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Fox News Television Host Loses Top Advertisers After Parkland Shooting Survivor Calls For Public Boycott Over Her Conduct Towards Him On Twitter March 30. 2018
Laura Ingraham Rupert Murdoch's Fox News has been getting itself into one scandal after another over the past year. Fox News television host Laura Ingraham has lost most of her advertisers, after mocking 18-year-old Parkland, Florida mass shooting survivor, David Hogg, in a tweet on the social networking site Twitter. On February 14, 2018, Nikolas Cruz, opened fire on students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, killing 17 people. Hogg and his classmates have been doing television and newspaper interviews pushing for gun control in America. The students also led the well attended March for Our Lives protest in Washington, DC last week, which drew 1.1 million protesters, who peacefully aired their views in America's capitol. Ingraham mocked Hogg not being accepted to four universities he applied to recently, after the teen posted about the rejection letters on social networking. Hogg has an excellent 4.1 GPA. It is currently unclear why he was not accepted to the schools of his choice. Many on social networking took exception to Ingraham targeting Hogg on Twitter and blamed it on their differences in political views. Hogg is for gun control, Ingraham is against it.
David Hogg Sometimes silence is golden. Some public figures fail to realize that lashing out against innocent people on social networking over a difference of opinion, under peer pressure from colleagues/friends or because you simply do not like them for whatever reason, is not good for their brand or bank accounts. Ingraham learned this the hard way when she insulted Hogg, then in one tweet he destroyed her nationally televised show's revenues by calling for a public boycott. Hogg's boycott cost Ingraham her top sponsors, as they publicly announced they are pulling their ads. Mainstream sponsors such as Johnson & Johnson,Nestle, Wayfair, TripAdvisor, Expedia, Joseph A. Banks, Hulu and Nutrish have pulled all their advertisements from her show and are distancing themselves from her comment about Hogg. Ingraham publicly apologized too Hogg in the face of the boycott and backlash against her online, but the damage to her brand is done. TV shows primarily exists for ad revenues. It is one of the main ways networks pay their bills. Brands and advertisers do not want to be associated with the type of tweet Ingraham issued, as it looks uncalled for and mean, not to mention, it was directed towards a person who has been through a very traumatic ordeal that violently claimed the lives of his friends (Hogg).
Laura Ingraham mocked David Hogg not getting into the universities of his choice Furthermore, mocking a teen over university rejection letters is unkind. This is a sensitive subject for teens, who are eager to start their lives as independent adults. It can be downright scary for them. I know a teenage boy who cried tears years ago when he did not get into the university of his choice in Florida (that's probably why Hogg was so upset with Ingraham mocking him over that). However, he, his family and friends persevered, financially chipped in and within weeks got him accepted at a great school in Tallahassee, on scholarship, with a few additional costs paid out of pocket. He has since graduated with two degrees. Therefore, we should be encouraging children not to give up on their education, as it really is a pathway to a better salary, with which to support themselves and their families in the future. Not to mention, mental nourishment of learning about great subjects is wonderful for the soul and self-esteem.
Offended by Laura Ingraham mocking him over not getting into the universities of his choice, David Hogg called for a boycott of her show and her sponsors pulled their ads In closing, please remember both sides of the argument have a right to peacefully and lawfully air their opinions. The students and faculty at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have been through a terrible ordeal. People need to let them peacefully vent. Medical doctors have noted in many credible journals that productively talking about the trauma helps with the healing process. People also need to remember that many of the survivors of the Parkland massacre are teenagers. The kids are upset and they have a right to be. Let them speak their minds and peacefully protest. RELATED ARTICLES |
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