Madonna Escalates Her Psychotic
Criminal Behavior In Commissioned Acts Of Vandalism,
Property Destruction, Trespassing, Stalking,
Harassment And Hacking
February 23. 2023

Ugly gnome Madonna has escalated her
commissioned criminal conduct again (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Documents)). In past articles I wrote
of how Madonna moved a few of her cult members into the gated
community I live. They approached me and separately one of my
family members on the grounds of the property, telling us they
are in Kabbalah, and how the cult pays their rent, then relaying
sick messages from Madonna to us that we have no interest in
Madonna has been paying people such as private
investigators and thugs to illegally stalk, approach, harass and
threaten me. On some occasions these criminals she is paying to
stalk and harass me engaged in violence.
There was even an incident of attempted sexual
assault on the grounds of the gated community that was
commissioned by Madonna (Madonna Commissions Criminal
Stalking, Trespassing And Sexual Harassment). She has also been
doing this to others in the entertainment industry, as she is a
psychotic, evil person.
Madonna's sick Kabbalah cult have been engaging
in a pattern of following me around whenever I go out and
approaching me with menacing speech, on her orders. This same
pattern was seen in the Anthony Pellicano criminal trial where
Madonna, who is connected to the mafia, paid Colombo family
mafioso Pellicano to perversely spy on (wiretap, hack, and
breaking an entry into homes and businesses to install audio and
visual surveillance items), stalk, harass and sometimes assault
innocent people she became obsessed with, which the FBI
interviewed me about twice at their office, and gained a
criminal conviction with said interviews and documents they
asked me to give them. Pellicano went to prison for 15-years.
In another strange development, Madonna's cult
has been having someone waiting outside the gated community I
live in a vehicle and sometimes try to approach me. Other times
it has been cult members on foot making highly questionable
comments to me about her and relaying insane messages from the
lunatic, Madonna, that I do not want to hear. This has been
repeatedly happening in acts of aggravated stalking and
A couple weeks ago when I returned home in the
night (about 9 PM) one of them was sitting there waiting in a
Mercedes. So I took a photo of the man in the vehicle with my
mobile phone and waited until I saw another resident, then I
walked into the gated community with said resident. After I
opened the security gate with a key, the resident I walked in
with went in one direction, and I went in another.
Then another man I did not know comes running
towards me mumbling something. I started to walk in the
direction of one of my friends' place in the gated community
(which was closer to where I was walking at the time than my
place) and was looking to see if she or her car were outside her
place. The guy that was running towards me and mumbling
something I did not understand, then ran to the Mercedes out
front on the other side of the gate (I looked back and saw that
is where he went). After he did I changed direction and began
walking to my place.
Shortly after, one of Madonna's thugs smashed my
friend's fairly new car up, even shattering the windows. This
has never happened in the gated community before. It was
reported to the gated community's management and the police.
This is just the type of psychotic violence
Madonna and her cult have done to people. It reminded me of the
criminal trial of Madonna's private invstigator, Anthony
Pellicano, where the FBI and Department of Justice stated
Pellicano paid thugs to attack writer, Anita Busch, for writing
unflattering items in the Los Angeles Times about his client,
Hollywood mogul Michael Ovitz.
The thugs opted against physically injuring
Anita and messing with her car brakes, as Pellicano had ordered
them to do, and instead decided to smash the windshield of her
car, shoot a bullethole through it, and leave a dead fish, a
rose and a note on it stating "stop!" (which are known Italian
mafia death threat tactics). It was stated in court that it
meant "stop" writing articles about Ovitz, who is a dirty,
crazy, pathetic coward for siccing a violent, deranged,
bloodthirsty psychopath like Pellicano on a woman.
Ovitz, like Madonna and those in their circle,
are pathetic wimps, cowards and losers. What kind of person
siccing a violent, murderous mafia thug on anyone, let alone a
woman. What kind of pathetic little sissies are scared of a
woman and her writing truthful articles. If you weren't such
pathetic losers people wouldn't be writing these things about
Remember several weeks ago I wrote about getting
a new mobile phone and Madonna's
hackers hacking it within two days. Madonna's hackers
kept turning off the internet feature in the backend of the
mobile phone's software, in attempts at leaving me stranded in
public at night without the ability to call for a ride after I
go to university to take required, proctored exams (Uber or Lyft,
which use the internet on your phone to send you rides).
After I took a mobile phone photo of the guy
they had following me around weeks ago, who was parked outside
the gated community in a Mercedes, as mentioned above, Madonna's
hackers hacked and destroyed the phone in trying to block me
from retrieving the photo from the phone as evidence.
