media personality
in Jamaica and a former football player with the
national team. He also coached football and cricket
for over 20-years. He is friends with many legendary
cricketers from the Caribbean (especially the award
winning West Indian cricket team of the 1970s and
1980s). When they are in town they call him and they
hang out. My dad also worked for Puma, which is a
company he loves. When the legendary football player
Pele visited Jamaica on a football tour of the
Caribbean and America, my dad is the person they
chose to take care of him during the trip.
Some of my cousins are journalists and
television producers. My family is also very active
in Jamaican politics on a charitable level. My
family has done an enormous amount of charity work
for decades in helping to build up Jamaica,
especially in assisting the poor and disadvantaged.
I was enrolled in gifted classes at
an early age. I began writing poetry when I was
5-years-old. As a child I always wanted to be a
doctor, but my love of music and film won out.
Beginning in my early teens I began copyrighting
items with the Library of Congress in Washington,
DC. I've written over 20,000 songs in the form of
lyrics, several hundred beats I recorded, hundreds
of movie scripts, hundreds of music video
treatments, dozens of books, and thousands of
photographs. These are all original works I
I've since gone back to university
and become a scientist with my college minor being
business, which I have excelled at, making the honor
roll twice and being nominated by the school and
accepted to a national honors society. Studying
science in university rekindled my love of medicine
that began as a child (some of my classes in
university were more science based, while others were
medical regarding the mind and body).
However, being a scientist has allowed me
to author forthcoming pharmaceutical drug patents on
HIV/AIDS, Parkinsons,
Huntington's disease,
Dementia and Sickle Cell, as well as
technologies relating to fixing serious problems
regarding climate change. By the grace of God I've
authored a technology of hardware and software that
detects certain geological issues in the earth in bids at repairing
the problems before they erupt and kill millions,
because places such as New York City, Miami,
Washington and London, among
other select areas, are in serious jeopardy due to
climate change and another issue.
I'm trying to
finish my science work regarding the hardware and
software, as New York City is in serious climate
danger, but
the criminal conduct of the corrupt FBI and
child sex trafficking
pop singer Madonna is making it
very difficult. They are harassing and terrorizing
me no end. They are an impedance and a menace. They
are also playing with fire, as New York City is
America's main financial sector. A catastrophic
natural disaster, regarding copious amounts of
water, hitting it will cripple the American
financial system and could result in trillions in
losses. What an extraordinary risk to take with New
York City, among other places, so Hollywood can
steal copyrights (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
If I fail in completing the software
and hardware in time, you will see my prediction
regarding a terrible natural disaster happen in New
York City. Considering my
record regarding my predictions being right,
the government should be concerned for New York
City. The only way I will fail to get the technology
finished is if Madonna and the FBI continue to
criminally interfere in my work and life. After all
the copyrights they stole from me, they are still
nagging me for more.
I have also authored original
science based technologies on aeronautics (space)
and motor cars. As stated above, my medicine and science predictions
and warnings, among other things, have proven true and correct HUNDREDS
of times (Site Exclusives).
As such this site is read by many world governments,
politicians, scientists, doctors and people within
justice systems around the world. Even the Russian
government is in the site stats (and considering I'm
not fond of Vladimir Putin). The site has been read
by millions worldwide and continues to gain new
readers all the time.
Vile, washed up pop singer, Madonna,
and her sick Hollywood cohorts began criminally
terrorizing me and infringing my preexisting
copyrights years ago. She is a jealous, obsessed
lunatic envious of my copyrights and their value.
She refuses to desist with this sick conduct. When
Madonna began stealing my copyrights, her money had
run right down from years of lavish living in
Hollywood. Madonna began criminally stealing my
PREEXISTING copyrights I had already registered with
the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, to fund her
extravagant lifestyle she could no longer afford, as
Britney Spears had replaced Madonna in Hollywood.
Out of spite Madonna destroyed Britney's life via
the Kabbalah cult's abusive conduct. Spears publicly
spoke of Madonna bringing her into the Kabbalah
cult. Britney began wearing the Kabbalah cult's red
string bracelet as a sign of being in the sick sect.
Then, Britney went insane under the Kabbalah cult
trances and
other forms of abuse that wrecked her life.
Madonna has a long history of
copyright infringement, criminal invasion of privacy
and terrorizing people. She has been sued for it
several times by various people. Madonna even gave a
Robert Altman,
a fatal heart attack that he blamed her for in the
hospital right before he died. She is an evil, obsessed
lunatic and public menace who likes to target and
terrorize innocent people. Madonna's entire career
is based on
stealing copyrights she
criminally takes full credit and payment for,
as she is a dirty, evil fraud. Madonna is the
biggest fraud in music history. None of her career
has been real.
The U.S. government is well aware
that people such as Madonna and her business
partner, Rupert Murdoch, are criminally stealing
copyrights, but turn a blind eye to it, as the dirty
criminal conduct is powering and criminally
enriching an entire industry of losers, known as
Hollywood. However, as the world will see, this is
happening at the expense of millions of innocent
lives being lost to disease in what could have been
prevented, and forthcoming climate change disasters
that could be prevented such as New York City (Senator
Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing
Their Copyright).
Due to how U.S. federal law is
structured, one must report all copyright
infringement, illegal wiretapping, computer hacking,
hate crimes and stalking that crosses state lines to
the FBI. These are all felonious crimes Madonna has been
committing (and worse). I reported the
aforementioned crimes via a formal complaint signed
for by the office of then FBI Director Robert S.
Mueller. I filed the complaint after Madonna had her
cult follow and terrorize me all over London,
England for days during a vacation, which culminated
into me being accosted during a public tour of
Buckingham Palace. Not only did Madonna have her
cult stalk me across state lines, they committed a
greater crime in stalking me across international
lines, in criminal violation of U.S. and British
My dad did not like that 6-weeks had
elapsed in Miami since Mueller's office in
Washington signed for the formal complaint and there
was no response. My dad told me to call the FBI, as
Madonna's criminal conduct was and continues to,
pose a threat to my life (recently, Madonna paid for
an illegal
chemical attack
on me which constitutes felony assault). When I politely telephoned
the FBI in Washington, an agent with an unprovoked rude and nasty tone snapped at me,
then told me to call the Miami
FBI. The agency is full of ill-mannered, uncultured
people with no class, decorum or social skills. What
an ugly and low class way to represent the government in the world. There is something
seriously wrong with them. They're a bunch of raging
psychotics. What is that agency so angry about all
the time. They need psychiatric treatment and
regular drug testing.
When I called the Miami FBI they
told me to come in for an interview. The agent on
duty questioned me about the case in trying to trip
me up and he couldn't, as I was telling the truth.
Then it turned into a second interview the next
business day, as the agent told me to bring in a
copy of my copyright certificates from the Library
of Congress and associated files about the case
mafia connected
Madonna and her murderous, mafioso private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, so
the FBI could compare it to what Madonna stole from
my copyrights.
I did as the FBI requested. The next
day I tried
to leave the documents with the guard at the Miami
FBI, as it was near closing time when I arrived, but he told me to come back the next
business day. I did and I was interviewed by a
second FBI agent, Catherine Koontz. We spoke about
Madonna and Anthony Pellicano. The FBI were already aware of this man
and his sick criminal conduct on behalf of Hollywood
stars and executives. The FBI used my words in the
interviews as well as documents in the Department of
Justice's case against Pellicano, arrested him
4-months later, and then gained a criminal
conviction (Pellicano went to prison for 15-years
for illegal wiretapping, computer/email hacking,
phone hacking, racketeering and over 100 counts of
identity theft).
FBI agent Koontz told
me the FBI would investigate the matter and send me
the customary report on
their findings. After Madonna bribed FBI Director
Robert S. Mueller, the standard report sent to victims of
crime in such cases was never sent to me (and the
FBI does take bribes:
click here and
here and
and they also
falsify evidence). The
launched a massive cover-up and began using all my
copyrights without permission, as did Hollywood, which constitutes
serious felonies. The criminal behavior continues to
this day.
At the time I did not realize
one should never give anyone a copy of your
copyright certificates. I didn't realize it until
recently when I saw a documentary on the late,
legendary African-American singer,
Sam Cooke,
who made that mistake regarding his thieving accountant,
Allen Klein. Not long after, Klein sent the Italian
American mafia to brutally beat, torture and murder
Cooke. Then, Klein quickly and criminally transferred all Cooke's
copyrights into his name, depriving Cooke's family
of an estate worth over $125,000,000. This is how
Hollywood operates. Jewish people working with the
Italian mafia to abuse, rob and sometimes brutally
murder black people for our copyrights and
You would think because it is the government, via the FBI, there would be some
integrity. But not so. I gave the FBI a copy of my
copyright certificates they asked for, then the FBI
turned around and began criminally using huge
amounts of them
without permission or payment, in criminal violation
of the law. They are nothing but a bunch of dirty,
racist slavetraders. Their greedy, thieving behavior
is unconstitutional, racist and nasty.
Madonna and the FBI began spreading
my copyrights all over Hollywood and the US
government. The FBI even went into Congress
demanding billions more in taxpayer money, citing
special cases they are working on, that came from
The FBI are scammers. They received billions more in
taxpayer money for this scam they pulled in
Congress. Since then they bought themselves private
jets and
$70,000 desks.
They now have lavish expense accounts,
while failing the American
people and the world everyday. Then the FBI began insanely recreating and
reenacting items in my FICTIONAL SCRIPTS as if they
were real cases. They are sick in the head.
The FBI also illegally spread items
from my copyrights to the Department
of Energy, Department of Defense, Education
Department, NASA, Space X, and in a massive offense at the
BBC in London, England. I'm Jamaican (I have US
citizenship as well). Jamaica and Britain have a
rough history due to the horrors of the slavetrade.
Jamaica was robbed of trillions in sugar,
ironworks and labor. A Jamaican invention even
started the industrial revolution but was stolen
from the island by someone in Britain ("Industrial
Revolution 'iron method was taken from Jamaica by
Briton'" - The Guardian, an
excerpt of which can be found below in the STORY
SOURCE section of this article).
