One Of Madonna's
Kabbalah Center Hackers Revealed Via Court Subpoena (Photo And
Hacker's Name, Address, Telephone Number and IP
Address Revealed
Corruption From Judge Gisela Cardonne Ely And
Google Lawyer Edward Mullins
June 23. 2015

Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued
Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of Privacy, Commissioned
Criminal Harassment And Assault Via The Kabbalah Center
Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of American Taxpayer Money
Breaking The Law In America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing Egregious Human Rights
Madonna's Kabbalah Cult Targeting And Killing Jamaicans With The
Support Of The FBI
UPDATE 4: Madonna's
Kabbalah cult rabbi following me on Twitter
This is a follow up to the News Corp/News
International phone hacking story, which I broke first, via filing a police complaint
in 2005 with the Metropolitan
Police in London. I was alerted to the criminal activity, due to the
misconduct of pop singer Madonna and her business associate Rupert
Murdoch, who owns News Corp/News International. The case resulted in
a guilty verdict (Andy
Coulson Found Guilty In The Phone Hacking Case Confirming Previous
Claims I Made About Him On The Site). I also filed a
complaint with the FBI, regarding Madonna and her private
investigator, Anthony Pellicano, for invasion of privacy and
criminal copyright infringement. That case later resulted in a
guilty verdict against Anthony Pellicano (who also had 4 hackers on
staff breaking the law hacking into computers, emails and phones to
spy and steal).
Due to Madonna's ongoing criminal misconduct, I had to file a lawsuit against
tech company Google. One of Madonna's hackers hacked my Ad Sense advertising
account with Google and removed my most lucrative site, The Judiciary Report,
from the lists of sites allowed to run ads using my ad account. The hacker
exploited a design flaw and software fault in Google's software feature to do
so. As a result Google grossed over $500,000 in ad revenue from the Judiciary
Report and I was not paid my contractual portion of the funds. Madonna also
pressured Google into removing the Judiciary Report from Google News, as it
brought in more readers to my website and she demanded Ad Sense ads be stripped
from the Judiciary Report as well, after they had been restored.
I am the sole author of a very valuable, voluminous copyrighted catalog of
intellectual property works that contains over 15,000 songs, 1000 movie scripts,
movie treatments and short stories, 30 book manuscripts, 300 music video
treatments, 500 photographs, 100 photo treatments, perfume, clothing lines, nano-technology,
a solar cell phone, car line and thousands of other items. I began copyrighting
at age 14 and over the course of 24 years, I've registered thousands of pages
worth of the aforementioned intellectual property in paper and digital formats
Madonna, who has ties to Sony and Warner Bros via their
copyright/intellectual property lawyer, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, hired a
hacker to illegally hack into my business computers and copy the contents of the
copyrighted catalog and has been criminally using it without permission, selling
items from it at reduced prices to others in Hollywood such as Jay Z (married to
Sony's Beyonce), Beyonce (Sony), Rihanna (signed to Jay-Z's Roc Nation), Rita
Ora (signed to Jay-Z's Roc Nation), Jessie J (music publishing deal with Sony),
Mariah Carey (Sony), Britney Spears (Sony) Simon Cowell (Sony), Simon Fuller
(Sony) and others, who know it is stolen. The illegal funds Madonna has made
from this felonious criminal activity is stored in offshore banks, such as in
the Cayman Islands, as well as select banking institutions in America. Hollywood
is a sick, depraved industry of thieves. They're criminals. Michael Jackson's
family states he was
murdered for his
copyrighted catalog. Cooke's family states the same of his murder.
I traced one of Madonna's hackers back to a Google G-Mail email account,
after he sent me a violent, racist death threat to my site. When brought into
court via the lawsuit I filed, Google quickly began hiding evidence, while
destroying some evidence as well, which is illegal. Madonna's hacker wrote
something in the emailed death threat that gave away the fact he is one of the
Kabbalah Center's hackers, who has been repeatedly breaking into my computers.

