Face Mask Study Emphasizes Everyone
Must Wear Them In Order For Them To Work Against
Coronavirus Confirming Previous Site Claims
November 24. 2020

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Danish mask study in reference to coronavirus (Covid-19)
A new study released this past week on
November 20, 2020, by researchers in Denmark states
masks are only effective when everyone wears them in the
fight against coronavirus (Covid-19). The Los Angeles
Times stated of the Danish study, "The researchers
recruited more than 6,000 volunteers from around the
country who spent at least three hours each day with
people from other households and didn’t wear masks for
their jobs."
The article further revealed, "About
half of these volunteers were chosen at random to
receive 50 surgical masks and were asked to wear them
whenever they left home for the next month. The other
half did not get masks and served as controls. Overall,
95 of the 4,862 volunteers who made it to the end of the
study became infected with SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus
that causes COVID-19. That’s an infection rate of just
under 2%."
The Danish study concluded, "If everyone
wears a mask when near others, everyone is safer." This
confirms what I have stated on this website for several
months, even as recently again as October 30, 2020 in
the article "Restaurants In America Closing At A
Rapid Rate Due To Coronavirus (Covid-19)."
In the October 30, 2020 article "Restaurants In America Closing At A
Rapid Rate Due To Coronavirus (Covid-19)." I wrote, "Another
serious concern is in households where some observe
medical and scientific guidelines, but other members of
the family (or friends) do not, as it can cause
transmission of the virus in the home when people let
down their guard by taking off their masks to eat, drink
and do other things. Therefore, wash your hands
frequently, wear masks, social distance and sanitize
your homes and offices. Keep up these practices as it
can keep you healthy and alive during the coronavirus
In the June 17, 2020 article "Coronavirus Cases Rising In U.S. Red
States" I stated, "A recent map of United States coronavirus
cases revealed, most of the spikes are occurring in red
states (the south). Some in the south have publicly
branded the coronavirus (Covid-19) a hoax. As
such, some have refused to wear masks, will not
use hand sanitizer and are not social distancing."
In the June 11, 2020 article "Coronavirus Cases On The Rise Again
In America Since Easing Lockdown Restrictions" I stated,
"Memorial Day in America, where places such as the
boardwalk in Maryland were ramp packed with people, not
social distancing and many not wearing masks, has
resulted in a spike in coronavirus cases in America. Far
right protestors who stormed the legislature and others
who took to the streets demanding the country be
reopened, all while not social distancing or wearing
masks, has led to another spike in coronavirus cases."
In the June 22, 2020 article "Florida Has Become The New Epicenter
Of The Coronavirus Outbreak In America (Video)" I stated, "People
who don't social distance or wear masks are also
traveling all over the state now that everything has
reopened, which is spreading the virus...Everyone needs
to be on the same page. The quicker the virus is
contained and controlled (and even better, cured), the
sooner things can get back to normal. Until then, it
will impact everything from healthcare to the economy."
In the June 30, 2020 article "Coronavirus Cases Explode In America
Leading To Re-Closing Of Select Businesses And A Travel Ban From The
European Union (Video)" I stated, "One of the main factors in
the surge of coronavirus cases is some segments of the
U.S. population refuse to social distance, wear masks
and use hand sanitizer, continuing to believe the virus
is a hoax. This is heartbreaking, as coronavirus does a
significant amount of damage to the heart and lungs of
those who contract it. Some coronavirus victims need
transplants to stay alive, which entails a series of
complex, painful and difficult procedures."
I've been emphasizing the same message
for several months about mask wearing, as it does work.
However, as I also emphasized, if some wear the masks
and some don't (and fail to sanitize and engage in
social distancing) the virus will continue to spread.
The study released last week on mask wearing confirms
and proves everything I have stated for the past several
Face mask trial didn’t stop coronavirus spread,
but it shows why more mask-wearing is needed
Nov. 20, 2020 - Back in the early days
of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers in Denmark decided
to conduct an usual experiment to test the
infection-fighting power of face masks the same way
they’d evaluate a potential vaccine or drug.
At the time, mask use was not
recommended by Danish health authorities, and fewer than
5% of residents used them outside hospital settings.
Those conditions made it possible to conduct the first —
and only — randomized controlled trial of the face
The researchers recruited more than
6,000 volunteers from around the country who spent at
least three hours each day with people from other
households and didn’t wear masks for their jobs. About
half of these volunteers were chosen at random to
receive 50 surgical masks and were asked to wear them
whenever they left home for the next month. The other
half did not get masks and served as controls.
Overall, 95 of the 4,862 volunteers who
made it to the end of the study became infected with
SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. That’s
an infection rate of just under 2%. But no matter how
the researchers sliced and diced their data, they could
not find a strong signal that the volunteers in the mask
group were more protected than their counterparts in the
control group.
In a typical clinical trial, this is the
point where researchers would say their intervention
didn’t work. But in this case, the investigators went
the other way. The problem, they said, wasn’t with the
masks. The problem was that people didn’t use masks
The study results “should not be used to
conclude that a recommendation for everyone to wear
masks in the community would not be effective in
reducing SARS-CoV-2 infections,” wrote the team led by
researchers from Copenhagen University Hospital. A trio
of editors of Annals of Internal Medicine, the journal
that published the study, went further.
“Masks likely need to be worn by most if
not all people to reduce community infection rates,”
they wrote. “The results of this trial should motivate
widespread mask wearing to protect our communities and
thereby ourselves.”...
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