Material Girl Thief - The Many Artists
Madonna Has Stolen From For Her Albums And Reinventions - A 30 Year Career That
Is A Fraud
1. Aisha v. Madonna (civil rights and copyright infringement)
2. Sorrentino v. Madonna (assault and battery on a 10-year-old child)
3. Myers v. Madonna (civil rights violations)
4. Ronald J Myers v. Madonna (civil rights violations)
5. Barrier v. Madonna (civil rights violations)
6. Bourdin v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
7. Easy Street Records v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
8. Acquaviva v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
9. D’Onofrio v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
10. Iving L Williams v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
11. Eon Net LP v. Madonna (copyright /patent/trademark infringement)
12. Rich Kidd Music Publishing, Inc. v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
13. Winterland v. Madonna (copyright infringement)
14. Hobe Cie. LTD v. Madonna (trademark infringement)
15. Coppola v. Madonna (personal injury)
16. Rice v. Madonna (breach of contract)
17. Mclay v. Madonna (breach of contract)
18. Nike, Inc. v. Madonna (breach of contract)
19. Millennium Films v. Madonna (breach of contract)
20. Done and Dusted v. Madonna (breach of contract)
21. DeCastro v. Madonna (invasion of privacy and commissioned stalking and
harassment of a Miami family)
The so-called "iconic" images - well, none of it
was real - she stole it all to go with
all the music she stole:

Greta Garbo rip off

Jean Harlow rip off

Jean Harlow rip off

Jane Mansfield rip off

Jane Russell rip off

Gina Lollobrigida rip off

Marilyn Monroe rip off

Marilyn Monroe rip off

Marilyn Monroe rip off

Marilyn Monroe rip off

Marilyn Monroe rip off

Marilyn Monroe rip off

Marilyn Monroe rip off

Marlene Dietrich rip off

Marlene Dietrich rip off

Marlene Dietrich rip off

Bette Davis rip off

Bette Davis rip off

Brigitte Bardot rip off

Brigitte Bardot rip off

Chrissie Hynde rip off

Princess Diana rip off

Princess Diana rip off

Princess Diana rip off

Princess Diana rip off

Audrey Hepburn rip off

Ginger Rogers rip off

Cindy Lauper rip off

Greta Garbo rip off
intro image comparisons compiled by
1. Madonna Stole The
Video For "Hollywood"





Madonna was sued by the family of deceased artist Guy Bourdin for ripping
off images from his work for her music video “Hollywood.”
click here for full story
2. Madonna
Stole The Film "Swept Away"

Filmmaker Vincent D'Onofrio sued Madonna for ripping
off his idea he pitched to her and her agents for the remake of the film, “Swept
Away.” The lawsuit is currently in the court system. However, the film fittingly
bombed and was voted the worst movie ever. The copyright owner of the original
Swept Away script recently expressed his regret at allowing her to
remake his film, due to how badly it turned out.
Madonna Stole The Song "Vogue"

Madonna ripped off the 1989 song
"Deep In Vogue" by Malcolm McLaren for her 1990 song "Vogue." As with my songs,
she stole it shortly after it was made available to the public. His song was
released on July 19, 1989 on Epic Records and her rip off was released almost a year later on
April 5th, 1990. His song came out first and was about "voguing." Madonna's rip
off brought his idea/music/dance trend to the mainstream by stealing it from
him, along with melodies, harmonies and portions of his beat. Madonna even tries
to sing like the female vocalist on McLaren's track. She then stole the dance
that was created to go with the song by dancers in downtown New York.
Here is
an excerpt of the song she stole from entitled "Deep In Vogue" for her song
"Vogue" (If the link does not work for you visit
and type in "Deep In Vogue" in the search box for a sample of the song):
4. Madonna Stole
"Justify my Love"

In my opinion,
one of her worst, most disgraceful and brazen rip offs was the work she
outright stole from Prince protégé, Ingrid Chavez. She stole Chavez’s style and
lyrics for her song, “Justify My Love” which is featured on her “Erotica”
said, "Madonna only changed one line of the entire song” and stole writers credit
for the song, even though Chavez was the one who wrote it (this has been said of
her by other credible writers as well involving other songs. The song did match Chavez's
trademark style, which at the time was once again unlike anything Madonna had
done. Much like my style of music is unlike anything Madonna has done. An
article excerpt:
"Meanwhile, Chavez sued
Lenny Kravitz for not giving her
credit for co-writing Madonna's Justify My Love.
Chavez's style consists of breathy
spoken passages over heavy dance beats and this can be clearly heard
in the Madonna track. Chavez
is quoted as having said that
Kravitz didn't write any of the lyrics and
only came up with the phrase justify my love.
She is also reported to have said that Madonna only changed one
line of the entire song. She was finally given credit for the
lyrics plus a rumored couple of million dollars in an out-of-court
Photo credit:
Frank Micelotta |
5. Madonna Stole The
"Sex" Book
A book
that is currently available in stores titled, “Madonna: An Intimate Biography,”
alleges that Madonna ripped off the idea for her “Sex” book from a publishing
executive named Judith Regan (page 221).
It was further alleged in another article that
the photographs in
Madonna's book Sex was a rip off of an old French book by a well know French
Coincidentally, she did an interview with an
Hungarian paper, and due to the translation, the name of the book was fittingly
called "Slut." Here's an excerpt from Blikk (publication):
BLIKK: OK, here's a question from left space.
What was your book "Slut" about?
MADONNA: It was called "Sex", my book.
BLIKK: Not in Hungary. Here it was called "Slut."
Madonna Steals From indie singer Peaches
Critics allege that Madonna ripped off visual concepts, video imagery and ideas
from underground transvestite singer “Peaches” for her work. Several web sites
mention this and the similarities are very, very striking. It was also reported
that she would play Peaches' album over and over again before going on stage in
Barcelona. A reviewer from the well-known industry company Muze wrote:
imitation is the greatest compliment, then Peaches received top honors when
Madonna stole imagery from Peaches’ videos and applied them to her own. If the
queen of controversy steals your ideas, you must have something going on."
- Muze Inc.
debut CD was released on a German label and sold only 50,000 - yet she managed
to get a copy of one of them. Those numbers are good for an indie, but
translates into obscurity in the mainstream.
Madonna and her team do what some unscrupulous executives in the music industry do -
scour the clubs, internet and other venues for new music, dance and clothing
trends and take full credit for them as their own in the mainstream (as she did with Vogue, among
other things).
Back to
Peaches. The mere fact that they knew who Peaches was, even with him being an underground
artist below the radar, speaks volumes. Ask the average musicologist or music
critic about Peaches, and they wouldn't know who he is, as he is an underground
artist, but she actually knew him and had his CD. I find that very telling.
7. Madonna Stole
"Like A Virgin"

