Madonna's Deadly Hollywood Cult
Kabbalah Is Targeting British Footballer Jadon Sancho
And Other Professional AthletesJune 23.

Jadon Sancho
As stated on the site previously, sick, desperate,
deranged, washed up singer, Madonna, as been targeting young
professional athletes, to join her deadly Kabbalah cult, which
alternatively calls itself "The Illuminati" (Madonna
Has Been Forcing Young Entertainers And Athletes Into Secretly
Filmed Sex With People Who Are Not Their Sexual Preference As
Kabbalah Initiations In What Has Left Some Suicidal).
Madonna is Italian-American and the Illuminati is a
secret society in Italy, known for resorting to acts of blackmail,
coercion, villainy, violence and murder, to gain ill-gotten wealth
and social prominence. Madonna constantly promotes them in her
dubious work. Madonna's cult and the Italian Illuminati promote and
adhere to the deplorable teachings of Niccolo Machiavelli, who is a
deceased Italian philosopher that advocates people engaging in evil
and illegality to get what they want in life.
Madonna's entire career is based on theft,
treachery, debauchery and outright evil. No talent whatsoever was
involved. It is all built on criminal activity (The
Many Singers, Writers, Producers, Directors And Artists Madonna Has
Stolen From For Her Fraudulent Career).
For years Madonna has inflicted her sick, deeply
disturbed cult upon people in Hollywood, and has spread her madness
to the international community, in places such as Britain, the
Caribbean, Europe and Africa.
She has behaved like a complete criminal, exploiting
and robbing orphans in Africa in stealing their charity money (Madonna
Is Criminally Committing Charity Fraud Using Malawi's Name To Raise
$100,000,000 In Donations And Only Using 5% Of The Money On The
Impoverished African Nation Keeping The Rest For Herself).
People who donated millions and found out she has misappropriated
the money, have sued to retrieve their donations.

Jadon Sancho and his beautiful daughter
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is well
aware of Madonna's sick, criminal acts, but due to bribery to former
FBI director, Robert S. Mueller, have looked the other way to the
many felonies she has been committing with her cult, which left
innocent people dead [The
FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human
Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)]. Madonna's cult
also actively abuses men, women and children alike in very sick acts
(including rape and sexual assault).
Madonna herself was slammed by a former manager in a
book, after she caught the sick singer in sexual activity with her
underage cousin (a 16-year-old). Madonna also sexually assaulted a
17-year-old on stage in France, ripping her top off and making vile
sexual comments to the girl on stage.
After Madonna and members of her sect lure people
into the cult with false promises of massive career favors,
(criminally stolen) intellectual property, untold wealth and
prominence, they begin demanding huge chucks of their salaries. Alex
Rodriguez (and his ex-wife), Jerri Hall and Mick Jagger publicly
complained about Madonna greedily wanting a chunk of their salaries
in the Kabbalah cult.
Credible allegations exist in the industry that
Madonna and her cult also demand people do the sick initiation test
of being raped by someone who is not their sexual preference, to
prove their loyalty to Madonna.
Lesbian singers and actresses have been raped by
Madonna's Kabbalah cult in initiations. Straight singers, actors and
professional athletes have been raped and sodomized by Madonna's
cult in initiations. Madonna's sick cult have raped famous people in
America, Britain and Europe. These acts are secretly filmed and used
as blackmail. Sex tapes of these sick rapes have been passed around
the industry in what is an open secret and joke to these sickos
running the cult.
Madonna's married rabbi, Yehuda Berg, who is a
father of five, and a lunatic who began spying on me in sick ways
and then followed me on Twitter as well, was sued for drugging,
sexually assaulting and threatening to beat up and kill a Kabbalah
student. When she declined his sexual advances, he flew into a rage
(much like Kabbalah cult member Harvey Weinstein did to many women).
All the members of Madonna's cult have this psychotic rage that
flares up in an instant. They are raging, bipolar lunatics.
Interesting note: under U.S. law, each time a
person is raped or sexually assaulted, it counts as a criminal
violation of the law and towards prison sentencing, regarding the
duration of the sentence. This also applies to people who commission
acts of rape and sexual assault against others.
Madonna claims she was raped as an adult, which I
don't believe. However, she has a sick obsession with rape and
sexual assault. Madonna has commissioned acts of (attempted) sexual
assault against me. There was also an attempted kidnapping by a vile
member of Madonna's cult, whom she sent to stalk me in downtown
Miami after a court visit and a trip to the post office, where I
mailed a letter to Congress regarding her sick behavior. About an
hour later, a member of her cult grabbed me and tried to drag me
away, while making sexual comments. I started screaming and it got
people's attention, which caused him to flee. A cop chased him but
was unable to catch him.
Madonna via members of her cult she sent up to me in
Miami in other incidents, also threatened me with rape. There is
also a man who is known to be sexually aggressive and a womanbeater,
whom Madonna keeps sending after me. In my letter to Congress, I
included his name and her habit of sending him after me, which I
find alarming (The
FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human
Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)). Madonna has
serious mental problems and is a danger to the public.

