America Is
Warming 68% Faster Than The
Rest Of The Planet Confirming Previous Site Claims
January 4. 2023

Power hungry Barack Obama
and Joe Biden are not acting in America's best interests or that of
the world. They are placing money before human lives and health.
On November 8, 2022 many mainstream press articles
were published detailing the contents of a new report by the
U.S. Global Change Research Program, which stated, "The U.S. is
warming 68% faster than the rest of the world."
This confirmed what I stated 5-MONTHS PRIOR on this
site, "It's still raining right now and it is very hot in Miami,
Florida. Global warming is real. There is a climate change
problem and it is set to wreak havoc,
particularly in America, in the next few years if
something is not done (America is the biggest energy consumer in the
world and a massive polluter). Once again, a serious scientific
intervention is needed" (June 9, 2022 article:
Florida Is Experiencing Record
Flooding Confirming Previous Site Claims).
America is headed for climate disaster, and is more
at risk than other nations due to the aforementioned factors. Not
only is sea level rise posing a significant problem in coastal
areas, there is another severe problem pending: SUBSIDENCE
(crumbling and sinking of land).
The Biden administration doesn't see it coming and
are taking it very lightly. The Biden administration and its feds
think it is a joke, as they are more preoccupied with using taxpayer
money for what they want to, rather than where it is best served to
benefit the nation as a whole. Have you been reading the articles in
the press about trillions in taxpayer money being missing in one big
cash grab by the Feds such as the Pentagon/DOD (look it up). Biden
and his family have been illegally raking in over $1 billion via
unlawful schemes (The U.S. Secret Service Acknowledges
Authenticity Of Hack On The Phone And Laptop Of President Joe Biden's
Son Hunter Biden Which Exposed The First Family's Pedophilia, Drug Use
And Political Bribery (Video)).
Meanwhile, this subsidence problem is creeping up on
America and needs a scientific intervention is needed to fix it
before the worst happens. Time will show subsidence is extremely
dangerous and posing a severe problem to life and health. I have no
reason to lie to you and by the grace of God my warnings/predictions
are consistently proven correct (site exclusives).
There is something wrong under the earth, as I
previously stated and was later proven correct ('Doomsday Glacier' In Antarctica
Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse Confirming Previous Claims).
However, America is at greatest risk for massive subsidence on a
scale the government can't even imagine.
I have a track record of telling the truth (and the
government knows that) as seen on the site exclusives
page of this site, but due to the fact they are more interested in
criminally exploiting me and my copyrights for the undue and
criminal enrichment of their Hollywood campaign donors, they have
been illegally interfering in my life in vile ways (The FBI Is
Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In
Madonna Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional
This criminal interference into my life and
financial exploitation of my intellectual property by criminals in
Hollywood and
the thieving FBI, among others, is taking time away from my
science work, regarding copyrights and patents showing great promise
(I know my patents will work). In fact, I have released select items
from some of my research work and it later proved 100% true and
correct (site exclusives).

Ugly, hideous Madonna
I'll illustrate why I state this regarding the
criminal interference and harassment usurping my time. I am being
bombarded by a chronic stream of deranged and harassing emails and
telephone calls to my private email box and mobile phone. I'm
checking my emails and have to shift through all the deranged
madness being sent to my email box by insane Madonna and her sick
Hollywood cult.
My computers are insanely and maliciously being
HACKED EVERYDAY in acts paid
for by Madonna, with the FBI also illegally accessing the data as
well (proof being the FBI has PUBLICLY attributed items in my
private TIME STAMPED emails, computer data and telephone calls to
themselves on their website, in press releases and in press
That's not the purpose of wiretapping. Under U.S.
law it was not designed as a vehicle to perversely spy on others and
steal their intellectual property, as I exposed the FBI and their
parent agency, the DOJ, for doing before (New Scandal Erupts Regarding The FBI And Justice
Department Monitoring Calls Of AP Reporters Confirming
Previous Site Claims). They're
still doing it. Nothing has changed. The FBI is still criminally
violating people's privacy for undue financial and social gain.
Madonna is routinely attributing items from my
private emails to herself and within days rushing them over to the
Daily Mail UK, as articles about herself, which is completely
criminal, not only domestically but internationally as well (I have
the TIME STAMPED proof saved that displays the illegal conduct).
My Comcast internet for on my computers and
television (which I use for scientific and medical research work,
and also for entertainment to relax in my spare time), which for
years was costing $69 per month, is STILL constantly being hacked
and "disabled" by Madonna's hackers.
My mobile phone, whose internet is provided by
another carrier (not Comcast) is constantly being hacked and
"disabled." The phone worked fine for a few days when I just got it
(a few months ago), then due to Madonna's insane commissioned
hacking, this brand new mobile by a well established multi-billion
dollar company, is malfunctioning in odd and sick ways, due to the
criminal hacking.
