Man Contracts HIV While On PrEP Drug
Truvada Confirming Site's Previous Claims
February 27. 2016

This is a follow up to the November 18, 2015
Judiciary Report article "Charlie Sheen's Porn Star Ex-Girlfriends State He Did Not Tell Them
He Is HIV" and "Charlie Sheen And His Doctor Painted A Misleading Picture On TV
About HIV And AIDS Which Can Create More Infections"
and the
November 19, 2015 article "Charlie Sheen's Nurse Had Unprotected Sex With Him For Months"
where the site explicitly warned against trusting the
PrEP antiviral HIV
pharmaceutical drug Truvada, as a 100% guaranteed method of
preventing the spread of HIV.
4-months later it has been announced (yesterday) that a
43-year-old gay man has become the first person to contract
HIV while on Truvada. Many men in the gay community
have been actively using Truvada and engaging in very
promiscuous sexual behavior, believing the pharmaceutical
drug would completely protect them from contracting HIV.
Heterosexuals have also been using Truvada and engaging in
promiscuity, believing they were completely protected as
While the drug has proven useful, it is not
an impenetrable shield between the public and HIV. Truvada
not meant to be used as a facilitator of reckless sexual
behavior. Gilead, the manufacturer of the drug,
does repeatedly warn it is not a failsafe method of
HIV prevention. Therefore, they can't be sued in said
transmission case, as the
disclosure statements provided to a number of drug
regulation agencies and drug database websites, as well as
what is stated on the Truvada
website, clearly makes consumers aware of the dangers
("safer sex").
People cannot afford to take their sexual
health lightly. What I strongly dislike is the amount of
celebrities out there posting items on social networking containing the most
promiscuous behavior, bragging to their
impressionable audiences about debauchery. They are
helping by example, to spread HIV and AIDS via
this irresponsible conduct.
I was reading an article on a website, only
to see a side link to another article about 34-year-old promiscuous
poker player, Dan Bilzerian, posting a picture of an orgy he
threw. The picture was disgraceful and encouraging the
nearly 16 million people following him on Instagram, to seek
out reckless, meaningless sexual conduct that will put them
at risk of contracting HIV. Bilzerian and those in his
sexual circle are headed for disaster with what they are
A Man Has Contracted HIV While on PrEP. What This
Means—and Doesn’t—for the Future of HIV Prevention.
PrEP Is Not Magic—and Treating It That Way
Undermines Its Incredible Power. It’s been a confusing week
with regard to PrEP—an HIV-prevention strategy which
currently consists of taking a daily pill (Truvada) to
prevent infection if one is exposed to the virus.
At a major
conference for HIV research—the Conference on Retroviruses
and Opportunistic Infections—the CDC revealed that, if
deployed widely alongside pushes for more HIV testing and
treatment, PrEP has the potential to help reduce new
infections in the U.S. by 70 percent, preventing an
estimated 185,000 new cases by 2020.
suppressing the virus to “undetectable”—and therefore
essentially nontransmissible—levels in HIV-positive people
could prevent 168,000 infections, while an expansion of
access to PrEP to negative individuals could forestall
17,000 new cases.
Those numbers add to the promise of PrEP,
which has been shown to be 99 percent effective at
preventing HIV transmission if taken daily as directed. But
of course, that statistic leaves a 1 percent chance of
infection open—and, unfortunately, an instance of that 1
percent also showed up at the conference.
David C. Knox, a physican and researcher
from Toronto, presented a case study of a patient who,
according to the doctor, represents “the first reported case
of breakthrough HIV infection with evidence of long-term
adherence to PrEP.” The patient, a 43-year-old man, had been
on PrEP for about two years (testing negative for HIV seven
times as part of the regular checkups required for the
regimen) when he seroconverted.
Importantly, pharmacy
records and further medical investigations confirmed his
claim that he had been taking the medication as prescribed.
(Cases of infection in PrEP patients who had not kept up
with the daily pill have been reported; this is the first
time an apparently compliant individual has seroconverted.).
The patient reported multiple instances of anal sex without
condoms in the period before testing positive. While PrEP’s
protection rates are actually higher than those for condoms,
it is currently recommended that individuals on the program
continue to use them, as condoms help protect against other
STIs and enhance coverage for HIV.
To the scientific community, this is an
intriguing—though rare—case of HIV multi-drug resistance.
The patient’s particular viral pool showed varying levels of
resistance to a host of drugs, including those that make up
Truvada—though he is now on a customized regimen rendering
him undetectable.
In the presentation (which is streamable
online), Knox suggested that the patient was likely infected
by an HIV-positive partner whose own treatment on the drug
cocktail Stribild was “failing,” or losing efficacy, as
sometimes happens for various reasons over the long term.
It’s important to note that the resistance
of this particular instance of the virus is extremely
uncommon. Speaking to Betablog, Dr. Robert Grant, a noted
HIV/AIDS researcher, provided some helpful context...
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