Deranged Madonna Criminally Sent Two
Thugs To My HomeDecember 14. 2019

Ugly Madonna
This is a follow up to the October 28,
2019 Judiciary Report article "Madonna's Hacking And Criminal
Stalking." This Wednesday (December 11, 2019)
piss drinking madwoman Madonna sent two thugs to
my home in Miami, Florida. They gained illegal entry
into the gated community under false pretenses, in an
act of criminal trespass and fraud. Then, they tried to
gain illegal entry into my apartment under false
pretenses (my mom, my cousin and I live in a 3-bedroom
apartment in a quiet area).
First of all, I don't open the door to
people I don't know. I don't even answer phone calls
from telephone numbers I don't recognize, thanks to
Madonna's cult repeatedly and illegally calling my
private phone number many times, then spewing some of
the craziest and sickest speech ever.
When the two thugs knocked on my door on
Wednesday I was at home alone. I looked through the
keyhole and asked "who is it?" as I did not recognize
them. They were two white males in their late twenties
or early thirties. One was about 5'10, weighing roughly
180 pounds, with light colored hair and he was wearing
dark colored slacks with a formal shirt and tie. The
other man was about 6-feet tall, weighing roughly 220
pounds, with dark hair and was wearing a gaudy blue suit
you'd see on gangsters on trial.
They stated through the door that the
management company for the gated community sent them to
speak to all the residents, but I refused to let them in
(though they kept trying). I thought their claim odd, as
my family and I know the three women who manage the
gated community and they don't operate that way.
All the residents know them and vice
versa. They send letters to all the residents when
anything is planned and they usually don't send people
to speak to the residents. They only send maintenance if
you need something repaired like the garbage disposal,
AC, dishwasher, washer, dryer (ect), and as stated
above, we know all three maintenance workers and two
security guards.
Each month the women who manage the
gated community send an itinerary of events to be held
at the clubhouse, such as dinners for special events,
birthday parties and when politicians are scheduled to
visit, who are seeking votes for their congressional or
mayoral campaigns. Police also hold crime watch events.
It's a safe place. They don't just send people to your
apartment without notifying you in writing first and
days in advance.
We know who works here. We even know the
UPS guy who brings in packages. Yes, there are many
residents in the gated community, but the people in here
know each other and who's who regarding workers and mail
carriers. The only non-guests who get into the gated
community are folks like delivery men, mail carriers,
utility workers and repairmen.
For example, on Monday two delivery men
from a well-known national furniture company delivered
furniture to my home. I got the new furniture to cheer
up my mom, who is very distressed by Madonna's sick
behavior. Madonna has gone to some very sick extremes
you guys don't even know about yet. She is an obsessed
lunatic. She's a sick, depraved weirdo who likes to
illegally stalk people (Newspaper Reports Madonna Has Hired Private Investigator To
Stalk Guy Ritchie, His New Wife And The Couple’s Children
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
As stated previously on the site,
Madonna has me under illegal surveillance, which
resulted in the FBI interviewing me twice as a victim of
crime (commissioned computer hacking, webcam hacking,
mobile phone hacking, and stalking by cult members she
has sent to approach me in public places such as
restaurants, supermarkets, malls, bookstores and
libraries, with terrible threats and sick speech).
The pattern of criminal behavior and
things said by the two thugs on Wednesday indicates she
sent them. I've realized over the course of the case
Madonna is a weirdo that likes to mimic things.
I am of the belief she got the idea for this criminal
stunt with the two thugs on Wednesday, due to the two
men that delivered the furniture to my home on Monday.
However, the two thugs Madonna sent got into the
property under false pretenses.
I refused to let the two men into my
home, remembering a previous incident where Madonna had
sent men to my former house in Miami Shores, who
pretended they were telephone repairmen working for Bell
South (a phone company in Florida that was later bought
by AT&T).
Our phones really were malfunctioning at
that time years ago, but it was due to Madonna's illegal
wiretapping as seen in the criminal case of her private
investigator, Anthony Pellicano which I was called into
the FBI about and they used what I gave them as a victim
of crime, which they'd asked for, to help lock him up.
In total, madwoman Madonna had sent
three men to my former house, who arrived on different
days, pretending to be Bell South telephone repairmen,
which is a crime. What alarmed me and raised my
suspicions was the behavior of the third man.
He knocked on the door, identified
himself as a Bell South repairman, my mom let him in and
rather than work on the telephone, the nosy scumbucket
found his way into my home recording studio at the back
of the house, began messing with the instruments in a
weird way and engaging in menacing speech. In trying to
intimidate me, he even told me some of what was on my
private computer (music) that Madonna paid to have
hacked. When I called Bell South after he left, they
said they never sent him or the other two guys.
The same thing occurred again this week.
