The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing
FBI File In Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)January 9. 2020
The FBI Criminally Meddled In Miami
Dade College Stealing Funding And Illegally Changing Answers To Tests In
Acts Of Academic Sabotage
The FBI Has Been Criminally Going
Into Hospitals And Medical Clinics In America Damaging And Killing
Patients For Political And Financial Gain (Videos, Medical Documents,
UPDATE: the Molina case
written about below was not thrown out "with prejudice"
(meaning cannot be refiled). I recently refiled it and
I'm now waiting for the Defendant and judge's response.
However, it's not a good sign when the Defendant
(Molina) is fighting two subpoenas (one not even
addressed to them) to produce documents regarding a
death threat spewing criminal they are hiding, whom
Madonna paid to threaten my life.

Barack Obama and Madonna
As stated previously on the site, in January
2019, I wrote to two U.S. Congressional committees about
mafia connected pop singer
thief Madonna, and her sick,
depraved, unrelenting and psychotic behavior (Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That
Left Innocent People Dead).
My letter also mentioned Madonna's
business partner and fellow Hollywood Kabbalah cult member,
Harvey Weinstein,
among others, who are involved in their sick sect, which
they insanely call "the Illuminati." I detailed their criminal
misconduct and the seriousness thereof, as it has cost innocent
people their lives.
Lying to Congress is a crime. If I had lied to
Congress, which I would never do, I would have been in legal trouble. However, I don't make
false accusations against anyone. The time stamped items I have stated
in writing from
day one have proven true hundreds of times after I made the
statements (see:
site exclusives).
I also sent
Congress solid proof of the sick crimes Madonna and her sick
cult have been
committing. Congress forwarded it to a senator in the state I
currently live, which is Florida (in what is standard procedure
in Congress).

The FBI's corrupt response to my Freedom of
Information Act request for my own file. Please see line
that I have highlighted in red, as it indicates they are
withholding my file under Executive Order issued by
former President George W. Bush and then Barack Obama. I
have redacted my address from the letter.
The senator, Marco Rubio, contacted me by U.S. mail
three times and email twice during the course of corresponding
about this matter. The first letter stated he will
discuss my case with the FBI. Then, another letter requested I
sign a standard congressional waiver (the "Privacy Act consent
form") giving him the permission
to discuss the case with the FBI and obtain Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) files on my
I signed the waiver and returned it to
his office via U.S. mail. Then, Mr. Rubio sent me a letter stating he
has also sent my case to the U.S. Justice Department for a
"thorough review." I am awaiting the results of the Department
of Justice's review.
One of Mr. Rubio's letters stated he asked the FBI
to respond to me directly. Another of Rubio's letters stated he
has asked the Department of Justice to respond directly to me.
Thus far the FBI is stonewalling Congress in still not wanting
to release the FOIA files concerning me and the case.
As stated
above, I signed the congressional waiver legally permitting
Mr. Rubio to obtain the FOIA files. The FBI began playing games and
stonewalling in the response they sent him. Mr. Rubio sent me a copy of
the FBI's questionable response they sent to his office.
The FBI waited until the time had elapsed where an
appeal could be filed to get the FOIA files they should have just
released in the first place. Then responded to Mr. Rubio's letter
after the time had elapsed, when they had ample time (3-months) to
do so. The FBI are a bunch of crooked, untrustworthy, dishonest
scammers and con artists. Their behavior is shameful and
All the FBI had to do was give the FOIA files to
a congressional committee or
Senator Rubio, who is in Congress on several committees. But the FBI pulled another stunt
in their ongoing attempts at unlawfully withholding it, as they
have engaged in criminal activity and a massive deriliction of
wouldn't give Senator Rubio or Congress the FOIA files, in America of all
places. This is what has me shaking my head even more, the fact
this is happening in America, which prides itself on government
accountability, freedom, justice, constitutional rights and
human rights.


The FBI's conduct via this stonewalling sent
a terrible message. What it says to me and the public
reading this is the FBI is answerable to no
one, is above the law and are of the belief they are running the country. The FBI is also
withholding the full Martin Luther King Jr FOIA files, as what
they did to him is so unspeakably wicked and cruel, they are afraid of
what the
public's reaction would be upon reading it (the
FBI had Martin Luther King Jr killed).
While I'm not comparing myself to the late,
great civil
rights hero King, whom I respect and admire as a fellow
Christian, this shows a pattern of misconduct by the FBI in
repeatedly and grotesquely violating the human rights of
innocent people, then engaging in massive cover-ups, regarding
the law enforcement agency's horrendous criminal conduct.
The sole reason I've brought up Martin Luther King
is to illustrate
how heinous this case is in reference to all the wrongs and evil
that has been done to me and the similar lengths the FBI is
going to in covering it up. It is so awful and shameful.
I have
digital and paper proof of what the FBI did in tandem with
Hollywood sect, which I will make public shortly. The FBI did
things they should not have, especially under racist former FBI
Director, Robert Mueller, in trying to help Hollywood get away
with terrible criminal behavior, in engaging in illegal
wiretapping, computer hacking, phone hacking, criminal
copyright infringement, bank fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud,
charity fraud, aggravated assault, aggravated harassment,
commissioned burglary and attempted murder, among other
Mueller set the tone for these crimes at the
FBI, as he operated the agency with the premise that Hollywood
stars are to be protected from the consequences of their crimes
(The FBI Has Been Covering For Famous Pedophiles In Hollywood For Years
Since The Time Of Robert Mueller). It wasn't until he left
office that Weinstein and Bill Cosby were arrested by local police,
not the FBI. Then, R Kelly was arrested by local police.
In September 2005, I took a trip to London,
England, where three generations of the maternal side of my family
have lived for over 40-years. On my dad's side, my
great-great grandfather is an Englishman, whose line (our
line) goes back a thousand years in English history. A second
English ancestor on my dad's side, illustrates our line goes back to
the original English people, before the Norman Conquest, with our
family name in the Domesday Book.
