Scientists State The Coronavirus Can
Cause Infertility In Men (Covid-19)
March 31. 2020

Coronavirus (Covid-19)
There's a component of the coronavirus
virus (Covid-19) which I find very alarming and confirms
my worst suspicions about the virus. Recently,
researchers stated they have found that one of the
lingering effects of Covid-19 could be sterility in men
(see mainstream article references below).
The Daily Mail reported, "According to
the experts, the new coronavirus, known as SARS-CoV-2,
enters human cells and causes tissue damage by binding
its spike protein to cell membrane protein angiotensin-converting
enzyme 2 (ACE2). ACE2 is known to be present in other
human organs apart from the lungs and can especially be
abundant in a man's testes. It can be concentrated in
several cells which are directly related to the male
reproductive abilities, including the germ cells,
supporting cells and Leydig cells, the team claimed.
They added that during the SARS outbreak in 2002 and
2003, medics observed serious immune system damage in
the testicles of some male patients."
China Daily reported, "Chinese
scientists have advised male patients who have recovered
from novel coronavirus pneumonia and are planning to
have a child to undergo medical tests on their
reproductive system...two non-peer-reviewed studies
published by Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical
University and the United States National Institutes of
Health raised concerns about the novel coronavirus'
possible attacks on kidneys and testes."
It fits in with what I have stated all
along on this site and my Twitter page. Covid-19 is
behaving like a bioweapon. It's goal was population
control and massive economic damage that would spring
from economic losses (lost revenues and manhours) as
well as medical and clean up costs.
It is referred to as the "novel
coronavirus." Novel means it is new. Photos of
coronavirus reveal it has hooks/spikes to latch on to
cells and inflict maximum damage. It looks like a
designer virus. It reminds me of a hollow-point bullet,
meant to open like a flower and shred organs, arteries
and all tissue that is in its path.
I've stated from day one that the
current coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19) is a bioweapon
released by an intelligence agency (not one of Chinese
origin) with the goal of damaging China's rise in the
world as an economic powerhouse (Coronavirus Cases Surface In China,
Japan, Italy, Britain And America With Questions About It's True Source).
China has become number one in several
areas of international commerce. It happened rather
quickly. It occurred during the George W. Bush years,
when America manufactured less goods. Then, the U.S.
economy crashed in 2008, which I predicted in 2006 (How George Bush Destroyed
The U.S. Economy).
The coronavirus outbreak in China is
right up that intelligence agency's alley. It is a
government program gone wrong and said (non-Chinese)
intelligence agency is responsible. They were trying to
damage China, but did not anticipate the virus would
travel around the world as it has, killing over 30,000
people and counting. They did not intend for the
casualties to be global.
A prominent billionaire, who has ties to
the intelligence agency, via helping them to spy on
people around the world, through his globally available
computer software that's on most PCs and laptops
(government spying is done through a recently discovered
backdoor in the software written about by tech experts),
was in China weeks before the coronavirus outbreak
occurred, offering to vaccinate their people. He had a
publicized meeting with an unsuspecting Chinese official
in November 2019. The billionaire has openly touted
population control and stated he wants to decrease the
world's population by millions of people. He had also
patented a strain of the coronavirus years ago. He also
predicted 4-years ago that a virus was coming that would
kill several hundred thousand people in a matter of
months. He is also in trouble in Africa and India for
taking his foundation into their nations, under the
guise of doing charity work in vaccinating people, but
his new vaccines have caused sterility in nearly 100,000
people. Some people who received his vaccines have also
died. He is a madman. Now the coronavirus is causing
infertility in the most populous nation of the world
that he visited (China). This is his dream come true.
Population control.
The intelligence agency in question,
located in the west, is well-known in international
government circles for doing such things. Many
world nations have thick files on said intelligence
agency and the murders they have committed all over the
A prominent journalist revealed the
agency in question blamed an innocent scientist for a
deadly anthrax attack that was not his fault. Then they
pushed the scientist into suicide. The scientist's
family came forward and stated government agents pushed
him to suicide as a fall guy for what the intelligence
agency had done in releasing anthrax spores that killed
nearly a dozen people.