saddest of all these allegations is by a
group named Hide The Babies. They published a web site that
contained the allegation that they gave Madonna’s manager their demo (cassette)
in the 80's,
she liked it and asked if she could keep it. She returned the tape to them 6
months later. They alleged that shortly after one of their lyrics appeared in
Madonna’s song as the basis for "Like A Virgin," but not credited to them. A group
member stated they felt she did this because she figured if she got her version
out first it would render their version useless.
lyric for “Like A Virgin” goes: "Like a virgin. Touched for the very
first time."
Hide The
Babies lyric goes: "I'm not a virgin, but you're the first one..."
That’s the same lyric, just
changed up a bit. It’s also the same concept/pun about not being a virgin, but
someone seemingly making you feel like that.
It appears to be the same
thing Madonna did with my song "Contemporary Girl." She took lyrics, tried to
change it up in the same manner, but just enough to retain the idea and concept
of the song and some of the lyrics, hopefully without getting caught.
"Like A
Virgin" was Madonna's first real hit and credited to another writer that her
label and management hired. However, this allegation of theft bears a pattern
that would later be said of several other songs Madonna allegedly composed.
I saw an interview on Bravo recently with producer Nile Rodgers, who said
Madonna told him at the time that the concept of the song "Like A Virgin" was
such a good idea and kept emphasizing this point to him.
The article from Hide The
Babies web
site states, "Then when
her tune came out we couldn't do ours anymore because everybody thought we got
it from her."
Wow when you think about that statement it is profoundly sad and
terrible considering "Like A Virgin" was such a big hit that allegedly
came from this band who are saying they did not get credit for it. Hey, I have
to write the word "allegedly" in this case for legal purposes, however, their words do strike a chord, pardon the pun, based on what
I experienced with my song that was ripped off by her. It bears the same
Hide The babies/Kitty Brazelton
"We think Madonna stole a song of ours or at least
the lyric/concept which was: "I'm not a virgin/but you're the first
one..." What do you think? Her management was particularly
interested in that song and asked to keep the cassette. We got it
back after 6 months. Then when her tune came out we couldn't do ours
anymore because everybody thought we got it from her" |
8. Madonna Steals
From Eminem

article in a British newspaper alleged Eminem accused Madonna of ripping off his
work, "Bonnie and Clyde" for one of her videos from her Greatest Hits
album "What It Feels Like For A Girl."
9. Madonna Steals
Lyrics For Express Yourself

indie art web
site alleges Madonna ripped off their slogan
"Express Yourself, Don't Repress Yourself"
for one of her
lyrics from her song "Human Nature." She seems to have a thing for stealing from
art, as evidenced by the Bourdin case.
Madonna Tries To Get Writers Credit For "You Must Love Me" Which She Didn't Write

Madonna has a history of trying to horn in on credit for work she did not do or
deserve credit for. This has been written about in several publications. It is discussed in the
Andrew Morton biography about her titled "Madonna."
An award
winning songwriting partner of Andrew Lloyd Webber complained of her trying to
horn in on credit for his song by trying to change a few lyrics (Notice a
pattern yet? Look how many writers keep saying this about her)....
click here for full story
11. Madonna Steals
Credit On "Nothing Fails"

In a third similar case, singer/songwriter
Jem, who's been featured on the television
show The O.C., implied in an interview that Madonna did
not write much of the song “Nothing Fails,” which she penned and
submitted to Madonna. Yes, more of Madonna’s so called revisions to horn in on
credit for already completed songs given to her to sing. She horned in on
credit for this already completed song for the same album she ripped off my debut
single for, "American Life." Here is an article excerpt:
Just Like Band Camp
Las Vegas Review-Journal
She has a law degree. She's a DJ. She used to run a
small record label. Madonna picked up Jem's song "Nothing Fails" and
recorded it for her own "American Life" album. Madonna shares
songwriting credit on "Nothing Fails." Did Madonna change enough
of it to merit that credit?
"You can't ask questions like that! Somebody
should, but there are some things that are best left unsaid,"
Jem says -- but then she says, yes, Madonna did co-write the song. |
Yea, sure she co-wrote it. Nice
diplomatic save (LOL). Judging by her past behavior with Chavez and Andrew Lloyd
Webber’s songwriting partner, I know what her idea of songwriting is. As Chavez
said, changing “one line of the song.”
Yakov And The Seven Thieves
Madonna does not like to give people credit for their work, typical of a
copyright infringer. She was bashed by a reputable newspaper for leaving the
illustrator's name off the cover of her children's book, “Yakov and the Seven Thieves.” It
was written in the article that it is customary in the publishing industry to
put the illustrator’s name on the front, which they were aware of, but left
off anyway.
13. Madonna Steals
Video For "Love Profusion"

music video for her latest single “Love Profusion” is a rip off of British
singer Billie Piper’s “Honey to the Bee” video, which was released 5 years
before Madonna’s knock off. Side by side stills show the striking similarities.
Madonna’s video features her in front of a red 3D computer generated flower,
while floating on the ocean, which is the same as Piper's video - only Piper's
video was filmed and released years before. I remember seeing the behind the
scenes segment for Billie’s video a few years ago and you can tell it's a rip
off of it. They even used the same technique.
14. Madonna Steals
From Beth Orton
I read a Slant magazine
message board, where posters claimed Madonna heavily borrowed from Beth Orton
for her music. Upon listening to the albums you can hear similarities.
15. Madonna Steals
From Kylie
According to a UK
newspaper, Madonna's "American Life" Che
Guevara themed CD cover is a rip off of a previously released Kylie Minogue poster:
Kylie Minogue Poster
Madonna CD cover
16. Madonna Steals From Marilyn
Another article
alleges Madonna ripped off copyrighted 1956 Marilyn Monroe pics for her 1985
“Like A Virgin” promo.
17. Madonna Steals "Ray Of Light"