Therefore, I grew up with
England in my life, even as a child in Jamaica. Britain is a
place I've always loved. So, imagine my disgust at being
illegally targeted in Britain by Madonna during the September 2005
trip, carrying over the insidious behavior she has been committing
against me in America (Miami, Florida, for a number of years).
I come from a family of famous,
award winning authors and radio personalities. My dad was
also a professional international football player and coach.
I immigrated to America (Florida) at age 9 with my mom. I've
been writing literary works since I was a child, much like my other
family members did prior to me.
During the September 2005 trip to London,
Madonna commissioned terrible criminal activity against me.
She opened a branch of her sick Kabbalah cult in London,
England and has them committing terrible crimes in Britain.
During the 2005 trip to London,
I was attacked, harassed, stalked, threatened and bullied,
in commissioned acts Madonna arranged through her sick cult
Several months later, Madonna also criminally
infringed the copyrighted music videos I had filmed while I was in
London in September 2005. She had me stalked the whole trip, saw
where I had filmed and after I registered it with the Copyright
Office in Washington, DC, adding other original storylines to it,
Madonna criminally infringed it all.
After I flew from London back to Miami in September
2005, I immediately filed a complaint with the FBI. Madonna's sick
commissioned behavior, which marred my trip to London, was the final straw in a line of criminal misconduct
she had been committing and commissioning against me in
Florida, in a very unrelenting and sick manner. Under U.S. law it is a serious crime to take said
illegal stalker
behavior across state lines, let alone international ones.
In September 2005, I filed a formal
complaint with the FBI,
via U.S. mail, with proof of mailing referred to as
regarding Madonna, her depraved Kabbalah sect, who insanely
call themselves "the Illuminati" (in interviews and songs)
and their private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, who is in
the Italian mafia (the Colombo family).
Pellicano is suspected of killing a man. He
also burned down a diner in Chicago. Pellicano is also a man
who has committed assaults and menacingly threatened people
that he can, "Shred your face with a knife." Pellicano was
also the private investigator of disgraced athlete O.J.
Simpson, who hired him to follow around Nicole Simpson, his
ex-wife, who
was mysteriously murdered shortly after, brutally stabbed to death,
as was her lover, Ron Goldman. There are public reports that
people saw Pellicano outside her home less than 24-hours before she and
Goldman were stabbed to death.
After mailing my complaint to Mueller's
office and not hearing
anything back for 6-weeks, I called the FBI in Washington to
inquire about it. They gave me the Miami FBI's number and
told me to call their office. I called the Miami FBI, who
demanded I come in for an interview. I went to the Miami FBI field office,
as they'd requested.
The FBI agent (Christopher) questioned me
for about a half an hour. Then he told me to come back with
copies of my copyrights and the certificates. I went back
the next day about 15-minutes before closing with the
documents the FBI requested. The man in the reception area
told me to come back the next business day. I went back with
the documents (copies of my Library of Congress copyrights
and certificates of registration for them, as well as legal
documents concerning Madonna's criminal misconduct) the next
business day, but a few hours earlier.
The reason they wanted me back there was so a second
agent could question me (Catherine Koontz). We mostly spoke about
mobster Anthony Pellicano. I answered all her questions truthfully.
She gave me her name and number and told me the FBI would
investigate the matter and produce the standard report (as has been
done in other cases).

Former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
However, the FBI did an about face, when upon
information and belief from a very credible source responsible for
some of my many exclusives that all
proved true, Madonna bribed FBI Director Mueller. I was
told the bribe was for $1,000,000, as she committed serious crimes
against me that could land her in prison for the rest of her life,
with massive financial forfeitures in court restitution fines. As
you can see, her fellow cult member, Weinstein, is up on so many
serious charges in two criminal cases in California and New York,
that if convicted he could spend the rest of his life in prison.
I don't know Madonna, never met her, do not
want to and cannot stand the vile witch. I think she is
foul, ugly and disgusting. She saw
some of my previous copyrighted work, that I registered with
the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, and began
criminally infringing/stealing it, as she has done to
countless others.
She paid Pellicano to illegally wiretap my phones
and hack my computers. The same Pellicano the FBI agent, Catherine
Koontz, questioned me about and used what I told her, what was in
some of the legal documents I gave her and articles from this site,
to gain a conviction against Pellicano. There are time stamped items
I gave to the FBI agent, as well as time stamped items I wrote on
this site, which appeared in the Department of Justice's indictment
against Pellicano (verbatim) for illegal wiretapping, identity theft
and racketeering, ect.
The bribe Madonna paid Mueller enabled her
to continue to infringe my copyrights. She also commissioned
burglaries to my home, where private discs with newer
copyrights I authored offline and registered with the
of Congress, were stolen. However, I had back-up copies in
my bag on an external hard drive. Several weeks after the
commissioned burglaries, Madonna began announcing new
projects she was releasing that are a 100% infringement of
the discs that were stolen from my home during the
burglaries, which I had already registered in the Library of
Madonna began commissioning burglaries to my house,
as I had stopped authoring new copyrights on the computers I would
use to go on the internet, as I realized her hackers had been
hacking into my computers, illegally copying the unpublished
copyrights and sending them to her, which she would then publicly
infringe, claiming them as her own and selling them to others in
Hollywood, who knowingly bought stolen goods (which is a crime,
whether you know it's stolen or not).
The Miami Shores police began investigating the
burglaries to my home, which was only ever about stealing the
copyrighted discs (DVD-ROMs) on my desk in my home studio, which
contained newer copyrighted works I authored, my Florida ID card and
social security card. They stole my ID and social security to
commit identity theft (which is also something Madonna's private
investigator Anthony Pellicano was later indicted for and convicted
of doing).
The FBI later sent me a letter stating I am
the victim of identity theft. However, as it traced back to Madonna
and her hackers, Mueller, acting under bribery, refused to release
the file under the Freedom of Information Act. The file is classified
at the FBI's Minneapolis office (who sent me the letter).
A Miami Shores police officer also informed me
that the FBI told them to stand down (stop investigating) regarding
investigating the burglaries Madonna commissioned to steal the
Library of Congress registered DVD-ROM discs with my newer original
songs, music videos, movie scripts, book manuscripts, ect.
