Is The British Government Doing Enough To
Protect Athletes Such As Footballers
April 4. 2018

Previously, the Judiciary Report published the articles
Sports Teams Need To Beware As Madonna Is Targeting
International Football Players With Her Sick Cult Kabbalah
Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Is A Threat To British National Security
(Harvey Weinstein, Rupert Murdoch, Kevin Spacey). My
articles are proving true once again.
The Premier League in Britain is one of the most lucrative
sports leagues in the world. It grosses an estimated £5 billion
per year and attracts footballers and tourists alike, from all
over the world. Many Premier League teams have been in existence
since 1888, when it was called the English Football League. It
has a rich history.
The Premier League has many British footballers. However, it
also has many foreign footballers, who come to Britain on good
contracts worth millions of British pounds. They become
acclimated to life in Britain and play for their respective
football clubs. That has been the tradition for a long time.
However, in recent years a problem has arisen.
Vile pop singer Madonna and her deranged Hollywood cult, who
call themselves "The Illuminati" (which includes Rupert Murdoch)
have been criminally meddling in British institutions, such as
the BBC, British boxing...and the Premier League. Madonna and her
fellow cultists like Rihanna and Jay Z have been criminally
meddling in the Premier League and it is going to culminate into
a worldwide scandal and absolute disaster due to what they are
doing to these athletes, who do not deserve it.
The aforementioned idiot cultists know nothing about football,
its management or the financial inner-workings of how to make
these sports teams work. They are a bunch of delusional music
industry cult
crazies, who have too much time on their hands and keep engaging
in criminal mischief. As the phrase goes, "Idle hands are the
devil's workshop."
In past articles I have written about Madonna and company
stalking and harassing athletes, demanding sports stars (among
others) join the sick cult. They
promise to make them more famous and richer with outside career
opportunities, using that as the lure, but athletes soon find
out they've made a deal with the devil, as it soon turns into
illegal commissioned wiretapping, phone hacking, computer
hacking, voyeurism, threats, blackmail and demands for huge sums
of money.
As stated previously on the site, in 2005, I broke the phone hacking case
first via a police complaint I submitted to the Metropolitan
Police in London, England, regarding Madonna and her business
associate, Rupert
Murdoch, who owns News International/News Corp/Fox and their
acts of illegal wiretapping,
computer hacking, stalking, harassment and stealing
intellectual property, in commissioned acts carried out by
private investigators employed to break the law.
6-months later, in 2006,
the Metropolitan Police began arresting people who have worked
for and are associated with Madonna, Murdoch and his companies.
The Met Police and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) obtained
criminal convictions, which included charges of Murdoch's
company illegally
wiretapping the British royal family and a host of politicians,
footballers, actors, actresses and models. Most of the charges dealt
with phone hacking, wiretapping, computer hacking and breaking an entry to steal
sensitive, proprietary files or private documents, which were
used without permission in Murdoch's newspapers and for other
illegal endeavors of the cult (such as blackmail, coercion,
criminal copyright infringement).
I also gave the FBI in America documents and other information regarding
Madonna and Murdoch's private investigator in America, Anthony Pellicano,
doing the same criminal things in the United States, which they used to
gain a criminal conviction against him in court (he is currently
in prison in America).
Rather than be thankful the FBI and Metropolitan Police did not
put them in prison (though under the law they should have for
commissioning serious criminal behavior) Madonna and Murdoch
went right back to commissioned criminal invasion of privacy,
via hiring new lawbreaking private investigators, rogue telephone
company employees, hackers and thugs, to illegally wiretap,
phone hack, computer hack, stalk and burglarize people, to steal
sensitive documents and unlawfully install surveillance
equipment to surreptitiously spy on people in their homes and
businesses, behaving like demonic, hard up, perverted voyeurs
and thieves. Madonna and Murdoch are the definition of trash.
Madonna and company are currently illegally targeting Premier League
footballers, boxers, rugby players, actors, actresses, singers
and models, among others. Remember, I also broke the story
regarding Madonna criminally invading the privacy of her
ex-husband's new girlfriend-turned-wife, model Jacqui Ainsley-Ritchie,
paying a private investigator to illegally stalk and spy on them
in invasive, criminal acts (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To
Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Madonna also sent Kabbalah/Illuminati cult members from the
London branch of the sick sect to break into Ritchie's home,
disrupt his film sets and harass/terrorize his
girlfriend-turned-wife Jacqui. She's not the only model Madonna
criminally had harassed, threatened and terrorized in Britain
(in ongoing conduct).