When we contacted the women in the management office of
the gated community I live in, inquiring about the two
men that knocked on my door on Wednesday, they informed
us that they did not send anyone to speak to us or any
of the residents.
We also found out one of the managers
saw them wandering around on the grounds and asked them
if they were lost. They lied to her about why they were
there and then stated they're looking for a specific
apartment number. All of the 2-story buildings, over a
dozen of them, look alike, so if you don't know where
you're going, as you haven't been there before, you'll
get lost.
Prior to the incident that occurred this
week, another of Madonna's Kabbalah cult members she had
sent to harass me, had trespassed on the property during
building renovations when the electronic gate was open
all day for construction workers to easily get in and
out. He found my apartment and knocked on the door for
10-minutes straight refusing to leave until security was
called. The incident upset my family.
I am in my home, not bothering a living
soul. Yet, that dirty, ugly, nasty, foul witch is
sending people to my private residence in conduct that
is completely criminal. I've been making arrangements
via phone and email to return to my homeland of Jamaica,
which Madonna, who is still paying to have my computers
hacked and phone illegally wiretapped, unlawfully became
privy to it.
She's trying to have me killed before I
return home to Jamaica and my external hard drive with
my new, unreleased international copyrights stolen by
her thugs (new original songs, videos, books, movies and
other items I have written). A death threat had been
made to that effect prior to the incident this week and
she, with her washed up career in the toilet, is trying
to have her previous threat fulfilled, which she had
issued to me through one of her cult members.
Madonna and her fellow copyright
stealing cult members, such as Harvey Weinstein, whom I
broke stories on regarding his sexual deviance (in
2009 and again in
as I was and am angry about him stealing some of my
preexisting, Library of Congress registered copyrights
with her, have no fear of the law or U.S. government.
They are psychopathic lunatics and
troublemakers. They are deranged busybodies, who are not
satisfied unless they are harming others. It is a sick
compulsion on their part. One of the traits of
psychopaths is a relentlessness and restlessness to do
evil things.
For instance, even while Weinstein has
been on trial, some of his victims have come forward
stating he is still using private investigators in
America as well as former Israeli Mossad members to
contact them under false pretenses (Rapist Harvey Weinstein Has 91 People Under Surveillance By
Private Investigators In Trying To Bully And Silence His Victims).
The Mossad are the Israeli equivalent of
the FBI. Now, why would you as a movie producer in
Hollywood, need ex-Mossad agents to go after
defenseless, unarmed women you raped, two of whom were
underage girls you preyed on like your close, late
Jeffrey Epstein.
Think about that. Why kind of cowardly,
pathetic bully sics former government agents and private
investigators on innocent, unarmed, defenseless women.
Weinstein is a ugly, depraved, deranged, yellow bellied,
misogynistic piece of trash.
Under U.S. law, Weinstein's conduct and
that of his fellow cult members like Madonna, is called
"witness intimidation" or "witness tampering" which is a
serious crime. However, they have no fear of the
government or legal consequences of their actions. Even
in the face of all of that, they have no fear of the
Another example of the lawlessness is
even while he is on trial, Weinstien deliberately
tampered with his GPS ankle monitor 56 times, in order
to go meet with questionable people for unlawful
reasons, such as targeting his victims (Government Hauls Harvey Weinstein
Back Into Criminal Court For Illegally Tampering With His GPS Ankle
Monitor 56 Times While On Bail). While on bail, people are
forbidden from associating with criminals or engaging in
criminal conduct.
Weinstein, much like his fellow
Hollywood cult psychopath Madonna, whom I
reported to Congress, in a matter that has been
sent to the Justice Department
by a congressional senator, refuses to
stop criminally targeting innocent people, even in the
face of public disgrace and boycotts.
The public has turned on them in a
massive way. People have stopped buying their products
and are calling them insane on social networking, and in
feedback sections of many global websites. Yet, it has
not shamed them into stopping the illegal behavior
towards innocent people, opting to continue with the
commissioned spying and witness intimidation.
People all over social networking are
calling them crazy and evil, yet they continue with the
criminal misconduct against innocent people like it's
business as usual. Those two lunatics and their
associates in Hollywood, should not be free. They
are complete and utter maniacs, who are a danger to the
They think they are above the law and so
special. However, if they were so special and talented,
they wouldn't be stealing from people. The mere fact
they are stealing from others, then resorting to threats
and other illegal acts, shows they are untalented trash
and frauds.
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That
Left Innocent People Dead
Madonna Steals Another Song And Is
Outed As A Thief By Songwriter From Music Group Fischerspooner
Madonna Cancels More Tour Dates
Again Due To Poor Sales But Blames It On Pain
Madwoman Madonna Drinking Her Own
Urine Is A Sign Of Severe Mental Illness
Madonna's Hacking And Criminal