During one burglary, they even maliciously stole my
allergy medicine, clearly hoping I had some fatal allergy and would
be stuck without the medicine and die from anaphylactic shock. I
have allergies, but none are potentially fatal. It's items such as
dust, pollen and Dettol, among other things, that upon contact, can
product an allergic reaction on my skin (red patches, peeling skin)
and I'll start coughing and sneezing uncontrollably. However, I
don't have anything potentially fatal like a peanut or sesame
Madonna's sick criminal conduct against me has
escalated thanks to the bribe she issued to Mueller. She has sent
thugs to try to run me over with vehicles in different incidents.
One incident occurred in a pharmacy parking lot where one of
Madonna's cult members tried to run me and my mom over with a van.
In another incident one of Madonna's cult members tried to run me
over near a phone booth across from a bank that held the mortgage to
my house.
The cult lunatic made the turn too wide and ended up
knocking over the phone booth, then sped off. It occurred minutes
from Madonna's Kabbalah Center in Miami. However, I'd been using
that bank years before she opened a branch of her cult on that
street. If fact, I'd been going to the mall beside the bank since I
was 9-years-old.
All of a sudden, when Madonna began criminally
terrorizing me like a lunatic, she began sending her cult members to
target me in the places me and my family had been going to since I
was a kid. In another incident one of Madonna's cult members tried
to back over me in the supermarket parking lot with a gray Tundra
truck. The truck made contact with the left side of my body, but I
got out of the way quickly enough that I did not end up crushed
under the wheels of the vehicle.
There was an incident where I was almost kidnapped
in downtown Miami. Madonna sent one of her cult members to threaten
and grab me. I started screaming which got people's attention. Then,
he quickly ran off. A cop tried to run him down, but did not catch
Several weeks ago, before I went to court on a
matter related to Madonna's criminal misconduct, I saw the same
white van again, that had circled outside the gated community I live
in previous incidents. This time it was near the courthouse in downtown
Miami. Two men were in the front seat. As I walked towards a
photocopy shop, one of the two men in the white van, who were
staring at me, started getting out the van like he was coming
towards me. I quickly walked the other way.
Madonna refuses to stop her criminal conduct. Weeks
ago, Madonna sent two thugs in suits to
my home, who tried to get in my home under false pretenses (read
about it here:
Deranged Madonna Criminally Sent Two
Thugs To My Home). These acts constitute criminal stalking,
harassment, trespassing and fraud. My family would have come home
and found me dead (had I opened the door when they lied about being
from the management of the gated community) and the external hard
drive with my newer unpublished work, stolen by her thugs.
She is obsessed with my external hard drive with the
newer unpublished works I've authored. So much so that Madonna sent
a thug to try to yank the hard drive out of my bag at the Apple
Store in Aventura, Florida. He failed.
Prior to the incident last month, regarding the
two criminals she sent to my home, Madonna had sent other Kabbalah
cult members to confront me in different places, demanding to know
what new songs, music videos and movie scripts I've written.
I stopped registering anything with the Library of
Congress after Madonna foolishly had a songwriter threaten me that
she has people in the Copyright Office that she pays to illegally
send her copies of anyone's unpublished copyright registrations she
asks them for, then she re-copyrights it in her name and they
"backdate it" for her (which constitutes serious felonies). To
people registering copyrights with the Library of Congress, be very
careful. It is corrupted.

Former U.S. President Barack Obama and
disgraced movie producer and rapist Harvey Weinstein. Based on
interviews both men stated Weinstein was one of Obama's main
advisors, who was in the White House often. Weinstein is a member of
Madonna's Kabbalah cult, whom she illegally passed stolen movie
scripts to from my preexisting copyrights registered in the Library
of Congress. Weinstein infringed them as well.
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That
Left Innocent People Dead.

Madonna and Weinstein run the Kabbalah cult. I
first exposed Weinstein in
March 2009 and again in
February 2017,
as a dangerous sexual predator. Then, Weinstein was publicly exposed
in October 2017 by the New York Times newspaper and the New Yorker
magazine as a sexual predator.
My FBI file the agency refuses to release has
invoices/ forms (for travel, hotel, ect) and reports regarding the FBI following me to London. Not
only did the FBI follow and approach me at an internet cafe I would
go to during the Olympics, while updating this site, the agent
arrogantly demanded I write on this site that my readers are to vote
for Obama in the 2012 election (The FBI Was At The 2012 Olympics Illegally Spying
Confirming What This Site Previously Stated). The agent also harassed me in
repeatedly and angrily asking "when are you coming back to America"
like I was a runaway slave.
The FBI and Madonna believe they have found a slave
regarding me. These people think I'm a slave with no rights, who
exists for their criminal exploitation and abuse. Madonna even sent
cult members up to me calling me "slave" and "nigger." One of her
hackers, Randy Vaughn, even sent me an email calling me a "nigger"
with a death threat demanding I die in a house fire,
which he tried to make happen.

Michelle Obama (center) and close friend Harvey Weinstein
(left) whom she had repeatedly praised in the press. Weinstein was
one of their biggest donors to the Obama campaign from day one.
Weinstein was in the Obama camp from day one.
The Obama administration engaged in strange and
abusive behavior regarding me, where the FBI went to sick extremes (Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of
American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In
America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing
Egregious Human Rights Abuses).
It's such conduct from the Obama administration,
which led me to break stories such as (The IRS Targeted Christians
President Barack Obama Talks About Joe Biden In A Swimsuit
where Obama used a preexisting joke from this website, not to
Are My Lyrics In Michelle Obama's Speeches). Obama has even
bragged in speeches that he is a plagiarist (it's all over the
internet in press articles). And trust me, he is...
I authored and copyrighted a political movie script
SEVERAL years before Obama even ran for president, about a black and
white duo running for president (which 8-years later Obama and Biden
did). However, 8-years later, during Obama's political campaigns,
VERBATIM (word for word) items were used by Obama from my
preexisting copyrighted script I'd registered with the Library of
Congress SEVERAL years prior called "Presidential Dreams" (and preserved date of authorship via
other digital methods).