There was an
article about plagiarism in Rolling Stone magazine, which stated Madonna ripped
off the idea for the "Ray Of Light" video which was submitted to her by a
director named Stefano Salvati.
The album "Ray Of Light" won a lot of awards,
even Grammys (I thought you had to be able to sing to win one of those) because
of the breakthrough video, which also won awards. Based on records it was
authored and filmed by Salvati, before he submitted it to Madonna. It was
subsequently stolen by her according to this article and lawsuit:
Italian director
Stefano Salvati is claiming that Madonna's
"Ray of Light" video was stolen from a clip he shot in 1994 for local pop star
Biagio Antonacci. Antonacci's lawyer,
Massaro, said Friday that he will ask Madonna's
Records to pull the "Ray of Light" video from
distribution and that he will seek damages.
Salvati, who lives part of the year in
Los Angeles, claims that his manager had sent copies of his videos to Maverick
before "Ray of Light" was shot. A Salvati video for a song titled "Non e Mai
Stato Subito" features Antonacci performing at normal speed against a backdrop
of fast-moving images of clouds, traffic and food, somewhat like Madonna in the
"Ray of Light" clip directed by Joanis
Akerlund. - Rolling Stone Magazine
Joanis Akerlund is also the
director Madonna hired for the "Hollywood" video for which they were also sued
and had to pay the plaintiff a $638,000 settlement on last year (see number one
plagiarism example in this article).
18. Madonna Steals
Video For "What It Feels Like For A Girl"

Madonna and her husband
were accused of plagiarism by the British band BBMak, who had the hit "Back
Here." BBMak publicly stated in an Annanova article that Madonna and her
director husband Guy Ritchie plagiarized their music video "Still On Your Side"
for her video "What It Feels Like For A Girl."
Madonna Rips Off Kylie Again
As pointed out by Dlisted, to the left are the original Kylie pics, to the right are the
later Madonna rip
offs (Madonna even stole 1-888-Confess from Kylie's previous 1-555-Confide). How
Madonna was ripped by scores of people on
different web sites this month for ripping off Kylie Minogue’s work. One site in
particular was pretty blunt about it, where members of the public let rip.
Madonna Stole Music For "Beautiful Stranger"
Madonna was publicly accused of ripping off the song "She Comes In Colors"
by Da Capo for the riff to her song "Beautiful Stranger."

21. Madonna Stole "In Bed With Madonna"
She was also accused of ripping off John
Lennon and Yoko Ono's work for use years later in one of her own rubbish
projects, "In Bed With Madonna" - "Shortly after their marriage, John Lennon and
Yoko Ono gave interviews from their bedroom in an attempt to promote world
peace. Madonna ripped off the idea for a movie…"

John Lennon and Yoko
Ono [pic courtesy of Genesis Publications]
22. Madonna Stole Beat For "Justify My Love"

Madonna was slammed by rap fans for ripping
off, "Public Enemy's 'Security of The 1st World' in her song 'Justify my Love'
without paying for it" – Rap Network.

Public Enemy
This is the same song that she stole the lyrics
from Prince protégé Ingrid Chavez, erasing Ingrid's name from the writer's
credit sheet and replacing it with her own that wound up on the manufactured
Ingrid later initiated litigation against Madonna and reportedly obtained a
settlement of a few million dollars. So basically, she stole the beat from
Public Enemy and the lyrics from songwriter/singer Ingrid Chavez and took credit
for it to the public. How lame.
23. Madonna Stole Lyrics For "Impressive

Madonna was publicly accused of ripping off
Cat Steven's "The Wind" for her later released song "Impressive Instant" from
the album "Music."
Cat Stevens' lyric from "The Wind": "I let
my music take me where my heart wants to go"
Madonna rip off lyric from "Impressive
Instant": I let the music take me, take me where my heart wants
to go"
Of course, she'll say it's different because
she added an extra take to the lyric she stole.

24. Madonna Steals Poem From Gap Commercial
For Her Song "Sky Fits Heaven"

Madonna ripped off a TV commercial for her
song "Sky Fits Heaven" which is on her "Ray of Light" album. This is the same
album she was sued for willfully stealing the song "Frozen" from a unknown
Belgian songwriter and for separately ripping off the video for "Ray of Light"
from a director, which brought another lawsuit against her. Well, the album
contained more rip offs (as do all her albums).
From E- Those with a
keen recollection of television advertising will notice the introductory lyrics
to the 1998 song "Sky Fits Heaven"--credited on Ray of Light to Madonna and
longtime collaborator Patrick Leonard--are similar to what poet Max Blagg
recited for a 1993 Gap clothing commercial. Here, look for yourself:
Madonna's song:
"Sky fits heaven, so fly it/
That's what the prophet said to me/
Child fits mother, so hold your baby tight/
Max Blagg's poem:
Sky fits heaven, so ride it/
Child fits mother, so hold your baby tight/
Meanwhile, the New
York Daily News ran a story about the matter Thursday, reportedly getting
Madonna's record-label publicist at Warner Bros. to admit the singer paid
Blagg in lieu of reprinting the album's liner notes and crediting him.
How pathetic, she ripped off the poetry from a
Gap commercial - then paid the poet off to get him to shut up about it. What is
that, like the 50th rip off. Every single album she has put out has contained
copyright infringing material. She is a fraud. Unequivocally the most
unoriginal, uncreative person ever in the industry.
25. Madonna Steals For Her Song
"Forbidden Love"

Confessions On A Dance Floor -
The synth on "Forbidden Love" is a blatant rip off
of the synth part used on the Pet Shop Boys song "West End Girls."
26. Madonna Steals For Her Song
"Let It Will Be"
Confessions On A Dance Floor - "Let It Will Be" by her rips off the synth on
"Silent Mourning" by Mad Machinery.
27. Madonna Steals For Her Song
"Get Together"
Confessions On A Dance Floor - She ripped off the sound of the big hit in England
in 2005, "Call On Me" by Eric Prydz and mixed it with other
infringements for her song "Get Together."
28. Madonna Steals Lyrics For Her Song
"Get Together"
Confessions On A Dance Floor - She ripped off Kylie Minogue for "Like It Or Not"
and lines on "Get Together."
"Confessions on a Dance Floor" is a real copy and paste of other people's
music, which is pathetic, as it was done without permission. And all that reverb
and vocoding due to her inability to sing well, is absolutely annoying and
It's like listening to a robot sing for 45 minutes.
Goldfrapp Slam Madonna For Stealing From Them