An excerpt from the death threat sent to my
website from "Quinten Brantley." The rest of the email is being saved for court.
He stated something in the email that gave away the fact he is one of Madonna's
hackers working with the Kabbalah Center. As you can see, the email was sent to
me on Valentine's Day. Psychologists state stalkers, particularly those
suffering from Erotomania (Clerambault's Syndrome) increase misconduct against
victims on holidays and birthdays, which I have found to be true in this case.
One several of my birthdays, Madonna's Kabbalah Center does something foul and
vile regarding me.
The Kabbalah Center's perverse hackers also erected a sick, pedophilic
website called on Google's Blog Spot blogging site
and told the public it is one of my sites, when I never owned it or had anything
to do with it at any point in time. Google took 18-days to remove the offending
site after admitting in email exchanges it is not my website. It was a
fraudulent, illegal website put online by the Kabbalah Center in a sick bid to
destroy my name and reputation, while endangering my life, by not only posting
nude images of young teenage girls who appeared to be 14-15 years old, but also
posting incendiary articles I did not author about Al Qaeda's Boko Haram
terrorist group, who have killed thousands of people. Al Qaeda have also killed
writers and cartoonists they felt disrespected their religion.
I found out about the fraudulent site when doing
routine online searches to see where my articles were being used or referenced
on other unrelated sites, as not all items contain a link back to the original
source, which is an everyday problem for bloggers. That's when I noticed
Google's search engine was bringing up my,,
articles on an unauthorized site called I was
appalled when I clicked the link to view the site and saw the sick content on it
(child porn and items about Al Qaeda and Boko Haram).
After emailing Google various items to prove was
not my site and is criminally breaking the law via claiming it belongs to me,
they removed it after nearly three weeks of being alerted to the problem, which
is woefully slow and well below the national and international standard for
internet service providers. After a court hearing one of Google's lawyers,
Edward Mullins, inappropriately and arrogantly got in my face and growled that
there's "an AOL case" where a pedophilic "image of a 10-year-old boy" was left
online for years and "the judge in the case" left it online on AOL's servers.
This was his justification for Google inexcusably leaving that sick site online for weeks after being notified by me in
writing of the sick impersonation, fraud and copyright infringement in using my
actual wholesome articles and mixing them in with such filth and disgusting
Google's lawyer Edward Mullins also keeps violating my private space by
getting in my face and yelling at and bullying me after hearings, stating
completely inappropriate things, while exploding in rage like he's bipolar,
making a scene in the courthouse with lawyers and other litigants looking on in
shock. Before the hearing Google's lawyer is smiling and polite, then after the
hearings, without any provocation he storms out of the courtroom, angrily pacing
and acting like a madman with anger management issues. Prior to Mullins by
assigned the case, a soft-spoken woman, Regan Kruze was Google's lawyer, but she
left the firm after I asked in writing why she was wearing a Kabbalah Center red
string bracelet to court and kept flicking her arm back in front of me to flash
it in my face while she spoke to me about the case. It's quite telling that
Google hired a lawyer who is in Kabbalah.
Google released one item in the case regarding one of Madonna's hackers, but
scrubbed much of the data from it, leaving a fake email address (,
a fake name "Quinten Brantley" and many I.P. addresses they thought would pose
too much of a problem for me to sort through, ultimately leading to a dead end.
After I sifted through all the I.P. addresses, the first batch led nowhere, as
internet service provider Verizon responded to the subpoena I sent by stating
"file not found" which made the Google lawyer, Edward Mullins, laugh over the
However, I began tracing a second batch of I.P. addresses as well, which
turned up something, much to Google's chagrin. I independently obtained a court
subpoena listing internet service provider AT&T as the recipient, in reference
to the death threat that was emailed to my website by Madonna's hacker, using
the fake name "Quinten Brantley" via
Google wouldn't provide the real name and address behind alias "Quinten
Brantley" registered at their G-Mail service, which was used to send the threat.
However, tracing it backwards, led me to AT&T, who under a subpoena released the
name, address, telephone number and I.P. address of Madonna's hacker using the
alias "Quinten Brantley" revealing his name is Randy Vaughn of Greenville, South
One of the documents AT&T released to me under
the subpoena identifying Randy Vaughn as the user being the "Quinten Brantley"
alias and the corresponding I.P. address that was previously hidden (I have
redacted Randy Vaughn's home address, telephone number, account number and I.P.
address as a courtesy which he really does not deserve):

I did some searches online and found a profile for Randy Vaughn of
Greenville, South Carolina on the Linked In website. Randy Vaughn is a computer
specialist and electrical engineer, who works for government contractor, Fluor.
This explains so much. Previously, I nearly sued the light company Florida Power
And Light (FPL), servicing Miami, Florida, where I have been living, but they
settled with me before I filed the lawsuit.
Florida Power And Light (FPL) Claim settlement documents
(redacted for privacy and so as not to violate the terms of the settlement):