I am of the belief Madonna and Harvey Weinstein
unlawfully passed it to Obama, as they were in the Obama camp from
day one. And I'd gone to the FBI for interviews at their request in
November 2005 about Madonna stealing my copyrights and arrogantly
passing them around to whomever she felt like, behaving like human
garbage, 3-years before Obama even ran for president. I have proof
from the FBI that I was interviewed by them in November 2005 and
about Madonna's misconduct (copyright infringement, wiretapping,
computer hacking).
How else could the script have ended up
in Obama's hands for him to have been publicly quoting from it, using items
from it as campaign slogans, and attributing other items to himself
(which is a violation of the "right of attribution" under
the Copyright Act). I will go more into this topic (with
proof) in a future article.
Other things happened too that I thought out of the
ordinary, such as Mrs. Obama coming to Miami and giving a speech at
the medical office I went to for basic check-ups (Obama Administration Wastes Huge Sums Of
American Taxpayer Money Breaking The Law In
America, Britain And Jamaica On Behalf Of
Madonna's Kabbalah Center In Committing
Egregious Human Rights Abuses). And I
have my medical records as proof. There is more items regarding the
Obamas in this regard (and some other strange things that occurred)
that I will post proof of in an upcoming article. But I digress...
While I was in London, the FBI, under the Obama
administration, harassed my family in
violation of British and international law, as I was staying with
them and it made it difficult to keep track of and exploit me in the
manner they have done in Florida. Madonna could not engage in the
level of commissioned aggravated stalking and harassment, among
other things, while I was in Britain.
My FBI file the agency refuses to release has
reports regarding them illegal contacting my dermatologist, among
others. Previously on this site, I wrote about going to the
dermatologist in South Miami because I had an allergic reaction. For
15-minutes, unprovoked, the dermatologist spoke about the FBI like
his life depended on it. I couldn't believe it.
He was speaking as though he was reciting items he
was given to repeat. It was not a normal speech pattern. It's like
when a person recites a speech. He was a complete apologist for the
FBI's criminal misconduct and kept stating things in attempts to
excuse it and explain it away. After 15-minutes, with me clearly
looking exasperated, he finally talked about my skin, for only about
a minute. The whole thing was a serious HIPAA violation by the FBI.
My FBI file the agency refuses to release also has the FBI pretending to be
literary critics in writing crap about my lawful articles on
this site and others I author, when they should be out fighting and preventing
crime. While the FBI are messing around reading and whining
about this site, and illegally playing around with my
preexisting Library of Congress copyrights, unlawfully deciding
where they think it should go, the real criminals
are killing off innocent Americans (The FBI Informs
Congress The Two Employees Who Ignored Credible Tips That Would Have
Prevented The Parkland Mass Murder School Shooting Have Been Disciplined).
The FBI are a bunch of thieves. They've proven it in
a number of other cases, such as:
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded
Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled
Congress Regarding It.

Former FBI Director James Comey
The FBI also let Warner Bros and Sony off the hook
in criminally stealing "The Matrix" and "Terminator" films from a
legal clerk, Sophia Stewart. The FBI's investigation and report
revealed Stewart's copyrighted script was used to make "The Matrix"
and "Terminator" films, but they engaged in corruption and did not
arrest the Hollywood people responsible for the theft of copyright.
When the FBI does these things they send America and the world the
message that the government is corrupt.
Even in the aforementioned
submarine technology theft case, former FBI Director, James
Comey, who was at the agency at the time, broke the law in helping
his former employer, Lockheed Martin, steal multi-million dollar
patented technology from a Florida submarine company. Lockheed
Martin was so careless with it, the stolen technology then ended up
in the hands of America's rivals and enemies in the world.
FBI has contacted me by email and phone whining about their
coverage on this website (The FBI Are The Cover Up Kings Of
Hollywood) which is a waste of taxpayer money and resources.This misconduct continues,
as even last week, the teacher I mentioned
in the article (The FBI Slammed In Inspector
General's Report For Spending $42,000,000 Per Year In Taxpayer Money
Paying Informants Including A Pedophile) approached me and my
mom in public.
Last week, after I had written scathing articles on
the Judiciary Report the day before about the FBI (The FBI Exposed As Evil In Clint
Eastwood's 'Richard Jewell' Film (Video) and
The FBI Is Running Illegal And
Dangerous Experiments On People Without Their Consent). The
teacher, a paid informant for the FBI, she stalked us and approached
us in public on their orders. She then brought up my articles on the
Judiciary Report, as what I'd written left the FBI reeling. She was
nervous, uneasy and not her usual self.
Once again, a grotesque waste of taxpayer money. Me
and my mom were not bothering anyone. We went out to have dinner and
go shopping, wanting a peaceful day, and the FBI sending the teacher
and her bringing up my articles, ruined our evening and night. This
is the illegal, psychotic crap the FBI is doing on taxpayer money.
Weeks prior to that incident, the FBI sent the
teacher to our home and she went too far in speaking about me leaving
America to return to my homeland of Jamaica, due to all these sick
human rights abuses by Madonna, her cult, the FBI and company.
Again, the FBI viewing me as some runaway slave they and Hollywood
will no longer be able to exploit.
Speaking of human rights abuses, previously I've
written about Madonna's acts of bribery. In the Malawi newspapers in
Africa, she was accused of bribing a judge to illegally adopt
African kids. This is particularly horrible, as Madonna is a child
abuser, who was sued for beating up an 11-year-old boy, Keith
Sorrentino, whom she choked and hit in New York.
Then, Madonna's own underage
biological son accused her of being abusive and fled America to go live
with his dad in England, refusing to return. The British
judge in the case stated he will not force the boy to return to
America to Madonna, whom he accused of abusing him. Yet that
scumbucket Madonna has custody of vulnerable African kids she
illegally adopted.
An article also appeared in the mainstream press
regarding Madonna bribing journalists to write positive and
flattering things about her in newspapers and on websites. She is
such a desperate, pathetic loser. She's paying people to write
compliments about her.