Jamaicans forgave Britain and have
been trying to build a peaceful relationship in
modern times. Yet the nasty FBI and Hollywood
illegally spread my copyrights to Britain, works
which would have been attributed to Jamaica, full
well knowing the horrible legacy of slavery that
occurred. That was nasty, mean spirited, evil and
The dirty FBI and Hollywood, via
Warner Bros in Hollywood (whom Madonna has been
signed to for over 30 years regarding music and
films) who also has a
distribution deal with the BBC, decided to invade
the BBC and illegally dispense my copyrights
through the state television channel in Britain.
It is made all the worse by the fact
the BBC is funded by the British taxpayers, who are
getting ripped off by Hollywood and the FBI, who are
funneling my stolen copyrights through the network
and taking big checks for work they stole for free,
while breaking the law.
Hollywood continues to illegally collect huge checks in the
millions from the British taxpayers (BBC) for
copyrights they criminally stole from me, while the
FBI unlawfully uses the BBC as a propaganda channel
to put out their political agenda, in a nation they
are not even supposed to be operating. They are
breaking British law as well.
Madonna's Warner Bros even mocked me
in an episode of a show where my PREEXISTING
copyrights were stolen/infringed to make the program "Orphan
Black" and they included a character named "Aisha"
(which is my legal birth name) who they made a
"slave" and burned to death (Madonna's
Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty
Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony
Joshua, Daniel Kaluuya)).
Again the past history of slavery regarding Britain
and Jamaica, and here is the nasty FBI and Hollywood
making nasty, racist digs in this manner. These
people have no character. The FBI and Hollywood are
racist gutter trash and degenerates.
What kind of evil way is that to
represent America in the world in doing such a sick
and unconscionable thing, and between countries,
Britain and Jamaica, who have a difficult
relationship due to the past horrors of slavery, which
you, the FBI and Hollywood have criminally brought
back in modern times. And make no mistake, these people
turned me into a slave in modern times. I've never been paid
for my copyrights they stole nor given credit for
all these preexisting items they criminally took from my
copyrighted catalog, for undue financial enrichment
and awards.
A Jamaican Prime Minister at the
time, who is a lawyer, got involved at my dad's
request, and found a law firm to represent me in
Miami. The
law firm found and stated my copyrights are being
criminally passed around Hollywood and stolen by
various people in the industry. However, Madonna and
the FBI so threatened the law firm of Sanders,
Squire and Dempsey, they withdrew from the case, in
what is an embarrassment on the U.S. government.
An unarmed, defenseless woman (me)
suffers repeated murder attempts via commissioned
vehicular assaults by Madonna and her Italian mafia
associates like Anthony Pellicano, home invasions to steal offline
copyrights, constant death threats, sick acts of
criminal invasion of privacy, and the theft of all
her assets (copyrights, as well as house and money
through criminal hacking), and the FBI/DOJ and
Madonna, among others in the government,
begrudged me basic legal representation to protect
my very life and copyrights from these greedy madpeople and their violent attacks, because they
literally think they've found a slave, and America
is still in the 1700s slavetrade.
They literally think and have
arrogantly stated Jamaicans are slaves. Hollywood
and the FBI
still thinks Jamaica is a slaveport. It is a
grotesque embarrassment on the government and
legal system that this has occurred and continues to
happen. I can't even call it a justice system, as
there is no justice in America.
Stealing copyrights is Hollywood's
way. It is an industry full of rapists, pedophiles,
murderers and thieves. They steal copyrights every
single day. Even the FBI found after an
investigation that Hollywood stole copyrights
belonging to African-American paralegal, Sophia
Stewart, to make the "Matrix" and "Terminator" film
series, which have illegally grossed billions of
dollars (each film series grossed $3 billion
dollars). The FBI gave Stewart a report that states
her copyrights were on the set of the aforementioned
films and used to make the movies.
White men such as Larry Wachowski and Andy
Wachowski ("The Matrix" movies), in addition to
David Cameron ("Terminator" movies) were criminally
given full writer's credit and payment for a black
woman's copyrights they stole, which again is
standard behavior in Hollywood. Stewart received
nothing in what is a great injustice, though her
copyrights they stole have greatly contributed to
shaping pop culture as it relates to filmmaking. It
is an embarrassment and disgrace. The FBI
did not do their jobs, then Stewart's civil court case
was criminally corrupted by crooked Warner Brothers.
After all the horrific human rights
abuses I was criminally subjected to by Madonna, her
cult and the FBI, among others in that circle (illegal wiretapping, computer
and email hacking, bank account hacking and
financial thefts, $500,000 house fraudulently
stolen, attempted vehicular homicide incidents,
death threats, burglaries), I had a brain hemorrhage.
I tried to call 911 but someone tampered with my
illegally wiretapped phone line in my home; so all I
heard was static each time I dialed. They wanted me
to die without medical assistance. A relative used a mobile
phone to call my mom to tell her I was feeling very ill and wanted to go to the
hospital. My mom, who was in a meeting at work, quickly
called 911.
The paramedics arrived and did not
want to take me to the hospital, stating I look fine
and my vitals are good. I insisted and they took me
to the government owned Jackson Memorial
Hospital. I told the hospital staff I think I'm
having an aneurysm. The nurse laughed and said
"you're just having a migraine" and told me to go
sit back down in the waiting room. Mind you, at that time I had all the
signs of a brain hemorrhage. My 20/20 clear vision was
severely impaired (people and things were blurry) and I had a severe pain in
head like nothing I had experienced before. It felt like someone hitting me in the head
with a hammer.
Jackson Memorial Hospital still left
me in waiting room for 7-hours with a brain
hemorrhage, even against their own medical
guidelines posted on the wall, which stated people
with head pains and vision disturbances are to be
admitted to the emergency room at once and
immediately given medical care.
In the time I sat
there in the waiting room for 7-hours I started to develop
deep vein thrombosis for the first and only time in
my life, which meant a bloodclot had begun forming
and could have killed me (one of the medical records
stated it was forming).
If you sit for too long
in the same position this can happen. People on
airplanes sometimes die of this during long haul
flights. Prior to this medical crisis on October 13,
2008, I was perfectly healthy and had never been
hospitalized. However, the FBI/DOJ (among others in
government), Madonna and Hollywood
destroyed my health with their sick behavior. I
never knew people this evil existed.
When I finally got to see a doctor
after waiting 7-hours in the waiting room of the
hospital I told
her I think I had an aneurysm. She laughed at me in
the presence of my mom. The doctor responded, "You
didn't have an aneurysm, otherwise you wouldn't be
walking and talking, but I'm obligated to offer
you a scan or spinal exam (fluid)."
I opted for the
CT scan, as I was not going to let them anywhere
near my spine with the negligence they had been
showing all day. The CT scan confirmed I had a brain
hemorrhage/aneurysm. Then the female doctor
disappeared and a male doctor entered the room. They
admitted me to the hospital because they stated the place the
hemorrhage occurred in my brain is "not the
classic place for it to occur." Weeks later in
an outpatient visit they only
found one other case like it in America and it was a
patient at the Mayo Clinic.
However, here's where the story
became infinitely worse. The FBI illegally followed
me to the hospital and trespassed (there is proof of
it via an item in the Miami Herald and Sun Sentinel
newspapers, located further
in this article under the STORY SOURCE section). The next morning
at about 10:00AM an emergency room
staffer told me I was going to be taken to have an
angiogram (which later produced no tangible results, was a
waste of time and they criminally injured me during
the surgery in a sick way due to the FBI's orders).
I thought it was another simple scan like a CT scan
or MRI, which were already done. It is a type of
x-ray, but it is surgically invasive.
They lied in the medical record
stating the catheter was removed, when an
unaffiliated orthopedic surgeon is stating otherwise. They lied in the
medical record stating there was no aneurysm, when
one of their neurologists later stated there was one
but it receded on its own (he found a case at the
Mayo Clinic similar to mine). They also wrote the
wrong age in the official medical record, which is
further proof the medical document is not accurate.
An item from my medical record posted below from
Jackson Memorial Hospital regarding an October 14, 2008
angioplasty, has
been redacted by me for my privacy:
The surgical staff looked worried
and horrified during a long delay to start the
procedure. I saw it on their faces. They kept
stating they are waiting on the surgeon. It turns
out the FBI had delayed the surgeon, Dr. Wilfredo
Sancristobal. I was uncomfortably on the hard
surgical table waiting for over an hour, which was
irritating my back. A Christian nurse who had my
mom's first name, Millicent, offered to pray for me,
as she realized something bad and criminal was going
on. I accepted it. She put her hands on my head and prayed for me.
An angiogram entails making an
incision into the person's hip and sending a sharp
plastic catheter into the right femoral artery,
which is a major blood supply in the body. Due to
the contrast sent into the body, it enables the
surgical team to see the patient's vascular system
in better detail. The angiogram was fruitless, as it
showed there was no visible aneurysm to clip, as it
had miraculously receded back into the walls of the
blood vessel. Otherwise they would have had to shave my
head and saw into the skull to clip the aneurysm and
relieve the pressure. An
aneurysm looks like a large, ballooning pea in a
vessel or artery.
The FBI had ordered the surgeon to
kill me. During the angiogram surgery the surgeon
damaged my right leg internally. Over a decade
later, after Jackson Memorial Hospital lied to me in nearly a
dozen follow up visits, looking at me in shock that
I'm still alive after what was illegally and
secretly done during the operation, the truth
started coming out. Years later, due to the
persistent pain in my right leg and Jackson
Memorial's terrible cover-up, I found an old Cuban
doctor in South Miami, who is an orthopedic surgeon.
He did a thorough examination of my hips and legs.
He also did x-rays.
When the x-rays were completed and
he reviewed them, with a horrified and shaken look on his face
the doctor with 50-years experience in medicine
stated to me, "They left the catheter in the leg"
(the right femoral artery). I can't begin to explain
to you how horrendous and egregious of a medical
malfeasance it is to leave a femoral catheter in an artery, for you to fully grasp the severity
and evil of what
occurred during that surgery. It is just not done.
