R Kelly Pleads Not Guilty To 11 New Criminal
Charges In Child Sexual Abuse Case (Video)
June 10. 2019
Disgraced pedophilic singer, R Kelly, made an
appearance in court to answer to an additional 11 charges in the
sexual abuse case brought against him by the State of Chicago. R
Kelly is being tried for sexually abusing 4 women, 3 of whom were
underage when the crimes occurred. The 11 additional criminal
charges are in relation to the same case. Kelly entered a plea of
not guilty regarding the new charges, as he did with the original
indictment. The case continues to progress through the criminal
court system.

R Kelly
There is a preponderance of evidence that indicates
Kelly has raped dozens of underage girls for the past 30-years,
exploiting his fame and wealth to harm others for his own sick
gratification. If the prosecution is able to make the charges stick
regarding the four women in the current criminal case, Kelly could
spend the rest of his life in prison paying for his crimes against
young girls. It would be an appropriate ending to this horrible
saga. Kelly has caused many young girls and their families pain and
distress. A price must be paid for these crimes.
R Kelly Victim Breaks Confidentiality Agreement To Talk About
His Pedophilic Behavior When He Raped Her As A 15-Year-Old
Virgin (Video)
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CBS News Which Could Be Used Against Him In Criminal Court
Two New Women Come Forward To Police Stating R Kelly Drugged Them And
Engaged In Rape When They Were Underage Girls (Video)
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Jussie Smollett And R Kelly Are Guilty Of Crimes
City Of Chicago Building Inspectors And Firemen Raid Recording
Studio Of Pedophile R Kelly Due To Violations
The FBI Has Been Covering For Famous Pedophiles In Hollywood For Years
Since The Time Of Robert Mueller
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Others On New Song ‘I Admit’
Kelly Agrees To Incendiary Interview With CBS News And The
Preview Is Shocking (Video)
Kelly Infected Girl With Herpes He Raped When She Was 13-Years-Old
R Kelly's Bank
Account Wiped Out By The Court Putting Him In The Red
R Kelly Used
To Beat Underage Singer Aaliyah
Why Is R Kelly Still Free