When I telephoned about getting a replacement
mobile phone from the company I got the now hacked and disabled
one from, they stated they have a policy that you must send them
the hacked/disabled phone and then they will send you a new one.
I gave the representative my information, which she entered into
the computer. After she finished the order she paused then told
me something is wrong. She said she put through the order for
the new phone, then weird error messages began popping up in
their computer system (a
computer intrusion/hack) which erased the entire order.
She apologized and said, "Let's do the order again." After I
stated, over my mom's illegally wiretapped phone, ":you've been
hacked" the order went through the second time.
Madonna And Her Cult Criminally Demanding New
Madonna and her sick cult continue to terrorize,
threaten and harass me demanding I give them any new copyrights
I have written (for background on this matter see:
The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
Documents)). There have been
break-ins to my place, as they have been looking for newer
copyrights, but can't get them through hacking. They are doing
all this in vain.
Madonna and others in her cult,
such as Rihanna, have made announcements that they want
to release new albums, which they have not done in a long time.
Rihanna's whole career has been based on stealing my Library of
Congress registered copyrights. She is a complete fraud, thief
and degenerate.
Madonna's cult is out of material, having stolen
so much and exhausted said stolen supply, and stalling for time
hoping they can criminally coerce and steal new copyrights from
me to revive their dead careers. Again, they are doing this in
vain. I'm focusing on my education as a scientist and
medical/science patents on curing select diseases (Famous Doctor Blames Coronavirus
Vaccine For Accelerating His Cancer And Presents Proof Of Progression
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
I'm also working on developing new technologies
regarding the climate problem, as something very bad is about to
happen in the not too distant future regarding the climate, as I
have been warning and predicting ('Doomsday Glacier' In Antarctica
Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse Confirming Previous Claims and
America Is Warming 68% Faster Than
The Rest Of The Planet Confirming Previous Site Claims and
Yellowstone Floods In Unprecedented Climate Event
Confirming Previous Site Claims (Videos) and
Historic Flooding In Pakistan Leaves
One Third Of The Nation Under Water In Climate Change Disaster
Confirming Previous Site Claims).
A subsidence problem is forming in select places, such
as America, Italy, and regions such as Hebrides, and of those
areas where the land is not submerged or washed away, the
drinking water will be too polluted to consume under the climate
change issue, posing a secondary threat to human life. The
Thames Barrier will also face challenges. I'm of the belief,
with good reason, that if something is not done regarding the
worsening climate issue, the Thames Barrier will not hold up
(flooding, drinking water pollution).
Criminal Interference In My University
hackers have been hacking my university coursework
again. Last year they hacked and deleted my midterm exam results
from Environmental Science in an effort to fail me and get my
funding suspended for over a year, as that's the rule when you
do not pass a class. The midterm was the one main exam in that
class and accounted for a big chunk of the final grade. I
brought it to the school's attention, they found the hacked and
deleted exam, put the grade back, and I passed the course.
Madonna is obsessed with me being in university
and has tried a number of criminal, commissioned stunts in
efforts to derail my degrees. Madonna has sent different cult
members to threaten me over my degree stating "you can't have
one" and "you are not allowed to be anything."
Recently, two college level software vendors the
school uses experienced terrible hacks. The university also
experienced a hack regarding a fraudulent email that circulated
to all the students. A school advisory was sent out warning
students not to open the email that states it is from the
university, but was actually from a hacker.
In a separate incident a few months ago, I was
at the university taking an exam and I noticed it was being
hacked. During the middle of the test my hands were not even on
the mouse or keyboard, as I was reading the questions, but the
mouse/arrow key started moving all over the screen (in a pattern
of hacking I'd noticed for some time at home on my computers
that Madonna pays to have hacked
on a daily basis and later insanely keeps using and publicly
repeating verbatim the contents of my computers, including my
time stamped, private emails to others).
I had never seen that form of hacking outside my
private and business computers' before, which Madonna pays to
have criminally breached via a backdoor in Windows (Wikileaks
Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government
Documents Showing The CIA And FBI Are Spying On
People In Their Homes Via Hacking Smart TVs And
Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims).
One of Madonna's hackers also works for the FBI.
Madonna's hackers have been criminally breaching
and sabotaging the university's software and third party
software the school uses for testing. The software is also used
by students to do weekly coursework.
Madonna's hackers are criminally trying to lower
my grade point average (after I made the honor roll twice) in
trying to bar me from graduating with my degrees and
transferring to a foreign university (you need a good GPA to get
into select foreign and domestic graduate universities).