It is extremely unorthodox and evil. It is
tantamount to torture and attempted murder. It's
like walking around for 13-years with a knife in
your leg. It is dangerous, as it restricts blood
in the artery, which can lead to heart attacks and
strokes or exsanguination if it ruptures the
Since that time Madonna has sent
cult members and the FBI has sent a "cooperating
informant" to threaten me that they are going to
remove my right leg. No doctor has stated my right
leg needs to be removed. Madonna and the FBI are
just being nasty and evil. Madonna sent cult members
to threaten to have my right leg remove "because no
one will want you" (meanwhile, many amputees are in
relationships or married). The "cooperating
informant" the FBI sent to threaten me made nasty
claims they would remove my right leg in a cover-up
to hide the crime that had been committed in the
angioplasty surgery at Jackson Memorial Hospital,
and "save the leg for research purposes in a lab."
One of the things that is most
alarming about the FBI/DOJ, Madonna and her sick
Kabbalah cult, among others in their sick cabal, is
how they gleefully revel in horrendous evil. It is a
very bad sign regarding their psychopathy and the
horrific danger they pose to the public all over the
Years later I was told by a credible
source that knows what is happening in the FBI, that
it was done on the orders of then-FBI Director
Robert S. Mueller, who is a very sick, soulless man.
Mueller literally descends from Nazis and
transformed the FBI into the SS in modern times. I
was informed by a source that the surgeon was told
by the FBI to, "Nick the femoral artery and she will
bleed out." It would have been exsanguination, which
is a gory, gruesome, horrible and painful death. The
FBI wanted me to bleed to death all because they
have been stealing copyrights from me (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Obama is also known for being a
massive plagiarist, infringing other people's
copyrights for his books and fraudulent speeches
(see external site examples below in the STORY
SOURCE section, regarding accurate and credible
plagiarism claims against Barack Obama). Bill
Clinton, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Joe Biden,
Hunter Biden, and numerous journalists and authors,
have publicly accused Obama of being a plagiarist
who stole their copyrighted works and arrogantly
attributed them to himself. I repeatedly saw what
Obama criminally did with my copyrights in
repeatedly infringing them, so I know they are
telling the truth.
All this madness Obama has done to
become President of the United States, such as lying
about his place of birth, committing criminal
copyright infringement, illegally spying on people,
and abusing those who speak out against him, is
going to unravel in the public domain and Congress will be under immense global pressure to indict
Imagine that, Obama steals other
people's ideas and intellectual property, then is
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for what he stole,
then proceeds to drop more bombs on the Middle East
than any U.S. President in history. How is that
peaceful. The award should be revoked. The man is a
complete fraud and criminal.
One of my many receipts for the domain name that is attached to my script of
the same name copyrighted in 2000. This is a
receipt from the
2004 domain
renewal of the Presidential Dreams domain name, years
before Barack Obama and Joe Biden ever went to the White
House in
2008. In criminal acts they pursued at domain
registrar Go Daddy, years later they tried to steal my
original domain name Presidential Dreams through acts of
fraud, in tampering with the renewal process.
They have illegally used my
Presidential Dreams script so much; they've even
publicly quoted from it like
lunatics. It is a movie series about America's first
black president (with a white runningmate) which had
not happened in history yet and first black female
vice president, among other things, which again had
not happened yet. Even Obama's campaign slogan "yes
we can" is in my PREEXISTING script that was
copyrighted 8-YEARS before he became president or
even got into Congress. Even medical and political
items in my PREEXISTING copyrights were stolen and
renamed "Obamacare."
The FBI thought it would be good for
America's image, so people couldn't call the
government racist anymore. I was informed by a very
credible source responsible for some of my site
exclusives that a former FBI Director, when asked
about Obama stated to an FBI employee not to worry
about an illegal act he order him to commit because
in reference to the President (Obama at the time),
"We own that nigger!"
I was told by a very credible source
that it was stated, "How can we convincingly
and effectively use the
script with the owner of it still alive" (I will
reveal in a future item who stated that and it
will shock you). Then, they tried to kill me via the
aforementioned angioplasty surgery in 2008.
Mueller, who
behaves like a Nazi and has been sued at the FBI for
terrible, racist conduct that abused black and
Hispanic FBI agents, clearly is a sicko and fan of
Nazi doctor and murderer, Josef Mengele, who
performed grotesque, forced experiments on people at
concentration camps, to have ordered my death via an
angioplasty. This is the FBI's idea of
medicine. A dumb, demonic, evil law enforcement
agency criminally meddling in medicine to insanely
harm and kill innocent people.
Had Jackson Memorial simply told the
truth from day one, the catheter could have been
quickly removed by another surgeon. Instead they
lied for years and said the extreme pain in my right
leg was "nerve damage." Then, they had one of their
neurologists lie to me and state it is "scar
tissue." A subsequent MRI ordered by the
aforementioned Cuban
doctor at a third party medical facility and the x-rays
shows it was not and is not "scar tissue."
The surgeon, Dr. Wilfredo
Sancristobal, left the catheter in my leg. Rather
than nick the femoral artery so I will bleed to
death, as was criminally requested by the FBI, the
surgeon left the catheter in my right leg. Jackson
Memorial Hospital placed my very life in jeopardy
because of the FBI and their illegal appearance at
the hospital.
Last week I saw another doctor about
having surgery to have the catheter removed, as the
pain is getting worse and impairing how much I can
walk each day. She too and her colleague looked
horrified and wanted to know why this was done to
me, as it is depraved and evil. She (who is not a
surgeon but a family doctor) stated it is a
possibility to have the catheter removed, but if the
catheter is now "embedded" and they deem it too
"high risk" another surgeon is not going to want to do the
You're probably wondering how I now
know the FBI was at the hospital when I was admitted
on October 13, 2008. Firstly, someone credible later
told me. Secondly, the Sun Sentinel, Miami Herald
and Wall Street Journal, among other mainstream
published articles regarding an indictment in Miami that places the FBI at Jackson
Memorial Hospital when I was there and underwent the
There is a third piece of evidence.
A lawyer who had contacted my mom about her mentally
disabled client, Marie, was mentioned in the
aforementioned Miami Herald article as the alleged
reason the FBI was there at the hospital. Marie is the mentally
disabled woman I wrote about on this site years ago
regarding Madonna and her fellow Kabbalah cult
member, director Lee Daniels, violating her privacy
to make the movie "Precious" (whom
Madonna got sued by Sean Penn for lying and
defamation with Daniels being forced to pay

Lee Daniels
Daniels via Madonna's sick
commissioned computer hacking and illegal
wiretapping, which the FBI had interviewed me about
when they used my documents and two Miami FBI
interviews they conducted with me to convict her private eye, Anthony Pellicano, had
illegally obtain information on mentally disabled Marie
via spying on us. Marie had legal problems my mom
had to accompany her to court about like a social
worker. There are court files confirming this. While
Madonna criminally spied on me through private
investigators and hackers, and via computer hacking,
email hacking and
illegal wiretapping, they found out the private, HIPAA protected details of Marie's life,
medical records and court case, and thought
it would make a good movie.
They criminally used Marie's
private, family court files and Department of
Children and Families (DCF) case files my mom
worked on, which they illegally accessed via hacking into our
home computers, and listening into all calls in my
home via illegal
wiretapping by Anthony Pellicano, among other
private investigators Madonna unlawfully hired. My mom was constantly talking to
Marie, DCF,
the courts and Marie's legal representation over our phone
that Madonna
had illegally wiretapped. Madonna and Lee Daniels,
among others, used the private and confidential contents of
Marie's life to make the movie "Precious." Things
got so bad people in Miami began calling Marie
"Precious." She was so distraught over it. What kind
of animals (Madonna and Lee Daniels) do that to
anyone, let alone a mentally disabled woman.

Lee Daniels also stole
"Empire" from my copyrights and added a character
named "Camilla" which is the alternate spelling of my actual middle name given
at birth "Kamilah."
"Camilla" on "Empire" is played by Naomi Campbell,
who is of Jamaican descent (I'm Jamaican).
They did the same on another show
stolen from my copyrights "Hit
The Floor" where there is also a
character named "Asha" which is one letter away from
my first name given at birth "Aisha." These people
are uncreative, crazy, sick, thieving perverts.
There is something severely wrong with Hollywood to
be doing these extremely sick and perverse things.
This is part of how I know that
whole mess with "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett
claiming MAGA attacked him in Chicago
was a complete
lie, as I immediately stated on Twitter when the
story broke, which was later proven true in his
court conviction on criminal charges for staging the
attack with two men he paid. I knew all along because I
had written a copyright about someone being
attacked, with bleach being poured over them. Not
long after I wrote that copyright, psycho Kabbalah
member Jussie ran with it and publicly said MAGA did
that to him. They all need to be placed in an insane
asylum, as Hollywood is full of lunatics and so is
the FBI.
Anyway, back to Marie, who was my
mom's mentally disabled client years ago. Previously, Madonna had her
private investigator Anthony Pellicano using thugs
to commit acts of attempted vehicular homicide,
which the FBI and Department of Justice later
confirmed in court
after I went public with the
story on this site. A deranged,
erratic madwoman in a vehicle, on the same street
I've shopped on since I was a 9-year-old, where
Madonna later decided to open a Kabbalah Center,
tried to run me over on the sidewalk in broad
daylight, but ended up hitting the payphone near me,
then sped off. In another incident, a vile man from
Madonna's Kabbalah cult in a van deliberately tried
to run over me and my mom in a CVS pharmacy
parking lot.
On other occasions Madonna's cult
members she sent tried to run
me over in supermarket parking lots in the north
part of Miami (one of their vehicles did actually make contact with
the left side of my body once, via trying to back
over me with a Tundra truck, but I got out of the
way before it could knock me over). On other
occasions they tried to run me over on streets in
Downtown Miami near courthouses. They even crashed a
car into the front of my house in Miami Shores, in an incident police were called and took a report, and the
insurance company had to be contacted about the
damage to the front of my home.
Here's where it gets even sicker.
Someone tried to run over and did literally hit my
mom's mentally disabled client Marie with a vehicle. Marie
was transported by ambulance to Jackson Memorial
Hospital and treated for her injuries. Then, out of
nowhere an attorney called my mom, as her name and
number were listed as the emergency contact on the
hospital form concerning Marie being admitted and
treated for her injuries.