The Premier League footballers (among others) Madonna has been
criminally targeting have been subjected to a massive wave of
mental abuse, harassment and criminal threats, via the cult
bombarding them with threatening, disturbing and abusive phone
calls, emails, texts and visits. Madonna and her cult are hounding these
people in cruel acts.
These men have been criminally, invasively and surreptitiously
spied on in acts Madonna commissioned using private
investigators, phone company workers, hackers and thugs, to gain private
information on them, to use as collateral in getting them to do
what she and the cult wants - such as donate large sums of money
from their lucrative entertainment and sports contracts and to promote the cult on social
networking and in interviews.
Madonna did this same thing to star baseball player, Alex
Rodriguez, in Miami and it came out in his divorce case,
embarrassing Madonna to audiences and social networking for
using cult techniques to brainwash and defraud him, in acts of
mind control established psychologists state cults use to
exploit people (financially and sexually).

My tweet on
On January 23, 2018, when footballer Alexis Sanchez, began
saying strange things in public, I wrote on Twitter that he, and fellow
footballer, Paul Pogba, had joined the Hollywood "Illuminati"/Kabbalah
and were pictured wearing the cult's red string bracelet on
their Instagram pages.
Madonna always demands cult members wear the red string bracelet
in social networking pictures and to promote the cult to their
fans. About a year prior, I had seen the photos on Sanchez and Pogba's Instagram pages
of them wearing Madonna's cult's red string bracelets
and shook my head, because I knew it would mark the beginning of
their descent into mental illness and that's exactly what has
Three months after I made the statement on Twitter about Sanchez
and Pogba having joined the cult and stating in that January 23,
2018 tweet "Mourinho (Man United coach) is going to have trouble with that
situation" both are now at Manchester United and in March
2018, the team crashed out of the important football
competition, the Champions League, and Sanchez and Pogba were
squarely blamed (see article excerpts below in the STORY SOURCE
section for mainstream press items "Concerns grow over Alexis
Sanchez and Paul Pogba's mental state at Manchester United" and
"Jose Mourinho blames Alexis Sanchez and Paul Pogba for
Manchester United’s humiliating Champions League exit").

Alexis Sanchez used to look so happy
Madonna has been using music managers
Simon Cowell and Simon Fuller to recruit
famous people into her sick cult that they are a part of as well. Madonna has done business deals
with Cowell and Fuller, regarding music publishing and illegal
backroom deals. They also share the same attorney. Madonna also
appeared on their show "American Idol."
Cowell and Fuller began
representing athletes and they got these sports stars involved
in Madonna's sick cult. Cowell, who currently represents tennis
player, Andy
Murray and race car driver, Lewis Hamilton, is the one who got Sanchez and Pogba
involved in Kabbalah/the "Illuminati" at Madonna's request and to their
Manchester United is one of the richest, most historic football
clubs in the world. They pay a fortune to get the top talent
(and they've paid Pogba and Sanchez a massive amount of money).
They don't do that for some deranged cult to screw around with
their investment, because an ugly, deranged, washed up pop star
(Madonna) is determined to financially rip off their athletes
for undue financial enrichment, and views criminal acts of
mental abuse and invasion of privacy as the way to do so.
Pogba and Sanchez are worth a combined £200,000,000 in
football wages, endorsements and tie-ins. Dirty, foul old
Madonna wants as much of their money as she can get her dirty, grubby,
wrinkled hands on. Pogba and Sanchez are not the only Premier
League footballers Madonna is targeting in acts that is not good
for British or world football.

Sanchez has been looking disturbed and depressed since
Madonna began targeting him for her "Illuminati"/Kabbalah cult.
He was photographed wearing the cult's red string bracelet,
shortly before his descent into depression and troubled behavior
Madonna is currently targeting other Premier
League footballers in mentally abusive, menacing, threatening,
coercive acts, who are England,
France, Germany and Portugal's best chances of doing well at the World Cup
this summer. These footballers don't deserve the abuse from that
cult. The fans don't deserve this either, as when their favorite
footballers crack up (as seen with Sanchez and Pogba in
Champions League), it ruins competitions, as athletes do not play well under mentally
abusive, threatening and harassing situations (going on off the
pitch in their personal lives thanks to a sick, meddlesome,
deranged cult).
