The FBI's Secret File Room
March 30. 2010

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
An article in the Boston Globe this week, confirms previous Judiciary
Report claims, regarding the
FBI moving files out of their main offices
and hiding them, when certain Freedom of Information Act requests come in,
for information they do not wish to see the light of day in the public
domain, as the
agency's conduct in said matter is very illegal and immoral. The Judiciary Report previously wrote on
February 10, 2009,
"They will hide files, compress them, move them out of the office, even
deliberately list them under misspelled names in their database, to keep
unconstitutional investigations quiet, which is illegal."
The Globe published an article about a secret off-site room the FBI
hides files in, to thwart Freedom of Information Act searches and
requests. The Judiciary Report was tipped off on this matter a few years ago
and began writing about it as a matter of public interest. It is
appalling to think, in a democratic government, such criminality and
lack of transparency exists, at the hands of a rogue agency.
FBI gives a glimpse of its most secret
Globe Staff / March 29, 2010 - WASHINGTON — It is where the government
has hidden the most secret information: plans to relocate Congress if
Washington were attacked, dossiers on double agents, case files about
high-profile mob figures and their politician friends, and a disturbing
number of reports about the possible smuggling of atomic bombs into the
United States.
It is also where the bureau stowed documents considered more
embarrassing than classified, including its history of illegal spying on
domestic political organizations and surveillance of nascent gay rights
It is the FBI’s “special file room,’’ where for decades sensitive
material has been stored separately from the bureau’s central filing
system to restrict access severely and, in more sinister instances, some
experts assert, prevent the Congress and the public from getting their
hands on it...