For years the FBI have been
illegally wiretapping my phones (and still are)
looking for more items to steal, such as copyrights
exclusives before I place them
on this site, which I exposed them for in an article
on the Judiciary Report, and was later vindicated
when it was proven true (New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice
Department Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming
Previous Site Claims). The
FBI had
been listening into the call where the lawyer called
my mom to inquire about Marie.
My mom was shocked and wondered how
the lawyer got her number and knew Marie was her
mentally disabled client. The lawyer was trying to get my mom to
convince Marie to be his client in a lawsuit
regarding Marie being hit by the vehicle while she
was a pedestrian.
Months after I was hospitalized
with the aneurysm on October 13, 2008, a story was
published in the Miami
Herald and Sun Sentinel newspapers stating the FBI was at Jackson Memorial Hospital
investigating a lawyer (the very same lawyer who
called my mom about Marie) for bribing
hospital staff to give him the HIPAA protected
information of patients who were injured. The lawyer
was later prosecuted and sent to prison.
It's not the first time something
like this has happened. The deranged FBI illegally sits on my
phone lines via wiretapping, and in my business and private emails
via hacking, and
my computers via a backdoor exploit in Microsoft
Windows (Wikileaks
Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government
Documents Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On
People In Their Homes Via Hacking Smart TVs And
Backdoors In Computer And Phones Operating
System Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site
Claims). They also spy on me
in my home in sick ways. They have been criminally
exploiting me for years and refuse to stop. They are
the nastiest, most sniveling and perverted law
enforcement agency in the world. This is just beyond
nasty and degenerate.
The FBI is squandering, playing with
and stealing American taxpayer money. I remember I
opened an eTrade brokerage account, the FBI saw, and not long
after the FBI raided eTrade on some strange charges. I remember I had email
and telephone discussions with Gibson Guitars about
a deal, where they wanted me to open for Lenny
Kravitz, but it was cancelled when his insane
ex-girlfriend, Madonna, found out about it and went
berserk. Then, the FBI raided Gibson Guitars.
This madness from the FBI
has happened repeatedly regarding businesses whose
services I have innocently used and the FBI observed it,
decided it is some heavenly sign to raid the company.
Blasted lunatics. The FBI
is sitting on my phone lines and doing madness. I
remember one day I had called my mom who was at the
supermarket and told her don't forget to buy cheese
and I told her "Cabot cheese" is on sale. Not long
after, the insane FBI raided Cabot. The FBI are just
randomly opening crazy cases and running with them,
while wasting billions in taxpayer money. The FBI is
insane. I've never seen anything like it. The FBI's
type of madness belongs securely locked away in
insane asylums to protect the public.
Jackson North Medical Center
Nearly Killed My Mother Last Month
On August 30, 2023 I warned in an article "The FBI Has Been Criminally Maiming
And Killing People Through The Medical System." Then days
later I saw it happen again.
I took my mom to the doctor over a
simple infection elderly people get. The doctor
prescribed an antibiotic that made things infinitely
worse and did so without running the standard
medical test that takes several days to get a lab
result. My mom had every horrible side effect the
pharmaceutical drug can induce and it nearly killed her.
Last week
an award winning senior doctor I know in the
international community, who has worked in medicine
at the highest levels for 40-years, even with a very
large and wealthy foreign government's legislature
and head of state, told me "we don't use that
drug" in the country she lives and that long ago "it was removed
from the approved medicines list." Yet it is being used
here in America. The drug made my mom so sick I had
to call an ambulance. The paramedics decided to take her to Jackson
North Medical Center, which is a hospital owned by
Jackson Memorial Hospital, who severely damaged me
via leaving the catheter in my leg 13-yeras ago (as
mentioned above) when the FBI wanted them to kill me.
I slept in my mom's hospital room
between September 11th when she was admitted to
September 21st when she was discharged (except for
two nights when I was not permitted to stay). After
the FBI tried to murder me via the aforementioned
angioplasty surgery, I no longer trust the U.S.
medical system. I'm not saying it is all bad, but a
horrific experience like that takes away one's
trust. Furthermore, it nearly killed Serena Williams
and killing Judge Glenda Hatchett's daughter-in-law, by
ignoring black women's complaints regarding pain and
feeling unwell, so I'm being
blunt when I say I have no confidence in it.
"Why Black Americans mistrust the health care
"60 Minutes" episode on black people
being treated badly in the medical system (Video)
Judge Glenda Hatchett's daughter-in-law Kira died due to medical
malpractice happening to black women in huge numbers:
While in the Jackson North Medical
Center, my mom received horrible care that nearly
killed her last month. Jackson North Medical
Center also gave my mom dangerous Staph (Gram 1, which
is extremely deadly) and tried to cover it up. It is
only when Infectious Control showed up and the
medical worker let slip to me, a friend and a
relative that we realized something
had gone terribly wrong in there.
Then after my mom was discharged
from the hospital (and they fought not to discharge
her in a bid to cover up what they had done) her
doctor called from Cano Health and said the 174-page
medical record she obtained from Jackson North
Medical Center reveals my mom had contracted staph.
That's when we figured out what the Infectious
Control medical worker meant when she said "she has
a new infection." Gram 1 is a deadly bacteria found
in hospitals, among other places, that has killed
many people. Jackson North
Medical Center also gave my mom bed sores via poor
nursing care. My mom has never had bed sores or staph in her life.
Here is a photo and stills from video I took
with my mobile phone during my mom's stay at Jackson
North Medical Center where they violated her human
rights by secretly filming her the entire time via a
camera in the ceiling. It is only on the second day
of her hospitalization when I looked up at saw the
hidden camera (hoping it was just some kind of fire
monitor/alarm) and said to my mom while pointing at
it "isn't that a camera?" Within an hour two
employees scurried in and posted a sign stating
"video monitoring in progress" which doesn't excuse
the privacy violations. We were and are horrified,
as they kept giving her bedbaths (naked) and the
whole thing was getting filmed by cameras that work
on wi-fi, which means any perverted hacker can hack
them as well. My mom said she felt very violated and
like "they have me on display":

The last photo is of the board on the wall in
my mom's hospital room, which states "Jackson North
Medical Center." I have redacted my mom's last name,
but I have all her medical records from the visit.
Additionally, I took photos and videos of all the
misconduct, including the hidden camera, bedsores,
IV/Fluids being left off and the starvation among
other things. I will post more of this evidence in a
future item.
Jackson North Medical Center also
had a HIDDEN CAMERA in the hospital room. On day two
I noticed it. When I pointed up at the camera and
stated "isn't that a camera" in
approximately one hour, two
hospital workers came into the room and placed a sign
on the wall that stated, "Video monitoring in progress."
Never mind they had already given my naked
mother bedbaths and changed her clothes while the
whole thing was being recorded via the hidden camera, in
the sickest privacy abuses I've ever seen a hospital
commit. For the entire 10-days my mom was
hospitalized at Jackson North Medical Center, they
kept filming her naked with the camera in the
ceiling, while she was being give bedbaths. My mom
was and is very upset about this. Furthermore, those
cameras work on wi-fi, which could be hacked by
perverted, loser hackers.
Due to some of the nurses turning my
mom in the bed with too much force, they threw out
her back that had been damaged by Guillain Barre
years prior. So she began having back pain. To stop
her from wincing and whimpering in pain, a highly
questionable Jackson North Medical Center nurse
decided to give my mom morphine. The morphine sent my
mom into a semi-comatose state for 4-days where she
stopped speaking or moving (she was alert and
speaking for the first 4-days in the hospital; I
even fed her food everyday).
When the morphine sent her into a
semi-coma during that time they
starved her for over 3-days. She was given no food
(I complained about it everyday as it could cause
organ failure). By day three they had turned off her IV fluids, so she was getting no
liquids either. She was also getting no medicine
(blood pressure). She was
left there to die like a hospice patient, when she
was not, and only went there with a simple infection
that can be cured in 5 to 7 days. My mom was only
supposed to spend 4 to 5 days in the hospital.
However, after they gave her staff, bedsores, Atrial
Fibrillation and starved her, she nearly died.
With all this poor medical care,
rough treatment, starvation and chaos constantly
going on in the room, they gave my mom Atrial
Fibrillation (my mom could hear everything, but it
was like she was in a coma and could not respond,
she later told us when she woke from it days later). Mom had to be rushed from her
room on the sixth floor to the ICU (intensive care unit)
downstairs on the second Monday she was in the
Once there in the ICU a rude nurse got verbally abusive
with me for no reason, because I was watching them
wit a frown on my face, as they were repeatedly sticking my
mom with a needle for 10-minutes, causing my mom to
wince in pain. The main nurse got mad at me for
looking at them failing to successfully lay a line
in her arm for 10-minutes (to give her blood pressure
medicine). I said nothing (but I guess my expression
was saying a lot). Then the nurse questionably put
me out the room for frowning while they were
screwing up. It took three of them 10-minutes to lay
a line in her arm. It's not supposed to take that
long and it was causing my mom pain. Why would I
smile at them for that foolishness.
I had asked that my mom be fed
through an IV in her arm not a tube in her nose.
They defied my wishes, put me out the room a second
time, then gave her a horrifically painful NG tube
in her nose. Two nurses aggressively held her down
and shoved a thick tube down her nose and throat,
which went
into her stomach. When they put me out the room and
drew the curtain to do this, within in a couple minutes I heard
the most loud and horrible screams from my mom. When they let
me back in the room, my mom had blood coming from
her nose and mouth. There was also tissue/membrane
inside the tube from where they scraped the inside
of my mom's nose and throat. My mom was shaking in
pain and barely breathing, because the morphine the
nurse had given her 4-days prior had caused her to
develop a terrible chest cold.
The aforementioned international
doctor I texted about the morphine they gave my mom
was upset when she got my message, and replied they
should not have given her that "because now you are
going to have to watch for a chest cold or
pneumonia." Sure enough, a terrible chest cold
developed and it depressed her breathing. She was
struggling to breathe. Her throat was also very sore
and in pain.
Every medical professional I know
that I spoke to wanted to
know why my mom was given something so strong as
morphine for
simple back pain. It was crazy to give her morphine
for that and it could have killed her.
