R Kelly Agrees To Incendiary Interview With
CBS News And The Preview Is Shocking (Video)
March 5. 2019
CBS News released a preview of an interview they
conducted with disgraced pedophile and singer R Kelly. The
interview was conducted by a stone-faced Gayle King, who was not
accepting the singer's versions of events, regarding the child
sexual abuse criminal case he is currently in, which has him
facing the potential of spending life in prison. R Kelly
screamed and cried during the interview that he is, "Fighting
for my f**king life." However, he brought this on himself.
King repeatedly asked Kelly flat out if he
molested underage girls and he does not directly answer her
questions. She also asked him about the previous child porn
criminal case he faced and rather than deny the allegations,
Kelly stated, "I beat the case." That's not a denial regarding
engaging in sex with minors. It sounds more like an admission of

I just want interviewers to start asking R
Kelly, why were you at age 27, illegally married to the then
underage 15-year-old singer Aaliyah. There is no answer he can
give, as that incident proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that
he is a pedophile, who began having sex with the young singer he
met and began working with when she was 11-years-old. The sex
between the two began far before he illegally married her, by
giving her a fake ID and lying to a judge, when R Kelly became
terrified she was pregnant (R Kelly’s Bail On 10 Counts Of Criminal Sexual Abuse Against Underage
Girls Was Posted By A Daycare Owner).

Sensible people who followed the previous trial
realize Kelly bought out the case. The 14-year-old who was
sexually molested by Kelly and shown on the child porn tape he
made that was stolen and leaked, refused to testify, as did her
parents. Rumors circulated in the industry R Kelly paid the
family not to testify. It weakened the prosecution's case and
enabled him to continue molesting underage girls. In fact, new
reports surfaced this year that R Kelly was molesting underage
girls at his home, while he was on trial in 2009.

It is imperative that prosecutors convict R
Kelly this time or the 52-year-old singer will go right back to
molesting underage girls again. R Kelly has harmed many underage
girls who were between the ages of 11-17 when these acts of
statutory rape occurred, as a minor cannot consent to sex under
U.S. law. Some of the girls became suicidal and were
hospitalize. They deserve justice. For the safety of young girls
in the community, R Kelly must be put behind bars once and for
all, as he has repeatedly shown he is a sexual predator who has
no intention of stopping his crimes against minors.
R Kelly Finally
Scrapes Together Bail Money As Victims' Lawyer Michael Avenatti Receives A Second
Child Porn Tape The Pedophilic Singer Made
Kelly Victim Breaks Confidentiality Agreement To Talk About His
Pedophilic Behavior When He Raped Her As A 15-Year-Old Virgin
City Of Chicago Building Inspectors And Firemen Raid Recording Studio Of
Pedophile R Kelly Due To Violations
Grand Jury Convening Regarding New R Kelly Child Porn Tape Indicating
The Singer Is In Trouble
R Kelly Tour Dates Cancelled Due To Poor Ticket Sales In The
Face Of Sex Cult Scandal
R Kelly Used
To Beat Underage Singer Aaliyah