Goldfrapp video still
Music duo Goldfrapp slammed Madonna and they have a right to be upset. She
ripped off their music for "Confessions On A Dance Floor" as well. Several critics
noticed the Goldfrapp knock off...and so did Goldfrapp.
"The singer continued her outburst by suggesting that Madonna lacks
creativity. 'I think it's quite clever, but I don't know if that's creative,'
Allison Goldfrapp." - Virgin Music News
30. Madonna Steals "Open Your Heart"

"Open Your Heart" was slated to be recorded by another singer, not Madonna.
Did you know “Open Your Heart” was reportedly not supposed to be her song. It was
reported another
singer had already started work on it. Madonna coveting what she'd heard,
went to the song's producer and
unethically pried the song from the girl, recorded it and derailing the girl’s
career. She would have had a hit with “Open Your Heart,” but the covetous Madonna
destroyed her career to sustain her fraudulent one.
31. Madonna Steals Semtex® Name
Never one to come up with anything original,
Madonna boasted this week that she registered a name called "Semtex Girls."
Never mind it is already the trademark name for
a dangerous plastic explosive used by terrorists - and considering she was
bragging about being worst than a terrorist - coupled with the fact she is a
member of a sick cult, is there something people need to know. Cult members +
terrorism + Semtex = trouble.
"Prague - The Czech
manufacturer of the plastic explosive Semtex may sue pop star Madonna for
trademark infringement, a company spokesman told the CTK news agency Tuesday...
click here for full story
32. Sued in Miami for trademark infringement
Madonna infringes another company's trademark
(theft) for her fan club.
33. Madonna Steals Idea From Loretta Young
And Passes It Off As Her Own
From E - "Madonna ripped off the idea [of
charging her coworkers for swearing] from Loretta Young's TV show way back in
the '50s. Supposedly, Robert Mitchum was a guest star one week and got tired of
putting in a quarter each time he swore, so he reportedly said: "Here's 20
bucks, Loretta, now *** off!"
34. Madonna Steals Two Songs From New
York Indie Label
Madonna stole the songs "Deeper And Deeper" and
"Bad Girl" from indie record label Easy Street Records, who sued her in New York
Federal Court.
Bad Girl
Deeper And Deeper |
35. Madonna Steals From 50 Cent & Olivia's 2005 hit Candy
Is Madonna
Stealing Again
Madonna Steals From 50 Cent And
July 28. 2007

A few web sites have posted a clip from a new Madonna song with Justin
Timberlake titled "Candy Shop." But there's only one problem. 50 Cent and Olivia
had a big hit of the same name and containing similar lyrical content two years
ago. The new rip off is being panned.
Madonna has stolen more songs and images than any artist on record, so I'm
not the least bit surprised. For more on her unlawful conduct in constantly
click here.

"Candy Shop" by 50 Cent and Olivia 2005:
take you to the
candy shop
I'll let you
lick the
have you
spending all you got
"Candy Shop" by Madonna and
Timberlake 2007:
be your one
stop, candy shop"
some more"
Blondie's Debbie Harry Accuses Madonna Of Ripping

In an accusation I have read many writers and
audiences echo online in articles, message boards and blogs numerous times,
Debbie Harry
accused Madonna of ripping off her style.
Many people have noticed it over the years and
it is quite pathetic of the "Material Girl Thief." Madonna
started out her fraudulent career mimicking Debbie Harry and Cyndi Lauper...
click here for full story
37. Madonna Rips Off Kylie Again
Madonna’s Copyright Infringing new CD
click here

Kylie's "X" (2007) - Madonna's "Hard Candy"
SIMILARITIES: same red & white swirl
background, same fingers on face pose with head facing to the
right and same short wave
This is a follow up to the
Madonna Jumping On
Bandwagons Again article on February 19, 2008, regarding
her ripping off singer Kylie Minogue’s music video.
Well, she's at it again. Now, the pathetic old thief
Madonna’s ripping off Kylie’s album cover released last year,
for her forthcoming copyright infringing "Hard Candy" CD on the
sinking Warner Music Group label. Furthermore, what 50 year old
sings about hard candy. There’s something very weird about that.
Madonna also previously ripped off preexisting songs by Kylie
for her Confessions On A Dance Floor CD.
Madonna Rips Off
Kylie Minogue's "Better The Devil You Know" (1990 & 1998) for
her "Like It Or Not" (2005)
From the Judiciary Report web

Madonna exhausted from ripping everybody off and
excessive plastic surgery
Continuing the theme of uncovering and unraveling
the many
thefts that comprise Madonna's fraudulent career, this week let's take a look at
another of the Queen of Poop's rip offs.
Kylie Minogue released the song "Better The Devil You Know" which she still
routinely performs at her concerts, some of which Madonna has attended in recent
years, as photographs attest (no doubt with her pen and pad to rip stuff off).
The song was re-released in 1998 and went up the charts again.