The Metropolitan Police and Security Services should not have
permitted that sick cult to gain a foothold in Britain, which has already
resulted in three innocent people being killed by deranged
members of the sect who violently snapped under mental abuse and
brainwashing (Madonna's Kabbalah Center Opening Shop In Britain Resulted In
Innocent People Dying And Being Swindled Out Of Their Money).
Madonna and her cult are also responsible for the death and
injury of other innocent people (Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Targeting And Killing Jamaicans With The
Support Of The FBI).
Pogba's mental health has been damaged by Madonna's cult (he
is now manic depressive) and so is his career. Sanchez's mind is
gone under the mental abuse from Madonna's cult (he is schizophrenic
and manic depressive from all the mental abuse,
harassment and threats). Many members of Madonna's cult are
schizophrenic and manic depressive. The manic depression is
apparent, as one minute they are calm, then the next they
angrily or violently lashing out at people, in massive mood
swings that come without warning or explanation. Their outward
anger and rage is out of place and can occur without prompting
or for insignificant, little things that do not warrant such an
enraged reaction.
Madonna's cult are harassing and provoking these athletes (among
others) all the time, constantly issuing threats and ultimatums
of exposing them with secret things they found out via illegal
invasion of privacy (wiretapping, phone hacking, stalking,
voyeurism) if they don't give them more financial donations and
promote the sect more to their young, impressionable fans.

Paul Pogba was photographed wearing the "Illuminati"/Kabbalah
cult bracelet on social networking site Instagram
Sanchez, a native of Chile, grew up poor, became a football star
in Spain, transferred to the Premier League, started to do well
at Arsenal FC, winning trophies,
but is now falling to pieces because of the sick mental abuse
Madonna and her cult have been leveling at him. Sanchez came to England a
happy go lucky guy with a bright smile.
A couple years after, Madonna read about him online and had her
cult target him, sending Sanchez straight downhill, which is
sad. He didn't deserve that. Neither did Pogba, who also grew up
poor in France and shot to football fame, receiving lucrative
contracts in the process. These footballers train for most of
their lives to get to the top and it is being jeopardize by an
evil, greedy, malicious cult. That's not fair. These athletes
don't deserve the harassment and abuse (no one does). The
Metropolitan Police, following the FBI's corrupt lead, should
not have let this happen. World history is going to record it in
a very bad way.
It was the British government's
responsibility to protect Sanchez, Pogba and others like
them from
that vile cult. It was the FBI's responsibility to rein Madonna
in, but due to a bribe they did not and innocent people have
been rendered mentally ill (famous stars who joined the sect under a deceitful
premise), while others have died violent deaths in acts of premeditated murder
committed by Madonna's murderous cult (Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Targeting And Killing Jamaicans With The
Support Of The FBI and
Madonna's Kabbalah Center Opening Shop In Britain Resulted In
Innocent People Dying And Being Swindled Out Of Their Money).
Here's another example, Madonna has been stalking and harassing a
famous athlete in a combat sport, who lives in London. Said
athletes is from another country, but moved to Britain years ago.
He got acclimated and began doing well in British society. He
became a champion, which caught Madonna's attention (Madonna
scours social networking, the blogs and the press for popular
entertainers, athletes and models to criminally target for
exploitation and mental abuse via her cult, then she contacts
them online via email, text, DMs and sometimes through Jay Z,
Rihanna, Rita Ora, Simon Cowell or Simon Fuller).
Madonna read about him and sent her sick cult members after him.
When the athlete would not respond to Madonna's incentives,
she started issuing criminal threats. When that didn't work, Madonna sent one of her
menacing Kabbalah cult members from the the center in London to go to the
house of the athlete's elderly mother under false pretenses. The
deranged man from the cult showed up on the athlete's mother's
doorstep, pretending to be someone else and made menacing,
threatening comments that terrified the old lady, who could have
had a heart attack. This was completely illegal and disgusting.
However, that's the kind of trash Madonna is and she deserves to
be slammed for it. Madonna's cult also criminally targeted and threatened other elderly
people in London, whose famous relatives they've been targeting.
The British government has allowed Murdoch and Madonna to engage in
illegal mass spying in Britain, violating the rights of the
nation's citizens and residents in sick ways. They've allowed
Madonna and Murdoch to criminally spy on, threaten, defraud and
abuse innocent people in Britain, in criminal acts of financial
fraud and abuse.
The British government cannot say it did not know. They were
told in writing, but much like the FBI, whom they are submissive
to, they chose to arrest a few people who worked for Murdoch and
Madonna, while allowing the rich and
famous criminals behind the crimes to go free...and engage in
even more criminal activity. World history is going to record it
in a horrendous way.
