Why Is R Kelly Still
September 20. 2007

R Kelly
It has been five years since the discovery of
evidence pointing to his penchant for sex with underage girls. Since that time
many others came forward to Vibe magazine testifying of their relationships with
him as well, in which he promised them recording contracts and fame.

What they
got was underage sex and emotional and psychological issues that have stayed
with them to this day. The girls ranged in age from 13 to 15 years old.

And let's not forget, to me what is the worse
piece of evidence, R. Kelly was married to late R&B singer Aaliyah, when she was
all of 15 and he was 28. That's all I needed to know.

It was alleged in Vibe magazine that he obtained
a fake Illinois ID for her when she was 15, that stated she was 18, and they wed
in a Chicago registrars office.

A year later, her parents had the marriage
annulled via a Detroit judge. His name was mentioned in the article. Both the
marriage and annulment are in Chicago and Detroit court records respectively.

The album Age Ain't Nothing
But A Number, written and produced by R Kelly, was clearly what he was
thinking regarding a then 15 year old Aaliyah
I always wonder why he wasn't jailed then, as
her father expressed that he was furious with R Kelly. He wouldn't directly say
why, but the Vibe article printed the marriage certificate and the information
regarding the annulment. Therefore, you can pretty much guess why.

I remember years ago when Aailyah's career had
just started, R Kelly through a publicist announced the formation of his new
label, Blackground Records. After the scandal with Aaliyah, all people heard
was the label was now Aaliyah's uncle's, staffed by their family members. Was
that apart of a settlement, as it was introduced as being wholly owned by R
Kelly and operated as such for over a year.

He should have been brought to justice then, as
his conduct qualifies as statutory rape because she was 15 years old. And guess what happened? No charges were filed,
they allowed him to remain free, then years later, a video tape surfaces,
allegedly of R Kelly having sex with another 15 year old girl. Clearly a habit. R Kelly has denied it is him on the tape, even
inexcusably trying to state it is his brother. While I haven't seen the tape and
do not wish to, I have seen a photo of R Kelly's brother online and they don't
look alike.

Carey Kelly
His brother is furious that R Kelly tried to
pass the buck to him, as he himself has children and the accusation has caused
him much embarrassment. His brother said in an article:
"Why are people
feeling sorry for [R.]?" Carey asked. "Saying that the girl's lying and that's
why he caught the case? He caught the case because that's God's way of waking
him up. What you put out there comes back. It's called karma. But I'm not trying
to say anything that's going to put him behind bars. I just wish that people
that supposedly love him really reach out to him and say, 'You need help, man.'
He's sick and he needs help..."Chief among them, Carey says R. offered
him $50,000, a record deal and a house if he would perjure himself on the
witness stand." - MTV
R&B star R. Kelly is
reportedly at the center of another scandal, after claims from his troubled
younger brother the singer has had sex with minors, beats his wife, has
molested his nieces and has had physical relations with men. Carey Kelly
launched the extraordinary attack in a low-budget DVD, which has since been
leaked on the internet.
On it he claims his
brother was so proud of a sex tape depicting him having intercourse with an
underage girl, he held a special screening of it on his tour bus.
The sibling also
contends R. Kelly offered him $50,000 and a lucrative record deal to hand
himself over to police as the star of the video, so the Ignition hitmaker
escaped charges. -

Further damning evidence surfaced via R Kelly
selling his Chicago home, with someone releasing pictures of the house, in it
was a room in the property that matches the one on the illegally made tape of
the 15 year old girl he was having sex with. There is sufficient evidence to illustrate that
R Kelly has a problem, a penchant for underage girls, who he is clearly a danger
to, which renders him a danger to the community for that reason. But what did we do? He was rewarded with
numerous additional platinum albums, multiple tours and rave reviews for his

He's going out on tour again, where it was
alleged in the past, people in his camp would sneak underage girls backstage for him. It is my sincere prayer that he will be watched on this tour, to
protect someone else's innocent child from losing their innocence.
This cannot be allowed to continue. This needn't happen again. They
need to get R Kelly off the streets and into treatment. I think if you commit certain crimes in life,
you should automatically lose your career, especially if it has some form of a
public podium attached to it. While, God can forgive him, He also condones the
use of the court system to bring lawbreakers to justice and pay their debts to

This isn't a case of someone going around
robbing banks. That money can be replaced. What he is doing to these underage
girls cannot be undone. One can only pray they recover, as it is a terrible
trauma. This attitude from some, not all, of, "Oh, we
have to support our black brother" or making excuses for his conduct because he
is famous, isn't going to fly. Bet you won't want to support him if he catches
your 13 year old daughter.
R. Kelly trial delayed until '08
CHILD PORN CASE | Lawyer bickering may be the reason.
September 5, 2007 - The trial of R&B superstar R. Kelly seemed as far off as ever Tuesday, as a Cook
County judge announced yet another delay in the five-year-old case. Kelly, 40, had been scheduled to go on trial
Sept. 17 on child pornography charges. But Judge Vincent Gaughan said in court
Tuesday it would be postponed.
"We are not going to be going to trial the 17th
of September," Gaughan said, without explaining why not. Shauna Boliker, the lead prosecutor on the case,
gave birth to a son last week. In an e-mail to reporters, Gaughan's media
liaison Terry Sullivan said Boliker "is not able to proceed at this time"
because of "doctor's orders."
But other sources attributed the latest delay to
lawyers' wrangling over expert witnesses the prosecutors want to call. Prosecutors charged Kelly in 2002 with making a
26-minute videotape in which he appears to be having sex with an underage girl.
Kelly pleaded not guilty. The girl, allegedly 14 on the tape, is now 22 and has
denied she is the one who appears...
http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/542223,CST-NWS-rkelly05.article |