Kylie's "2 Hearts" 2007
(left) Madonna's
rip off cover "Hard Candy" 2008 (right) -
any similarities]
Fast forward several years to 2005 and pathetic
Madonna, who has
ripped off Minogue many times, knocked off
Kylie's preexisting song
"Better The Devil You Know" for her
song screecher "Like It Or Not" that appeared on her last
album "Confessions On A Dance Floor," which according to Reuters "flopped"
(regardless of Madonna's receipt-less, lying claims of outselling everyone in
2005 and 2006).
While, I'm not a fan of either song due to the message of encouraging women to
choose someone that's not the best based on familiarity and Madonna's rip off
sounding plain awful and stupid, there are infringements.
Not only do the songs sound alike, contain the same
melodies and rhythm, they share mutual lyrics as illustrated below. The
infringements are color coded according to mutual lyrics appearing in both songs
(left to right at different places), with Madonna's substandard, poorly sung
track being the rip off recorded and released years later:
Kylie's "Better The Devil You Know" 1990 |
"Like It Or Not" 2005 |
Better the devil you know
Better the devil you know
Better the devil you know
Better the devil you know
Woh woh woh
Say you won't
leave me no more
I'll take you back again
No more excuses no, no
'Cos I've heard them all before
A hundred times or more
I'll forgive and forget
If you say you'll never go
'Cos its true what they say
It's better the devil you know
Woh woh woh
Our love wasn't perfect I know
I think I know the score
If you say you love me, oh boy
I can't ask for more
I'll come if you should call
I'll be here every day
Waiting for your love to show
Yes it's true what they say
It's better the devil you know
Woh woh woh
I'll take you back
I'll take you back again
I'll take you back
I'll take you back again |
I’ll be the garden, you’ll be the snake
All of my fruit is yours to take
Better the devil that you know
Your love
for me will grow
This is who I am
You can like it or not
You can love me or
leave me
Cause I’m never gonna stop, no no
Cleopatra had her way
Matahari too
Whether they were good or bad
Is strictly up to you
Don’t let the fruit rot under the vine
Fill up your cup and let’s drink the wine
Better the devil that you know
Your love
for me will grow
This is who I am
You can like it or not
You can love me or
leave me
Cause I’m never gonna stop, no no, you know
This is who I am
You can like it or not
You can love me or leave me
Cause I’m never gonna stop, no no, you know
No no,
you know
No no, you know
No no, you know
No no, you know
. |
More Madonna Thefts
Uncovered (Part 1) - Madonna Ripped Off Tina Turner
Madonna Rips Off Deee-lite's "Power Of Love" (1990) for her
"Rescue Me" (1991)
The following year,
Madonna's self-written (LOL) "Rescue Me" released February 26, 1991
a hook with the SAME LINE "I believe in the
power of love" repeated over and over again throughout the song, sung in the
same key, melody and with the same rhythm running under the track, as the
preexisting Deee-lite song "Power Of Love."

* Deeelite
video posted above is taken from a 1996 compilation, but the
song and video were originally released to the public in 1990 as
a promo clip from the "World Clique" album.
click here for full story
40. Madonna Rips Of Metropolis
To Make "Express Yourself" Video
Madonna's "Express Yourself" in 1989
(left column) and Metropolis by Frtiz Lang in 1927 (right column)
click here for full story
41. Madonna Rips Off Tina Turner
And Others

Internet audiences have been posting comparative
examples of Madonna's thefts of other artists' preexisting copyrighted works,
attesting to the fact that
she's stolen everything in her career. Here
are a few of the thefts I found highlighted on other web sites.
In the left column is Tina Turner's "Acid Queen"
album artwork from 1975. To the right is Madonna's rip off artwork from 2005.
Notice they are wearing the same style red dress, red shoes, doing the same type
of poses and Madonna darkened her bleached blonde hair to look like Tina's for
the photos. How unoriginal of her, once again.

In the left column is another photo from Tina's
1975 "Acid Queen" (Tommy ©1969) showing a double image photo of her in the red
outfit. To the right is Madonna's rip off, 30 years later in 2005, wearing a
knock off version of Tina's red dress and shoes and also utilizing double

In the left column are various photos from
the 70's and 80's. In the right column are airbrushed Madonna photos
from 2005 and 2006.
42. Madonna Steals From French
Singer Sheila

click here for full story
43. Madonna rips
off Welsh superstar Charlotte Church
Charlotte Church 2005:

Madonna 2015:
Madonna also posted a heavily Photoshopped picture of herself
that is a complete rip off of Welsh singer Charlotte Church's
preexisting, copyrighted CD cover for the 2005 album "Tissues
And Issues." That's right, 10-years ago, now here comes Madonna
ripping it off and quite poorly might I add (what's the sense of
using Photoshop to that extreme degree, then when people see you
in public...). As usual, Madonna is breaking the law stealing
copyrighted works for her fake, fraudulent career that has been
a complete and utter rip off from day one.
Madonna Rips Off More Music From My
Copyrighted Catalog
Madonna "Hard Candy" Copyright Infringement
(Part 1)
Verbatim Rip Offs Of My Preexisting Copyrighted Music
April 28. 2008

As some of you know, Madonna criminally infringed more
items from my
Copyrighted Catalog
again. I have not had time to list out all the infringements in detail today, as it is
very time consuming and I am very busy, but I have listed a few in Part 1 of this
Read below the songs for my opinions on her latest acts of criminal
copyright infringement, among other things.
The infringements are color coded and go from left to right
throughout the boxes below. My copyrighted
works, that PREDATE MADONNA'S RIP OFFS BY YEARS, are in the left column and her
rip offs on the "Hard Candy" CD are in the right column.
The third copyrighted song listed below "A
Miles Away" that she ripped off for her new song "Miles
Away" is actually 3 YEARS OLD (registered with the Copyright Office
November 22, 2005).

ripped off many artists' copyrights
For background on it, for those of you who don't
know, Madonna's has been infringing my copyrighted works over and over again.
She has repeatedly ripped off verbatim, distinct items, unique to my copyrighted
works that have been in existence and under federal and international
protection, well before she did so.
Currently, two Miami law firms are working on my
behalf regarding copyrights Madonna also spread to affiliated artists and
producers she worked with, who also fraudulently took writers credit and
royalties for the already registered songs.
However, the Madonna infringements and civil
rights violations that occurred in tandem with the case, will be handled
internationally in separate legal world venues and courts of law.

Edgar Bronfman jr
Her label, the beleaguered
Warner Music Group,
headed by Edgar Bronfman jr., and her publishers have been to this web site before
and after the rip offs occurred.

Pharrell Williams
Her producer Timbaland, among others she's
worked with (Pharrell Williams), who have also been
the subject of numerous plagiarism claims from different individuals, sent a friend
request to my MySpace page from his music company's page, when he
should not have known who I am either.