Madonna, Murdoch and their sick sect are going to ruin Britain.
They are going to cause Britain to fall via a horrendous
scandal. Murdoch has been
blackmailing Prime Ministers. Murdoch and Madonna have been
blackmailing famous British people. Murdoch and Madonna have
illegally taken over the BBC (Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty
Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel
Kaluuya) and
The British Public Wants The BBC License Fee Abolished).
Madonna has been targeting Kate Middleton, whom she states is
Guy Ritchie's cousin (her ex-husband), in acts that pose a
threat to the royal family, due to the severe illegality of what
Madonna is doing. Murdoch even installed his people at Downing Street under former
Prime Minister David Cameron, who repeatedly did his bidding, to
the detriment of Britain (Andy Coulson Found Guilty In The Phone Hacking
Case (Confirming Previous Claims I Made About Him On The Site)
News Corp's Andy Coulson From The Phone Hacking Scandal Is
Struggling With Mental Illness). That insane
cult are
going to cause Britain to fall, which is not something I want
to happen, but the British government has handed over the
government to insane foreign lunatics in a sect.
It's all going to culminate into something very bad and
scandalous for the British government (and FBI), because of
those loose cannons Madonna and Murdoch, whom they've refused to
arrest, allowing them to commit crime after crime at the
public's expense. Let me explain. Madonna and Murdoch are two wild cards. Any crazy, evil
crap that comes to their minds they do it.
As stated above, I
was the one that broke the phone hacking story regarding
Murdoch. However, during the course of the case, a story leaked
that Murdoch had illegally phone hacked deceased British teen,
13-year-old Milly Dowler, who was the victim of a terrible
murder. When the story leaked and people found out about what
Murdoch did, the public became enraged. It prompted protests
against Murdoch that shocked him (and the government).
Currently, Murdoch and Madonna are doing worse things to others
than what came out in the Milly Dowler phone hacking scandal.
That's one of the problems with Madonna and Murdoch, they never
know to toe the line. They are always crossing the line. They
are always doing something illegal and evil and the British
government (and their US counterparts at the FBI) do not know how to gauge
the public and which criminal act by those two madpeople will
set the public off.
I am not encouraging violence. I think
people should keep the peace and obey the laws of their
respective nations. However, Madonna and Murdoch are
doing some very sick things the public has not found out about
yet and the government is playing with fire in allowing them to
run loose with that lawless madness they are committing against
innocent people.
Concerns grow over Alexis Sanchez and Paul Pogba's mental
state at Manchester United
Paul Pogba and Alexis Sanchez are not enjoying
life at Old Trafford
23 March 2018 • 7:34am - Jose Mourinho is facing a serious
battle to revitalise his star signings Alexis Sanchez and Paul Pogba amid
growing concerns about their state of mind at Manchester United as Zlatan
Ibrahimovic quit the club to join Los Angeles Galaxy in the United States.
Sanchez has admitted his struggles at Old Trafford in the wake of his January
move from Arsenal have left him “emotionally and psychologically exhausted”.
And Pogba has appeared relieved to join up with the French squad
this week and escape his current club woes under Mourinho, with France coach
Didier Deschamps admitting the midfielder’s problems at United were
“complicated” following heart-to-heart talks between the pair...
Jose Mourinho blames Alexis Sanchez and Paul Pogba for
Manchester United’s humiliating Champions League exit
Wednesday 14 Mar 2018 11:26 pm - Manchester United boss Jose
Mourinho believes he’s been let down by Alexis Sanchez and Paul Pogba after the
club’s humiliating exit from the Champions League. The Red Devils were knocked
out at the last-16 stage after a shock 2-1 defeat to Sevilla at Old Trafford on
Tueday but Mourinho refused to criticise his players afterwards, claiming it was
‘not a bad performance’. However, it’s understood the manager was seething with
his players in the dressing room and Mourinho believes senior members Sanchez
and Pogba should shoulder much of the blame.
Sanchez was disappointing throughout the defeat but lasted the
90 minutes, while Pogba was introduced on the hour mark for Marouane Fellaini.
Pogba, in particular, struggled to get into the game and mishit a number of
passes as United chased the game. Mourinho believes he’s had to take the flak
for the defeat but feels United’s more experienced players like Sanchez and
Pogba needed to do more to get the club through, according to the Daily Star.