The next morning in the ICU, after 4-days my
mom came out of the semi-comatose state, which the
kidney doctor blamed on the morphine. My mom told me
she could hear what was going on in the room, but
couldn't speak/respond in that state. My mom stated a nurse had
been abusive to her in holding her down and making
her swallow something (in all her life she had never
made such an allegation before).
My mom also stated she
felt like she was being kidnapped. She's right. The
hospital refused to transfer her to another one when
I asked and kept
deteriorating her health. I had to threaten to call
my dad, who is a justice of the peace in Jamaica's
justice system (the FBI hates it when the Jamaican
government gets involved, as in what occurred with
the law firm of Sanders, Squire and Dempsey, listed
above). The hospital was illegally holding my mom
and deteriorating her health (staph, bedsores,
starvation, Atrial Fibrillation) and refusing to
transfer her to another hospital. They kept holding
her in their hospital against her wishes and mine as
her proxy (I signed the contract with the hospital
to be her proxy regarding medical decision). It was
bizarre how they fought not to transfer her to
another hospital.
Someone I know who is an FBI
COOPERATING INFORMANT they are harassing, called me in the hospital and
said "they are trying to kill your mother" and "you
have to get her out of there" regarding the
hospital. Once again, there is
the FBI in a hospital setting they don't belong.
I asked that my mom be transferred
to a hospital 20-minutes away that is not affiliated
with Jackson North Medical Center or Jackson
Memorial Hospital, and for 4 days they fought me on it and
refused, in violation of my mother's rights. They did not want the other hospital to see
all of the catastrophic damage they had done to my
mother (I have videos and pictures of everything). Not to mention in week two, they starved her
for 4-days, after starving her 3 days in week one.
Lack of food, absence of IV fluids and medicine for 4-days,
regarding a
patient you infected with staph can cause organ
failure and death. That's why she developed Atrial
Fibrillation, nearly had a fatal heart attack in her
hospital room and had to be rushed downstairs to the
ICU. I had warned them she could have a heart attack
with what they were doing. Then the Atrial
Fibrillation developed.
A few months ago I had written an
article on the site where I stated I am preparing to
leave America (I am being harassed, terrorized and
harmed by Madonna's commissioned criminal behavior
and that of the FBI, not to mention my crucial science work
mentioned above is not getting completed under these
terrible circumstances) and due to this fact I've
been getting threats from Madonna's cult and the
FBI. My quality of life in America has been terrible
for years. I have no human rights, peace or privacy.
The FBI And Madonna's Cult
Terrorizing Men Who Show An Interest In Me
The FBI and Madonna's cult even
criminally approach and threaten men who display an
interest in me. They have threatened them asking
things such as "what are you doing talking to her"
and "stay away from her" in criminal bids at
isolation. They've also criminally threatened me
that I am not to get married or reproduce or they
will criminally snatch the child/children.
The FBI And Madonna's Cult
Threaten And Terrorize Family And Friends
The FBI and Madonna's cult also
threatened and harassed my friends, demanding they
help them attack me. When they wouldn't the FBI got
several of them fired from their jobs at different
companies. The FBI also threatened my friends and
family's U.S. and British citizenship, though they
are all legal citizens of each respective country.
It is a really ugly look on the government. People
lawfully immigrate to America and Britain, work
hard, pay their taxes and you spit in their faces
because they resist your criminal demands to
terrorize, abuse and attack an innocent person
because you are stealing copyrights and trying to
destroy the owner. You are a global embarrassment to
the government for doing such a dirty, evil, wicked
and underhanded thing. This is why the world hates
you. Feds like you go around attacking innocent
people and destroying lives for illegal, sick
The FBI And Madonna's Cult Deem
Me A Slave They Own
The FBI/DOJ, Madonna and Hollywood deem me a slave and one who must "stay
here and write for us" regarding the copyrights they
keep criminally stealing with and for dumb,
degenerate Hollywood. I was told by a source that the FBI and
Madonna were trying to severely damage my mom to the
degree I would have to stay here in America and care for her, as
she'd be an invalid. They reduced my mom to an
invalid with the bad antibiotic, then the hospital
malpractice, where they essentially tortured an old lady
with bad medical treatment.
She was getting abused in there. When she woke up
out of the morphine induced stupor she stated "I
felt like I was being kidnapped" and "I'm in a lot
of pain" and "I fear for my life" because they were
doing things, as listed above, that could have
resulted in her death.
When I calmly asked the nurse who told her
to give my mom the morphine, she had a nervous
breakdown. She started screeching at me like a
mental patient. I said "lower your voice" and "did the doctor tell you to
do this." She refused to answer and stated, "It
was on her chart."
Mom has been home for 3-weeks now
and I have been nursing her back to health.
She is doing a lot better. She is learning to walk again, as she was in a
hospital bed for 10-days and weakened by an initial
mild infection, a bad antibiotic her doctor had
prescribed, then the staph and Atrial Fibrillation
that happened while hospitalized.
It has been difficult, as
the hospital and separately her doctor's office
promised to send a home health aid, a
wheelchair, a light frame in-house walker, and sleep
wedges, but they have not. A company called Med-Care keeps
playing games and lying about delivering items. They keep calling
and saying they are outside the gated community I
live and to let them in
through the electronic gate, but when I do they never come to the
apartment. Nurses, a physical therapist and two
doctors have visited, but this company Med-Care keep
lying and playing games.
Med-Care lied and said on September 5th
someone signed for a wheelchair and they can't give
me another one for my mom unless I give the other
one back. I told them I did not sign for a
wheelchair and they are lying. I
asked them to send me the signature they have and they stated
"it is scribbled, you can't make it out." They're
committing fraud.
Someone is in the background
illegally doing this because others in similar
situations do not get put through this. It is the FBI
criminally meddling in the background again. Mom
legally came to America in the 1960s, paid her taxes
for decades and now after the FBI and Madonna's vile cult have
made her ill repeatedly, they spit in her face
denying her healthcare services other taxpayers get.
FBI Illegally Followed Me Into
Another Hospital
Ironically, in another incident that
occurred in 2012, which was 4-years after I had the
stress induced aneurysm thanks to Madonna and the
FBI's criminal human rights abuses against me, I
went to Aventura Hospital, because I was having a
terrible, worsening headache that I did not want to
turn into a repeat brain hemorrhage.
I was checked
out in the Aventura Hospital emergency room. While
waiting for the results of their tests, two senior
doctors standing behind a desk directly in front of
me began speaking to each other. One doctor went up
right in the face of the other and with a horrified
look and his eyes widened in shock he
said to him "THE FBI IS HERE!" Once I heard that I
waited for the paper work from the doctor regarding
the test results and left
the hospital. So, once again the vile, corrupt,
psychotic and worthless FBI had followed me into
another hospital. This is illegal. The FBI is psychotic to be
illegally following people into hospitals, then
demanding the staff commit federal crimes in
injuring and or killing patients.
Why is the FBI, who are a LAW ENFORCEMENT
AGENCY, not a medical organization, repeatedly and criminally
trespassing at hospitals and clinics, demanding
medical staff criminally damage and kill people. Do you know
how horrific that looks to the public.
Congress needs to explain why the
FBI are criminally invading hospitals in America,
which is supposed to be neutral and peaceful
territory for people to get unbiased and proper
medical care, because this madness the FBI is doing is
not a good look. It is an embarrassment on the
government. It is disgusting and appalling that a
person can't get medical treatment in America
without a deranged, depraved, demonic law
enforcement agency invading medical facilities like
lunatics to harm the sick they are criminally
targeting and abusing under the COINTELPRO program,
they never dismantled, though they claimed in
Congress they did so.
I ask, do you think it is a good
look on the medical system that the FBI is invading
hospitals and medical clinics like maniacs and
making criminal requests of staff, who are supposed
to be bound by the Hippocratic oath of, "Do no harm."
Mom And I Were Deliberately Infected With COVID-19 In 2022
By Someone The FBI Sent To Our Home
In another terrible incident that
occurred in
June 2022, a person the FBI has been targeting
regarding me, asking them to spy on me in my home,
was sent to my apartment in a bid to make me and my
mom very sick with COVID. By the way, the person has
started wearing a red string Kabbalah bracelet. The FBI knew the person
had COVID. They also know me and my mom refused the
COVID-19 vaccines. After 2 and a 1/2 years of dodging
COVID-19, my mom and I caught COVID from the person
the FBI deliberately sent to our apartment to infect
us. We both survived it.
I don't have any residual damage
from COVID (when it happened I had a really bad
headache the first day and was coughing for 2-days,
but quickly recovered). I received no
medicine for it. However, my mom received
antibiotics and her doctor sent medicine for
breathing treatments I had to administer daily with
a nebulizer. My mom wasn't having breathing problems.
She had just become weak and was coughing for a few
short days. COVID weakened my elderly mom somewhat,
due to the Guillain Barre damage from years prior
(and I opposed her getting the COVID vaccines, as a
side effect can be Guillain Barre).
COVID-19 gave my
mom low blood pressure that began causing occasional blackouts
in September 2022 (she was hospitalized for this in
September 2022, December 2022 and February 2023, for
a few short days each time, in
an attempt to ascertain what caused the blackouts at
those times). I told each doctor during the three
hospitalizations at Aventura Hospital and Memorial
Regional that I believe COVID caused the low blood
pressure. My mom had never had low blood pressure. Several
months later, Harvard University released a study in February
2023 stating elderly people who survive COVID have
been developing low blood pressure, which is what I
had told the hospital in 2022 based on observing my
mom at home.
Mom Mysteriously Contracts Guillain Barre
From Corrupted Flu Shot At Work
Years ago my mom developed Guillain
Barre from a corrupted flu shot at work. She was the
only one at work who got Guillain Barre from the
shot, at a job where in an odd development
occurred, regarding Madonna's ex-boyfriend, Lenny Kravitz,
showing up
to shoot a music video across the street. In
retrospect I thought it too much of a coincidence,
especially due to what happened in the Gibson Guitar
incident with him, as mentioned above.
