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The Brexit Policies Of Prime Minister Boris Johnson Is Wreaking Havoc On The British Economy

August 23. 2019

Boris Johnson repeated acts of snarling is a sign of mental illness. He has been engaging in behavior indicating he is bipolar and mentally unfit to be prime minister, such as constantly speaking gibberish, flip-flopping on things he'd previously stated and wearing warm weather clothes such as short shorts in freezing temperatures.

Newly appointed British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is destroying the British economy. In 2016, he was the face of the Brexit movement, along with politician Nigel Farage, deceitfully insisting on Britain's exit from the lucrative European Union, due to as they put it, high membership dues and too much immigration coming into the United Kingdom (namely London). Johnson waged a campaign of lies, telling the British public the European Union were taking terrible advantage of them and controlling every single facet of their daily lives.

Johnson promised the British people that if they voted to leave the EU, they would receive £350 million per week for the treasured NHS (National Health Service) which provides free healthcare to the nation. He promised the money that has been going to the 28-member European Union as Britain's membership dues (all members pay dues) would go to the NHS, building schools and affordable housing in Britain. However, the whole thing was a lie.

On June 23, 2016, Britons who believed Boris' lies and became upset with the EU, took the polls and voted to leave the European Union. It was only after the deceitful vote was secured that the truth began coming out. Boris immediately quit his post as mayor. He was later appointed Foreign Secretary, where he proceeded to issue racial slur after racial slur.

It would be bad enough if a Home Secretary did that regarding non-natives, but it's ironic and inexcusable coming from a Foreign Secretary, as you're representing Britain in the world. I don't understand how any Foreign Secretary thought it appropriative to do that. One would have to be a complete lunatic or staunched racist to do such a thing. Yet Boris did so.

As the Queen's representative, Boris disgustingly referred to black people in the Commonwealth as "grinning picaninnies" with "watermelon smiles." Using the word "picaninny" or its plural form "picaninnies" is one step down from stating "n*gger." The definition of the word "picaninny" is "a racial slur which refers to a dark-skinned child of African descent."

And this is how he represented the Queen to the Commonwealth. There are hundreds of millions of black people in the Commonwealth and we do not like him anymore. Yes, Boris, I've been appointed chief picaninny and speak for us all when I state, may the end of your time in office be as close to the beginning as lawfully possible. Don't get too comfortable in Downing Street.

Boris knew the whole time the word "picaninny" is a racial slur, but proudly used it anyway. When called into question over his inappropriate speech, Boris claimed he was kidding. As a black citizen of the Commonwealth, I find it rich being called a "picaninny" by a knuckle dragging man, who has the expression of a bemused ape, who refuses to acquire a comb and brush. Boris, the slovenly, perpetually confused look doesn't inspire confidence in a politician. That look only works on singers and rappers.

As much as I've wanted the concept of the Commonwealth to work, Tory politicians and select members of the royal family are repeatedly engaging in racist and offensive conduct that makes me question the purpose of it. We are being called racial slurs and subjected to discriminatory treatment. There is this persistent pattern of racism that has repeatedly poured from three prime ministers in a row and it's vile.

Then-British Prime Minister, David Cameron, showed up in Jamaica and arrogantly told the politicians of my homeland in the Jamaican parliament to get over slavery and move on (never mind the BBC, Simon Cowell and Simon Fuller are still engaging in it and he knew that the whole time).

Next up there was then-prime minister, Theresa May, who secretly invalidated the citizenship of Commonwealth citizens in Britain, who had immigrated from the Caribbean decades prior. Then, she proceeded to issue mass deportation orders in violation of the British government's original 1948 agreement (The British Nationality Act) where citizens of the Commonwealth were invited to Britain to live and work, in an effort to rebuild the nation after World War II. They were told they are British citizens as well (under the aforementioned Act). May destroyed all the landing cards that show when they landed in Britain, during the designated time period, then illegally issued tens of thousands of deportation orders.

Now we've got Boris, arrogantly calling us "picaninnies." Once again, there exists a pattern of racism and hate for minorities and foreigners, from three British prime ministers in a row, which makes us question the purpose and foundation of the Commonwealth.

It isn't difficult to not utter racial slurs. You just close your racist, crappy little mouths and keep it to yourself. The mere fact this racist bile keeps pouring from senior politicians in the Tory party tells me they are full of hate and contempt for minorities and foreigners (and it's not a good look).

It also makes me question the curriculum of Oxford to have turn out three such racist, heartless, crap filled little turds, who have a raging contempt for the poor. Under the aforementioned three prime ministers, child poverty in Britain steadily rose to 4,100,000 children. Homelessness surged to 320,000 people. These are sad figures not typically associated with Britain. Under Cameron, May and Johnson (who was mayor while Cameron and May were prime minister) this transpired. These are figures associated with third world nations, who have these problems due to financial constraints. However, Britain is wealthy. Therefore, their people should not be suffering like this.

I struggle to understand how Britain, a first world nation, ended up with third world problems (massive rise in poverty and homelessness, 20,000 police officers laid off leading to significant crime surge, medical staff shortages, the return of Victorian era diseases). However, it happened under Cameron, May and Johnson.

Cameron, May and Johnson's elitist political policies have caused working class Britons so much harm. Is there no humanities course at their alma mater Oxford University. Why has Oxford turned out three prime ministers in a row with such contempt for the poor, who through their political policies have brought Britain such profound loss and misery. But I digress...

Since being appointed Prime Minister last month by less than 1% of the British population, Johnson has been engaging in speech and conduct that has devalued the pound, cost Britain more jobs than his Brexit already had (225,000 jobs lost since 2016 due to Brexit) and scared off more foreign talent from the United Kingdom's shores with his xenophobia.