The intelligence agency in question also
ran illegal experiments in hospitals on unsuspecting
poor and or homeless patients they deemed nobodies. In
the 1970s, the intelligence agency field tested
dangerous drugs, such as LSD, on unsuspecting hospital
patients. It resulted in some developing permanent
mental illness, which included acts such as engaging in
self-harm and suicide.
The intelligence agency in question
performed a number of renditions, kidnapping citizens of
other nations off the streets of a number of global
cities. Then, the kidnapped were illegally tortured by
the agency in open, criminal violation of the Geneva
Convention. One survivor of the kidnapping and torture,
a Muslim man from Ethiopia, sued in British court (the
agency is not British either) stating agents from said
intelligence agency cut his penis with a scalpel and
infected it with sexually transmitted diseases.
The agency has a well-established
reputation for harming people of color. As Chinese
people are considered minorities of color, once again,
this viral outbreak in China is right up said
intelligence agency's alley.
The same intelligence agency was
involved with 5,000 innocent, unsuspecting minorities
were subjected to human experiments in South America and
deliberately infected with the sexually transmitted
disease syphilis.
In the 1960s, the same racist
intelligence agency deliberately infected black
activists with disease, for peacefully protesting racial
inequality. They also tampered with medications being
administered to black activists at hospitals and medical
clinics, in order to cause damage to their bodies and
For example, a male victim of the agency
was deliberately given a damaging substance that
permanently debilitated him, after he joined a peaceful
black panther styled protest. Hospital tests that were
conducted revealed the illegal, toxic substance in his
blood stream (they spiked something he ingested). A
group of young black college students in the 1960s
peacefully protested racial inequality at a large,
predominantly white sporting event. They held up protest
signs. They were detained by authorities then released.
However, the intelligence agency and its sister agency
got vengeful and began targeting them all.
I have been warning about this
intelligence agency and its sister agency for years on
this site. I have repeatedly warned they are going to
destroy the nation they are from with the psychotic
things they are doing. The coronavirus outbreak was
their doing and it got out of control, beyond anything
they anticipated would happen. Something meant to
cripple China's global progress, ended up spreading all
over the world and ending up right back in the nation of
the intelligence agency who started it. The outbreak has
now killed many people in the nation of the intelligence
agency (whose citizens never asked them to do this evil
madness). It brings new meaning to, "What goes around
comes around."
Male patients should have reproductive tests after
beating new virus
Updated: 2020-03-16 09:35 - Chinese
scientists have advised male patients who have recovered
from novel coronavirus pneumonia and are planning to
have a child to undergo medical tests on their
reproductive system. The virus can theoretically target
testicular cells, leading to infertility or hormone
disorders, though clinical evidence for that claim is
still needed.
Moreover, even if the virus could lead
to fertility issues, there are effective treatments and
assisted reproductive technology to overcome them,
experts added. The novel coronavirus enters a host cell
through the ACE2 receptor, which is common in several
vital organs including the brain, lung, heart, kidney,
small intestine and thyroid gland.
However, the testes also have a large
amount of ACE2, making them susceptible to viral attack,
said Li Honggang, deputy director of the Institute of
Reproductive Health at the Tongji Medical College of
Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan,
Hubei province, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus
outbreak in China...
Last month, two non-peer-reviewed
studies published by Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical
University and the United States National Institutes of
Health raised concerns about the novel coronavirus'
possible attacks on kidneys and testes.
Doctors claim new coronavirus 'may cause damage to
a man's TESTICLES' as they urge male patients to take
fertility tests upon recovery
Published: 08:26 EDT, 12 March 2020 |
Updated: 08:29 EDT, 12 March 2020 - Doctors in China
have urged male coronavirus patients to test their
fertility as soon as they recover because the infection
may damage the function of their testicles. No study has
proved that the virus will reduce men's fertility or
sexual potency.
But medics in Wuhan have suggested the
likelihood that the disease can affect the production of
sperm and the formation of male sex hormones. Although
the coronavirus mainly targets one's lungs and immune
system, it can, in theory, impair a man's abilities to
reproduce, according to Wuhan's Tongji Hospital.
The comments were made yesterday by Prof
Li Yufeng and his team at the hospital's Centre for
Reproductive Medicine. Tongji Hospital, affiliated to
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, is one of
the hospitals designated by the government to treat
coronavirus patients since an outbreak started in Wuhan
in January...
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