This criminal hacking of my phone has endangered me
and my family. Madonna's hackers hacked my phone and turned off the
emergency services component. When my mom got sick recently due to
Madonna and company's criminal harassment, abuse and interference in
our lives, on December 13, 2022 I tried to dial 911, and for minutes
the phone would not do it, which was extremely odd. Later when I
called tech support I found my internet connection and the 911
emergency services feature were unlawfully tampered with by a
Madonna's hacker also hacked my mom's mobile phone,
which has been giving a lot of trouble. My mom is an elderly woman
who is trying to regain her health and rest at home, but Madonna's
cult won't give her any peace. Madonna's hackers make threatening
calls to my mom on a regular basis. They send my mom threatening
messages. They send out terrible spam messages through her phone
they've hacked, transmitting them to family and friends all over the
Madonna's hackers have added $90 per month to my
mom's phone bill which the mobile phone company can't explain and
does not know where it came from (my mom doesn't use Comcast for
mobile, nor does she use the company I use for my phone, so this is
a third company's software they've hacked).
The hackers constantly cut off her mobile phone
calls during important, key moments. The hackers delete
incriminating incoming phone calls from the call logs of my mom's
mobile phone, as it could get him arrested (however, I made a copy
of it first for evidence purposes). They keep hacking my mom's
What's App. They call my mom at all times of the day and night,
especially very early in the morning or late at night, frightening
her out of her sleep, while she is trying to rest and recover from
the damage Madonna's criminal conduct has done to her health. These
people are really sick and disgusting.
By the way, to those of you who may not get the full
gravity of Madonna's sick conduct, as backed by the FBI, over the
past 3 months I've had to rush my mom to the hospital TWICE, where
she was admitted for days each time (and I stayed with her, sleeping
in uncomfortable chairs), due to how Madonna's sick misconduct and
criminal schemes are damaging her health (September 23, 2022 and
December 13, 2022). Madonna is a disgusting embarrassment and a
Then, there was the incident where Madonna
commissioned an acid attack, which could have left me blind (which I
had warned Congress in writing Madonna was plotting and threatening
to do like a lunatic, then she later did after their corrupt
inaction) and I had to be taken to the hospital in August 2022 (Madonna Commissioned An Acid Attack
In An Act Of Attempted Murder).
This constant criminal hacking of my phone has also
left me stranded a few places when I needed to call for a car (ride
share service) after leaving university at night or the supermarket
or pharmacy, but when I opened the app it started stating no
internet available, so it could not reach dispatch to book the ride
to take me home. These ride share apps like Uber and Lyft work via
the internet connection on your phone.
Tech support for my mobile phone and its internet
service (not Comcast) confirmed something unlawful happened via a
third party hacking and 'disabling" the internet on my phone. This
is just what Madonna and her sick cult want - me stranded somewhere
at night after university or running errands at local stores,
leaving me open to physical attacks from them. These people are
sick, scheming and contemptible.
This is the insane hacking Madonna is paying for,
continuing what her private investigator, Anthony Pellicano, did in
having 3 HACKERS on staff, doing round the clock 8-hour shifts,
breaking into people's phones and computers, then forwarding her the
contents of what they hacked and copied (the FBI interviewed me
twice about Pellicano and Madonna, then used the items they
requested from me to lock him up for 15-years).
None of this criminal interference into my life and
work is in America's best interest, as I'm the first one that
spotted a number of problems regarding medical and science issues,
and I posted them on this site and some on my Twitter page (see the
my MANY exclusives in medicine and science that later proven true).
They have criminally stolen my copyrights and money
on different occasions in trying to keep me under their thumb, to
further criminally exploit me. They even criminally interfered in my
university education (and are still doing so).
Working on these science and medical problems (such
as the terrible subsidence issue) under these horrible conditions in
America (with death threats from them regarding me trying to leave),
has been extremely difficult. They've even been terrorizing my
elderly mother (and it resulted in hospitalization twice this year
and once prior to that).
What kind of trash does something like this. The FBI
and Hollywood have lost their marbles to be doing these sick things,
in matters that once again, are not in America's best interest. It
is in America's best interest (and the world) that my patents are
completed and released. However, all Madonna and the FBI, among
others, care about is
copyrights, and have criminally placed the illegal, undue
enrichment and awards from stealing copyrights, ahead of public
health, safety and welfare. They are human garbage.
Each time I have to stop my work to fix my internet
connection, computers, and mobile phones, or sift through tons of
deranged and threatening emails from them, or stop working to answer
harassing, menacing and threatening phone calls from them, it takes
away from my time and focus regarding my science research work and
patent development. Each time they engage in malicious hacking that
has destroyed thousands of dollars in my equipment, it takes away
from my time and money that could be better spent on my science
research work, patents and copyrights.
Each time I have to take my mom to the hospital or
go there for myself due to some sick, commissioned criminal
misconduct from Madonna, such as the aforementioned acid attack, it
takes time away from my work, regarding serious scientific matters
that are posing a massive threat to the life and health of the
public. It is insane that these things are happening, but they are
at the hands of these deranged madpeople (Madonna, the FBI, among
others). What kind of people do something like this. They don't give
a darn about America or the world to be doing these sick,
meddlesome, evil things in trying to derail scientific
breakthroughs, because they want to steal more copyrights without
government or public accountability.
