Harvey Weinstein Transported To The
Hospital After Being Found Guilty In New York Rape And
Sexual Assault Trial
February 25. 2020

Harvey Weinstein being taken away after guilty
Yesterday, disgraced Hollywood movie
producer, Harvey Weinstein, aged 67, was rushed to
Bellevue hospital in New York, complaining of chest
pains, after being found guilty of rape and sexual
assault. How ironic, as many of his victims suffered
panic attacks that felt like heart attacks, due to the
chest pains that accompany them.
The Judiciary Report first broke the
story about Weinstein’s sexual depravity in Hollywood,
beginning with an article in
March 2009 and
February 2017.
Then, 8-months later the New York Times and New Yorker
magazine did exposés regarding Weinstein sexually
harassing, sexually assaulting and or raping over 100
women in and outside Hollywood.
The Weinstein guilty verdict was a
moment of relief and vindication for his many victims.
Weinstein’s 30-year reign of terror in Hollywood is
over. He is finally being made to pay for his crimes
against women that never should have occurred.

Weinstein smiling when the jury took a long time
in deliberations. He thought they were going to find him
innocent. However, they found him guilty on 2 of 5
serious charges and he was remanded into custody.
After days of deliberations, Weinstein
began leaving the courtroom smirking, believing he would
be completely acquitted. However, it was not so.
Weinstein was found guilty on 2 of 5 charges (third
degree rape and sexual assault) and is facing up to
29-years in prison.
The rape conviction stems from his
sexual attack on aspiring actress Jessica Mann. The
sexual assault conviction is in reference to his attack
on television production assistant Mimi Haley. He was
acquitted on the remaining three charges of predatory
sexual assault (2 counts) and first degree rape (one
count). This was by no means a victory for Weinstein. He
is now a convicted rapist who is behind bars.
If the predominantly male jury had a
more evenly balanced mix of men and women, and people
from different racial backgrounds, I do believe
Weinstein would have been convicted of all the charges.
Nonetheless, he was still found guilty.

Jessica Mann
As Weinstein was taken away, a broken
man in handcuffs, he began having a nervous breakdown.
Weinstein complained of chest pains, as the cowardly
former movie producer could not face the prospect of the
notorious Rikers Island prison, to pay for his crimes.
Weinstein needs to stop acting like a big baby and pay
his debt to society.
Weinstein is scheduled to be transferred
to the Rikers Island infirmary, where he will receive
medical care. Once he receives medical care, he may be
transferred into the general population instead of
solitary, which is what he is fearing. It will give him
a dose of how his victims felt being cornered and raped
by a large, violent and vicious man, who threatened
their careers, paychecks and safety.
No one likes being the prey and if you
go around preying on people it will come back to you.
Much like no likes having their life and privacy
violated by deranged lunatics, who hire private
investigators for evil purposes (Rapist Harvey Weinstein Has 91 People Under Surveillance By
Private Investigators In Trying To Bully And Silence His Victims).
Then, the tables turned and Weinstein’s life was
completely investigated by the authorities, leading to
his prosecution and criminal conviction. Once again, you
reap what you sow.

Mimi Haley
The government is going to keep trying
Weinstein on various charges to keep him locked up for a
long time. California has recently filed criminal
charges against Weinstein for sexual assault and rape,
as it pertains to several victims. Weinstein sexually
assaulted and sexually harassed women in London, England
as well, which is also being investigated. Weinstein
also committed serious financial crimes in America and
abroad that he can be indicted for in different
As I have constantly maintained on this
website, the entertainment industry is supposed to be
about making music, movies and television shows. There
is no need for anyone to be stalked, threatened,
sexually harassed, sexually assaulted or raped. However,
under the Hollywood sect Weinstein belongs to called
Kabbalah, adults and children have been threatened,
bullied, spied on, sexually violated, physically
assaulted and defrauded of earnings.
Rapist Harvey Weinstein is rushed to hospital
'suffering chest pains' in the ambulance that was
transferring him from court to Rikers Island - after
shouting out 'I'm innocent' as he was convicted
Published: 11:46 EST, 24 February 2020 |
Updated: 06:07 EST, 25 February 2020 - Harvey Weinstein
was rushed to hospital by ambulance on Monday, shortly
after being found guilty of raping and sexual assaulting
two women. The disgraced Hollywood producer was said to
have been redirected to Bellevue Hospital Center after
suffering chest pains while on the way to Rikers Island
A rep later confirmed he was suffering
from high blood pressure and having heart palpitations.
It is thought the 67-year-old was still in hospital this
morning as he had not been seen leaving the medical
facility. Although Weinstein has a history of diabetes
and back problems, a source told the New York Post he
was 'faking it a little bit'.
The movie mogul is reportedly being held
in the hospital's prison ward under close watch by
corrections officers, but is not handcuffed to his bed.
Donna Rotunno, Weinstein's attorney, told Fox News her
client was being examined for heart palpitations,
adding, 'he is OK'...
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