Since the Brexit vote in 2016, over 10,000 doctors and nurses have left Britain and returned to the EU, creating massive medical staff shortages in the United Kingdom. Johnson's announcement this week that he will immediately end freedom of movement on October 31, 2019, has further imperiled the NHS and business sector in Britain.

EU citizens are now concerned they may be expelled from Britain, where they have lived and worked for decades. They are also concerned they will not be able to visit family and friends outside of Britain, lest they not be permitted to reenter the country. This is very unfair, as these EU citizens live, work, and pay taxes and mortgages in Britain.

The EU will not stand for it and could retaliate regarding the 1,300,000 Britons living in the European Union. Imagine you work hard all your adult life in Britain. After over 40-years of working, you sell your home whose mortgage you worked hard to pay off, and retire to Spain or France. You buy yourself a nice property in Spain or France. You are retired in the warm weather, enjoying your tapas and sangrias in Spain, or relaxing in your chateau in France, while enjoying croissants, baguettes and French wine. Only for Boris to use you as a pawn in a war his political party's management started with the European Union, reducing you to collateral damage when your status as a permanent resident is called into question.

It can happen. Boris is using the 3,500,000 European Union citizens, who lawfully work and live in Britain, as a pawn and bargaining chip, regarding getting what he wants out of Brexit. He doesn't care about their lives, families and careers. He is recklessly threatening to expel EU citizens on October 31, 2019 under technicalities, by ramping up deportations and blocking EU citizens from returning to Britain.

That's not being a public servant. That's being a reckless dictator and tyrant. And do remember, that can turn into a two-way street if the EU decides to retaliate regarding Britons in the European Union. British people in the EU will not be amused with Boris and vote against him in the general election. The Brits residing in the  EU are of strong enough number to swing the vote to the Labour party (and they should). Boris needs to keep that in mind before he makes any rash decisions.

The living and working rights of Brits in the EU and EU citizens in Britain must be respected. They are not pawns. They are people. Do not disturb their lives anymore than you already have Boris. You are a public servant. You are there to serve them. Remember that and act like it!

Boris wants to scrap the Irish backstop, which could lead to violence and death. U.S. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats would have to grant approval for any trade deal Britain does under the Trump administration, and she is firmly against scrapping the backstop. While it would be great if Britain received a favorable U.S. trade deal, it will not replace what the nation will lose in leaving the European Union, a trading bloc of 500,000,000 people.

Boris and his minions in the Tory party's management suite, have also proposed raising the retirement age in Britain from 65 to 75. There are some parts of Britain where the life expectancy isn't even 75. Therefore, Boris and his fellow Tory politicians want to work the British people to death, without having to pay them the pensions they've earned through hard work. That is heartless. Tory politicians are wealthy. They are out of touch with the working class. So, basically, the current crop are showing they don't care about the poor and middle class.

Boris also wants to suspend parliament to push through a no-deal Brexit, which accomplished economists state would be disastrous for Britain. It will result in food and medicine shortages. Product prices will increase for British consumers. British businesses will lose billions of pounds. There will be congestion at British ports and airports. It will create greater job losses. Brexit is a bad idea and no-deal Brexit is even worse.

Suspending parliament is one of the most undemocratic things I've ever heard. If all of you in parliament can't come to a consensus on a matter, it means something is severely wrong with the subject at hand. As we have all witnessed Brexit damage the British economy, costing it trillions, there is no question that it is severely wrong and needs to be scrapped.

The Tory politicians are under the strong delusion that the empire is coming back, regarding the time when Britain ruled the world. However, those times are gone. In those days Britain used to produce just about every product on the planet. Now, China has assumed that role.

Britain began relying heavily on the lucrative banking center in London and the real estate market. However, Brexit has damaged both. For years I've stated on this site that Britain should return to its manufacturing roots, but the Tories refused. Their policies have only served to damage and stifle British business and manufacturing. None of this behavior is good for the British economy.

I am telling you the truth about the problems Britain faces, as an unbiased observer, who has been proven right regarding government and economic matters. I also have no financial interest in this. My fear is that swathes of the British population will be swathed in poverty, unable to feed themselves, while the Tories play politics with real people's lives. Might I add, I am severely disappointed in said Tory politicians. I expected better from them than this.

The irony is after Boris and company finish demolishing the British economy with this unsound, unproven madness, he will walk away having absolved himself of all guilt in a massive financial and social disaster he had a significant hand in creating. His party will again look to the Commonwealth for assistance in financially rebuilding the economy.

However, this time around Commonwealth citizens will be reluctant to risk their family life and careers, after watching the Windrush scandal and the currently brewing EU one as well.

Brexit is going to cause poverty to overtake Britain. It will result in the weakening and breaking up of the United Kingdom (Scotland and Wales are already stating they wish to leave). This is not the destiny I want for Britain (as stated before, I have British blood in me and I want them to prosper). However, it is the negative one its Tory politicians are actively choosing.

Once again, I've been correct in many things I have stated regarding Britain and would not try to steer people wrong: Metropolitan Police Cuts To Leave 8,000 Officers Unemployed (But Can Be Avoided) and KFC Chicken Shortage In Britain Leads To Temporary Closure Of 500 Restaurants Indicating An Agricultural Problem As Stated Previously On The Site and Britain Facing Another Food Shortage As Predicted On The Site Last Year (CO2) and The British Economy Set To Lose Trillions Confirming Previous Site Predictions and Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Exposed For Burglaries Into High Profile People's Homes To Steal Information For Profit and Rupert Murdoch Finally Admits His Company's Phone Hacking And Wiretapping Crimes and Senator Demands FBI Investigate Rupert Murdoch For Hacking Rival & Stealing Their Copyrights and other matters such as site exclusives.


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Britain Facing Another Food Shortage As Predicted On The Site Last Year (CO2)



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