The FBI Informs Congress The Two Employees Who
Ignored Credible Tips That Would Have Prevented The Parkland Mass Murder
School Shooting Have Been DisciplinedNovember 7. 2019

Christopher Wray
FBI Director Christopher Wray recently informed
the U.S. Congress in a hearing that the two employees of the law enforcement
agency, responsible for ignoring very credible tips from two
people in separate incidents, warning about miscreant Nikolas Cruz, who months later
went on to kill 13 students and 4 teachers at Marjory Stoneman
Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, have been disciplined.
Is that supposed to make people feel better. Is that
supposed to bring back the dead. Is that supposed to redeem the
irredeemable FBI, who routinely ignore credible tips, which resulted
in many terror attacks and mass shootings that left scores of
innocent people
The FBI repeatedly ignored credible warnings they
received in advance on the September 11th terrorist attackers which
had they listened would have prevented it. The FBI ignored advance
warnings via credible tips about the
Fort Hood terrorist, the San Bernardino mass shooters, the
Boston Marathon bombers, the
Pulse night club mass murderer,
and the
Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooter,
among many others, in incidents that left innocent people dead.
I don't understand this type of thinking. If someone gives you a credible tip, you
something about it to stop the killings from happening. You don't
sit there, let it happen, then say "Ok, let's investigate." That's
crazy, but it is what the FBI keeps doing, which makes them very
dangerous, regarding the national security of America.
Too many innocent people, including children, have
been viciously murdered due to FBI criminal negligence, under their
political agenda, that has nothing to do with law
enforcement. However, the FBI wants you to applaud them and tell
them it's okay, when this type of behavior is absolutely not okay.
It warrants charges for criminal negligence.
If a member of the public knew a terror attack was
about to take place or that an individual was plotting to engage in
acts of violence and or murder, under U.S. law they would be
eligible for criminal charges for withholding information that could
have saved lives. Yet, this standard somehow does not apply to the
FBI. Once again we see the same pattern indicating
the FBI is above the law.
FBI director says two employees disciplined for botched
Parkland shooter tips
November 05, 2019 06:12 PM - FBI Director
Christopher Wray said on Nov. 5, 2019, that two FBI employees were
disciplined for failing to pass along tips about Nikolas Cruz. It
was the first public acknowledgment of discipline related to the
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