FBI Makes Deceitful Claim They Could
Not Find School Shooter Nikolas Cruz 5-Months Ago With
Credible Tip From You Tube Page
February 16. 2018

Nikolas Cruz
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is
being slammed for failing to act on a tip 5-months ago that
Nikolas Cruz was a danger to the community. On February 14,
2018, Cruz went on to brutally shoot and kill 14 students
and 3 teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in
Parkland, Florida. On September 24, 2017, Cruz left a
disturbing message on the You Tube page of bail bondsman,
Ben Bennight, which read, "I am going to be a professional
school shooter." That's not a joke. Only a dangerous person
would issue such a statement.
The owner of the You Tube page promptly
reported Cruz's post to You Tube and the FBI. In turn the
FBI contacted the You Tube page owner and asked why he
thought Cruz was a threat. However, the FBI took it no
further than that, letting a ticking time bomb roam the
As someone who has experience in dealing
with the FBI, I can testify this is their standard
criminally negligent behavior. They couldn't be bothered to
track down Cruz, who based on reports is a white supremacist
(just like former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, who was
repeatedly sued for racism in cases brought by minority FBI
agents, informants and members of the public).
The fact of the matter is the FBI could have
tracked down Cruz and I will explain how they could have
done so. As a victim of deliberate FBI criminal negligence,
due to a bribe issued to Mueller, I had to fend for myself
against dangerous criminals.

Nikolas Cruz being arrested by police
I was sent a death threat from one of three
hackers on the payroll of depraved Kabbalah/"Illuminati"
member, Madonna.
Her hacker used a fake name
in the death threat he sent me via email. However, I
went to court and obtained two subpoenas. The first subpoena
was for Google's G-mail (the hacker's email address on the
death threat he sent was an @gmail.com).
After G-mail answered the subpoena and
released the IP address of the email containing the death
threat, I did an online search to ascertain which Internet
Service Provider it was registered in a publicly available
database. The search turned up AT&T. I sent the second
subpoena to ATT. They released the hacker's name, home
address and telephone number, as he had criminally violated
their terms of service in sending me a death threat and to
make it worse, across state lines, which compounds the
The FBI has far more legal authority than
any person and agency in the nation, save for its parent,
the Department of Justice (DOJ). Companies would quickly
give up a person's identity to the FBI and DOJ once informed
the individual has broken the law in issuing threats online.
All the FBI had to do was subpoena Google's You Tube for the
IP address of the person posting as "Nikolas Cruz." Google's
You Tube and G-Mail logs such information.
From there, the FBI could subpoena the
information regarding the IP address they obtained from
Google's You Tube, which connects to an Internet Service
Provider such as AT&T, Comcast ect. The Internet Service
Provider would have given the FBI the identity, home address
and telephone number connected to the threatening Cruz post,
leading them right to him. I've been through it. I know it
can be done. By the way, the FBI knows this is standard
procedure in such matters regarding the internet. The FBI
just couldn't be bothered regarding Cruz.

A screencap of Nikolas Cruz's Instagram page that was
deleted after the shooting
Additionally, the FBI could have done a
simple internet search for the user name "Nikolas Cruz" and
it would have brought up his Instagram page, full of photos
of him brandishing guns and knives. It forms the profile of
a very disturbed person. Coupled with the expressed threat
on You Tube that he is going to become "a professional
school shooter" it would have been enough to detain Cruz.
Cruz should have and could have been
involuntarily committed. The minute it became a criminal
court matter due to his disturbing conduct online, they
would have done a research and found he was expelled from
school for issuing threats, carrying guns onto the campus
and engaging in violence. They would discovered all the 911
calls regarding his deranged behavior. They would have
discovered his mother was taking him to counseling for
mental illness before she died. It would have given mental
health officials the ability to commit Cruz as long as
psychiatrists saw fit.
Once again, the FBI just couldn't be
bothered and decided to risk it. Now they are making the
dubious, deceitful claim they could not find Cruz 5-months
ago. They have a corrupt agenda at that agency and it has
resulted in many innocent people dying (far more than the
public knows at this time).
The FBI is horrible. I've warned about this
for years (see RELATED ARTICLES segment of this article for
their evil, heinous behavior). This is just their way and
it's really bad. They've harmed many people. FBI is too busy
spying on people they are not supposed to be watching, all
for corrupt political and financial reasons, in shameful
power grabs, rather than doing their jobs in locking up the
individuals that pose a true danger to society (like Cruz).
FBI Was Warned About Accused Florida Gunman but Unable
to Locate Him
Feb. 15, 2018 / Reuters - PARKLAND, Fla.
(Reuters) – The Federal Bureau of Investigation was warned
last year about an ominous online comment by the 19-year-old
man accused of killing 17 people at his former high school
but was unable to locate him, an agent said on Thursday.
Authorities said the ex-student, identified
as Nikolas Cruz, walked into the Marjory Stoneman Douglas
High School in Parkland, near Miami, on Wednesday and opened
fire with an AR-15-style assault rifle in the
second-deadliest shooting at a public school in U.S.
Cruz may have left warning signs on social
media in the form of a comment on a YouTube video that read
"I‘m going to be a professional school shooter." That
comment troubled the person whose video Cruz commented on,
Mississippi bail bondsman Ben Bennight, who passed it on to
the FBI, according to a video he posted online late
"No other information was included with that
comment which would indicate a time location or the true
identity of the person who made the comment," FBI Special
Agent in Charge Robert Lasky told reporters. Investigators
were unable to find the commenter, he added...
FBI’s near-brush with suspect in Florida school
shooting draws scrutiny
February 15 at 8:43 PM - A tipster alerted
the FBI in September to a disturbing comment that had been
left beneath an online video. “Im going to be a professional
school shooter,” read the comment, posted by YouTube user
“nikolas cruz.” Two FBI agents interviewed the caller,
Mississippi bail bondsman Ben Bennight, the next day. The
bureau checked public and law enforcement databases for
anyone by Cruz’s name who might be of concern, the FBI said,
but could not identify the person who left the comment.
Five months later, police say, Nikolas Cruz,
19, walked into the Florida high school from which he had
been expelled and opened fire, killing 17 people in one of
the nation’s deadliest school shootings. On Thursday,
horrific images from the previous day’s attack at Marjory
Stoneman Douglas High — students huddled in classrooms and
parents tearfully waiting to hear from their children —
intensified a now-familiar national debate about gun laws
and the safety of young people at school...
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System Confirming Previous Judiciary Report Site Claims
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Removed And Never Added To The No-Fly List With The Agency
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On Trump During The Presidential Election Confirming Previous
Site Article
19-Year-Old Shoots And Kills 17 People At Florida School
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