Madonna has been posting photos on social networking looking
like the crypt keeper. She is hideous. She has been using rapper Jay
Z to target athletes in international football, which neither of the
two idiot entertainers know about, nor do they care for the sport.
They are greedy, foul, fame hungry opportunists.
Madonna has damaged the careers of athletes (and
entertainers) who refused to do the sick things she commanded.
Madonna issued threats against athletes, regarding getting them
benched if they didn't do what she ordered them to, then began
sponsoring online attacks against their teams. Madonna also made
threats and then contacted companies who are the athletes' sponsors,
making threats against the corporations in an effort to get them
dropped from their lucrative deals. She is vile.
Madonna has threatened the lives of famous and
non-famous people's children for not doing what she demanded. It is
one of the crimes Madonna's private investigator, Anthony Pellicano,
became known for and it was noted by law enforcement for his
criminal file. Journalists wrote about it as well. Pellicano was
sent to prison for 15-years for illegally spying on, threatening and
terrorizing people Madonna and others in Hollywood, such as her
fellow Kabbalah cult member Harvey Weinstein, paid him to illegally
place under perverse acts of surveillance and voyeurism.
I was informed in a credible allegation that Madonna
has also vindictively bribed women to make false sexual accusations
against male entertainers and athletes, who refused to do the things
she demanded. I was credibly informed that Madonna even threatened
to frame a famous entertainer as a pedophile, via using deep fakes
and fake imaging of the person with a 13-year-old boy. She is very
sick and devious. Madonna has also bribed people to make false
financial allegations against women she has illegally targeted, who
rejected her.
Madonna is also targeting famous footballers
(soccer) in the international community, telling people in her sect
to "bring him to me" regarding each one she has become obsessed
with, then demanded sex of young athletes, who find her repulsive.
Madonna becomes enraged when they spurn her
advances. Some of them are young enough to be her grandsons. Yet she
is insanely targeting them. Footballers in their teens and twenties
do not want to have sex with a muscled up, ugly looking whore in her
sixties. They have their pick of the most beautiful women in their
countries. Why would they want Madonna. Young famous men keep
telling her no, then she gets vindictive and cruel regarding them.
She is a sexual predator.
The cult has been targeting 20-year-old British
football prospect, Jadon Sancho, among others in international
football. Madonna has been insanely going after over 20 of your
favorites in international football and is spying on and terrorizing
them through her cult, private investigators and hackers.
Madonna perversely began targeting Jadon when he was
a teen (in 2018) having a breakout year, making a name for himself
in football (scoring many goals). Jadon is a young black man of
Caribbean descent (Trinidadian parents) who was born and raised in
London, England. He plays for Borussia Dortmund in Germany. He also
plays for the English national team. He is worth millions and is in
line for a big payday, as Premier League teams are scouting him for
a prominent return to his native England.
Jadon was recently photographed at an event in
Britain wearing a red string Kabbalah cult bracelet, worn by
Madonna's cult members. Madonna also did her usual in demanding he
(and others) post items related to her music on social networking
(which she's done to other young cult members). Jadon tweeted out
Madonna's song title "Express yourself" regarding a tune that was
released many years before he was even born. People on Twitter
trolled him over the tweet.

Jadon Sancho tweeted out a Madonna song title "Express
Madonna is trying to be popular with young
audiences, most of whom don't know who she is, as she's way before
their time. Articles were published in mainstream newspapers stating
this fact. Social networking has also cancelled Madonna and
pronounced she is not relevant.
Jadon has millions of followers on social networking
and she is desperate to be liked by young audiences such as his, but
they've expressed no interest (pardon the pun). People also
keep mocking her online. Once you read their tweets and posts all
over social networking, you realize the public hates Madonna.
Jadon is a talented young athlete. He also has a
young daughter. For his sake and that of his child, he needs to get
away from Madonna and her cult. They are going to ruin his life and
career, as they've done to other professional athletes (some of whom
have lost their deals thanks to Madonna and her cult bombarding them
with threats and harassment to the point they stopped playing well
and were dropped).
My dad is a former professional athlete and football
and cricket coach of many years. He and other coaches always
maintain, you can't play well with a troubled or stressed mind.
Athletes who go into matches/games with stressful things on their
minds, will be distracted, not play well and it can cause the team
to lose.
Madonna is negatively impacting the Premier League
(the most), Bundesliga, La Liga, League One and Serie A with her
insane, meddlesome, harassing and invasive behavior, in targeting
key football players with her insane, invasive madness. These
athletes are collectively worth billions. Each of the top 4 leagues
are individually worth billions. It is wrong that a meddlesome old
whore is targeting high profile athletes for financial and social
gain. The old dog knows nothing about football, doesn't even like
the sport, but is meddling in it and damaging it.
Madonna is particularly targeting the Premier League
in England, in illegal ways, as it is the richest, top ranked and
most prominent in the world. And if there's two things you don't do
in England, it's mess with their lager or football.
A terrible global scandal is coming concerning
Madonna and her Kabbalah cult. Jadon (and others she's targeting in
football) will not want their names associated with or attached to
it in any manner, as it will destroy the careers they've worked so
hard to achieve. They need to get away from her and that cult. I've
issued many warnings that later proved true and correct (Exclusives).
Don't let that old madwoman Madonna, who is a deranged loose cannon
that never knows when to quit, ruin your lives and careers.
Madonna Has Been Forcing Young Entertainers And Athletes Into
Secretly Filmed Sex With People Who Are Not Their Sexual Preference As
Kabbalah Initiations In What Has Left Some Suicidal
Madonna And Jay Z's Illuminati Cult Are Meddling In
Manchester United Again Via Romelu Lukaku After Damaging
Paul Pogba And Alexis Sanchez
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired
Private Investigator To Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s
Children Confirming Previous Site Claims
Rapist Harvey Weinstein Has 91 People Under Surveillance
By Private Investigators In Trying To Bully And Silence
His Victims
Harvey Weinstein Exposed For Hiring Private
Investigators To Violate The Privacy Of His Victims Of
Rape And Sexual Assault
Harvey Weinstein Transported To The Hospital After Being Found
Guilty In New York Rape And Sexual Assault Trial
Harvey Weinstein Tosses Walker After Being Found Guilty
Of Rape And Sexual Assault
Is The British Government Doing Enough To Protect
Athletes Such As Footballers
Madonna Threatening Athletes’ Lives In Britain And The