Spying To Steal
May 20. 2009

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, illegally passes around the contents of computers the FBI spies in,
with no legal authority to do so. If you are a foreign
scientist, inventor or highly creative entrepreneur visiting or
living in America, beware of this man.
The federal government has been spying into computers and on
phone lines for deceitful purposes. Senators such as Arlen
Specter, Patrick Leahy and Nancy Pelosi are fully apprized of
the practice and the scope of its use.
It's one thing when the FBI spies into a criminal's computer
and email box in a bid to fight crime. That is appropriate and
reasonable. However, it sinks into thoroughly illegal territory, when
following the Bush directive, the FBI and NSA use U.S. spy
capabilities to steal proprietary data from companies of other
nations that do business in America.

Echelon telecommunications spy center
The fact of the matter is, the FBI and NSA, have used
and Echelon, respectively, to spy on scientists, inventors and
corporate entities of other nations, inside and outside,
America, to steal proprietary data and pass it on to large U.S.
This conduct is illegal, disgraceful and in criminal
violation of international treaties the government signed
and domestic laws that bar corporate theft. The general air of lawlessness in the corporate sector, with
the consent of the FBI and SEC, is what created the massive
financial crisis of 2008 that refuses to reverse.

Echelon telecommunications spy center
The FBI has made a few token arrests, but nowhere near what
is required to clean up and restore the markets to credibility
in the nation and around the world.
The problem is so out of hand, SEC lawyers are now being
accused of insider trading. However, who is investigating FBI
officials that are openly engaging in criminal wrongdoing.
Apart of the reason the financial fall out continues is some
of the
people sworn to maintain law and order, several high
ranking officials, believe they are above the law and have been engaging in
criminal mischief. They have no true oversight and many innocent
citizens and residents have paid a price for that.
EU probes Echelon
The system, which dates back to the
Cold War, can intercept millions of telephone, fax and e-mail
messages across the world every day. The US has been accused of using
Echelon to gain competitive advantage for its companies. France has also ordered its
counter-intelligence services to investigate the allegations.
A report to the European Parliament
last October said Echelon played a part in helping the American
Boeing company block attempts by the European Airbus consortium
to break into the Saudi Arabian market...
FBI's Sought
Approval for Custom Spyware in FISA Court
Cipav The FBI sought
approval to use its CIPAV spyware program from the secretive Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court in terrorism or foreign spying cases, THREAT
LEVEL has learned. Officials processing a
Freedom of Information Act request from Wired.com have turned up some 3,000
pages of FBI documents about the CIPAV, according to an FBI FOIA official. They
date back to at least 2005. Some 60 - 75 percent of them are internal e-mails.
Others are technical documents and legal filings. FISC hearings are
closed and the decisions secret.
FBI remotely
installs spyware to trace bomb threat
The FBI used a novel
type of remotely installed spyware last month to investigate who was e-mailing
bomb threats to a high school near Olympia, Wash. Federal agents
obtained a court order on June 12 to send spyware called CIPAV to a MySpace
account suspected of being used by the bomb threat hoaxster. Once implanted, the
software was designed to report back to the FBI with the Internet Protocol
address of the suspect's computer,
other information found on the
PC and, notably, an ongoing log of the user's outbound connections...
There have been hints
in the past that the FBI has employed this technique. In 2004, an article in
the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that the bureau had used an "Internet
Protocol Address Verifier" that was sent to a suspect via e-mail...