Madonna's hackers have been doing this via
hacking, sabotaging and disabling third party software, such as
national brands that host college e-textbooks, and Zoom (I have
saved screencaps and htm files of the third party software hacks
as proof; even recording hacks with my mobile phone as they
The FBI knows all about the aforementioned
crimes and in criminal violation of their Congressional mandate
have looked the other way to it, due to bribery. And the FBI
loves bribes:
FBI Agent Arrested In California And
Charged With Falsifying Documents To Cover Up Bribes He Took From
Organized Crime and
FBI Official Under Criminal Investigation For Taking A $225,000
Bribe From Vladimir Putin Associate and 50
Instances Of FBI Agents Accepting Bribes
FBI Agent Arrested For Accepting A $200,000 Bribe To Derail A
Criminal Case The FBI Was Supposed To Be Investigating
Another FBI Agent Caught Taking Bribes To Derail Serious Cases.
What they are doing is foul and an
embarrassment. They don't care about U.S. education system to do
these things. University students need the tools to do their
work, such as third party software required as a part of the
coursework. If the software is not working properly due to
hacking you will fail the courses. This is known as academic
sabotage and in this form is a serious crime (and one that is
Degrees are not going to make or break me. I'll
be fine either way. I'm secure. I've been doing the coursework
for these degrees because I want to do so. I don't have to do
so. They don't seem to grasp that and are embarrassing the U.S.
government in the process with this terrible criminal meddling
and hacking.
They are doing all this criminal madness in
vain, as time will show. By the grace of God my forthcoming
patents and copyrights are what will carry me in life. The
degrees are just a bonus. I have to state this because these
madpeople (Madonna and her cult with the support of the FBI) are
wreaking havoc on third parties and embarrassing the U.S.
education system.
They are psychotics who have no national pride.
Their minds and agenda is very warped and twisted. They don't
want peace and prosperity for the masses. They get off on
conflict and suffering. They want to control the wealth of the
world and have all so-called political power. If you have
something they want they will try to destroy you in every way to
get it, even resorting to criminal conduct.
I warned a couple years ago on this site that if
allowed they will burn down the whole country under their crazy
agenda and now you are seeing it for yourselves:
America Is Being Sabotaged From
Within (Video). They are capable of any
To the public, if you can get a degree (or
degrees) I recommend you do so to expand your minds and support
yourselves. Don't let Madonna and company's sick behavior
towards me discourage you from finding a university and pursuing
your degree.
Site Hacked
This message appeared on the site on
January 14, 2023:

On the same day I received this email from
the site's hosting company. Look at the titles of the malware
infected articles. Madonna's hackers infected 4 articles about
her and them hacking the site (in acts she commissioned):

I received this email after I republished
the 4 articles from a local, saved copy of the site that did not
contain malware:

A few weeks ago this site was hacked by
Madonna's hackers. The site
host emailed me that they had to temporarily take the site
offline because someone had injected malware into it that was
presenting a danger to the site, the server and my readers. They
sent me the names of the newly infected files (which all had to
do with Madonna's commissioned criminal hacking).
Madonna's hackers had broken into the server,
via live hacking, and infected files/articles exposing their
criminal hacking, with the goal of having the articles deleted
from the site/internet. However, I cleaned the files/articles of
the newly injected malware by republishing fresh, malware free,
saved local copies to the server.
Psychotic Calls
Madonna's cult continues to make psychotic calls
to my elderly mom's phone number at all times of the day.
Sometimes they will trigger my mom's phone in the middle of the
night when she is sleeping, by hacking it and playing loud
videos meant to cause distress.
They are also making psychotic calls with veiled
and sometimes outright threats. About a month ago a psychotic
member of Madonna cult called my mom's number screaming, "My
daughter has been injured in an accident and I can't find her!"
She was screaming all sorts of madness at my mom through the
phone. My mom found the call very disturbing.
The thing is in the past when they've called or
texted, without permission, stating madness like that, it is
something they planned to do and later did regarding us. They'd
even send me psychotic emails threatening criminal acts, then
not long after they would commit the criminal acts detailed in
the emails.
Like the time they called threatening to attack
in a bathroom. Then not long after they criminally tried to
attack my mom in the bathroom of a Chase Bank in North Miami
Beach, Florida. If my mom did not turn around and see Madonna's
cult member trying to get into the single stall bathroom behind
her, then she started screaming, which prompted the Chase Bank
staff to run to her rescue, he would have killed my mom in that
bathroom. The man in question is one we had seen on different
occasions following us around at disparate places, days a part.
He was always menacing and glaring. Madonna's cult is so
disgusting. They are the sickest people on the planet.
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