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The FBI's Neutralization Process In Criminally Destroying Innocent People August 2. 2018
Bruce Ivins
The FBI likes to "neutralize" people who are outspoken or
designated stooges (to take the fall for the agency's crimes).
It is a practice that has been happening at the corrupt law
enforcement agency for decades and continues to this day, having
gotten worse as time progressed. The FBI neutralizes people who
they deem too outspoken or influential or innocent individuals
they need to pin a crime on. This is done by the FBI via
extrajudicial killings, framing the innocent person for crimes
they did not commit or illegally inflicting a series of terribly
abusive situations on them in bids at driving them to suicide.
This is the same FBI who sent the late, great
For example, the FBI "neutralized" scientist, Bruce Ivins, whom they drove to suicide to pin high profile anthrax deaths on him that were committed by the CIA (Journalist: FBI Blamed Ivins For CIA Anthrax). The FBI secretly and illegally began contacting Ivins family, friends and colleagues, criminally threatening them that they are to viciously turn on him and stop speaking to him, or the lawbreaking federal agency would destroy them. The sick, devilish goal of that was to psychologically isolate and destroy Ivins, leading him to think he had been betrayed by all in his life, which is a demonic and deceitful tactic previously used by other human garbage like Hitler (it speaks volumes regarding the company the FBI is in). The FBI began aggressively stalking Ivins everywhere he went, whether it be restaurants, the supermarket or airports, menacingly making their disgusting presence known to him. The FBI insanely rammed Ivins car in traffic from behind, to terrify and upset him. The FBI began sitting next to him at restaurants, menacingly bumping into him, staring at him in hateful ways and issuing vile comments. All that conduct is completely criminal under the U.S. Code and U.S. Constitution. It drove Ivins to suicide. Then the dirty FBI pinned the anthrax crimes on him in death. After his death, the deranged FBI claimed they invented a form of science which proves Ivins committed the crimes. The FBI employees who took part in the demonstrations looked like deranged lunatics taking about it, as it made absolutely no sense to scientists all over the world. The FBI employees sounded like escaped mental patients chatting crap about subjects they know nothing about, such as science. The science world immediately condemned the FBI as crazy quacks who made up unscientific, nonsensical garbage to pin a crime on an innocent man. However, no one should be surprised. This is the same FBI that framed many black men for murders they did not commit, sending them to prison for years, until the deceitful tampering in the FBI's lab was discovered and denounced (New Evidence Reveals The FBI Sent People To Death Row Who Were Innocent Of Crimes They Were Convicted Of and Man Wrongfully Imprisoned For 28-Years Due To FBI). Disgusting! Even the National Academy of Sciences and Dr. Henry S. Heine of the Army's biodefense laboratory denounced the FBI's crazy claims about Ivins and the new form of science they allegedly invented, as unscientific. No one is science bought what the FBI was shoveling and the drove an innocent man to suicide. They should have went to prison for it. What amazes me is the FBI has 30,000 employees and they all just fall in line with the abominable criminal frame ups and criminally abusive behavior against innocent people. They knowingly keep silent while innocent people are sent to prison. The FBI knowingly keeps silent while innocent people, even kids, are murdered, when they ignore credible tips that crimes are about to be committed (FBI Makes Deceitful Claim They Could Not Find School Shooter Nikolas Cruz 5-Months Ago With Credible Tip From You Tube Page and The FBI Ignored Second Credible Tip That Florida School Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was Going To Kill Innocent People). The FBI brings real suffering to innocent people's lives on a weekly basis, but want the public to kiss their backsides and worship them like heroes, when they are villains. And if you peaceful speak or write about their criminal negligence, the FBI insanely tries to play the victim. If you engage in vile, wanton acts of criminal negligence and innocent people are maimed or killed, you don't get to play the victim. In doing so you are exhibiting the fact that you are very mental ill, in thinking you and not the dead or bereaved are the victim. PREVIOUS SITE EXCLUSIVES I'VE BROKEN ON THE FBI AND ROBERT MUELLER THAT LATER PROVED TRUE VIA CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS AND PRESS STORIES: The FBI Was At The 2012 Olympics Illegally Spying Confirming What This Site Previously Stated Confirmed: The FBI Spying On Journalists Emails Just As The Website Previously Stated
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