It wasn't until a couple years ago
that proverbial alarm bells went off, when I saw a
documentary about Death Row Records. Drug kingpin,
Michael "Harry-O" Harris, had a similar
experience to me, regarding someone trying to steal
his label and its copyrights. Harris created and
funded a record label and
Marion "Suge" Knight, who is affiliated with Madonna
via his artist, the late Tupac Shakur, who used to date
her, stole Death Row Records from Harris.
In the
documentary I've downloaded and posted below, which is also available
on You Tube, Harris alleged Suge sent his crooked
attorney, David Kinner, to Harris's prison cell and
he infected him with Guillain Barre. It put Harris
in a wheelchair. Please understand, Guillain Barre
causes semi-paralysis and paralysis, but it can also
cause death. There are people who have died from
Guillain Barre. This is quite serious. They were
trying to kill "Harry-O" because Suge and Kinner had
been stealing his label and copyrights.
"Michael ‘Harry O’ Harris Gave Suge Knight
$1.5 Million To Start Death Row Records"
Coincidentally, Suge is now in
prison for attempted vehicular homicide and
vehicular homicide (the very same crime I publicly
accused Madonna and her private investigator of
OVER A DECADE PRIOR, as confirmed in the
trial of Madonna's private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, who was convicted before
Suge later went on
to do the same). It is a tactic in that Hollywood
circle. They believe in running over people with
vehicles, which is sick and psychotic.
My mom nearly ended up in a
wheelchair after the corrupted flu shot at work.
However, one of her mentally disabled student's dad
is a top neurologist in Miami, and when she called
him and told him her serious symptoms (she couldn't feel
or lift up her
legs) he told her, "Come in, I think I know what this
is." He examined her then sent her to the
hospital as suffering from Guillain Barre Sydrome. The early
intervention stopped my mom from being completely
The Guillain Barre has caused her a
lot of pain and suffering for years. It causes
spasms in the legs and back. It also causes weakness.
As a result my mom walks with a cane and sometimes a
walker, depending on how severe the Guillain Barre's
lasting effects are that day. She was deliberately infected and I am of the belief
based on what I was told that Madonna is involved
with that happening. They'd also wanted me to take
the flu shot, but I refused.
Dr. Paul Rockley
Years ago dermatologist Paul Rockley
did something very corrupt and questionable
regarding me. I went to him for a medical treatment
and he used the laser to painfully burn white spots
and patches into my skin. It happened within one
minute during the treatment. Then, he lied to me and
stated my color would come back (he was smirking
when he said this). However, my color has not
properly come back, as it is paler in some spots
than others and I have to work on darkening the skin
using things like Retinol, among other items
(Retinol gently peels the skin back like a chemical
peel in trying to get it back to its original state.
I had gone to this man for treatment
for many years for skin allergies, among other
things, then one day he just got really mean and did
this to me, damaging my skin. I had to really work
on it with scientific items I developed to bring the
skin back. I later found out the FBI and Madonna's
cult were behind the incident. They were trying to
scar and discolor my skin, like branding a slave.
When I wrote to Dr. Rockley for my
medical records he wrote back and stated he lost
them. This is in violation of U.S. law which states
doctors must keep patients' medical records for
7-years. He has been trying to cover up what he did
to me. Trying to depigment a black person is a
federal hate crime.
However, Madonna later got ticked
off again at my skin looking good and commissioned a
chemical attack (Madonna Commissioned An Acid Attack
In An Act Of Attempted Murder).
Here is one of the receipts from Dr. Paul
Rockley's office that I have redacted for online
privacy reasons:

Madonna's other bizarre behavior:
That nutcase Madonna is also under the
deranged impression I'm supposed to like her when
I'm not gay. I also think she's the ugliest woman on the
planet. Madonna has threatened famous athletes and
entertainers over me, such as footballers,
sprinters, boxers, a cricketer, actors, singers,
songwriters and producers. She went into a rage over
them speaking to me online, and threatened their
lives and careers, when nothing was even going on. I
write about sports and entertainment, among other
things. A lot of people read it.
Madonna's depraved conduct has
gotten so bad she contacted the Arsenal football club
in London complaining about me and gave their
Twitter admin private, hacked
items from my computer to tweet out on
the Arsenal Twitter page (I have proof). I supported
Arsenal for
25-yeras and that's the thanks I get. I gave the
club so much free promo on my Twitter page and this
site, to audiences who do not watch international
football...and that's the thanks I get.
Hollywood is
criminally meddling in international football.
Hollywood Kabbalah cultists Madonna, Kim Kardashian, Rihanna and Jay Z, all
idiots who know nothing about football (soccer as it
is called in America) have
been targeting wealthy football clubs such as Arsenal and Manchester United, among
other squads. These clubs were founded in the 1800s
and are well loved around the world.
However, those idiotic Hollywood cultists are
going to wreck the Premier League and bring
financial ruin on it
if they are not formally stopped by law enforcement.
Additionally, the cult is extorting football
players for huge sums of money in the millions,
falsely getting them to join their Kabbalah cult.
Then their lives and careers fall apart (Cristiano
Ronaldo, Paul Pogba, Alexis Sanchez, Jadon Sancho,
Lukaku, Mason Greenwood and Harry Maguire, among
Madonna has also targeted famous
boxers, sprinters, actors, actresses and others to
join her cult. When some found out about the
initiation which is same-sex rape filmed by hidden
cameras at Hollywood mansion parties (held in New
York, Los Angeles, London) or in hotel rooms, they
fled. However, some famous people you know of where
drugged and raped by the Kabbalah cult (on camera).
Others were held down and forcibly raped in same-sex
acts during the initiation, against their wishes.
Five Premier League footballers were raped.
The Kabbalah cult's rabbi, who is
rapist, Yehuda Berg,
was following me on Twitter.
The Kardashians, among others in that Kabbalah cult,
such as Natasha Beddingfield, were following me on
Twitter, after having criminally stolen items from
my copyrights, like a stupid follow from them was
supposed to make these sick crimes okay. Berg
is a rapist who drugs people (Madonna’s Rabbi Yehuda Berg Sued For Sexual Assault And
Threatening To Beat And Kill Student At The Kabbalah
Center For Not Having Sex With Him).These
people are sick.
In closing, the horrific human
rights abuses mentioned above have only been able to
perversely happen and continue due to some people's
idolatry regarding worshiping celebrities and
politicians they don't even know, who are acting out
of sick self-interest and greed. This misconduct
from them is costing you your family members to
diseases that could have been cured already, and
jeopardizing your very homes and businesses under
the climate problem, and forthcoming changes in the
earth that will leave many places destroyed,
especially in America, the world's biggest climate
polluter and energy user (America Is Warming 68% Faster Than
The Rest Of The Planet Confirming Previous Site Claims).
These cult lunatics are fighting
against my science work to save sick people and help
the climate, when so much of what I have predicted
has proven true (site
exclusives). These sick
cultists are openly stating the planet is
overpopulated and they want many people to die. They
have been criminally fighting against my science
work under these auspices. These people are very
arrogant and evil. They don't care about you.
This hero worshipping that is
idolatry only serves as encouragement for said
celebrities and politicians to behave even worse.
They are wiping away your futures and that of your
children and grandchildren via their conduct
impeding global progress, but at the current rate of
corruption you will not realize it until it is too
late to fix it, unless Congress starts to act with
integrity for a change.
Industrial Revolution iron method ‘was taken from
Jamaica by Briton’
Wrought iron process that drove UK success was
appropriated from black metallurgists, records
Hannah Devlin Science correspondent
Wed 5 Jul 2023 02.00 EDT |
Last modified on Wed 5 Jul 2023 09.16 EDT - An innovation that propelled Britain to become
the world’s leading iron exporter during the
Industrial Revolution was appropriated from an
18th-century Jamaican foundry, historical records
The Cort process, which allowed wrought iron to
be mass-produced from scrap iron for the first time,
has long been attributed to the British financier
turned ironmaster Henry Cort. It helped launch
Britain as an economic superpower and transformed
the face of the country with “iron palaces”,
including Crystal Palace, Kew Gardens’ Temperate
House and the arches at St Pancras train station.
Now, an analysis of correspondence, shipping
records and contemporary newspaper reports reveals
the innovation was first developed by 76 black
Jamaican metallurgists at an ironworks near Morant
Bay, Jamaica. Many of these metalworkers were
enslaved people trafficked from west and central
Africa, which had thriving iron-working industries
at the time.
Dr Jenny Bulstrode, a lecturer in history of
science and technology at University College London
(UCL) and author of the paper, said: “This
innovation kicks off Britain as a major iron
producer and … was one of the most important
innovations in the making of the modern world.”
The technique was patented by Cort in the 1780s
and he is widely credited as the inventor, with the
Times lauding him as “father of the iron trade”
after his death. The latest research presents a
different narrative, suggesting Cort shipped his
machinery – and the fully fledged innovation – to
Portsmouth from a Jamaican foundry that was forcibly
shut down.
The Jamaican ironworks was owned by a white
enslaver, John Reeder, who in correspondence
described himself as “quite ignorant” of iron
manufacturing, noting that the 76 black
metallurgists who ran the foundry were “perfect in
every branch of the iron manufactory”, and, through
their skill, could turn scrap and poor-quality metal
into valuable wrought iron.
Some of these workers are named in records, and
include Devonshire, Mingo, Mingo’s son, Friday,
Captain Jack, Matt, George, Jemmy, Jackson, Will,
Bob, Guy, Kofi and Kwasi. Their innovation came after the workers
introduced the use of grooved rollers into the
foundry to mechanise the formerly laborious process
of hammering out impurities from low-quality iron.
The same kind of grooved rollers were used in
Jamaican sugar mills.
“It’s like a mechanical alchemy,” said Bulstrode.
“You’re taking essentially rubbish and turning it
into something of very high value through this
process.” By 1781, the Jamaican ironworks was turning an
impressive profit of £4,000 a year, equivalent to
about £7.4m today. Meanwhile, Cort was facing
bankruptcy, after taking over a client’s ironworks
in 1775 and laying out substantial sums to win a
Royal Navy contract to process its scrap iron,
before realising he stood to make a huge loss.