Daniel Muggeo
Madonna, via her cult, bribed a Molina Health
insurance driver to issue a death threat to me. I wrote about it
previously on the site. I've sued Molina over sending that lunatic
to pick me up from physical therapy. I went to physical therapy
for 2-weeks due to nerve damage to my right leg, from an angiogram
surgery that occurred when I had an aneurysm, due to the FBI and
Madonna's human rights abuses.
Madonna and the FBI's criminal
behavior has damaged my health and that of my mother. We both
developed heart problems from all of the terrible trauma, via the
abuse they keep illegally inflicting week after week (more on that
in a future article and documentary on the case). I have our medical
records to prove it.
Madonna bribed a driver, Henry Meijiar, to issue a
death threat to me. I don't usually talk to the drivers (other than
hello, then goodbye and thank you). Out of nowhere, while driving me
from physical therapy at the hospital, he began telling me he's
from California. He started talking about his ties to deadly Los
Angeles street gangs. Then he starts talking about "Madonna" "Jay Z"
"Rihanna" and "Beyonce" and telling me they are "in the Illuminati"
(Beyonce And
Jay Z Copyright Infringement).
Then he makes the death threat on their behalf, "An attack is
coming. Prepare for it" while making stabbing motions with his
The lawyer representing Molina in the case is Daniel
Muggeo of Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. Muggeo's conduct in
the case has been unethical and in violation of court rules. He lied
that I never mailed him an important document I filed in the case.
If you do not send each item (motion, amended complaints, notices)
you file to the opposing side, your case can be thrown out by the
I had to file a complaint with the post office using
the receipt and proof I retained that I sent the item of mail to
Muggeo. They did a search and the supervisor for the area his law
firm is located telephoned me and stated, "I know that law firm.
They are getting all of their mail. We did a search and nothing is
missing or lost." Yet, Muggeo put me and the post office to all that
During a court hearing on November 20, 2019, in
Judge John Thornton Jr's chambers, Muggeo outraegously stated a
death threat is not a big deal. He argued a death threat is
permissible. Other lawyers and their clients in the room, waiting to
have their motions heard by the judge, looked at him in shock and
with raised brows. I was stunned at his behavior. I sternly
denounced his comments and conduct right there in front of everyone.
You could hear a pin drop.
I was so disgusted by him. A lunatic cult violated
HIPAA and criminally so by bribing a healthcare driver to issue a
death threat to me, which by the way also terrified my poor mother
(as Molina sent him back to pick me up a second time), and this
lawyer, Muggeo, is stating death threats are not a big deal. By the
way, under Florida law, issuing a death threat or threat of violence
is a crime. It is a criminal violation of Florida Statute 836.10. I
am sure Muggeo, a lawyer, knew that. You can't practice law in
the State of Florida and not know that.
Before the hearing, he kept stating in the narrow
court hallway, "I'm Italian." He was talking to the stenographer and
kept loudly saying that to her. It struck me as odd, because Madonna
has sent members of her cult to stalk me in public and they said the
same thing about themselves "I'm Italian" or "I'm Italian like
While Madonna is not a defendant in the Molina case,
she has interfered in it and sent her cult members to harass me
over it. A few months ago, I wrote about Madonna sending one of her
cult members to threaten me outside the courthouse, after I filed a
document in the case. The cult member Madonna sent stated the threat
to me "I will shoot a black fu*ker." It was one of a few threatening
Molina has lied in court on numerous occasions.
First they deliberately lied to the court that I did not have their
health insurance. Then I entered a copy of my health insurance card
into the court record. Then, Molina acknowledged it as true. Then
they stated Molina Healthcare doesn't own Molina Healthcare of
Florida. I entered proof into the court record from the State of
Florida business records, maintained by the government, which states
Molina Healthcare does own Molina Healthcare of Florida. Then,
Molina acknowledged it as true.
Then, they deliberately lied, denying ever sending
Henry Meijiar to pick me up from physical therapy. I informed them
that not only do I have his chauffeur's license number, I quietly
took a photo of him with my mobile phone after he made the death
threat, CCTV cameras and the channel where I live recorded him
bringing me back from physical therapy and that my mom saw him as
well. Then they acknowledged it is true that they sent him.
Now they are tryin to state yes we sent him, but he
does not work for us. However, they are lying again and won't say
who he works for. Daniel Muggeo and Molina are such liars. They have
repeatedly committed perjury in court, which is a crime. They're
even fighting against a subpoena to release my medical records
(which is a violation of HIPAA) and Meijiar's employment records.
They're even fighting against a subpoena I applied for to send to
the Department of Motor Vehicles, regarding driver Henry Meijiar.
Molina and company are hiding Meijiar. They are totally trying to
cover up everything. I sent the case to Senator Rubio and Congress,
because the corruption is once again terrible.
In the middle of the case, Judge John Thornton quit
as a judge, but still stayed on still. Muggeo lied to Judge Thornton,
who believed him. During the November 20, 2019 hearing, in
witnessing the corruption, I stated to Muggeo during the hearing
that I am going to put the case files on the Judiciary Report. Judge
Thorton's eyes widened with a look of shock on his face.
I said that in the hearing for a reason. I copied
the legal wording of a successful legal case in Florida that is
similar in legal structure, to ensure the pleadings were correct. It
stands to reason, if the pleadings went through in one case and won,
it should do the same in another case. I did that because U.S.
judges throw out cases where they deem the pleadings (legal wording)
incorrect or insufficient.
That way if the case was dismissed, it
would show discrimination against me. I wasn't trying to show anyone
up. I was just trying to get the case heard in a court of law
regarding the vile death threat that was made (not to mention,
months later, Madonna sent a Kabbalah cult member to try to run me
over in the supermarket parking lot).
Judge Thornton did not know I had copied the
pleadings from a successful case, he listened to Daniel Muggeo, and
threw out my case, that contained the same pleadings (legal wording)
as a very successful Florida case filed by a top law firm that won
millions from the jury.
Muggeo even demanded items be struck from the
pleadings in my case, which had gone through verbatim to a jury and
won in the other Florida case filed by a top law firm, which I
copied the pleadings from. It exposed the corruption.
