The FBI Has Been Covering For Famous
Pedophiles In Hollywood For Years Since The Time Of Robert
January 3. 2019

Devilish former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller hid crimes
of famous Hollywood pedophiles under his twisted policy at the FBI that stars
must not be arrested
The FBI has been covering for famous rapists and
pedophiles in Hollywood, in a dirty policy that began under
former FBI director, turned special counsel, Robert S. Mueller.
The FBI has looked the other way to appalling crimes against
children and adults in Hollywood. It is a part of Mueller's
legacy at the FBI.
The current cases in the news, as exposed by
journalists, regarding celebrities such as movie producer Harvey
Weinstein and actor Kevin Spacey, were brought after Mueller's
departure from the law enforcement agency, and were actually
filed by local police and prosecutors in U.S. cities, not the
FBI. In fact, Mueller aided and abetted the crimes of men like
Weinstein and deeply depraved 53-year-old Hollywood director,
Bryan Singer, who has been raping boys in Hollywood for years.
The FBI even helped Weinstein and Singer get out
of criminal trouble, due to their political ties (Barack Obama, Michelle Obama And Hillary Clinton Slammed For
Their 'No Comment' On Harvey Weinstein Finally Issues Statements).
Rather than investigate and bring Singer to justice, the FBI
under Robert S. Mueller and James Comey criminally investigated
Singer's victims, such as Michael Egan, who accused Singer of
drugging and raping him (and other young boys) when he was a
15-year-old boy. Egan was also threatened into retracting his
claims. A second victim, a young British man, was threatened as
The FBI has a dirty policy that begun under
Mueller of wasting taxpayer money in investigating victims of
celebrities, rather than the famous criminals in Hollywood
breaking the law, as a means of searching for any dirt they can
find to destroy the victims and squash their cases. It is a
disgusting criminal waste of American taxpayer money that said
FBI employees should be indicted for, as it's illegal to
knowingly investigate an innocent person. And make no mistake,
the FBI knowingly investigated many innocent people, wasting
taxpayer money, to help famous figures get away with crime.
Since the time Egan publicly accused Singer,
several other young men have come forward in separate formal
complaints, stating Singer raped them when they were underage.
Singer is known for throwing pool parties in Hollywood, filling
the pool with underage boys and inviting other Hollywood
pedophiles, such as director Gary Goddard, among others, to
engage in pedophilia.
Singer and others in his famous pedophile ring,
lure the underage teenage boys to his home with promises of
acting roles in action films such as the "X-Men" series. Then
when the unsuspecting underage boys arrive at the pool parties,
they are raped by famous Hollywood pedophiles, involved in one
of the notorious pedophile rings in Hollywood. It is one of the
entertainment industry's worst open secrets. It should be noted,
Bryan Singer and pedophile, criminally charged actor
Kevin Spacey are close friends who have worked
together on movie projects.

Bryan Singer
Outspoken celebrities such as actresses Emma
Stone and Jessica Chastain, actor and "Family Guy" writer
Seth MacFarlane and screenwriter Bret Easton Ellis, among
others, have publicly slammed Bryan Singer as a pedophile
raping boys in Hollywood. However, the FBI continues to look
the other way. The FBI even hid investigative files
regarding Singer's rampant pedophilia, as they have done
regarding other celebrities in Hollywood engaging in serious
This constitutes massive violations of the
Freedom of Information Act, as well as obstruction of justice,
conspiracy, collusion, fraud, endangerment and in some cases
bribery (FBI employees have gotten into trouble for taking
Inspector General's Report Reveals Over 50 FBI Agents Took 300 Bribes
and FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases).
Mueller and the FBI also looked the other way to
reports the Hollywood cult Scientology has been engaging in
pedophilia. People who joined Scientology complained that their
children were molested in the sick sect, after being taken on
ships in international waters, which resulted in the kids
contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
Scientology's ships are a part of their insane
group they call "Sea Org." These Scientology lunatics think they
are the U.S. Coast Guard. However, it was written in an external
article I read that Scientology operates under the view that
whatever they do in international waters is not punishable under
U.S. laws or the laws of any nation. That's pretty vile
However, let's get a few things straight (unlike
Tom Cruise). As a legal resident or citizen of the United States
you are obligated and legally compelled to follow the laws of
America wherever you go. There are laws concerning transporting
minors across state lines and international seas for unlawful
behavior. There are also American laws regarding U.S. residents
and citizens not being permitted to cross state and or
international lines to engage in crime.
Mueller constantly looked the other way to
crimes by Scientologists and Kabbalah cult lunatics. Mueller
looked the other way to Scientology actor, Tom Cruise,
criminally wiretapping his former wife, Nicole Kidman, under
Mueller's policy of not arresting stars. I was involved in the
Pellicano case. I gave the FBI
information that helped them lock him up months later.
I know for a fact the FBI had (has) evidence on
people like Tom Cruise and Madonna committing felonies in
commissioning and receiving wiretap and computer hacking data,
in illegally and perversely spying on others. There is audio of
Kidman talking about Tom Cruise illegally wiretapping her phone.
The FBI suppressed it all to allow Hollywood degenerates to
skate on serious crimes forbidden under U.S. law.
Much like the FBI suppressed evidence that
failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, hired made
Mafioso, Anthony Pellicano, to illegally wiretap, computer hack,
threaten, burglarize and stalk women her husband, former
President Bill Clinton, had sexual affairs with that imperiled
his political career.
Mueller, then his protégé James Comey, branded
famous people as individuals that must have impunity in criminal
conduct. It is disgracefully apparent regarding what they
allowed sexual predators in Hollywood to do, such as Weinstein,
Spacey, Singer and Charlie Sheen raping people (with the latter
three raping underage boys).
Had that demon Mueller done his job in
accordance with U.S. law and his oath of office, many of the
rapes that occurred, especially the rape of children, would not
have transpired. Rapists and pedophiles do not stop their
criminal behavior until they are stopped by law enforcement or
some other circumstance. Leaving rapists and pedophiles to roam
free is a very dangerous, wicked and criminally negligent thing
to do, as it imperils children, women and men. They're raping
children in Hollywood everyday and THE FBI HAS DONE NOTHING TO
Former Child Star Corey Feldman Says He And Corey Haim Were
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