The paper, published in the journal History and
Technology, traces how Cort learned of the Jamaican
ironworks from a visiting cousin, a West Indies
ship’s master who regularly transported “prizes” –
vessels, cargo and equipment seized through military
action – from Jamaica to England. Just months later,
the British government placed Jamaica under military
law and ordered the ironworks to be destroyed,
claiming it could be used by rebels to convert scrap
metal into weapons to overthrow colonial rule...
Bill Clinton apologizes for Tuskegee Experiment
President Bill Clinton delivered this speech at the
White House on May 16, 1997.
President Clinton: The eight men who are
survivors of the syphilis study at Tuskegee are a
living link to a time not so very long ago that many
Americans would prefer not to remember, but we dare
not forget. It was a time when our nation failed to
live up to its ideals, when our nation broke the
trust with our people that is the very foundation of
our democracy. It is not only in remembering that
shameful past that we can make amends and repair our
nation, but it is in remembering that past that we
can build a better present and a better future. And
without remembering it, we cannot make amends and we
cannot go forward.
So today, America does remember the hundreds of
men used in research without their knowledge and
consent. We remember them and their family members.
Men who were poor and African American, without
resources and with few alternatives. They believed
they had found hope when they were offered free
medical care by the United States Public Health
Service. They were betrayed.
Medical people are supposed to help when we need
care, but even once a cure was discovered, they were
denied help, and they were lied to by their
government. Our government is supposed to protect
the rights of its citizens; their rights were
trampled upon. Forty years; hundreds of men
betrayed, along with their wives and children, along
with the community in Macon County, Alabama, the
City of Tuskegee, the fine university there, and the
larger African-American community.
The Guatemala Inoculation Experiments
The Guatemala inoculation experiments entailed a
series of human rights violations that reminds us of
the dangers involved in allowing scientific
knowledge and national security to justify what the
New York Times called, in 1947, “ethically
impossible” actions.
Between 1946-1948, around 1,500 people in
Guatemala—including prisoners, soldiers,
prostitutes, psychiatric patients, and children—were
enrolled without consent in unethical studies
related to the testing and treatment of sexually
transmitted infections (STIs) including syphilis,
gonorrhea and chancroid. Among many procedures, they
were intentionally infected with these diseases
through sexual contact with paid prostitutes and by
smearing the bacteria on open cuts and sores or
inserting it in the eyes, rectum, or urethra.
Pfizer pays out to Nigerian families of
meningitis drug trial victims
Pfizer pays compensation to families of four
children after 15-year legal battle over
controversial drug trial in state of Kano
Fri 12 Aug 2011 06.08 EDT - The parents of four Nigerian children who died of
meningitis have become the first winners of a
15-year legal battle against Pfizer over a fiercely
controversial drug trial.
The world's biggest research-based pharmaceutical
company announced on Thursday that it had made
payments of $175,000 (£108,000) to each family. More
such compensation settlements are expected to
Pfizer was sued after 11 children died in a
clinical trial when the northern state of Kano was
hit by Africa's worst ever meningitis epidemic in
1996. A hundred children were given an experimental
oral antibiotic called Trovan, while a further
hundred received ceftriaxone, the "gold-standard"
treatment of modern medicine.
Five children died on Trovan and six on
ceftriaxone. But later it was claimed that Pfizer
did not have proper consent from parents to use an
experimental drug on their children and questions
were raised over the documentation of the trial. Legal action filed against the company alleged
that some received a dose lower than recommended,
leaving many children with brain damage, paralysis
or slurred speech.
US-based Pfizer had argued that meningitis and
not its antibiotic had led to the deaths of 11
children and harm to dozens of others. But in 2009
it reached a tentative out-of-court settlement with
the Kano state government worth $75m. The families of four of the children each
collected cheques for $175,000 from a compensation
trust fund, after submitting DNA samples to show
that the dead were their offspring...
Canadian Suit Ties CIA to LSD, Brainwashing
Oct. 25, 1985 12 AM PT - Between 1953 and 1963, nine people entered a
Montreal psychiatric clinic seeking treatment for a
variety of illnesses ranging from depression to
alcoholism to arthritis. However, instead of being
helped, the six men and three women charge, they
became test subjects for American intelligence
agents exploring ways to control the human mind.
Their claim is that without their knowledge or
consent, they were fed doses of drugs, including
mind-altering LSD, and subjected to radical
brainwashing experiments, involving long periods of
forced sleep and other unorthodox procedures,
proposed and financed by the Central Intelligence
In a long-running lawsuit, the nine Canadians
allege that their stay at the Allan Memorial Clinic
and their treatment by its director, the late Dr.
Ewen Cameron, left them with permanent mental damage
and has affected their ability to lead normal lives.
The CIA's Secret Quest For Mind Control: Torture,
LSD And A 'Poisoner In Chief'
November 20, 20201:45 PM ET - Journalist Stephen Kinzer reveals how the CIA
worked in the 1950s and early '60s to develop mind
control drugs and deadly toxins that could be used
against enemies. Originally broadcast Sept. 9, 2019.
This is FRESH AIR. I'm Dave Davies, in for Terry
Gross. You may have heard stories about the CIA's
secret experiments with LSD, through which '60s
counterculture luminaries like Ken Kesey and Allen
Ginsberg were first introduced to the drug. There's
a lot more to the CIA experiments with LSD, and some
of it is pretty horrifying. Our guest, journalist
Stephen Kinzer, has spent several years
investigating the CIA's mind control program, which
was known as MKUltra. LSD was just one of the
mind-altering drugs that were used in the program to
see if and how they could be weaponized to control
human behavior. Many of the unwitting subjects of
these experiments were subjected to what amounts to
psychological torture.
The MKUltra program was created by Sidney
Gottlieb in 1953. He ran it until it was shut down
in the early '60s. Gottlieb was also the CIA's chief
chemist, creating poisons and innovative ways of
surreptitiously administering them. He also became
head of the CIA program that creates high-tech
gadgets for spies to use. Stephen Kinzer's new book
is called "Poisoner In Chief: Sidney Gottlieb And
The CIA Search For Mind Control." It's now out in
paperback. One of Kinzer's previous books was about
the Dulles brothers, Allen and John Foster Dulles.
Allen Dulles was the CIA director during most of the
years MKUltra was in operation. Kinzer spoke with
Terry in September of last year, when "Poisoner In
Chief" was released in hardback...
Updated: August 21, 2018 | Original: June 16,
2017 - MK-Ultra was a top-secret CIA project in which
the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine
experiments—sometimes on unwitting U.S. citizens—to
assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for
mind control, information gathering and
psychological torture. Though Project MK-Ultra
lasted from 1953 until about 1973, details of the
illicit program didn’t become public until 1975,
during a congressional investigation into widespread
illegal CIA activities within the United States and
around the world.
The Cold War and Project MK-Ultra
In the 1950s and 1960s—the height of the Cold
War—the United States government feared that Soviet,
Chinese and North Korean agents were using mind
control to brainwash U.S. prisoners of war in Korea.
In response, Allan Dulles, director of the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), approved Project
MK-Ultra in 1953. The covert operation aimed to
develop techniques that could be used against Soviet
bloc enemies to control human behavior with drugs
and other psychological manipulators.
The program involved more than 150 human
experiments involving psychedelic drugs, paralytics
and electroshock therapy. Sometimes the test
subjects knew they were participating in a study—but
at other times, they had no idea, even when the
hallucinogens started taking effect.
Many of the tests were conducted at universities,
hospitals or prisons in the United States and
Canada. Most of these took place between 1953 and
1964, but it’s not clear how many people were
involved in the tests—the agency kept notoriously
poor records and destroyed most MK-Ultra documents
when the program was officially halted in 1973...
Obama Accused Of Plagiarism In Speech
February 19, 2008 / 8:18 PM -
Presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Barack Obama,
D-Ill., has come under scrutiny for a speech he gave
Saturday in Milwaukee and its similarities to a
speech by Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. The
website has a video showing the
similarities of the two speeches, and both
campaigns, Obama's and U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton's,
D-N.Y., have responded to the accusations of
Obama's speech Saturday sounded
similar to a speech given by Patrick in his 2006
campaign for governor, according to the video.
"Don't tell me words don't matter! 'I have a dream.'
Just words. 'We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal.' Just
words. 'We have nothing to fear but fear itself.'
Just words, just speeches," Obama said in his
Patrick used many of the same
phrases in his speech. "We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal'-just
words. Just words. 'We have nothing to fear but fear
itself'-just words. 'Ask not what your country can
do for you, ask what you can do for your
country'-just words. 'I have a dream'-just words,"
Patrick said in 2006...
Obama's State of the Union Was Tantamount to
Obama’s address contained enough recycled
ideas and lines from others to make historians
Jan. 26, 2011, at 4:05 p.m. - If
imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, what
can be said of plagiarism? President Obama’s second
State of the Union address contained enough recycled
ideas and lines lifted from speeches of others to
make historians wince. I suppose this is what one
does when one not only has nothing new to say, but
is required by custom and Constitution to come forth
with a report of some kind by a certain time and
Had Obama or his writers been
considerate enough to have informed listeners of
where some of the president’s best lines and
offered-up ideas originated, the speech might be
remembered for its cutting and pasting of great and
not-so-great moments of the past performance of
others. After quoting Robert Kennedy early on, Obama
tried to have his listeners believe that everything
else he said that we might remember were his or his
writers’ creations.
Had the president submitted the text
of his second State of the Union Address in the form
of a college term paper, he would have been sent
forthwith to the nearest academic dean. Once again,
our public affairs are such that we have one
standard for presidents and another for
undergraduates. Now is as good a time as any to let
Obama’s listeners in on what the late Paul Harvey
would have termed “the rest of the story.” [Take the
poll: Was Obama’s State of the Union speech a
Early in his address, Obama said
that he wanted the nation he leads to be a "light to
the world." The last president who set such a
mission for the nation he led, and in those exact
words, was Woodrow Wilson. Obama’s concept of the
“American family” may well have had its origins in
the first State of the State address New York
Governor Mario Cuomo delivered in 1983. Cuomo
proclaimed the state of New York as a “family.” He
also talked about multiple partnerships, both public
and private.
In a 1991 Washington, D.C. address
sponsored by conservative groups, including the
Heritage Foundation, Margaret Thatcher coined a
phrase Obama made his own in his second State of the
Union address. Thatcher told her American audience
that "no other nation has been built upon an idea."