Even that deranged idiot Madonna, won't accept that
her career is over, as she is still illegally sending people to me
demanding to know what new unreleased music, videos and movies I've
written. Madonna's career is dead. The lead single from Madonna's
last album sold a paltry 900 copies, which is beyond abysmal for a
major label recording artist.
Madonna's time is over (and has been over for the
past 20-years). This insanity of paying private investigators to
stalk, threaten and terrorize me, an innocent person, she has been
criminally stealing copyrights from, is not going to change the fact
her career is dead. It is not going to bring her career back.
The public knows what she's done regarding
copyrights from me and
other writers.
producers and directors, and have been boycotting her career
since I exposed it on this site.
However, based on what I have been told and the
threats made against me, she's under some insane delusion she is
going to steal more copyrights from me and ride it to the top of the
charts and sold out stadium tours (never mind she can't even sell
out a 2,000 seat theatre now).
Not to mention, she can't sing (never could) and her
whole career was based on selling sex, using
stolen songs, music
videos and movies. She is now headed for 65-years-old, has
aged horribly (because being evil and stressfully scheming against
others will prematurely age a person via damage to the telomeres),
and underwent so much bad, failed plastic surgery she has a face
that scares small children and their pets.
She needs to face up to reality and call it a day.
Her career is over. Terrorizing me and demanding copyrights will not
change that. The public dislikes her, she can't sing and she looks
hideous. Why would the public spend their time and money on her,
when there are talented artists out here, who can sing and don't
look weird and ugly from bad plastic surgery.
It is so horrific and mind-boggling that Madonna's
deranged madness, greed and corruption, is getting in the way of
scientific breakthroughs that could have saved people's lives
already and advanced humanity in the areas of science and technology
(my forthcoming patents). Madonna's insane, lunatic behavior has
slowed my work down.
The U.S. is warming 68% faster than the rest of
the world. Billionaires' emissions aren't helping
Tuesday November 08, 2022 · 3:15 PM EST - An alarming report released on Monday by the
U.S. Global Change Research Program reveals that the
country has been warming 68% faster than the entire
planet. Frontline communities, many of whom the
report notes are Indigenous, low-income, or
marginalized, were found to be the most burdened by
this escalation in global warming.
“[They] experience harmful climate impacts first and
worst, yet are often the least responsible for the
greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change,”
according to the draft report of the Fifth National
Climate Assessment.
For both the U.S. and globally, those who are the
most privileged tend to contribute the most severely
to climate change, yet face few of its consequences.
A recent Oxfam report also published Monday
found that “the investments of 125 of the world’s
richest billionaires shows that on average they are
emitting 3 million tonnes a year, more than a
million times the average for someone in the bottom
90% of humanity.” Unfortunately, the report itself
doesn’t name those billionaires, but Forbes’
billionaire list sure does. More than a third of the
top 125 richest billionaires hail from the U.S. The
U.S. has 44 billionaires in the top 125—much more
than any other country...
Electing leaders who hold the richest accountable
is one way to change that—especially considering the
fact that the GOP is already eager to rip apart
accountability measures in the making, such as
fossil fuel divestments and environmental, social,
and governance (ESG) practices. Being that today is
the midterms, there’s still time and will be plenty
of other opportunities to make sure the officials
representing you truly have the U.S’ and the
planet’s best interests at heart. Learn more about
how to get out the vote with Daily Kos’ GOTV page...
Study States Glaciers Are Melting In
The Swiss Alps At An Accelerated Rate Confirming Previous Site Claims
Historic Flooding In Pakistan Leaves
One Third Of The Nation Under Water In Climate Change Disaster
Confirming Previous Site Claims
Hurricane Ian Hits Florida With Flooding And
Record 20-Foot Storm Surge Going Up To The Second Floor Of Buildings
Confirming Previous Site Claims
Hurricane Ian Created $258 Billion
In Damage In Florida Rendering Segments Uninhabitable As Previously
Predicted On This Site (Video)
Florida Is Experiencing Record
Flooding Confirming Previous Site Claims
Kentucky Experiences Deadly And Unprecedented
Flooding Confirming Previous Statements About Climate Change (Videos)
Hurricane Hits Canada For The First Time In
History Confirming Previous Site Claims About Climate Change (Video)
Alligator Attacks Man
Outside His Home In Louisiana Floodwaters Confirming Previous Claims
Crocodiles Spotted Swimming In The Streets Of Florida Due
To Hurricane Ian Confirming Previous Site Claims
New Study States Scientist Fabricated Items In
Influential 2006 Dementia Paper Which Gave Big Pharma Billions In
Taxpayer Funding Confirming Previous Claims
Floods In Unprecedented Climate Event Confirming Previous Site Claims
'Doomsday Glacier' In Antarctica
Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse Confirming Previous Claims
Warns About Wobbling Moon Causing Global
Flooding Confirming Previous Claims
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