Legal settlement with Florida Power And Light before I had
it notarized, but it bears my name:
Said hacker hacked into Florida Power And Light's grid and sent a massive
amount of electricity into my home that caused computers and appliances to
overheat, smoke and give off sparks. It could have caught the house on fire
(which is ironic as Madonna's hacker Randy Vaughn, who emailed me a death threat
under the fake name "Quinten Brantley" threatened to kill me in a house fire).
This wasn't your standard power surge. It is what is known as "electronic
harassment" in legal and government circles. Florida Power And Light's grid was
criminally hacked to target the transformer outside my home on several
occasions, but that one particular time the hacker went overboard and it caused
a catastrophe. Once again, the house could have caught on fire. We had to
quickly plug everything out with the way the electronics were smoking and giving
off sparks all over the house.
As his Linked In bio reveals, some of Randy Vaughn's specialties include,
"Power generation and distribution systems, short circuit and load flow
studies...grounding, lighting, programmable controllers, uninterruptible power
supply, emergency power generation..." Translation, he is a computer specialist
with the ability to tap into light companies' power grids and cause serious
This is the "Quinten Brantley" who is a hacker
Madonna employed. He has a Linked In profile and his real name is Randy Vaughn,
a computer specialist and electrical engineer:

How ironic that Randy Vaughn lists one of
his causes as "children" when the Kabbalah Center cult he is involved in erected
the website with pedophilic images and copied my
wholesome website banner, slogans and preexisting copyrighted Judiciary Report
articles that are not pornographic or inappropriate, to make the public think
the sick site was mine. Security experts have stated this is a sick technique
used by hackers to defame and set up innocent people they criminally target.
My house was the only one in the entire neighbor this happened to, as the
hacker targeted my property, causing thousands of dollars in damage, such as
destroying a $5,000 air conditioning unit, a $700 refrigerator, a $500 built
computer, a $1,000 Toshiba laptop, music studio recording equipment and 4
televisions, among other things. Ironically, when this occurred with the
catastrophic power surges targeting my home via hacking, I was online on the
computer the Kabbalah Center kept hacking, reading about "electronic harassment"
after typing in the strange surges that had been happening in my home. Some of
the surges were so powerful you could hear them (buzzing noise), smell the
electronics burning up, see smoking coming from the electronics and appliances
and the walls of the house would vibrate. The whole thing was so sick.
Recently released items by computer security experts revealed hackers are
targeting the batteries of laptops in trying to cause them to overheat,
rendering them burned out and unusable. In doing so, some cause the batteries to
explode. I have been online when computer hacks occurred that resulted in the
computer issuing error messages about dangerous "power surges" being sent to the
Previously, a Kabbalah Center member, who kept stalking me and trespassing on
my property, checking door handles in trying to get into my home, had also
tampered with a $9.99 per month energy saving apparatus Florida Power & Light
attached to my meter, under a program they implemented. The Kabbalah Center
member removed it and it caused my electric bills to go from $200 per month to
$450 per month, which led to a field visit from a Florida Power & Light
technician, who confirmed someone had tampered with the meter and removed the
energy saving box as well.
Stalking, Harassment And Attempted Kidnapping
My life is in danger. After I mailed a letter about this case and legal
documents as proof to both houses of the U.S. Congress, regarding Madonna and
Kabbalah's criminal behavior which constitutes human rights violations, the
Kabbalah Center, who had hacked my computer and seen the print out of the
letter, sent a deranged man to stalk and confront me right after I left the post
office. He roughly grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me off to who
knows where he was headed. I started screaming and yelling, which caught
people's attention and he let me go.
Yesterday, another attempt was made on my life, where once again, I nearly
got run over by a vehicle, a harassment technique that was later revealed in
court as one belonging to Madonna's mafia affiliated private investigator,
Anthony Pellicano,
who according to documents online is apart of the Colombo family (Italian
mafia). Madonna is also connected to the mafia via an relative who was sent to
prison for extorting Steven Segall in trying to steal a big chunk of his
copyrighted share of a film. Madonna is also connected to the mafia via
ex-boyfriend and current business partner, Chris Pacello, a Miami resident, who
went to prison for robbery and murder in New York.
Corruption in the Aisha v. Google case

