FBI Lawyer Who
Fabricated Evidence To Fraudulently Obtain Warrant
To Spy On Former President Donald Trump Gets A Slap
On The Wrist In Avoiding Prison Time
February 25. 2021

FBI attorney Kevin E. Clinesmith
Crooked and devious Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI) lawyer,
Kevin Clinesmith, 38, who committed felonies
in attempts at framing Carter Page, the advisor to
former U.S. President, Donald Trump, will avoid
prison after being found guilty of said crimes.
Clinesmith edited and corrupted an
email submitted as evidence to the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court, to obtain judicial
warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Clinesmith
was warned Page is a CIA agent and to back off.
However, sensing a criminal opportunity to illegally
spy on a presidential candidate they could not
control, he broke the law in obtaining a fraudulent
warrant with fake evidence. Once again,
the FBI are sniveling liars.
For years I have stated on this
the dirty, racist slave traders known as the FBI,
have been illegal spying on innocent people by
unethically and fraudulently branding individuals
terrorists, spies or criminals, in order to get
judges to sign surveillance warrants.
The corrupt FBI deems it "jazzing up
warrants to get what we want." However, they are
violating the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code. The
majority of these FBI warrants are fraudulent, as
spying on innocent people is a crime. The FBI has
obtained the majority of these warrants for reasons
that are political (power grabs) and financial
(economic espionage).
As usual, the corruption within the
FBI extends to the court system and guaranteed
Clinesmith a slap on the wrist. However, the joke is
on them. I predict that in the future all this FBI
corruption the public has been witnessing for the
past few years will lead to the closure of the
agency and the arrest of some of its officials and
agents, both past and present, with real prison
sentences issued.
The FBI is destroying the U.S.
government's name in America and the world, not to
mention harming humanity with their crimes. Innocent
people have died because of crimes the FBI has been
committing. There's no fixing that.
Sarcastically speaking, you at the
FBI can continue with the corruption and criminal
behavior. I predict in the future it is going to get
you, the FBI, declared persona non grata all over
the world in absolute disgrace, acrimonious
televised legislature hearings and stiff prison
sentences the good old boys network will not be able
to get you out of in any measure. And I've been
right about my other predictions concerning you (Exclusives).
No prison for lawyer who
doctored email in investigation of Trump
Published January 30. 2021 12:05AM |
Updated January 30. 2021 1:08AM - WASHINGTON - The
former FBI lawyer who admitted to doctoring an email
that other officials relied upon to justify secret
surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser was
sentenced Friday to 12 months of probation, with no
time behind bars.
Prosecutors had asked that Kevin
Clinesmith, 38, spend several months in prison for
his crime, while Clinesmith's attorneys said
probation would be more appropriate. Clinesmith
pleaded guilty last summer to altering an email that
one of his colleagues used in preparing an
application to surreptitiously monitor former Trump
campaign adviser Carter Page during the bureau's
2016 investigation of Russia's election
U.S. District Judge James Boasberg
said that Clinesmith's conduct had undermined the
integrity of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Court, which approved the FBI's flawed applications
to surveil Page. "Courts all over the country rely
on representations from the government, and expect
them to be correct," Boasberg said...
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Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
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