Grand Jury Convening Regarding New R Kelly
Child Porn Tape Indicating The Singer Is In Trouble
February 18. 2019

R Kelly
A grand jury is being convened regarding
pedophile singer, R Kelly, who has been raping underage
girls for decades. Last week, Los Angeles attorney, Michael
Avenatti, gave authorities a tape of Kelly having sex with
an underage girl. CNN reporters, who saw the tape, are
appalled. They revealed the tape shows R Kelly asking the
girl her age, to which she responds “14” then proceeding to
have sex with the minor he instructs to call him “daddy.”
Kelly refers to her as “14-year-old p***y” and
tells her to state the same regarding her vagina. CNN stated
Kelly instructs the girl to urinate on herself. Then he urinates
on the underage girl. The whole thing is sick and stomach
turning. He’s got some serious mental problems. The previous
case against Kelly also contained footage of him urinating on a
minor, but the defense was able to successfully raise doubt he
was on the tape. This time CNN stated the tape is “clear.”
Avenatti also has a witness.
Aventatti is representing the “whistleblower”
who turned over the tape and is testifying against Kelly. The
whistleblower is a former employee of Kelly who has known him
for decades. The whistleblower also knows the identity of the
underage girl on the tape. This could be the break in the case
many are waiting for, to put Kelly away for his crimes against
I have been writing about R Kelly’s sex crimes
against children since 2009, due to his awful conduct regarding
the late singer Aaliyah, whom he fraudulently married when she
was 15 and he 27. Had the FBI, whom I’ve had formal interactions
with in another case, acted from 2009 when they read the
articles, it would have spared many new teenage girls from
becoming victims of R Kelly over the past 10-years.
Much like had the FBI done their jobs when a
victim of crime came to them in 2009 about movie director, Bryan
Singer, it would have saved many underage boys from being raped
by the pedophilic sexual predator over the past decade (The FBI Has Been Covering For Famous Pedophiles In Hollywood For Years
Since The Time Of Robert Mueller). The taxpayers are paying the
FBI 9 billion per year and what do they do? Ignore credible
complaints about famous people committing sick and evil crimes,
and drop the ball on tips about an insidious
school shooter who went on to kill 17 people in
Parkland, Florida.
Lifetime’s 'Aaliyah: The Princess Of R&B' Movie Is Not True To The
Facts And Is Being Torn To Pieces By Critics And Social Networking
(Confirming This Site's Previous Claims)
Aaliyah Family Release Statement On Unauthorized Lifetime Biopic
Slamming The Planned Movie While Lead Actress Zendaya Coleman Says
She's Black Enough To Play The Singer
Kelly Victim Breaks Confidentiality Agreement To Talk About His
Pedophilic Behavior When He Raped Her As A 15-Year-Old Virgin
Family And Fans Of The Late Singer Aaliyah Vocally Oppose Lifetime's
Unauthorized Biopic Of Her Life Starring Zendaya Coleman
Wendy Williams Responds To Terrible Public Backlash Over The Aaliyah
Movie In What This Site Predicted Would Be A Flop
Lifetime Accused Of Promoting Pedophilia Due To Tweets On Twitter
About The Movie 'Aaliyah: The Princess Of R&B'
Coleman Backs Out Of Aaliyah Biopic After Fans And Her Family
Protest The Movie That Is Now On Hold
Actress Cast As Aaliyah In Unauthorized Lifetime Biopic That Wendy
Williams Is Now Executive Producing
51-Year-Old Singer R Kelly Sued By Teenage Girlfriend For Giving Her
Herpes And Holding Her Hostage
Spoof Video Slams Lifetime's Terrible Casting In The 'Aaliyah: The
Princess Of R&B Movie' (Video)
Pedophile R Kelly Admits To Sexual Abuse Of Underage Aaliyah And Others
On New Song ‘I Admit’
Rihanna Wants To Play Aaliyah In Biopic After Zendaya Coleman Quits The Unauthorized Movie
Apple Music, Spotify And Pandora Drop Singer R Kelly From Their Music
Streaming Playlists
R Kelly Tour Dates Cancelled Due To Poor Ticket Sales In The
Face Of Sex Cult Scandal
Casting For Lifetime's Unauthorized Aaliyah Biopic Goes Terribly
Wrong Again
The MeToo
Movement Is Going After Pedophile R Kelly
Under Pressure By Hollywood To Have Sex
R Kelly Used
To Beat Underage Singer Aaliyah