I will write
more about it at a later date, upload the case files and tell you
which case I copied verbatim that had won for another litigant, but
corruptly got thrown out in my case, after Muggeo put in a motion
that my pleadings were wrong. He assumed as I filed it pro se, he
can chat and write any crap in the court record and it be accepted
as fact.
Judge Thornton stated at the end of the hearing "get
a lawyer" (when Congressional law states litigants can file Pro Se).
However, he did not realize he had just thrown out a verbatim copy
of one of the most successful cases in Florida history, which I had
copied verbatim to ensure the pleadings would be correct.
Here's the thing, the last time I got a lawyer (the
law firm of Sanders, Squire and Dempsey), Madonna engaged in
horrible criminal conduct, with the backing of the FBI. A former
Jamaican prime minister (P.J. Patterson), who was in office at the
time, found a lawyer for me due to the thefts of copyright and
Madonna's other disturbing conduct towards me. We began working on
the case.
However, Madonna and company threatened the law firm into
dropping me as a client or else, and did so with the assistance of
the FBI, because they wanted to keep criminally stealing my
copyrights and anything else I would write in the future. What kind
of legal system is that. That's a damn disgrace.
Think about that and try to grasp how bad that
looks. A prime minister of a foreign nation gets a lawyer for a
defenseless victim of crime (an immigrant from his nation) who was
robbed of intellectual property and nearly murdered in Florida by a
lunatic cult the FBI has running free.
Rather than show the legal system to be decent and
fair, a derange pop star, Madonna, with the assistance of the
corrupt FBI, harassed and threatened the firm into dropping the
victim of crime, so they can further abuse and rob her like slave
labor. They are behaving like a bunch of dirty, evil slavetraders,
who deem black people have no rights and slavery is still in effect.
Their behavior is dirty and despicable.
I never did anything to Madonna, the FBI or anyone
else. However, due to Madonna and the FBI's deep-seated hatred for
black people, these despicable, demonic, unspeakably wicked human
rights abuses have been committed against me.
Imagine that. I'm a peaceful, unarmed, defenseless,
black woman and immigrant, who is repeatedly being attacked, robbed,
stalked and terrorized by that lunatic Madonna and her cult of
criminal thugs, with the FBI giving them assistance in these crimes. Madonna and her cult have dozens of lawyers between
them. Yet, me the victim of crime, is not supposed to have even one
lawyer. You call that a fair race. You call that a fair legal
system. It's a piss poor reflection of the U.S. legal system and one
the public will never forget.
"American Life" "Hey You" "History"
"Incredible" "Living For Love" songs (among others) by
Songs from “Confessions On A Dance
Floor” and "Rebel Heart" CDs by Madonna
"Sorry" "Hung Up" music videos (among
others) by Madonna
Madonna's "English Roses" and "Material
Girls" clothing line (Macys)
The songs "Welcome To Hollywood" "Single
Ladies" "Daddy" "Greenlight" "Upgrade U" "Diva" "Amor
Gitano" "Worldwide Woman" "Black Culture" (among other
songs) by Beyonce
The music videos "Suga Mama" "Flaws And
All" "Still In Love" "Beautiful Liar" and "Greenlight"
(among other videos) by Beyonce
"Holy Grail" "Empire State Of Mind"
"Picasso Baby" "Party Life" "American Dreamin"
"Already Home" "So Ambitious" (among other songs) by Jay
“Shine Ya Light” “Radioactive” “Fall In
Love“ “Grateful“ “I Will Never Let You Down” “Lover Of
The Light” (among other songs) by Jay-Z's Roc Nation
artist Rita Ora
"Umbrella" "A Million Miles Away" "Don't
Stop The Music" "Diamonds" "Russian Roulette" "Rockstar
101" "Rude Boy" "Only Girl" "Man Down" "We Found Love"
"Coulda Been The One" "Live Your Life" "Love The
Way You Lie (featuring Eminem)" (among other songs) by
Jay-Z's artist Rihanna
“Guilty Conscience” by Eminem
“Southpaw” movie (50 Cent)
50 Cent’s “In Da Club” video
"Creed" movie
Numerous songs on albums by Sony’s
“American Idol” artists (signed by Simon Cowell and
Simon Fuller) such as Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson
and Daughtry, who share the same intellectual property
lawyer as Madonna at Mannatt and Phelps, administering
rights to the Warner Bros (Madonna) and Sony music
catalogs (Madonna also made an appearance on the show
“American Idol”). Cowell has also been infringing my
preexisting copyrights for his recording artists JLS,
Alexandra Burke and Little Mix, among others.
