The FBI Are The Cover Up Kings Of Hollywood
The FBI Has Aided And Abetted The Serious Crimes Of
Hollywood Criminals Harming The Public
December 10. 2019

FBI Director Christopher Wray
Recently indicted pedophile singer, R
Kelly, is currently behind bars. Kelly is affiliated
with deranged, depraved pop singer, Madonna, whom he
worked with and joined her sick Hollywood cult. Both
Kelly and Madonna display a penchant for the insane
consumption of urine (Madwoman Madonna Drinking Her Own
Urine Is A Sign Of Severe Mental Illness).
Kelly even forces others to drink urine
(as widely noted in a sex tape of him with a 14-year-old
girl that resulted in criminal charges) and eat feces (R Kelly Girlfriend Jocelyn Savage
Turns On Him Spilling The Details Of His Abusive Acts Such As Forcing
Her To Drink His Urine, Eat Feces And Having Abortions).
R Kelly is currently in prison while
awaiting trial on a host of charges regarding sexually
abusing underage girls. Kelly recently asked for a
computer and recording equipment in prison to work on an
album, which is outrageous under the circumstances and a
mockery of the severity of his crimes.

R Kelly
Kelly is even planning a new tour,
firmly and wrongly believing he will resume his life as
it was, prior to the current charges. However, it is
clear the feds, namely the FBI, are trying to lock him
up for the rest of his life. They want to lose him in
prison in an effort to cause Kelly and his crimes to be
removed from the public's consciousness.
This is due to the fact that the FBI
failed to do anything about Kelly's criminal misconduct
for years. This is a reminder to the public of the the
double standard that exists regarding black women being
abused in America, and often with no consequences to the
perpetrator. This double standard permitted Kelly (and
others) to engage in terrible criminal misdeeds against
black women in America for a long time.
The FBI knew about R Kelly's crimes for
many years, but looked the other way to it. However, it
wasn't until the documentary "Surviving R Kelly"
gained global attention and caused people to question
why the U.S. federal government allowed him to remain
free for all these years, and abusing innocent girls and
women, that the feds got involved.

Harvey Weinstein
I slammed R Kelly on this site beginning
2007, the FBI saw it and looked the
other way to it. Much like I exposed Harvey Weinstein in
2009 and again in
the FBI saw it and looked the other way to it, due to
However, the FBI has time to be
contacting me directly and through others, complaining
about their coverage on the site (The FBI Slammed In Inspector
General's Report For Spending $42,000,000 Per Year In Taxpayer Money
Paying Informants Including A Pedophile and
The FBI Criminally Violating The Constitution And Wasting Taxpayer Money
In Spying On Innocent People In Their Homes For Profit).
Had the FBI acted when I exposed the
aforementioned industry criminals over a decade ago, it
would have spared many young girls and women being
subjected to acts of terrible sexual abuse they are
struggling with to this day, because of the conduct of R
Kelly and Weinstein (among others).

Bryan Singer
I've found the FBI to be extremely
corrupt. In fact, the most corrupt law enforcement
agency in existence. You will find none worse. They
spend their time spying on people for political and
financial reasons, rather than protecting Americans from
crime (The FBI Informs
Congress The Two Employees Who Ignored Credible Tips That Would Have
Prevented The Parkland Mass Murder School Shooting Have Been Disciplined).
The FBI spends their time
spying on journalists and writers
such as myself, searching for tips to do glamorous cases
and to draw glory in the press. The FBI
unconstitutionally try to dictate what is written about
them in the press and online, in America of all places,
which prides itself on being a free country. All while
they're supposed to be out solving crime.
The FBI are the cover up kings. They're
even covering right now for Hollywood pedophiles (The FBI Has Been Covering For Famous Pedophiles In Hollywood For Years
Since The Time Of Robert Mueller) despite the fact victims went
to them years ago with formal complaints, naming
pedophiles such as director Bryan Singer. Instead, the
FBI investigated the victims and tried to have them
locked up to cover for Hollywood pedophiles and rapists,
like Singer.

Former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller
I have broken hundreds of
exclusives on this site that
later proved true. Over a decade ago, a very credible
and connected source informed me that former FBI
director, Robert Mueller, referred to famous Hollywood
criminals such as Bryan Singer and Harvey Weinstein,
among others, as "precious Americans" while branding
their victims expendable "nobodies."
As it was explained to me by the
credible source, who turned out to be right, Mueller
deemed allowing rich and famous Hollywood degenerates
like Weinstein and Singer, among others, to commit
heinous crimes against children and adults, collateral
damage in feeding the beast that brings "American
entertainment to the masses."
It's only in the last couple years that
Hollywood criminals like Weinstein, Kelly and Kevin
Spacey, among others, began getting arrested and it was
by local police departments in America, not the Feds,
after exposés by journalists, writers and bloggers.

James Comey continued Mueller's criminal tradition
of letting Hollywood stars and executives skate on
serious crimes such as pedophilia, rape, financial fraud
and commissioned murder
My experience regarding the FBI is that
they cannot be trusted and are the cover up kings (Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That
Left Innocent People Dead).
Even with Congress present in a
situation, the FBI will brazenly spit on the U.S.
constitution, U.S. Code, transparency and all moral
decency to hide their heinous conduct in behavior that
is undemocratic and ugly (Senator Sends Madonna Case To The Justice Department For Full Review -
Part 2 and
Senator Sends Madonna Case To The Justice Department For Full Review).
Honesty and integrity simply is not the
FBI's way (Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded
Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled
Congress Regarding It). That does not look good on the
government to the American people or the watching world.
It is extremely corrupt and disgraceful.
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That
Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded
Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled
Congress Regarding It
Lawyers For Disgraced And Hypocritical Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew
McCabe Calls Criminal Investigation Into His Crimes A Waste Of Taxpayer
Money When He Wasted Taxpayer Money
The FBI Informs
Congress The Two Employees Who Ignored Credible Tips That Would Have
Prevented The Parkland Mass Murder School Shooting Have Been Disciplined
The FBI Criminally Covered The Fact From Congress That Disgraced Deputy
Director Andrew McCabe Spent $70,000 In Taxpayer Money On A Table For
The FBI Criminally Violating The Constitution And Wasting Taxpayer Money
In Spying On Innocent People In Their Homes For Profit
The FBI Has Been Covering For Famous Pedophiles In Hollywood For Years
Since The Time Of Robert Mueller
4 More Victims Come Forward Stating Pedophile Movie Director Bryan
Singer Raped Them