Rapist Harvey Weinstein
Has 91 People Under Surveillance By Private Investigators In
Trying To Bully And Silence His Victims
November 21. 2017

Harvey Weinstein drafted the list of
names himself, which is more incriminating evidence he knew
he had committed criminal misdeeds against these women
The Guardian newspaper in London is
reporting, fallen Hollywood movie producer, Harvey
Weinstein, perversely placed 91 people under surveillance,
conducted by underhanded private investigators. Weinstein
has been spying on people in a "hit list" he created and
using private investigators in trying to bully people via
deceptive strong-arm tactics, with the goal of suppressing
information regarding his acts of rape, sexual assault and
sexual harassment against women (Harvey Weinstein Exposed For Hiring Private Investigators To
Violate The Privacy Of His Victims Of Rape And Sexual Assault).
Weinstein has raped, sexually assaulted and
or sexually harassed over 100 women in America, Britain,
France and Ireland. There are currently several criminal
investigations against him for this gross misconduct that
harmed many people. On his "hit list" is defenseless
Hollywood actress, Annabella Sciorra, whom Weinstein
disgustingly raped. The pretty actress recounted the
terrible incident, which has left her struggling with Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for years (Harvey Weinstein Disgustingly Raped Defenseless Actress
Annabella Sciorra And Aggressively Pursued Daryl Hannah In A
Predatory Manner Outside Her Hotel Room).
So cruel, vicious and vindictive is
Weinstein, Sciorra and many of his victims were afraid to
speak out about the crimes he committed against them.
Sciorra tried to speak out prior to the current Weinstein
scandal that erupted in October via the New York Times, but
when the reporter called her home, she began shaking, had a
nervous breakdown and could not go forward with the
interview out of fear.

A portion of Weinstein's list
Weinstein also placed defenseless actress
Rose McGowan under illegal surveillance. McGowan also had a
nervous breakdown over being raped being Weinstein. Rape is
a very traumatic and damaging crime. Weinstein further
violated his victims in having private investigators and
their thugs swarming them, pretending to be people they are
not, to harass, intimidate, manipulate and bully them into
silence. There is something very sick about it all. Once
again, Weinstein belongs in prison. Never mind, madman
Weinstein is trying to stage a Hollywood comeback. He just
doesn't get it. He has committed scores of felonies. He
needs to pay his debt to society with a long prison stretch.
Hollywood psychopaths like Weinstein go
around wrongly thinking they are better than everyone else
and deserve a pass for terribly abusive and evil conduct.
You are not better than others. When you harm other people,
you are worse than others. Just because you are rich and
famous is not a license to exploit and abuse others.
If the FBI, especially under former director
Robert S. Mueller, wasn't so corrupt, depraved lunatics like
Weinstein would not have been able to harm so many people.
They have long been aware of the abuses being committed by
rich and famous people, but under the corrupt orders issued
by Mueller, looked the other way to the depravity and
criminal conduct. However, a time is coming when the FBI
will be held to global account for what they allowed
criminals like Weinstein and others in his cult to roam
about and criminally do in America and around the world. And
Congress is going to lynch the FBI for it.
Harvey Weinstein had secret hitlist of names to quash
sex scandal
Producer hired team to investigate 91 film industry
figures in attempt to stop harassment claims going public
Saturday 18 November 2017 16.57 EST - Last
modified on Saturday 18 November 2017 17.57 EST - The
Observer has gained access to a secret hitlist of almost 100
prominent individuals targeted by Harvey Weinstein in an
extraordinary attempt to discover what they knew about
sexual misconduct claims against him and whether they were
intending to go public.
The previously undisclosed list contains a
total of 91 actors, publicists, producers, financiers and
others working in the film industry, all of whom Weinstein
allegedly identified as part of a strategy to prevent
accusers from going public with sexual misconduct claims
against him. The names, apparently drawn up by Weinstein
himself, were distributed to a team hired by the film
producer to suppress claims that he had sexually harassed or
assaulted numerous women.
The document was compiled in early 2017,
around nine months before the storm that blew up on 5
October when the New York Times published a series of sexual
harassment allegations against Weinstein. Individuals named
on the list were to be targeted by investigators who would
covertly extract and accumulate information from those who
might know of claims or who might come forward with
allegations against the film producer. Feedback was then to
be relayed to Weinstein and his lawyers.
The size of the list – 85 names appear on
one document, with an addendum identifying another six
individuals – appears to corroborate claims that sexual
misconduct allegations against the 65-year-old were an open
secret throughout Hollywood.. Prominent stars were among the
first tranche of individuals on the list to testify publicly
against Weinstein. Among those named were the actress Rose
McGowan, who days after speaking out accused the producer of
raping her. Another was Laura Madden, who told how Weinstein
pestered her for massages at hotels in Dublin and London,
beginning in 1991. McGowan and Madden were among the first
to speak out against Weinstein last month...
Rose McGowan And Corey Feldman Mysteriously Arrested After Going
Public With Credible Claims Of Rape And Pedophilia In Hollywood
In The Fall Out From The Harvey Weinstein Sex Scandal
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Harvey Weinstein's Crimes In 2015 Due To Pressure From The FBI
And Obama White House And A Bribe
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Into Sexual Harassment And Rape In The Workplace Inflict A World
Of Harm On Their Victims
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Like Jay Z And LA Reid Who Sexually Harass Women While
Threatening Their Careers
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Their 'No Comment' On Harvey Weinstein Finally Issues Statements
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Bail In The Face Of Rape And Sexual Assault Scandal
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Her During Her Period Via Oral Sex
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Pattern Of Bribery Hollywood Operates Under
Weinstein Company Hemorrhaging Money And First Film Flops
After Harvey Weinstein Rape Scandal
Harvey Weinstein's Fall From Grace As Sexual Harassment And
Charity Fraud Claims Surface
Harvey Weinstein Labeled A Rapist Confirming Previous Site
Harvey Weinstein In Serious Financial Problems
Obama In Bad Hands In Hollywood