R Kelly's Bank Account Wiped Out By The
Court Putting Him In The Red
April 18. 2019

R Kelly was crying before he surrendered for
R Kelly once made millions as a singer and
songwriter, even boasting in one of his explicit songs, "You
remind me of my bank account, I wanna spend it." Now one of his
back accounts is $13 in the negative and the remaining two are
empty. A court judgment of over $170,000, for non-payment on a
property lease, for his now defunct recording studio, wiped out
the $150,000 he had in his main bank account (City Of Chicago Building Inspectors And Firemen Raid Recording
Studio Of Pedophile R Kelly Due To Violations). When the
creditor attempted to seize the contents of a second and third
bank account, they were informed his accounts are empty.
R Kelly, who is in the middle of a well-deserved
scandal for beating and raping underage girls, in misconduct
that has gone on since the 1990s, is currently under criminal
indictment in his native Chicago for said crimes. Kelly was
indicted after the "Surviving R Kelly" documentary aired in
February, which featured some of his many victims (there are
over two dozen victims, some of whom did not want to be
interviewed). Four victims were located, who were subjected to
sex crimes by Kelly, in matters still within the statute of
limitations and they are the foundation of the indictment
against the pedophile singer.
Kelly never graduated high school. His wife has
described him as illiterate. She is right. He has financially
mismanaged his money and engaged in crimes that cost him his
fortune. He has no concept of money, but likes to spend
excessively. He had mansions in Chicago and Atlanta. Both went
into foreclosure. He also leased studio space that was too
expensive for his budget. However, he was also using the space
to illegally house underage girls. R Kelly had a habit of having
illegal sex with minors while working in the studio (some girls
were as young as age 11, which is infuriating).

R Kelly
Kelly engaged in so many sex crimes against
minors, he was repeatedly sued by their enraged parents and
issued settlements to stop the cases from going to trial. Some
of the settlements were monthly payments in excess of $5,000 per
month, which went on for years. It helped to deplete his funds,
but he deserved to lose his money over what he did to underage
Kelly's wife, Andrea Kelly, left him due to the
scandals and his acts of domestic violence. She was awarded
spousal and child support of $20,000 per month to care for
herself and their three distraught children, who are embarrassed
by his terrible conduct. Kelly's kids have been ostracized and
insulted in schools by other students, because of his sick,
humiliating conduct. I sometimes wonder if one of Kelly's
daughters was subjected to sexual abuse, as she has shaved her
head and is dressing like a boy, in conduct victims of sex
crimes employ as a defense mechanism.
Falsely empowered by the payoffs he issued,
Kelly continued with his criminal conduct against underage
girls, to their detriment and his own. Then, news broke of a sex
cult he illegally maintained in Atlanta, which caused people to
enact a well-deserved boycott against him that damaged his
finances even more than his evil conduct against young girls
(settlements). The negative publicity gave way to the "Surviving
R Kelly" documentary, even more boycotts and the current
indictments. These events have financially wiped R Kelly out, in
a financial catastrophe of his own making. He used his money to
abuse people, especially young girls. It is fitting that his
wealth be taken by the courts.
R. Kelly’s Bank Account Left At Negative $13 After
$150,000 Seized
April 15, 2019 - R. Kelly has been in a
financial bind after his failure to pay child support and rent
on his infamous studio. One of Kelly’s accounts was left in the
red after $150,000 was seized. According to court documents
obtained by The Blast, Wintrust Bank contacted one of the
singer’s creditors to inform them of insufficient funds and
balance of negative $13.
The publication states that Kelly does have two
other accounts with Bank of America that holds a total of
$154,527.22 combined. However, those accounts were seized by the
former landlord, except $625. The former landlord was awarded a
$173,000 judgment, and in turn, subpoenas were sent to Sony,
ASCAP, and other accounts where the singer holds money.
The landlord then received $154, 527.22 from
Bank of America. But, according to reports, he still wants the
remaining balance. As a result, the landlord has requested that
the judge release the remaining balance to settle the debt.
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