America Is Being Sabotaged From
Within (Video)
February 16. 2023
This month's criminally planned, toxic chemicals
carrying train derailment in the U.S. state of Ohio,
perversely mimics the 2022 Netflix movie "Scary"
(in conduct reminiscent of the movie "Wag
The Dog") has resulted in people being sickened, animals
dying, and the earth, water and air in the region
being heavily polluted for hundreds of miles:
Some very strange and damaging
things have been occurring in America under the Joe
Biden administration. The nation is being sabotaged
from within, with all signs pointing to the alphabet
agencies, who've done things like this before, but
never with this frequency. Something is afoot.

Joe Biden is crazy and inept
27 food factories have mysteriously
burned to the ground in a very short period of time,
which is a first in America. There have been train
derailments, which resulted in toxic and deadly
substances being released. Trucks have mysteriously
been overturned, which also spill toxic substances.
Planes are falling out of the sky, including
military jets, and a record number of near misses
are occurring at a very increased rate.

Posted above is a tweet from the page of U.S.
Senator Mike Lee. All over the internet fossil fuel
hating Joe Biden is being accused of blowing up the
Nord Stream pipelines in an act of criminal
Biden's general announced America is
going to war with China in 2025, in a message that
was poorly received in America and the world (Advanced
Chinese Spy Balloon Appears Over American Nuclear
Missile Site In Montana Shocking The Pentagon One
Week After U.S. General Declares America Will Go To
War With China In 2025 Confirming Previous Site
Claims (Video)). Then, there was the the
fake UFOs were spotted all over America, in what was
meant to play a trick. It is meant to cause fear,
chaos and distraction.

A tweet from
All the aforementioned incidents are
meant to cause fear, chaos and distraction to
further their agenda, for a new world order where
you destroy a nation (and the world if you find the
means) then making it over into what you want, which
is terrible (Joe Biden Administration Speaks Of A
'New World Order' And 'Liberal World Order' While Wrecking The U.S.
Economy To Bring It About (Videos)). It is political and harmful
to the nation. These events are playing on people's
fears to control them. The worst part is it is being
done during a pandemic, where the public's physical
and emotional health is being challenged by very
difficult circumstances.
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