'Doomsday Glacier' In Antarctica Under Imminent Risk Of Collapse
Confirming Previous Claims
December 23. 2021

The Thwaites Glacier dubbed the "Doomsday
Glacier" (Photo credit: Popular Science)
On October 27, 2021 and November 12,
2021, I posted time stamped tweets about a looming
crisis in the Southern Hemisphere of earth, posing a
threat to humanity. 2-months later Yahoo News
published an article stating, "Antarctica's
'doomsday glacier' is facing threat of imminent
collapse, scientists warn."
In the article Yahoo News states,
"An Antarctic glacier the size of Florida is on the
verge of collapse, scientists with the American
Geophysical Union warned Monday, a nightmare
scenario made worse by climate change that could
eventually result in several feet of global sea
level rise."

My tweet on Twitter
On November 14, 2021 I stated in a
time stamped tweet on Twitter "the problem needed to
be looked at from space." Weeks later the government
did look at the 'Doomsday Glacier' from space and
were surprised at what they saw, as Yahoo News
reported, "Its eastern portion abuts an underwater
mountain, and was thought to be more stable, but new
satellite images revealed that fractures have
developed that are allowing warming ocean waters to
speed its disintegration."
On December 14, 2021 the government
stated the mountain abutting the glacier is
experiencing "disintegration." As I stated in my
tweets several weeks prior on October 27, 2021 and
November 14, 2021, "Something under the earth
holding it together is cracking and crumbling."

My tweet on Twitter
If the situation is not corrected,
the accelerated issues with the "Doomsday Glacier"
can lead to over a 10-foot rise in sea levels on
costal areas, such as New York and Florida, among
other places, making them uninhabitable. I've
written about costal flooding issues on this site
before (Miami Beach Building Collapsed
Resulting In Fatalities (Video) and
New York Times States Collapse Of
Surfside Building Is Due To Issue That Occurred Underneath The Structure
Confirming Previous Claims).
There are other aspects to the
Southern Hemisphere problem as well. The entire
situation is serious. It needs a concentrated effort
to avert disaster. Some world governments are not
understanding the gravity of the situation and that
there are additional issues present as well. More on
this in a future item.
Antarctica's 'doomsday glacier' is facing
threat of imminent collapse, scientists warn
David Knowles · Senior Editor -
December 14, 2021- An Antarctic glacier the size of
Florida is on the verge of collapse, scientists with
the American Geophysical Union warned Monday, a
nightmare scenario made worse by climate change that
could eventually result in several feet of global
sea level rise.
The findings were based on new
satellite imagery of the Thwaites Glacier, which has
been nicknamed the “doomsday glacier,” showing a
proliferation of cracks across its surface. “The
eastern ice shelf is likely to shatter into hundreds
of icebergs,” Oregon State University glaciologist
Erin Pettit said at a video news conference Monday.
“Suddenly the whole thing would collapse.”
Scientists have been monitoring the
glacier, the current melting of which contributes to
roughly 4 percent of annual sea level rise, for
years. Its eastern portion abuts an underwater
mountain, and was thought to be more stable, but new
satellite images revealed that fractures have
developed that are allowing warming ocean waters to
speed its disintegration.
If the eastern portion of the
glacier were to give way, it would hasten the
collapse of its other portions, Pettit said, adding
that the collapse of the eastern section could occur
in the next three to five years, “like the
shattering of your car’s window.” “As it’s
structured right now, this ice shelf acts like a
dam. But it’s not going to for very long,” Pettit
Antarctica’s ‘doomsday glacier’ could collapse
in 3 years, raise sea levels
December 15, 2021 10:58am - A
massive “doomsday glacier” that is melting in
Antarctica could lead to a rise of more than 2 feet
in global sea levels when its ice shelf shatters —
which could happen as soon as three years from now,
according to reports.
The Thwaites Glacier — roughly the
size of Florida at a staggering 74,000 square miles
— extends to a depth of about 2,600 to 3,900 feet at
its grounding line, where it transitions from a
land-attached ice mass to the floating ice shelf,
Live Science reported. It is dubbed the “doomsday
glacier” because its collapse could trigger a
surrounding glacial cascade that the latest research
suggests could come far sooner than expected.
“There is going to be a dramatic
change in the front of the glacier, probably in less
than a decade. Both published and unpublished
studies point in that direction,” glaciologist Ted
Scambos, US lead coordinator for the International
Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, told the BBC. “This
will accelerate the pace (of Thwaites) and widen,
effectively, the dangerous part of the glacier,” he