"From Justin To Kelly" movie (Simon
Cowell and Simon Fuller)
"It's Not About The Money" "Price Tag"
"Casualty Of Love" "“Mama Knows Best" "Stand Up"
"Conquer The World" "Bang Bang" "Silver Lining"
"Technology" (among others) by Sony's alleged songwriter
Jessie J
"Fight For This Love" and several other
songs Simon Cowell's co-star Cheryl Cole
"Rock N Rolla" "Sherlock" "Revolver" by
Madonna's ex-husband Guy Ritchie
Britney Spears "Womanizer" "My Sister"
"Piece Of Me" "Radar" "Outta This World" "She'll Never
Be Me" "State Of Grace" (among others)
Britney Spears music video "Work Bi*ch"
"Don't Stop (Funkin 4 For Jamaica)"
"Thirsty" "Angels Cry" "Obsessed" "Inseparable" "More
Than Just Friends" "Heavenly" "The One" "Fly Like A
Bird" songs by Mariah Carey
"Paparazzi" and "Bad Romance" songs by
Lady Gaga
“Can I Live” by Nick Cannon
"Selma" movie
“Empire” TV show
“Scandal” TV show
“Blackish” TV show
"Hit The Floor" TV show
"Smash" TV show
Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” music
"Big Girls Don't Cry" by Fergie
"Firework" "The One That Got Away" and
"Hot N Cold" (among other songs) by Katy Perry
"Jam" song by Kim Kardashian
"Bossy" by Lindsay Lohan
"Dandelion" by Nicole Richie
Lyrics to "Blurred Lines" by Robin
Thicke produced by Madonna's producer Pharrell Williams
“Salt” movie
“Lucy“ movie
"Olympus Has Fallen" movie
Synopsis for “Transformers 2” movie
"Hancock" movie by Will Smith
"The Watch" movie
"Maze Runner" movie
"Percy Jackson And The Olympians" movie
"Princess Diaries 2" movie
"Prince And Me" movies
"Sam’s Lake" movie
"Gravedancers" movie
"Material Girls" movie
"Valentine’s Day" movie
"New Years Eve" movie
"American Dreamz" movie
"The Last Airbender" movie
"Music And Lyrics" movie
"Obsessed" movie (Beyonce and Idris
"Takers" movie (Idris Elba)
"No Good Deed" movie (Idris Elba)
"San Andreas" movie (the Rock)
"Hercules" movie (the Rock)
"Reno 911!: Miami" movie (the Rock)
"Think Like A Man Too" movie
"Good Deeds" movie
"Next" movie (Nicholas Cage)
"National Treasure: Book Of Secrets"
movie (Nicholas Cage)
"Knowing" movie (Nicholas Cage)
"Spy Kids 3" movie
"Goal" movie
"Good Luck Chuck" movie
"My Sister’s Keeper" movie
"Bad Judge" sitcom
"Blue Bloods" TV show
"Limitless" TV show
"Jane The Virgin" TV show
"Born Again" TV show
"Stalkers" TV show
"Mob Wives" reality show
"Couples Retreat" movie (Vince Vaughn)
"Unfinished Business" movie (Vince
"Camp Rock" movie
"Blond Ambition" movie
"Tonight He Comes" movie
"Maze Runner" movie
“Orange County Girl” and "Hollaback
Girl" by Madonna’s cousin Gwen Stefani
“Stars Are Blind” music video by
Madonna's fellow Kaballah Center member and Warner Bros
artist Paris Hilton
“Where Is Your Dignity” “Burned” and
“Happy” by Hillary Duff, who starred in Madonna’s
infringing film she stole from my catalog and renamed
“Material Girls”
"My Super Ex-Girlfriend" movie
“All About Adam” movie
"Aisha" movie
"Primeval" "Death In Paradise" "Tatau"
"Survivors" "Luther" "Outcasts" and "Sherlock" TV shows
on the BBC (DVDs by the BBC are distributed by Warner
Bros Pictures under an ongoing contract. Warner Bros
Pictures is the company Madonna and ex-husband Guy
Ritchie have contracts with)
Select "Doctor Who" TV show episodes
"The Waters Of Mars" "The Eleventh Hour" "The
Hungry Earth" "The Sontaran Stratagem" "The Stolen
Earth" "Smith And Jones" and "The Poison Sky" (among
other episodes) on the BBC
Select "Torchwood" TV show episodes such
as "The Children Of Earth" on the BBC
"Outcasts" TV show
"Cyberstalker" movie
Select items from Jessica Simpson's
fashion line (Macys)
"Material Girls" fashion line (Macys)
A backdrop from Madonna's Re-invention
world tour
A backdrop from Madonna's Confessions
world tour
"Sorry" by Madonna
"Super Girl" by Christina Aguilera
"Inception" movie
"Legends Of The Guardians: The Owls Of
Ga'Hoole" movie
Katie Price's "Angel" "Crystal" "The
Comeback Girl" "He's The One" "Angel Uncovered" books
"Jetsetter" song by Neyo
"Love Song" by Sara Bareilles
"Big Time Rush" movie
The character Sheldon from "Big Bang
Theory" and storylines for select episodes of the show
"Knight And Day" movie (Tom Cruise)
"Edge Of Tomorrow" movie (Tom Cruise)
Rihanna's "American Oxygen" video
Select "Extant" television show
"Ride Along" and "Ride Along" movies
"Attack The Block" movie
"The Zookeeper" movie
"Pocket Full Of Sunshine" song by
Natasha Beddingfield
"We Takin' Over" video by DJ Khaled,
Akon, TI, Rick Ross, Fat Joe, Baby, Lil Wayne
Justin Timberlake's backdrop for 2002
MTV Music Awards performance of "Like I Love You"
"Pretty Girl Rock" by Keri Hilson
"Energy" by Keri Hilson
"Bad Judge" sitcom
"Ratter" movie
“Super Girl” song by Christina Aguilera
Select lines from "Rolling In The Deep"
by Adele (Sony)
"District 9" movie (Sony)
"Epic" movie
"Bad Teacher"
"Bad Hair Day" movie (Disney)
Outkast music video for the song "Hey
Ya" (Sony)
"5th Wave" movie
"Heaven Sent" movie (Lionsgate)
"Tomorrowland" movie
"Class" (BBC)
"The Heat" movie
"Limitless" movie
"Robodog" movie
"Friday Night Dinner" (Channel 4)
"Sh*t My Dad Says" sitcom
"The Take" movie
"Hot Tub Time Machine" movie
"Rings" movie
"X-Men Apocalypse" movie
"Kidnapped" (2017) movie
"Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials" movie
"Don't Mess With The Zohan" movie
"The Superstore" sitcom
"Superior Donuts" sitcom
"Community" sitcom
"McMafia" TV show (BBC)
"Anti Matter" movie
DJ Khaled's "Young, Dumb and Broke"
