R Kelly Used To Beat Underage
Singer Aaliyah
January 18. 2019

R Kelly
Jim DeRogatis, a mainstream news reporter, has
exposed pedophilic singer R Kelly regarding his criminal
mistreatment of the late singer Aaliyah. Kelly infamous and
illegally married Aaliyah when she was 15 and he 27, by unlawfully
obtaining a fake ID and birth certificate stating she was 18-years
of age.
The illegal marriage took place at court in Chicago.
When her parents found out they were livid. Aaliyah’s father,
Michael Haughton, threatened to inflict physical damage on R Kelly
for manipulating and marrying his underage daughter. Aaliyah’s
parents had the marriage annulled one year later in Detroit. Her
parents knew something was wrong, but they did not know the extent
of it and were floored to find out Kelly had married Aaliyah. Many
people did not realize what R Kelly is really like.

R Kelly and Aaliyah in the 1990s
DeRogatis stated of the illegal marriage, “The
annulment of the Aaliyah marriage and Aaliyah’s legal claim against
him had been sealed in Detroit…they were sealed by the court but
those documents were provided to me. It’s a harrowing document, a
non-disclosure agreement on both her part and Kelly’s, vowing not to
pursue further legal claims for physical abuse. So it wasn’t just an
underage sexual relationship, he hit her, allegedly, according to
that court document.”
There it is. R Kelly used to beat Aaliyah. He is a
domestic violence abuser. Kelly also went on to beat his second
wife, Andrea. Teenage girls in the documentary “Surviving R Kelly”
also stated Kelly beat them as well. Woman after woman is telling
the same story of him preying on them as underage girls and using
cult leader tactics to brainwash and control them, including food
deprivation, beatings and mental abuse. It is a pattern of abuse. R
Kelly has inflicted so much harm on so many women. He must be
brought to justice for these massive crimes.
Aaliyah And R. Kelly's Annulment Included
Agreement To Protect Him From Physical Abuse Charges
1 min ago - 'Surviving R. Kelly' Documentary
Screening In NYC Evacuated Over Gun Threat. Reporter Jim DeRogatis
made the reveal during an appearance on a New york Times podcast.
Jim DeRogatis, the reporter who has pursued the sexual and physical
abuse allegations against R. Kelly since 2000, was a guest on the
New York Times’ podcast series The Popcast with host Jon Caramanica
last year.
READ: R. Kelly’s Music Streams Increased by 116%
Following Surviving R. Kelly. During the two’s conversation,
DeRogatis discussed how he first started reporting on Kelly and
recalled when he first went through the documents related to the
singer and Aaliyah’s annulment.
“The annulment of the Aaliyah marriage and Aaliyah’s
legal claim against him had been sealed in Detroit…they were sealed
by the court but those documents were provided to me,” DeRogatis
said. “It’s a harrowing document, a non-disclosure agreement on both
her part and Kelly’s, vowing not to pursue further legal claims for
physical abuse. So it wasn’t just an underage sexual relationship,
he hit her, allegedly, according to that court document.”…
Lifetime’s 'Aaliyah: The Princess Of R&B' Movie Is Not True To The
Facts And Is Being Torn To Pieces By Critics And Social Networking
(Confirming This Site's Previous Claims)
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About The Movie 'Aaliyah: The Princess Of R&B'
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Protest The Movie That Is Now On Hold
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Streaming Playlists
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Casting For Lifetime's Unauthorized Aaliyah Biopic Goes Terribly
Wrong Again
The MeToo
Movement Is Going After Pedophile R Kelly
Under Pressure By Hollywood To Have Sex
A Second Aaliyah
Movie In The Works