Madonna's Commissioned Criminal Conduct Is Shamefully Violating
The Civil Rights Act
February 16. 2021

Hideous Madonna
Sorry for the delay in
publishing last night, as it was criminally blocked due to hacking (The
FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna Human
Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)). The hacks get
very severe every week night at about 11:50 when the sites are to be
updated with new articles.
My Comcast internet service was hacked again by
psychotic Madonna's hackers,
who have insanely been fighting to shutdown my internet connection
and corrupt drivers (software) in my computers, to block my
science research work and forthcoming patens (on diseases
such as cancer and AIDS, among others) from
progressing, and my sites from updating.
As you can see from my
articles on coronavirus that later proved true, I have been doing
valuable work, most of which hasn't been released yet (see
Exclusives for coronavirus
articles that later proved true).
They are also hacking my TVs that
are connected to the internet, which is constantly giving error
messages across the television screen, even yesterday it happened
again (Wikileaks Releases Hacked U.S. Federal Government Documents Showing
The CIA And FBI Are Spying On People In Their Homes Via Hacking
Smart TVs And Backdoors In Computer And Phone Operating System
Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims).
Madonna's hackers have been corrupting data on my
computers with terrible malware targeting my science patent work. My family and I
are paying all this money every month (reaching $69 per month) for
an internet connection that has become slow and simply doesn't work
on a regular basis, due to the severe, insane hacking commissioned by
that ugly, degenerate trash madwoman Madonna.
I ask you, what kind of dumb, idiotic,
arrogant Hollywood trash thinks they should illegally be in a computer doing
serious scientific work concerning people's health. What kind of
idiotic, uneducated Hollywood losers are of the belief they are to
be hacking and blocking the internet connection of someone doing
viable science work.
You have to ask yourself what kind of vile, selfish,
self-centered Hollywood trash exists in the entertainment industry
when they deem their criminal behavior in stealing copyrights to
make illegal, ill-gotten wealth and shake their nasty, ugly
backsides on stage, is deemed by them more important than people
getting well via medicine and science patents. They are some real
gutter trash.
I am a very busy person and don't have time for
Madonna and her cult's madness, as I have many deadlines to meet
regarding my work. Madonna and her cult are an embarrassment to the
U.S. government, as what the Hollywood cult are doing with impunity
is so egregious and outrageous.
Even last year when I privately and quietly returned to university for
classes in science and the arts, not bothering a living soul, Madonna,
acting like a blasted lunatic, commissioned
criminal acts, illegally interfered in my education, causing the
university and two of the educational companies they use for
coursework, a great deal of embarrassment and time in fixing what
Madonna did via hackers. I have digital proof of her criminal
misconduct regarding me at university and I will
make it all public in a future item.
The school apologized for what
transpired. To make matters worse, the FBI knew Madonna did these
things and looked the other way while she greatly inconvenienced so
many people and brought embarrassment and confusion to the
university and two companies. They didn't give a darn regarding
the trouble Madonna's commissioned criminal conduct would cause the
school or its affiliates either. The FBI is worthless and corrupt!
Additionally, Madonna and members of her sick
Hollywood cult Kabbalah, like Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato and Kim
Kardashian, among others, were publicly quoting from my original,
time-stamped university homework in their later conducted interviews
and social networking posts. They are insane and exploitative (and I
am going to make the time stamped proof of said invasive misconduct
by them public in a future item). Other
time stamped items in my private emails and related business items,
Madonna's fellow cultist, Jay Z, and others in his circle like Rita Ora and Rihanna, have been
using and quoting from verbatim like lunatics.

Rihanna and Madonna
Another example of the cult's vile conduct is
Rihanna. Not only has she stolen songs, music videos, film items,
fashion line, perfume line, copyrighted photo layouts and their
contents, and a photo book copyright, from my copyrights, she
recently announced she is releasing a cookbook of Caribbean food,
but she is again stealing my preexisting copyrights. Years ago I
registered with the Library of Congress original copyrights for
cookbooks. I will make the proof of these preexisting items public
in a future item to show how she has been disgracefully stealing
many items from my copyrights for undue financial enrichment.
Then there's Rihanna opening a cancer center in her
home country Barbados. This too is in one of my copyrights, well
prior to her ripping it off, but it was in reference to my home
country Jamaica. I've written for years on this site about my cancer
research work. Original items I published to this site about cancer
(from my private research work) were
later proven true and correct via mainstream press
announcements including from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control).
I spend my days studying science/disease. Rihanna
spends her days snorting cocaine, getting drunk and having sex with
men (Jay
Z among others) and women (Madonna, among others) in
Hollywood for career favors and money. But please, do indulge me,
tell me all about the cancer research work and cure Rihanna has
developed while snorting that cocaine everyday, then opening the
rip-off cancer center with no cure in it, making a mockery of the
deadly disease and its sufferers. Rihanna's whole career is a fraud.
Madonna's cult Rihanna is in is psychotic and they've gone too far.
As the phrase goes, "God don't like ugly", and He will severely
punish them for making a mockery of cancer and its sufferers with
that madness the cult is doing.
But I digress, Madonna, behaving like a dirty slavetrader,
criminally violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964, regarding interfering in
my university education, something that she arrogantly thought she should be
involved in and try to sabotage, though it is none of her business.
This is a constant theme with that madwoman Madonna. She is
constantly sticking her ugly nose in my business that has nothing to
do with her and doing her best to wreak havoc and cause damage to me
and others. It is psychotic.
Ask yourself, why did she tamper in my education, as
there is no good or excusable reason for that. Why does my
university education have to do with her (and once again there is
proof and I am going to make it public).
