The Brother Of Former U.S.
President Barack Obama Calls Him A 'Snake' 'Gay' and
August 16. 2023

Malik Obama and his brother Barack Obama, who
later fraudulently attained the presidency of the
United States.
Malik Obama, the brother of former
U.S. Preisdent, Barack Obama, has slammed him online
as a "fake ass a snake." Malik also referred to
Obama as "gay" and a "fa**ot." Malik is referring to
Obama being a down low gay man and lying about his
place of birth, which is actually Kenya, not America
(More Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama
Was Born In Kenya Not Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He
States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men).

Malik on
In a message posted to the social
networking website, Malik stated of
Barack regarding an old photo he posted, "Me and
Fake as* a snake (President Barack Obama) when he
was a nobody." The tweet drew many retweets,
favorites and comments. The item has been viewed by
over 12 million people.

Malik's posts about Barack
Malik's words indicate he is ashamed
of his brother Barack for being a fraud who has
betrayed his roots. In two tweets posted to his
Twitter account, Malik states of Barack, "this man
is gay" and also refers to him as a "fa**ot."
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