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Madonna The Murderer Menacing Madonna Killed Off Director Robert Altman With Harassment Induced Heart Attack He Blamed Her In His Memoirs October 27. 2008
The witch is like "Silence of the Lambs" "The Terminator" and "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle" all rolled into one. Award winning film director Robert Altman, wrote in his memoirs before he died, that pop devil Madonna through persistent harassment, hounding and chronic crazy calls and communiqués, gave him a heart attack…literally. He wrote of her terrible, stalker-type, menacing conduct in his memoirs, squarely blaming her, but little did he know at the time, it would be the heart attack that would end his life. That makes her a murderer. He said she antagonized, hounded and harassed him so much over a film he directed her in, that he collapsed one day on his doorstep. He was taken to the hospital suffering from a heart attack and died days later.
Robert Altman before Madonna killed him via a harassment induced heart attack She is the spawn of Satan. It’s amazing how an untalented degenerate, who can’t sing,
She also harassed and hounded another director. Abel Ferrera complained that she bombarded him with vicious, threatening faxes over the movie Dangerous Game, which he directed her in. The movie bombed and was laughed at by critics, who panned Madonna across the board. It's the same story with all her films. How is that the directors' fault. She's not an actress. She's complete rubbish. She is a no talent hack that is very deluded about herself. If she weren't so garbage, these films wouldn't turn out so appallingly bad. That's right, I went there! She is a waste of good film. Most people would rather watch grass turn brown than watch that witch on the big screen.
Why does she always insist on bombarding people with emails, phone calls and or faxes, like a crazy stalker that doesn't know when to quit. If that witch did not sleep with
known DJs and executives in the 1980s to get a record deal and fame, then
stole everybody else's songs and images, she'd be that creepy lunatic in
the neighborhood,
As someone who has been a target of her sick harassment and invasion of privacy,
that saw her illegally steal items from my
looking beatdown and teary eyed after leaving the
The severe stress they placed on me with the
constant criminal harassment and the attempts on my life that she paid for,
which match up to misconduct people in her circle have been caught doing before
(Anthony Pellicano), sent me to the
hospital with stress related physical trauma doctors discovered during a
scan, after I went there with a severe headache.
Why is she so crazy and sick. Why does she keep targeting innocent people harassing them with her insanity. How does a person become that criminally insane and disturbingly obsessive, that they harass, hound and pry so deeply into the lives of others, to such sick extremes, to menace people that never did anything to them. She behaves like such disgusting, vulgar common trash. She has no pride to be doing this madness and the public knows, hence her career flatlining. |
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