FBI Blamed For London Bombings
First 9/11 Now This!
April 15. 2008

Robert "The Mouth" Mueller
It was established that the FBI's criminal
negligence cause the 9/11 bombings to happen unfettered. Now comes news via
documents released to the EFF under the Freedom Of Information Act, that the
FBI's criminal negligence also caused the London bombings of 2005 to go through
as well. How ironic that just days ago FBI
Director Robert Mueller arrogantly slammed the British government in the Daily
Mail, for not using plea deals to catch terrorists.

PM Gordon Brown: he did wot!?
Pride goes before a fall, as it has
now been revealed today that under Mueller's direction and terrible leadership,
vital FBI intel was not passed to the English in time, which would have saved
the many lives that were lost in the London bombings. If you didn't give those FBI agents
such terrible directions all the time, these things wouldn't keep happening.
First 9/11 under your tenure and now this. The FBI agents aren't the problem,
it's you! (FBI
Agent Harry Sammit proved that). Do America and Britain a favor
and quit, because all you keep doing is getting people killed!
Emails Cite FBI
Errors in London Probe
April 15, 2008; Page A16 - WASHINGTON --
Missteps by Federal Bureau of Investigation officials caused delays in the
investigation of a man initially linked to the 2005 London subway bombings,
but bureau officials blamed the slowdown on restrictions to their subpoena
power, according to email records.
The FBI documents,
released Monday by the Electronic Frontier Foundation under a Freedom of
Information Act lawsuit, describe a series of miscues by FBI officials as agents
in Raleigh, N.C., tried to obtain records for a former university student who
investigators initially thought had ties to the London bombers. The missteps
appear to have delayed the investigation by a day or two, according to the
The emails are
likely to provide ammunition for critics of the Bush administration and the FBI
at congressional hearings Tuesday and Wednesday on the misuse of
national-security letters, which has been documented by Justice Department