The reason they know is because they are
in possession of an illegally made copy of my preexisting
Copyrighted Catalog
which they have been using in criminal violation of domestic and international law.
Girl" ©2006
9-11-2006 (©
certificate: PAu3-088-617) and 9-20-2006 (© certificate:
PAu3-083-946) domain name ©2007
"Incredible" by Madonna
"Hard Candy" CD |
My song is about meeting a great guy,
things going well in life and feeling celebratory about the whole
thing. Her song rips off my copyrighted song TWO YEARS LATER. The
songs are about the same thing, have mutual, verbatim lyrics and the
same rhyme scheme. |
Incredible girl
We are the future
Don’t tell us how to be
Incredible girl
We are the future
Love and unity
Verse 1:
I feel so free
Life is good to me
I’m loving the days
I just got a raise
Met the man of my dreams
And he is what he seems
Things are happening for me
Oh the possibilities
Incredible girl
We are the future
Don’t tell us how to be
Incredible girl
We are the future
Love and unity
Verse 2:
(Just tell them)
I’m an incredible girl
One of the best in
the world
Don’t let them get you down
You must stand your ground
You be you
And love you too
They can’t tell you how to be
Tell them just let me be me
Incredible girl
We are the future
Don’t tell us how to be
Incredible girl
We are the future
Love and unity
Verse 3:
I don’t care about what they say
I’m gonna be me anyway
I’m gonna have fun with
I’m gonna run
with it
I’m gonna be free
I’m gonna be me
Look, listen and see
God smiled on me
He made me an incredible girl
One of the best in the world
Incredible girl
We are the future
Don’t tell us how to be
Incredible girl
We are the future
Love and unity
I’ll make Eminem black
Jordan shoot wack
Jeter miss
And Elton kiss, a girl
The best in the world
Make Pele forget to play
The Dodgers leave LA
Make Beckham go offside
Gordon forget his ride
We are the incredible
We are the best in the world
I’ll beat this world
At its own game
When all is said and done
You will know my name
I’ll beat this world
At its own game
When all is said and done
You will know my name
Incredible girl
We are the future
Don’t tell us how to be
Incredible girl
We are the future
Love and unity
Incredible girl
We are the future
Don’t tell us how to be
Incredible girl
We are the future
Love and unity
. |
(Hey girl)
Just finish what we started
(Let's finish where we started girl)
Incredible (Hey
Just one of those things
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
(Can't get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)
And one of those things
That used to get you down
Now have no effect at all
life is beautiful
(Can't get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)
Remembering the very first time
You caught that some ones' specials eye
And all of your care dropped
And all of the world
just stopped
Just one of those things
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
(Can't get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)
And one of those things
That used to get you down
Now have no effect at all
Cause life is beautiful
(Can't get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)
Just one of those things
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
(Can't get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)
And one of those things
That used to
get you down
Now have no effect at all
Cause life is beautiful
(Can't get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)
I remember when
You were the one
You were my friend
You gave me life
You were the sun
You taught me things
I didn't run
I fell to my knees
Just one of those things
When everything goes incredible
And all is beautiful
(Can't get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)
And one of those things
That used to get you down
Now have no effect at all
Cause life is beautiful
(Can't get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)
Let's finish what we started
You're welcome to my party
I don't want this to end
I am missing my best friend
It was incredible
There is no reason
(Sex with you is...)
Incredible (Hey
Just finish what we started
(Let's finish where we started girl)
Incredible (Hey
You're welcome to my party
(I'm coming to your party girl)
Don't want this thing to end
I'm missing my best friend
Yes it was incredible
There's no reason to pretend
It's incredible,
It's incredible,
It's incredible,
It's incredible
(Sex with you is...)
Let's finish what we started
You're welcome to my party
(I'm coming to your party) (x2)
Incredible (Hey
Just finish what we started
(Let's finish where we started girl)
Incredible (Hey
girl) |
by Aisha
(© certificate:
PAu3-340-689, 9-7-07) |
Not Me" by Madonna and Pharrell Williams 2008
"Hard Candy" |
My unreleased song,
that was copyrighted years ago, is about a successful, wealthy woman
with a great career and a lot of possessions, who is being cheated
on by her husband, that's having an affair with another woman that
tries to morph into his wife in how she dresses, does her hair, acts
and conducts herself. Madonna's new rip off song "She's Not Me" is
about the exact same thing with verbatim rip offs of my lyrics as
well. Both songs even start of with the word "She" in the song
titled" with "she repeated over and over again while listing all the
unethical things the woman is doing. |
She had a
great career
She had a successful husband
Beautiful children
Beautiful house
Beautiful car
Beautiful life
She was envied by the one’s
She thought to be her friend
They tried to be like her
Instead of realizing the uniqueness in them
That the Lord gave them
They tried to live like her
Look like her
Some even slept with her husband
In a subconscious effort to validate themselves
Their looks and their lives
And to feel they were
more beautiful
Than she was
Whether women like to admit it or not
There are women out there
That envy other women
And try to compete with them
They caused her so much pain
What was her crime
She prayed
That her dreams would come true
And they did
A husband, career and kids
She led a good life
Things like these can cause so much strife
And cause people to lose their faith
best friend
Girl’s best friend
Some friend
Stab you in the back
in the end
I’m trying to live my life
But she is trying to take it
She’s got her hair just like
Wants your man
Your house
Your car
She is so jealous
She wants your man
She’s no friend
Don’t let her get you in the end
Don’t let her in your life
Get your own
I’m his wife
He’s mine
And it hurts you to see
When he says
he loves me
Get over it
I should have seen the signs way
back then
When she told me that you where
her best
And now she's rolling rolling rolling
and you where stolen stolen stolen
She stared dressing like me
and talking like me
It freaked me out
She started calling you in the middle of the night
What's that about?
I just wanna be there when you discover
You wake up in the morning next your new lover
She might cook you breakfast
And love you in the shower
The flavor of the moment
Cause she don't have what's ours
She's Not Me
She doesn't have my name
She'll never have what I have
It wont be the same (it wont be the same)
I should have seen the sign when you weren't here
Under a different light it's oh so clear
She was stealing stealing stealing
and now your feeling
feeling feeling
She started dying her hair
and wearing the same
perfume as me
She's stared reading my books and stealing my looks and lingerie
She's Not Me
She doesn't have my name
She'll never have what I have
It wont be the same (it wont be the same)
She's licking her lips and she's batting her eyes
She's not me
She's got legs up to there and such beautiful hair
She's not me
Oh devoted for life
make a beautiful wife
She's not me
If you spend some more time I guarantee we are fine
She's not me
I know I can do it better
If someone wants to pimp your style
and hang with you a little while
And make up all the little things you like
You gonna have to watch your....
Never Letchu Forget (She's Not Me)
She's No Me and she'll never be (reapeat 2x)
Gotta find a new way to show your feelings
I guess it was some bullsh*t say
you love me love me
Guess my expectations hit the ceiling
When you come back it will cost us trust, trust me
She's Not Me
She doesn't have my name
She'll never have what I have
It wont be the same (it wont be the same) |
"A Million
Miles Away" by Aisha
November 22, 2005
(© certificate:
PAu3-038-744) |
"Miles Away" by Madonna 2008 |
My mind is a million
miles away
But my thoughts are with you today
Its funny how the mind strays
But the heart
As my thoughts fray
Over the days
the ways
My mind is a million
miles away
But my thoughts are with you today
Its funny how the mind strays
But the heart
As my thoughts fray
Over the days
the ways...
The only
my mind can find
Is of you
What am I gonna do
Tore us apart
But you were always in my heart
I miss you
I want you back
Being young
You don’t understand
The plan
I just woke up from a fuzzy dream
You never would believe those things that I had seen
I looked in the mirror and I saw your face
You looked right through me, you were
miles away
You always love me more,
miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles away
So far
So far away
So far away
When no one's around then I have you here
I begin to see the picture, it becomes so clear
You always have the biggest
When we're six thousand miles apart
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we’re at our best when we're miles away
So far
So far away
So far away
I'm alright, don't be sorry, but it's true
When I'm gone you'll realize
That I'm the best thing that happened to you
What kind of dog steals from a minority. You
don't get much lower in life than stealing from a minority. How is that
something to be proud of. She is so pathetic. What kind of animal do you have to
be to do something like that. What kind of loser consistently does
something like this.
This nasty obsession with stealing from and
harassing someone that expressed in no uncertain terms that they think you are
horrible and disgraceful. Don't you have any pride. You consistently shame
yourself and your family with this. You are psychopathic. You're a sick,
demented old witch who is a real nut job.
It is the sickest thing I've ever seen in my
life. How does someone get so messed up in the head that they do things like
this and on a regular basis.
Unwanted Contact
Then there's the unwanted contact. Madonna's
commissioned hacker sent me three vile, harassing emails last week, that have
been traced back to the same IP address that keeps hacking into my computers
where the Copyrighted Catalog has been stored.

