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The FBI Is Criminally Violating Interagency Cooperation With The Police

June 12. 2020

Former FBI director James Comey, former FBI director Robert Mueller and former assistant FBI director Andrew McCabe

I've broken a number of stories on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after witnessing them commit crimes behind the scenes. The items I wrote about the FBI, which later proved true in the mainstream press and Congress, are listed below in the links section of this article and on the site exclusives page.

The FBI maintains an "interagency cooperation" directive, as well as a "Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)" program, where they use the resources of other agencies and entities in law enforcement, such as the NSA, CIA or local police.

However, the FBI has been criminally abusing said "interagency cooperation" by using police officers, whom FBI agents look down upon and derisively refer to as "plebs" behind their backs, to follow and approach subjects the agency is illegally spying on for political and financial reasons, in criminal violation of congressional law.

It is done to spy on, intimidate, bully and harass innocent people the agency illegal targets for politicians or for entities in corporate America (financial reasons).

It is a grotesque waste of many millions in taxpayer money on a yearly basis (federal and state) and an abuse of authority on the FBI's end. It also wastes police time and budgets, which comes out of local cities taxpayer money.

And if there's one thing the FBI loves to do, it's waste taxpayer money, as I previously reported in what was later confirmed by the Inspector General (The FBI Slammed In Inspector General's Report For Spending $42,000,000 Per Year In Taxpayer Money Paying Informants Including A Pedophile).

The FBI contacts and dispatches cops, feeding them false information on the subjects they illegal have under surveillance, making them think they are browbeating and terrifying a perp who is about to or has committed a crime.

However, the entire thing is a criminal act of fraud on the FBI's end, in using visible symbols of authority, such as the police, to terrorize and terrify innocent people they are trying to psychologically breakdown and abuse for illegal reasons.

FBI director Christopher Wray

Some of the people subjected to this abuse by the FBI, who are misusing the police to accomplish this sick goal, are select journalists, bloggers, peaceful activists, scientists, inventors, lawyers and small business owners, among others.

Not only does the FBI conscript unwitting local police into their illegal madness against subjects, as they are called by law enforcement, they also misuse other items such as police helicopters, drones and fire rescue trucks/vans. I have photo, video and written evidence of these criminal abuses that I will publish at a later date.

The FBI has used this to bully inventors and scientists they seek to illegally strip of their inventions, because large companies in corporate America seek to illegally profit off their intellectual property.

Journalists and bloggers who wrote unflattering stories about select politicians, exposing their illegal conduct, such as former U.S. president Barack Obama, among others, were subjected to this abuse by the FBI, misusing the police.

The way it works is the FBI sends a cop after the subject at places such as restaurants while dining, in stores while shopping, at the ATM while lawfully accessing funds, ect.

The cop closely and very visibly follows the subject around and makes contact in a threatening/intimidating manner, uttering speech that is meant to terrify the person. It's all completely illegal.

The FBI does this on a regular basis in acts of criminal harassment, similar to conduct carried out in the COINTELPRO program they never got rid of, though they lied to Congress and the world in stating they discontinued it in 1971 (after they used it to murder people like civil rights heroes Martin Luther King Jr and Medgar Evers, among many others).


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