She is such a
hateful, evil, racist piece of trash. She clearly thinks
it's still
slavery days in America in stealing black people's labor/copyrights
and deeming black people are not to have an education. The parallels
in her current ongoing behavior and that of her cronies, to slavery days in America
hundreds of years ago,
are uncanny and ugly. Imagine that, in big old 2021, Madonna is
criminally violating the Civil Rights Act and acting like slavery is
still in effect.
The FBI Is Stonewalling Congress On Releasing FBI File In Madonna
Human Rights Abuse Case (Congressional Documents)
Former FBI Director Robert Mueller Obtained Executive Orders From
George Bush And Barack Obama To Criminally Steal Copyrights Worth
Billions For Madonna And Hollywood While Engaging In Heinous Human
Rights Abuses That Left Innocent People Dead
Former FBI Directors Robert Mueller And James Comey Criminally
Defrauded Florida Submarine Company Out Of Billions Of Dollars In
Copyrights And Patents To Benefit Former Employer Lockheed Martin
Then Stonewalled Congress Regarding It
China And New York Hospitals Using
Vitamin C To Aid In Treating Coronavirus Patients (Confirming Previous
Reports Confirm Obesity And
Compromised Immune System Linked To Severity Of Coronavirus Infections
As Previously Stated On The Site
Scientists Confirm 8 Coronavirus
Strains Are Circling The Globe As Previously Stated On The Site (Covid-19)
New Scientific Study Confirms Coronavirus
Sufferers Having Difficulty Expelling CO2 As Previously Stated On The
Coronavirus Infection Rate Skyrockets Among American Kids
With The Reopening Of Schools As Previously Predicted On The Site
Britain Death Toll From Coronavirus
Becomes The Highest In Europe Due To Prime Minister Boris Johnson's
Failed Herd Immunity Strategy
Theresa May And Boris Johnson
Under-Funding Of The NHS Left The Health Service Ill-Prepared To Counter
The Effects Of The Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Man In Hong Kong Contracts
Coronavirus For A Second Time Confirming Previous Site Claims (Video)
The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Sent The U.S. Economy
To Historically High Unemployment Levels (Video)
Coronavirus Vaccine
Makes Patient Seriously Ill With Transverse Myelitis Confirming Previous
Site Claims About Safety Issues
Coronavirus Vaccines In Trouble As Participant In
Research Trial Becomes Seriously Ill Confirming Previous Site Claims
Official Medical Studies State
Coronavirus Damages The Heart Confirming Previous Site Claims
Medical Associations And Researchers
Confirm Conjunctivitis Is A Symptom Of Coronavirus Confirming Previous
Site Claims
Overweight Teachers Have Been Dying
From Coronavirus Since School Reopening In America Confirming Previous
Site Claims
Boris Johnson And
Theresa May Failures In British Government Resulted In 25% Of Medical
Staff Contracting Coronavirus And Many Dying
New York Coronavirus Cases Came From
Johnson & Johnson Are The Second Pharma Giant To
Pause Coronavirus Vaccine Trials Due To A Participant Developing
Unexplained Illnesses Confirming Previous Site Claims
Another Person Contracts Coronavirus For The
Second Time And Worse Than Before Confirming Previous Site Claims
Pharmaceutical Giant Eli Lilly
Pauses Coronavirus Antibody Drug Due To Dangerous Side Effects
Confirming Previous Site Claims
President Trump Was Suffering From
Chest Pains When He Contracted Coronavirus Confirming Previous Claims
AstraZeneca Coronavirus Vaccine
Trial Participant Dies Confirming Previous Claims
The New York Times Interviews
Sufferers Of Covid-19 Brain Fog Who Are Exhibiting The Signs Of Dementia
Confirming Previous Site Claims
Cardiff University Lab Study
Demonstrates Mouthwash Kills Coronavirus Confirming Previous Site Claims
About Mouth Cleanliness
Face Mask Study Emphasizes Everyone Must Wear Them
In Order For Them To Work Against Coronavirus Confirming Previous Site
Britain Surpasses Over 1,500,000 Coronavirus Cases
Confirming Previous Claims
Professional Cyclist Contracts
Coronavirus Twice Confirming Previous Site Claims About Reinfection
Florida Gators Basketball Star Keyontae Johnson Collapses
On The Court And Is Placed In A Medically Induced Coma Months After Contracting
China Set To Overtake The U.S.
Economy As The World Number One Due The Coronavirus And How It Was
Handled By The Government Confirming Previous Site Claims
Thousands Of Adverse Medical Events Reported After Taking
Coronavirus Vaccines Including Death, Heart Attacks And Strokes Confirming
Previous Site Claims
Australian Government Coronavirus Vaccine Cancelled Due To
It Creating HIV False Positives Points To Virus Being Created In A Lab As
Previously Stated On The Site
Completely Healthy Miami Doctor Dies From Stroke After
Getting Coronavirus Vaccine And Blamed It For The Destruction Of His Health
Confirming Previous Site Claims
Coronavirus Vaccines Causing
Psychosis And Severe Allergic Reactions Confirming Previous Site Claims
330,000 Doses Of Moderna Coronavirus Vaccine
Discarded In California After Causing Terrible Allergic Reactions
Confirming Previous Site Claims
Government Announces Frail Recipients Of
Coronavirus Vaccine Are Dying Confirming Previous Site Claims
Boris Johnson Makes A U-Turn Acknowledging The
U.K. Strain Of The Coronavirus Is More Virulent And Deadly Confirming
Previous Site Claims
Baseball Legend Hank Aaron Died Shortly After
Receiving Coronavirus Vaccine Confirming Norway, Sweden And Germany's
Warnings About The Dangers Of Inoculating The Elderly
Government Can't Guaranty Fertility After Receiving
Coronavirus Vaccines Confirming Previous Site Claims
Man Contracts HIV While On PrEP Drug Truvada Confirming
Site's Previous Claims