Then there was her producer, Timbaland, sending
a friend request to MySpace page a couple months ago, knowing they had committed
criminal copyright infringement for her forthcoming "Hard Candy" CD.
Before that, it was a Warner Bros artist named
Kyle sending me a harassing email.
Then there was a bizarre, threatening phone call
to my unlisted number, about Anthony Pellicano, Madonna's PI and that of her
lawyer and former manager, containing taunting comments that they have the FBI
in their back pocket and nothing is going to come of such cases.
If I were you, I wouldn't be worried about the
domestic scope of things, but the international legal angle. Robert Mueller
can't help you with that. Check the international legal rulebook.
Madonna Lied About Origin Of Song

nutters Guy Ritchie And Madonna
Madonna is also such a pathological liar. After
I stated on this site that she ripped off more of my copyrights again, she did
an interview and lied, saying the new song "Incredible" that is a dead rip off
of my song "Incredible Girl" which was copyrighted almost 2 YEARS BEFORE her rip
off, is about having sex with her husband Guy Ritchie, when people in London
know he's cheating on her and hates her.
Who are you really kidding. You further
humiliated him in said interview and made him and yourself look stupid, when you
stole a song that's been in existence for 2 YEARS then claimed you wrote it
about him.
That song isn't about either one of you
weirdoes. I wrote and copyrighted that song about me 2 YEARS AGO.
It's been on my web site for a year and a
half on the
MILLIONS of people have been to my sites
according to irrefutable Traffic Facts data, blog stats and link referrals, and
have seen the songs' lyrics and heard the clips. Then here you come like a loser
How do you explain that some thing millions of
people have seen and heard online that has been in the Copyright Office in
Washington, DC, you ripped off 2 YEARS LATER!
Furthermore, look at the idiotic way she
butchered my songs with those moronic, nonsensical, simpleton lyrics. Who writes
like that. Your writing is so poor, one would think English is not your first
language. At least then you'd have an excuse for writing in that manner.
The songs don't even make sense anymore. The rip
offs look like hodge podge madness that don't go together. There is no way you
have a 160 IQ as you publicly claimed, and ironically, you started saying this
after I did about myself.
44. Previous Items Madonna Stole From My Released And
Unreleased Copyrights - Some Of Which She Fenced To Others In The Industry That
Are Linked To Her Via Other Business Deals, Partnerships And Government Business
Records (IRS ect):
1. "Hung Up" by Madonna
BOYCOTT THIS SONG - audio and lyrical
comparisons coming soon.
"Sorry" by Madonna
BOYCOTT THIS SONG - audio and lyrical
comparisons coming soon.
3. Madonna's pictures from
"Greatest Hits Volume 2" CD
4. "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani
- audio and lyrical comparisons coming soon!
5. "Can I Live" by Nick Cannon
- click links for song comparisons to show the deliberate theft of my
copyrighted work.
My 2004 Why Did This Happen To Me
piano riff vs.
Nick Cannon's 2005 Can I
Live Piano riff
Now listen to them back to back and you hear the crystal clear
duplication of my piano riff
That's a clear rip off
of my piano riff - he only sped up the tempo to hide the theft. It is
clear he stole my original piano riff and used it for April 2005's "Can
I Live" and I have a copyrighted unreleased song from July of
2004 called "Let Me Live" and another titled "Unborn" which is about abortion as well, that I
dropped from the album at the last minute in December 2004 due to lack
of space, opting to write a December 2004
article about abortion
instead. Nick Cannon clearly plagiarized the article for his song,
applying it to himself and his circumstances in addition to deliberately
stealing the copyrighted piano riff from my copyrighted song "Why Did
This Happen To Me," which I referred to on this site as my best song
from the album "Aisha."
My song was released
and copyrighted way before Nick Cannon's. He's got absolutely no excuse
for this. He did this deliberately. Even gave it a Christian bent like
my song - when his songs in the past have been about partying, getting
drunk and chasing women (Even MTV noted that and questioned the sudden
change in direction by Cannon).
I haven't had a chance
to go over his new CD, but when I do, if I find anything else, it will
be added to the lawsuit and the financial damage amount will increase.
6. "Streams Of Consciousness" by
Britney Spears, Madonna's fellow Kabbalah cult member and collaborator, (stole concept of and plagiarized this site's Sound Off Column
and Diary page on several occasions). Listed in greater detail in the lawsuit,
which even more detailed comparisons to be presented in court.
7. Disney's "Princess Diaries 2"
movie - see lawsuit for detailed list of comparisons.
Via one of the companies she illegally fenced my work to, Disney, who
she has business ties to, a character on Disney's
"Raven" named Myisha (which is like my name Aisha)-
the character was a
black blonde haired singer with a song that has the same lyric as my
previously copyrighted and released song "Contemporary Girl" about a old fashioned girl
with a private jet. Disney changed the lyric to a simple girl with a
private jet. The song bares the same melody as well.
9. "The Prince And Me" movie
directed by Martha Coolidge
10. "Material Girls"
movie directed by Martha Coolidge for Madonna's Maverick
11. Poster for Madonna's husband's
film "Revolver"
12. Artwork for Madonna's "Confessions On A
13. "Madonna's Inspirations" book
14. Items from Madonna's "English Roses"
15. Madonna's current