In a slightly revised form, Obama, in his second
State of the Union address, all but repeated it,
using additional words.
Obama’s pointed mutterings about a
second “Sputnik Moment” being upon us and his
recollection of how American policymakers responded
to the last one with increased expenditures on
infrastructure, science, technology, and education
were clearly intended to evoke the spirit of Dwight
D. Eisenhower. His setting of specific deadlines and
goals was vintage JFK, but for the absence of any
sense of challenge to his audience, list of benefits
the United States would derive from them, or any
semblance of a shared adventure the American people
were about to embark upon. [Read Robert Schlesinger:
Obama Not the First to Use 'Sputnik Moment.']
There was a certain Back to the
Future feel to the masterful tributes Obama paid
those Ronald Reagan might have described as
“ordinary heroes.” After all, it was Reagan who
began the practice of inviting citizens who had done
extraordinary things to sit beside the first lady in
the House gallery as the president recited their
achievements. It was also Reagan who reminded his
listeners that the greatness of America emerged not
from the hand of government, but through the
entrepreneurial spirit of the American people.
[Check out a roundup of political cartoons on Obama.]...
Biden ripped Obama as having ‘no grace’ in
2010 email after Hunter suggested plagiarism
President Biden faced his own plagiarism
allegations in 1988, derailing his first
presidential campaign
Published September 13, 2023 7:00am
EDT - Then-Vice President Joe Biden slammed
President Obama as having "no grace" after Hunter
Biden suggested the president plagiarized his
father’s speeches, according to 2010 emails from
Hunter’s laptop. On Sept. 7, 2010, one day after
Obama gave a pro-union speech at Laborfest in
Milwaukee, Hunter quoted the president in an email
to his dad's personal account,
"Interesting language from the
President: ‘They (his grandparent) would tell me
about seeing their fathers or uncles losing their it wasn't just a loss of a paycheck that
stung. It was the blow to their dignity, their sense
of self worth,’" Hunter wrote.
"Wonder where he got that from?"
Hunter asked. "Im surprised he didn't finish with
the long walk up a short flight of stairs. Pretty
amazing." "No grace," Biden responded to his son.
Biden's Obama email. On Sept. 7, 2010, one day after
President Obama gave a pro-union speech at Laborfest
in Milwaukee, Hunter Biden quoted the president in
an email to his father, Vice President Joe Biden.
(Fox News)
Hunter was apparently suggesting
Obama ripped off language from Biden’s 2008 campaign
speeches, when the then-senator repeatedly talked
about the effect losing a job can have on a family.
"That’s how you come to believe, to the very core of
your being, that work is more than a paycheck,"
Biden said in his August 2008 speech accepting the
Democratic vice-presidential nomination. "It’s
dignity. It’s respect."...
Clinton Camp Says Obama Plagiarized in Speech
Feb. 19, 2008 - NILES, Ohio - With
the next round of voters set to weigh in on the
Democratic presidential race, Senator Hillary Rodham
Clinton’s campaign on Monday accused Senator Barack
Obama of committing plagiarism in a weekend speech.
Mr. Obama dismissed the charge as absurd and
Mr. Obama told reporters he should
have credited Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts, a
friend, for a passage in a speech he delivered on
Saturday in Milwaukee. But Mr. Obama said his rival
was “carrying it too far.” “Let’s see,” Mr. Obama
said. “I’ve written two books. I wrote most of my
speeches. I would add that I noticed Senator
Clinton, on occasion, has used words of mine as
The exchange injected a fresh dose
of contention into the bitter fight for the
Democratic nomination. Mr. Obama said two of his
standard lines � “It’s time to turn the page” and
“Fired up and ready to go” � have made their way
into Mrs. Clinton’s remarks in recent weeks.
As Mrs. Clinton campaigned in
Wisconsin in advance of the primary there on
Tuesday, one of her top advisers, Howard Wolfson,
convened a conference call with reporters to accuse
Mr. Obama of plagiarizing Mr. Patrick’s remarks from
a 2006 campaign appearance. Mr. Wolfson said it was
important for voters to know that Mr. Obama’s
rhetoric, at least in this instance, was not
Bush speechwriter: Obama plagiarized Bush
01/29/2014 12:23 AM EST - President
George W. Bush's former speech writer said that
President Barack Obama plagiarized his former boss
in Tuesday's State of the Union address. Speaking to
Fox News's Megyn Kelly, Marc Thiessen, the lead
writer on Bush's 2007 State of the Union address,
said he found Obama's speech Tuesday night "eerily
"Barack Obama has gone from blaming
George W. Bush to plagiarizing George W. Bush,"
Thiessen said. Thiessen then read phrases from the
2007 speech which focused on the theme "hope and
"It was eerily familiar. There were
lines like 'Our job is to help Americans build a
future of hope and opportunity, a future of hope and
opportunity begins with a growing economy, a future
of hope and opportunity requires that all citizens
have affordable and available healthcare, extending
opportunity and hope depends on a stable supply of
energy,' all of that came from the 2007 State of the
Union from George W. Bush," Thiessen said.
A quick text compare shows that no
lines were directly lifted from Bush's 2007 speech
in the one Obama gave on Tuesday. There are some
minor similarities between the two: Obama use a
version of the word "opportunity" more than ten
times in his speech, Bush used the word at least
eight times. Both speeches also ended with a moving
story about a wounded veteran.
In an email, Thiessen said Obama
pivoted from the liberal theme of income inequality
to a conservative theme of opportunity. "Of course,
[Obama] has a very different understanding of
opportunity. He believes the path to opportunity is
through more government; conservatives believe the
path to opportunity is more enterprise," Thiessen
Asked if he was actually accusing
the president of plagiarism, Thiessen replied,
"Seriously? Get some sleep" and linked to a column
he wrote in the Washington Post from September,
where he said Obama lifted much of a speech about
Syria from Bush.
State of the Union speeches often
follow similar themes. As our colleague Reid Epstein
wrote ahead of Tuesday's speech, "[Obama's] State of
the Union remarks, like those of his presidential
predecessors over the past two decades or so, have
all followed roughly the same template."...
FBI: Two stole Jackson Memorial patient records, sold them to lawyer
Posted on July 31, 2009 - Ambulance chasing just took a reckless turn —
at the intersection of healthcare and the law. A Miami man was charged
Thursday with buying confidential patient records from a Jackson
Memorial Hospital employee over the past two years, and selling them to
a lawyer suspected of soliciting the patients to file personal-injury
Ruben E. Rodriguez allegedly paid JMH ultrasound technician Rebecca
Garcia $1,000 a month for the hospital records of hundreds of patients
treated for slip-and-fall accidents, car-crash injuries, gunshot wounds
and stabbings, federal authorities said.
FBI: Personal Injury Lawyer Paid for Hospital Patients' Records
July 31, 2009 10:15 am ET - One impressive thing about
health-care-related crime in South Florida: The perps keep coming up
with new ways to break the law. The latest, courtesy of the Miami
S. Florida couple accused of stealing, selling patient info — again
March 8, 2010 at 5:00 a.m. - Last year, they were charged with running a
racket to pilfer patient records from Jackson Memorial Hospital to sell
to lawyers for personal-injury claims. Now Ruben E. Rodriguez and wife
Maria Victoria Suarez have been indicted again for paying an
ambulance-company employee to steal information on patients transported
to Miami-Dade hospitals and healthcare clinics. That theft scheme dates
all the way back to 1995, according to an indictment filed last week.
In both federal cases, the Coral Gables couple is accused of brokering
the stolen computer records of patients’ names, addresses, telephone
numbers and medical diagnoses to several attorneys in exchange for
kickback payments. The lawyers paid them hundreds of thousands of
dollars for the referrals after settling injury claims, authorities say.
Among the suspected personal-injury lawyers: G. Walter Araujo. The
Hialeah lawyer has not been charged in the federal prosecution but this
past week, the Florida Bar confirmed it was investigating him for
potential ethics violations in connection with the first federal case
involving the theft of JMH patient records. Araujo, who was admitted to
the Florida Bar in 1997, did not return calls for comment.
Under Bar rules, lawyers are allowed to advertise on TV and billboards
and in the Yellow Pages but are prohibited from soliciting clients by
phone or at their home or in the hospital. They’re also prohibited from
sharing their legal fees with nonlawyers.
According to court records in the JMH case, one unidentified
personal-injury attorney wrote 27 checks totaling $85,250 to a shell
company incorporated by Rodriguez as kickback payments for the patient
referrals between 2006 and 2009. It was not clear whether that lawyer
was Araujo, a graduate of the University of Miami School of Law.
Rodriguez, 61, whose bond was revoked last year after he allegedly
tampered with grand jury witnesses, will be back in federal court
Tuesday on the new charges of conspiracy, computer fraud and identity
theft. His attorney, Philip Horowitz, declined to comment about the
case. His wife, Suarez, 52, who is free on bail, will also be back in
court that day. Her lawyer, Joaquin Mendez, could not be reached for
The couple’s criminal prosecution, headed by Assistant U.S. Attorney Ben
Curtis, has taken some unusual turns. In January, Rodriguez was set to
plead guilty to the first conspiracy indictment, which said he stole JMH
patient records by paying a hospital employee for the private
information. But Rodriguez backed out of the plea agreement on the day
of his court hearing.
Although he signed the agreement, it is no longer valid because he never
pleaded guilty to it in court. In a companion statement to the plea,
Rodriguez admitted that he paid JMH ultrasound technician Rebecca Garcia
$1,000 a month for the records of hundreds of patients treated for
slip-and-fall accidents, car-crash injuries, gunshot wounds and
stabbings. The payments were made between December 2006 and February
Rodriguez came to know Garcia through his wife, Suarez, a cosmetologist.
Garcia, fired from her long-term job at JMH, is serving a 10-month
prison sentence. Rodriguez referred the injured patients to one
unidentified personal-injury lawyer, who paid him referral fees of 35
percent on each successful claim for damages, according to court
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In Africa
Special Counsel Robert Mueller And
The FBI Criminally Wiped Phones To Hide Misconduct From Congress And The
Inspector General
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Former President Barack Obama Never
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