"Sky Walker"
"Birthday Cake"
television show
television show
Resident" television show
"In The
Swing Of Things" movie (Owen Wilson)
"The Rook" (Starz)
Doc Martin (TV show)
"Murder Mystery" (Netflix)
"Stranger Things" (Netflix)
"Loaded" (Netflix)
"Chewing Gum" (Netflix)
"Travelers" (Netflix)
"See You Yesterday" (Netflix)
"Game Over, Man" (Seth Rogen - Netflix)
"David Makes Man" (Own)
"Greenleaf" (Own)
"Time Trap" (Netflix)
"You" (Netflix)
"The Moon and the Sky" (Jay Z and Sade)
"Bob Hearts Abishola" (CBS)
"All Rise" (CBS)
Mirage (Netflix)
"Freaks" (Netflix)
"Extinction" (Netflix)
"Space Between Us"
"Love And Time Travel"
"At First Light"
"Dead to Me" (Netflix)
"Warrior Nun" (Netflix)
"The Old Guard" (Netflix)
"Project Power" (Netflix)
"Nigerian Prince" (Netflix)
"Black Swan"
"The Fighter"
"I Am Four"
"666 Park Avenue"
"The Fountain"
"Tree Of Life"
"The Morning Show"
"The Heart Specialist"
"How It Ends"
"Project Almanac"
"Midnight Special" (2016)
"Away" (Netflix)
"The Good Doctor"
Anthony Joshua's Peperami commercial
"Avengers: Infinity War" (2018)
Group name "City Girls" (2019 Miami
"Jingle Jangle" (Netflix)
"Peppermint" (Netflix)
"Christmas Break-in" (Netflix)
"Last Christmas" (2019 movie)
"Space Sweepers" (Netflix)
Select storylines of "Cobra Kai"
Select storylines of "Bull" (CBS)
"Gemini Man" (2019)
Underground (Sony/OWN)
Proximity (movie by Netflix's "Stranger
Things" writer)
"Debris" (NBC)
"I Care A Lot" (Netflix)
"NOS4A2" (AMC)
"Parallel" (2018 film)
"Yesterday" (2019 movie)
"The One" (Netflix)
"Deadly Delusion" movie
"Godzilla vs. Kong" movie
"Gangs of London" (AMC)
"Night School" movie (2018)
"Criminal" movie (2016)
"In The Dark" television show
(select storylines and copyrighted text)
"Reminiscence" movie (2021)
"The Heart Guy" television show (Nine Network in Australia owned
by Rupert Murdoch from the phone hacking scandal I broke first)
"Euphoria" on HBO (2020)
"The Morning Show"
Pretty Smart (Netflix)
The Losers (film)
F9 - Fast and the Furious 9
"Cruella" movie (2021)
"Maid" (Netflix)
"Biohackers" (Netflix)
"No Time To Die" movie (2021)
"Stay Close" (Netflix)
"Long Story Short" movie (2021)
"The Royal Treatment" (Netflix)
"Medical Police" (Netflix)
"Holiday Calendar" (Netflix)
"Free Guy" movie (2021)
"American Auto" sitcom (2022)
"Twist" movie (2021)
"The Weekend Away" (Netflix)
"The Adam Project" (Netflix)
Captain Nova (Netflix)
"Moonfall" (synopsis/short story used to make the 2022 film)
"The Batman" (synopsis/short story used to make the 2022 film)
"Spiderman: No Way Home: (synopsis/short story used to make the
2022 film)
"The Old Man" (2022)
"Don't Look Up" (2022)
"Paper Girls" (2022)
"Secret Headquarters" (2022)
"Me Time" (2022)
"Resident Alien" (2021)
"1-800-Missing" also known as "Missing" (2003-2005)
"Boxing Day" (2021)
"Mind Of A Cat" (2022) (Netflix)
"Saturday Morning All Stars" (2022) (Netflix)
Timewasters (2022)
"A Dog's Journey" (2019)
"Deadly Delusions" (2017)
"That's So Raven" (2003-2007)
"Upload" (Amazon) (2022)
Anthem Of A Teenage Prophet" (2019)
"Electric Dreams" (2018)
"A Christmas In New York" (2016)
"Slumberland" (2022) (Netflix)
"Wednesday" (2022) (Netflix)
"Just Another Dream" movie (2021)
"Honor Society" (2022)
"Nanny" (2022)
"Kindred" (2022)
"Jack Ryan" (2018)
"Butterfly Effect" (1, II and III) (Madonna's Kabbalah member
Ashton Kutcher)
"Drifters" (2017 Britcom)
"Carnival Row" (2023)
"Other Life" (2017)
"Alex Rider" (2013, 2019) (Madonna's Kabbalah member Harvey
"Project Almanac" (2015) (Madonna's Kabbalah member Michael Bay)
"The Lazarus Project" (2022)
"Paradise" (Netflix) (2023)
"Super Me" (Netflix)
"I Used To Be Famous" (Netflix)
"God Friended Me"
"Gone Girl"
"Bless This Mess"
"FutureSex/LoveSound" by Justin
Timberlake (Sony)
"What Goes Around Comes Around" by
Justin Timberlake (Sony)
"Who Knew" by Pink (Sony)
"Man On A Ledge" movie
"Candy Cane Lane" movie (2023)
"The Star Beast" (Doctor Who) (2023)
"Look What You Made Me Do" video by
Taylor Swift
"End Game" music video by Taylor Swift
"Rap Sh!t" (2023)
"America Is Sinking" (2024)
"Atlas" (2024) (Netflix)
"The Greatest Hits" (2024)
"Supacell" (Netflix and Jay Z's Roc
'Future TX" movie
"My Type" music video by Saweetie
"Doctor Odyssey" TV show (2024)
"Upgrade" movie (Netflix)
"Gettin Some" music video by Shawnna
"Orphan Black Echoes" (2024)
"Proclivities" by LL Cool J (2024)
"B Positive" (CBS) (2024)
Select segments of "The Talk" (CBS)
Select segments on "The Late Show
With Stephen Colbert" (CBS) (2024)
New storylines on "Young And The
Restless" (CBS) (2024)
Select segments of "The Drew
Barrymore Show" (CBS)
New storylines on "Frasier" reboot
"Cinderella" by Play
"It Girl" by Jason Derulo
"Something In The Dirt" (movie)
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That
Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded
Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled
Congress Regarding It
Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty
Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel
Madonna Steals Another Song And Is
Outed As A Thief By Songwriter From Music Group Fischerspooner
Jay Z Helped To
Bring Anthony Joshua Down In Suspect And Historic Boxing Defeat
Madonna Cancels More Tour Dates
Again Due To Poor Sales But Blames It On Pain
Madwoman Madonna Drinking Her Own
Urine Is A Sign Of Severe Mental Illness
Center's Yehuda Berg Following Aisha On Twitter
Madonna's Hacking And Criminal