cell phone giveaway contest.
16. Madonna's "Confessions on A Dance Floor" BOYCOTT THIS CD
Forthcoming "Tonight He Comes" movie BOYCOTT THIS FILM
Forthcoming "Valentines Day" movie BOYCOTT THIS FILM
"American Life" by Madonna
Contemporary Girl
(Original Version 2001) then listen to American Life
listen to both beats together in the proceeding clip and you will see they match. They have the same
amount of beats in the musical refrain/melody and follow the same rhythmic
pattern. They stole my drum beat and made it into a synthesizer pattern/techno beat.
"Contemporary Girl" and "American Life" combined:
click here to hear both beats combined
1. Both
songs contain similar lyrics. In each chorus, my song "Contemporary Girl"
contains the lines "Modern Society" at the beginning of the refrain. In
her rip off version "American Life" the lyrics contain the words "Modern
Life" in the beginning of the refrain. The phrase “Modern Society”
can be used interchangeably with the term she put in "American Life," “Modern
Life” as both phrases can be used to mean the same thing.
"Contemporary Girl" the lyric in each chorus goes: “In a modern society,
that gave you the right to be in control.”
American Life the lyric in each chorus goes “This type of modern life -
Is it for me?”
2. During
the rap on "Contemporary Girl," I rap about the things contemporary women have.
During the rap on "American Life," she rapped about the things she has. Both
songs list similar things, in the same manner and both raps contain a “jet”
as one of the items owned.
"Contemporary Girl" the lyric goes: “a private jet for you to fly out.”
"American Life" the lyric goes: “Three nannies, an assistant and a driver and a
3. In "Contemporary Girl" the
lyric goes" “You can’t be the man, when you’re a girl.”
In "American Life" the lyric
goes: “I tried to be a boy. I tried to be a girl”
It's the same pun
about feminists, but once again, she stole the lyric and rewrote it in such as
way as to supposedly not get caught.
In "Contemporary Girl" the lyric goes:
“No matter what your friends say”
In "American Life" the lyric
goes: “I tried to find a friend”
5. In
"Contemporary Girl," I write about eating in the rap, the lyric goes “business
brunch, the power lunch.”
In "American Life" she writes
about eating in the rap, the lyric is “I'm drinking a Soy latte. I get a double
6. As I wrote above, in
"Contemporary Girl," I list all the things contemporary women have during the
rap section:
Hard nosed
Battle-ax with a fax
The business brunch
The power lunch
Net and gross
Who makes the most
Spreadsheets and requisitions
Mergers and acquisitions
Real time and the bottom line
Corporate takeovers and leveraged buyouts
A private jet for you to fly out
Just having your fun
Ms. hard as nails
But cry when you break one
You only care about how much you earn
But when will you ever learn
In "American Life" she raps
about all the things she has during the rap section:
I got a
lawyer and a manager
An agent and a chef
Three nannies, an assistant
And a driver and a jet
A trainer and a butler
And a bodyguard or five
A gardener and a stylist
Do you think I'm satisfied?
I'd like to express my extreme point of view
I'm not Christian and I'm not a Jew
I reiterate, she went over the song and tried to rewrite it, as both songs’
lyrics follow the same order and share mutual lyrics. There are too many
similarities and they follow the same song structure as well.
7. In "Contemporary Girl" I
make references to God, as I am a Christian. I’ve written about Christianity on
my web site many times. In the song "American Life" she makes references to
Christianity and Judaism, and is now busy writing and speaking about the Kabballah religious cult she belongs to. She hadn’t written about or spoken of
it before, as she has now. All of a sudden she is pushing religion via a cult,
which is absolutely appalling. Even worse, she’s been accused of trying to teach
her religious cult’s beliefs to kids via her poorly written children’s books.
8. Both songs have very similar
melodies and grooves/beats. Listen to the electronic groove/beat in "American Life" and you will
see they got it from my track "Contemporary Girl," as it’s the same melodic pattern and rhythm as my beat with the accent on the last note of the
musical phrase. Madonna, Mirwais and Missy Elliot did the song, which took my
drum beat and made it into a synth pattern that runs throughout the song "American
Contemporary Girl
(Original Version 2001) then listen to American Life
listen to both beats together in the proceeding clip and you will see they match. They have the same
amount of beats in the musical refrain/melody and follow the same rhythmic
pattern. They stole my drum beat and made it into a synthesizer pattern/techno beat.
"Contemporary Girl" and "American Life" combined:
click here to hear both beats combined
As the
combined songs show, both have the same rhythm, breaks, time and melodic
pattern, only my drumbeat was made into a synth sample - which is why when
played together both the "Contemporary Girl" drum beat and "American Life" synth are
in complete sync. It's the musical equivalent of a tenor and soprano singing the
same line at the same time - different ranges, but they are singing the same
test, for all you home studio producers, if you run the "Contemporary Girl" beat
listed above through efx processors, synth simulators or certain vocoders, you
will come up with the "American Life" techno synth that's heard in her rip off.
When you
put the beat for "Contemporary Girl" and "American Life" in a music recording program, as I did to render the comparative mix
listed above, the wave files even
look the same to the point that you think it's the same song or a copy and paste
(in the recording software).