Judge Gisela Cardonne Ely
When Google discovered I had obtained the name of one of Madonna's hackers
(Randy Vaughn) and entered it into the court record, the next day their lawyer
committed perjury in court. The Aisha v. Google case has been presided over by
Judge Gisela Cardonne Ely, a woman many have branded the worst judge in Miami.
She is unquestionably corrupt and untrustworthy. Another case that I filed which
was assigned to Judge Cardonne Ely, was the subject of corruption at her hands,
as she illegally held a hearing ex-parte hearing and closed the case without
ever informing me of the hearing or that she had dismissed the lawsuit. It is a
horrible reflection on the U.S. judicial system. I cannot begin to tell you how
appalled I am at her behavior.
She engaged in corruption again in the Aisha v. Google case. When I entered
the name "Randy Vaughn" in the court record as one of the culprits Madonna and
the Kabbalah Center hired to engage in criminal activity, they panicked and
broke the law. Google's lawyer Edward Mullins colluded with Judge Cardonne Ely
stating I "did not file the second amended complaint" she ordered me to file
within the 20-days that Mullins agreed to (when nothing was wrong with the
previous version of the complaint that met national pleading standards for
lawsuits). If you do not file a requested document in the time frame a judge
allots, the judge is permitted to throw out the case.
Mullins swore in court, as did Judge Cardonne Ely that I "did not file the
second amended complaint" and he never received his copy by mail, which was
perjury and fraud on their part. Mullins arrogantly presented me with a copy of
the case's court docket showing no "second amended complaint." Someone had not
only illegally removed it from the file but the court's computer system as well,
in an effort to get the case dismissed. However, I had retained a copy of the
"second amended complaint" I filed and it bears the red stamp from the clerk of
the court with the date I filed it, revealing I did indeed file the item and
well within the deadline Judge Cardonne Ely issued. She issued me 20-days to
file the "second amended complaint." I filed it within 4-days.
The first page of the "second amended
complaint" I filed bearing the court's red stamp from the clerk of the court
dated May 6, 2014. However, someone criminally removed the "second amended
complaint" from the file and deleted from the court docket on the court's
computer, not realizing I had a second official copy stamped by the court clerk:

Here is a copy of the court docket Google's
lawyer arrogantly presented in court a few days ago, which shows my "second
amended complaint" was criminally removed from the court case file and the entry
that occurred on May 6, 2014 having been criminally deleted (however, I retained
the aforementioned proof I filed it):

As such, I have filed a motion for Judge Gisele Cardonne Ely reopen the case
she corruptly closed and recuse herself from the case as well. I have just
submitted a formal complaint to the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission
regarding Judge Cardonne Ely's questionable conduct in not one, but two cases
concerning me. I have also sent a copy of the entire file, complaint and
evidence of fraud to the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary. Judges
in America should not be engaging in such conduct. It is flat-out corruption.
What's particularly alarming is there is a threat to life and safety and Judge
Cardonne Ely, Google and their lawyer, Ed Mullins, did something so wicked.
I respectfully asked Judge Cardonne Ely during the hearing if she dismissed
the case "with prejudice" (meaning it can't be reopened) and she arrogantly
refused to answer, while pursing her lips and haughtily stating, "This case is
closed." Judge Cardonne Ely is known for being an exceedingly rude, highly
disrespectful and mean-spirited judge, who routinely violates the judicial
In the Miami state court, lawyers and litigants often wait in a courtroom to
have their hearings conducted before the judge. During this process, one ends up
hearing other people's hearings in the courtroom while waiting your turn. While
waiting for hearings called by Google's lawyer, I have watched as Judge Cardonne
Ely verbally abused many lawyers and litigants, speaking to them like dogs,
while rolling her eyes and or sighing like a drama queen in a very mean spirited
and arrogant manner. It is appalling. She is in there talking to grown men and
women like dogs. Who does she think she is, especially in light of the fact the
judicial cannons indicates this type of low class, ill-mannered behavior is
Another frequent complaint regarding Judge Cardonne Ely is she does not read
her cases. She is always out of the loop, asking what cases are about and
getting items severely wrong. Judge Cardonne Ely just throws out most of the
cases, not wanting to do any real work while taking huge sums of taxpayer money
in salary. She once complained in my hearing about her "3,000 case" workload. No
judge should have "3,000 cases" especially one so incompetent, rude and
The $35,000 and counting Google owes me is a debt they need to pay. They are
a multi-billion dollar corporation, who abused and ripped off an independent
writer. It's not a good look on them at all. While the $35,000 is not going to
make or break me, it's the principle of the matter. You don't rip off people and
engage in corruption in trying to get away with it.
In light of these facts, I am asking the public in Florida not to reelect
Judge Cardonne Ely to the bench. You will need justice one day and you will not
get it from her (she presides over cases such as foreclosure, domestic violence,
contract disputes ect). If you need any more proof, take a look at some of the
many complaints lawyers and litigants have posted online regarding her vile
behavior that Congress needs to address, as it is criminal and fraudulent:

13,152 jurists voted and voted
Judge Cardonne Ely the worst judge in Miami
Williams Is A Chronic Copyright Thief But Is Protesting $7,300,000
‘Blurred Lines’ Verdict Obtained By Marvin Gaye Estate
Reintroduces Songwriters Equity Act Legislation But Will It Stem The
Wave Of Copyright Infringement In Hollywood
Madonna's Rabbi At The Kabbalah Center Threatened To Beat And Kill A
Student He Drugged And Tried To Rape
Madonna's Many Acts
Of Copyright Infringement
Madonna's Pedophilic Kabbalah Center