The FBI Is Running Illegal And Dangerous
Experiments On People Without Their Consent
January 4. 2020

Former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller is the most
evil in the agency's history
I've broken a number of stories on the
FBI. Exclusive items I wrote on my sites, particularly
the Judiciary Report, later proved true in Congress, via
Inspector General reports and or in the press. Among my
that proved true are:
The FBI Slammed In Inspector
General's Report For Spending $42,000,000 Per Year In Taxpayer Money
Paying Informants Including A Pedophile
Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents
Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via
Hacking Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating
The FBI Attempting To Purchase Land
To Build Headquarters In Nuclear Rocket City Should Be Cause For Alarm
Confirming Previous Site Claims
New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice Department Monitoring
Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming Previous Site Claims
The FBI Was At The 2012 Olympics Illegally Spying
Confirming What This Site Previously Stated
The FBI Spying On Journalists Emails Just As The Website Previously
Has Been Spying On Black Lives Matter As I Previously Stated
FBI's WMD Department
Rebuked By IG
Patriot Act Abuses

FBI Director Christopher Wray
Here's another exclusive. The FBI has
been running illegal, clandestine experiments on
innocent people with the goal of mind control. The
experiments are meant to see how much abuse people can
tolerate to make them completely submissive, especially
before they reach the point of suicide. Some of the
targets have committed suicide. Though the FBI knew what
was coming many times, based on previous experience in
the illegal experiments, they let it continue anyway,
resulting in more suicides.
Innocent people have died as a result of
these illegal experiments they never signed up for, but
the FBI chose to do in criminal violation of its
congressional mandate and human rights laws. Make no
mistake, these are severe human rights abuses. The FBI
violated the Geneva Conventions with this criminal
The experiments were done in a secretive
manner and caused extensive damage to innocent people,
some of whom died. The results were sent to several
departments of the U.S. government and select
universities for use, in acts of criminal invasion of
privacy and severe breaches of HIPAA.
Once again I state, the FBI is supposed
to be a law enforcement agency. They have no business
trying to play mad scientists again (The FBI Attempting To Purchase Land
To Build Headquarters In Nuclear Rocket City Should Be Cause For Alarm
Confirming Previous Site Claims and
Challenge The FBI In Anthrax Case and
FBI tried to pin CIA anthrax on Ivins
Anthrax Case Deteriorates Even More).
Once again I also state, this is why so
many terrorist attacks have gotten through in America,
killing innocent people (The FBI ignored advance
warnings via credible tips about the Fort Hood
terrorist, the San Bernardino mass shooters, the
Boston Marathon bombers, the
Pulse night club mass murderer,
and the
Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooter,
among many others, in incidents that left innocent
people dead).
The FBI operates as though law
enforcement work is beneath them. They think they are
prestigious scientists when they have absolutely no
qualifications in said realm. They also think they're
spies, which is the CIA's congressional mandate and not
that of the FBI. They are too busy doing other things
they have no business doing and to America's detriment
and that of the world.
What the FBI is doing is crazy. The U.S.
government is set out in a specific manner. Each agency
has a job and function. When a rogue agency decides it
does not want to do its job, as it wants to do something
else, that means a deficiency and vulnerability exists
that is harmful to the country and the world.
Can you image the lungs of the human
body deciding they do not want to be the lungs anymore,
as it's more fun being the face, as everyone sees it,
it's more glamorous and gets the most attention. The
body would die as the lungs are no longer performing its
function. Me personally I don't think the FBI are the
I think they're the butthole cause that's how
they act and nothing but crap comes out of there, but
you get my point.
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From George
Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth Billions For
Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human Rights Abuses That
Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally Defrauded
Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In Copyrights And
Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin Then Stonewalled
Congress Regarding It
The FBI Informs
Congress The Two Employees Who Ignored Credible Tips That Would Have
Prevented The Parkland Mass Murder School Shooting Have Been Disciplined
FBI Makes Deceitful Claim They Could Not Find School Shooter
Nikolas Cruz 5-Months Ago With Credible Tip From You Tube Page
Human Rights Activists Slam The FBI After It Is Discovered They
Became The World's Top Distributor Of Child Porn
NSA Workers Admit To Reading The Emails And Listening To The
Calls Of Americans In Violation Of The Law
Rules The NSA Illegally Spied On Americans Confirming The Site's
Previous Claims (Video)
IRS Says
Sorry For Targeting Conservatives As Obama Denies All Knowledge Of
19-Year-Old Shoots And Kills 17 People At Florida School
Failed To Act On Tip About Abortionist Killer
FBI Heads
Up Led To Innocent Man’s Murder
FBI Blew
Many Chances To Stop 9/11 Attacks